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中国北方农牧交错带的生态环境问题引起了人们广泛关注.经过多年的攻关研究,以能物流理论为指导,根据地处北方农牧交错带的后山旱农区的自然、社会、经济特征,提出了以丘陵为单元的生态治理模式.1999年对传统顺坡种植模式、人工草地模式和生态治理模式进行观测.能物流分析结果表明,生态治理模式与传统的种植模式相比,能提高太阳能利用率8.3%,提高能量输出量8.7%,提高能量转化效率19.4%,N的输出量提高26.5%,转化效率提高57.1%,P的输出量提高12.1%,转化效率提高45.0%,水分利用效率提高17.7%.人工草地模式与传统模式和生态治理模式相比,其太阳能利用率、能量输出量、能量转化效率都是最低的.治理模式产出最多,盈利最多,是经济效益最好的模式,经济效率比传统模式提高16.1%.  相似文献   
农业生态安全及其生态管理对策探讨   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
对生态安全和农业生态安全的基本内涵进行了探讨。认为生态安全是指不同尺度的生态系统及其生物要素、环境要素、资源要素等在数量、质量及其相互作用关系上的一种和谐、健康、稳定的状态和水平。农业生态安全包括农业环境安全、农业资源安全、农业生物安全和农业产品安全等几个方面的内容。提出了一系列农业生态安全管理对策 ,包括 :①加强农业生态安全管理 ,发展生态产业 ;②加强对现有资源与生态系统的保护、培育与可持续利用 ;③保护农业生物多样性 ,保障生物安全 ;④加强农业综合抗灾能力建设 ;⑤加强农业生态安全监测与法律法规体系建设 ;⑥建立良好的、和谐的社会、经济和政治关系。  相似文献   
苔藓植物生态功能的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
苔藓植物虽然个体较小,但种类很多,约有23000多种,是生物多样性的重要组成部分.过去的研究多集中在分类和区系方面,其在生态系统中的作用,即生态功能,一直没有引起足够的认识.苔藓植物对环境有较强的适应能力,在多种极端环境下都有分布,同时对土壤有一定的改造能力.苔藓植物有很强的吸水、保水能力,尤其是树附生苔藓植物能够吸收很大部分的降水,其水文作用相当明显.苔藓植物通过体表吸收了大量的养分元素,以往常常忽略其在养分循环中的作用.在一些极端环境中苔藓植物是重要的初级生产者,泥炭藓的生物量更是相当巨大,可能是重要的C汇.苔藓植物对大气及重金属污染反应非常明显。可以作为良好的生物指示剂.本文综述了苔藓植物生态功能的研究进展,以期促进更加广泛地开展苔藓植物生态功能的研究.  相似文献   
生态模型的灵敏度分析   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
灵敏度分析用于定性或定量地评价模型参数误差对模型结果产生的影响,是模型参数化过程和模型校正过程中的有用工具,具有重要的生态学意义.灵敏度分析包括局部灵敏度分析和全局灵敏度分析.局部灵敏度分析只检验单个参数的变化对模型结果的影响程度;全局灵敏度分析则检验多个参数的变化对模型运行结果总的影响,并分析每一个参数及其参数之间相互作用对模型结果的影响.目前,在对生态模型的灵敏度分析中,越来越倾向于使用全局灵敏度分析的方法.但国内仍多采用局部灵敏度分析方法,很少采用全局灵敏度分析方法.文中详细论述了局部灵敏分析和全局灵敏度分析的主要方法(一次变换法、多元回归法、Morris法、Sobol’法、傅里叶幅度灵敏度检验法和傅里叶幅度灵敏度检验扩展法),希望能为国内生态模型的发展提供一个比较完善的灵敏度分析方法库.结合国内外的灵敏度分析发展现状,指出联合灵敏度研究、灵敏度共性研究及空间直观景观模型的灵敏度分析将为生态模型灵敏度分析研究中的热点和难点.  相似文献   
 通过补播植物种子和扦插玉米秸秆,研究自然状况下虎尾草(Chloris virgata)、角碱蓬(Suaeda corniculata)在松嫩草地次生光碱斑的生长状况;并对次生光碱斑自然恢复进程缓慢的原因、生态恢复模式进行了探讨。结果表明:角碱蓬能直接在次生光碱斑上生长,存活率为61.2%±16.5%;虎尾草很难直接在次生光碱斑上生长,存活率仅为5.7%±6.1%,且虎尾草不能繁殖;扦插玉米秸秆极显著地提高了角碱蓬和虎尾草的存活率,存活率分别为74.8%±18.4%、43.1%±20.8%,并保证植物顺利繁殖,为后续的自然演替提供了必备的种源。由于次生光碱斑土壤种子库极小,耐盐碱植物如角碱蓬可直接在光碱斑上生长,因此,除了可溶性盐离子含量过高外,我们提出土壤繁殖体(包括种子和其它繁殖体)极度缺乏也是松嫩草地次生光碱斑自然恢复进程缓慢的重要原因。最后,根据松嫩草地次生光碱斑的土壤理化性质季节变化、当地气候特征和物种资源,把生态学原理与生态工程有机地结合,提出了加快松嫩草地次生光碱斑恢复进程的生态恢复模式。  相似文献   
我国野生樱桃李的生态学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文论述了新疆伊犁地区野生樱桃李的生态习性和生态条件,以及野生樱桃李资源珍稀的原因.同时提出仿生栽培是扩大野樱桃李资源的重要、可行的措施.  相似文献   
广东南江工业园对其生态环境的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南江工业园地处北江江边,内设有电镀、五金加工企业,为查明工业园所在区域的环境状况,确定本项目对周边生态环境的影响,对南江工业园的陆地生态环境和水生生态环境进行了调查,结果表明工业园对其陆地生态环境造成一定的影响,约333hm2土地受到占用及将受到破坏,其中挖方、填方造成的水土流失量分别为110t·km-2·a-1、225t·km-2·a-1,而采取水土保护措施后,挖方、填方造成的水土流失量分别为58t·km-2·a-1、45t·km-2·a-1。在水生态方面亦对水生生物造成了一定的直接影响。  相似文献   
山东结缕草资源开发利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查统计,山东结缕草属优势群落47 000 hm2,其中结缕草30 000 hm2,中华结缕草9 000 hm2,大穗结缕草8 000 hm2,资源十分丰富.在详细论述其抗旱、耐瘠、抗盐碱和适生范围广泛的生态分布后,提出了采籽、挖草皮铺建人工草坪的经济值和生态效益,并建议在保护的前提下搞好持续开发.  相似文献   
Ecological design applied   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past three decades ecological design has been applied to an increasingly diverse range of technologies and innovative solutions for the management of resources. Ecological technologies have been created for the food sector, waste conversion industries, architecture and landscape design, and to the field of environmental protection and restoration. The five case studies presented here represent applications of ecological design in five areas: sewage treatment, the restoration of a polluted body of water, the treatment of high strength industrial waste in lagoons, the integration of ecological systems with architecture, and an agriculturally based Eco-Park. Case #1 is an Advanced Ecologically Engineered System (AEES) for the treatment of sewage in Vermont, a cold climate. The facility treated 300 m3 per day (79,250 gallons per day) of sewage to advanced or tertiary wastewater standards, including during the winter months. A number of commercial byproducts were developed as part of the treatment process. Case #2 involved the treatment of a pond contaminated with 295 m3 per day (77,930 gallons per day) of toxic leachate from an adjacent landfill. A floating Restorer was built to treat the polluted pond. The Restorer was powered by wind and solar based energy sources. Over the past decade the pond has improved. There has been a positive oxygen regime throughout the water column, bottom sediments have been digested and the quality of the sediment chemistry has improved.The biodiversity of the macrobenthos of the pond has increased as a result of the improved conditions. Case #3 involved the treatment of 37,850 m3 per day (1 million gallons per day) of high strength waste from a poultry processing plant utilizing a dozen AEES Restorers. The technology has resulted in a 74% drop in energy requirements for treatment and has dramatically reduced the need for sludge removal. Currently, sludge degradation is proceeding faster than sludge accumulation. Case #4 includes several examples of buildings that utilize ecologically engineered systems to treat, recycle and permit the reuse of wastewater. The new Lewis Center for Environmental Studies at Oberlin College is a recent example of this trend. Case #5 describes the work that is leading to the creation of an urban, agriculturally based, Eco-Park in Burlington, Vermont. Waste heat from a nearby power station will provide year round climate control in a structure developed for food processing businesses, including a brewery, and for the onsite growth of diverse foods in integrated systems. We also describe a project to amplify the value of waste organic materials through biological conversion to high value products such as fish, flowers, mushrooms, soils amendments, and livestock and fish feeds. An ecologically designed fish culture facility will be an integral part of the Eco-Park complex. The project is intended to demonstrate the economic viability of integrative design in an urban setting and to address the important issue of locally based food production.  相似文献   
Ecological engineering: A field whose time has come   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological engineering is defined as “the design of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both.” It involves the restoration of ecosystems that have been substantially disturbed by human activities such as environmental pollution or land disturbance; and the development of new sustainable ecosystems that have both human and ecological value. While there was some early discussion of ecological engineering in the 1960s, its development was spawned later by several factors, including loss of confidence in the view that all pollution problems can be solved through technological means and the realization that with technological means, pollutants are just being moved from one form to another. Conventional approaches require massive amounts of resources to solve these problems, and that in turn perpetuates carbon and nitrogen cycle problems, for example. The development of ecological engineering was given strong impetus in the last decade with a textbook, the journal Ecological Engineering and two professional ecological engineering societies. Five principles about ecological engineering are: (1) It is based on the self-designing capacity of ecosystems; (2) It can be the acid test of ecological theories; (3) It relies on system approaches; (4) It conserves non-renewable energy sources; and (5) It supports biological conservation. Ecology as a science is not routinely integrated into engineering curricula, even in environmental engineering programs, while shortcoming, ecologists, environmental scientists, and managers miss important training in their profession—problem solving. These two problems could be solved in the integrated field of ecological engineering.  相似文献   
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