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本研究从日本落叶松引种区林地棕壤9个主要理化性状及与之配套的17株优势木材料入手,采用多变量分析方法筛选出影响该地区日本落叶松生长的主要肥力因子为氮及磷,並据此将该林地棕壤划分为9个肥力类型。在进行聚类分析时,本研究的创新在于以任意二样本点在各主成份上的坐标值为变量,以各主成份的贡献率为权重,重新定义欧氏距离公式,对主成份坐标值聚类,使其更为合理、直观。同时采用回归分析拟合出理化性状间的多个回归方程。此研究为该林地科学施肥、速生丰产、永续利用提供了可靠的数量依据。  相似文献   
河南木兰属9种植物过氧化物同工酶分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳系统,测定了河南木兰属8种、1变种50多份的成熟叶片材料的过氧化物同工酶酶谱。测定结果表明,该属植物9种、变种的酶谱均有差异性,每种、变种均有特征酶谱,种间酶谱显著大于种内酶谱,根据其酶谱差异性,可以进行生物种、变种的鉴别和良种的选择。为免除其酶带Rf单一指标,鉴别生物种、变种可能出现的问题,作者创立了"酶谱多指标综合判断距离法"分析技术,首次将该属植物种、变种酶谱的酶带数目、Rf、酶带宽度及其活性强弱4个因子的差异性,进行编码联机、电脑运算分析,其结果与该属玉兰亚属内的玉兰派和辛夷派的形态分类相吻合。但是,从酶学观点不支持椭圆叶玉兰作为独立种的存在,以作为河南玉兰的变种为宜,也不支持河南玉兰派和腋花玉兰派的成立,以并入辛夷派为佳。  相似文献   
Individually lagged, 1+ and 2+ hatchery-reared smolts of Atlantic salmon were released in spring and early summer at the mouth of the R. Imsa, south-western Norway. The post-smolts moved mainly northwards in the sea with the coastal current. The estimated mean migratory speed (± s.d. ) of those captured in the sea along the Norwegian coast was 7.45 (± 6.26) km day −1; in the fjords it was 1.63 (± 2.33) km day−2. Many of the post-smohs ascended rivers the same year as released; 37.3% of the total number recaptured were caught in R. Imsa, upstream from the site of release, and 5.8% were caught in other rivers throughout middle and southern parts of Norway. The fish recaptured in rivers was probably sexually mature and entered rivers to spawn. Mean specific growth rate for post-smolts caught in the sea was higher than for those caught in R. Imsa (P <0.001) but not for those caught in other rivers (P> 0.05). Post-smolts ascending R. Imsa were smaller at release than those ascending other rivers. However, there was no size difference at release between post-smolts captured in the sea and those recaptured in rivers other than the R. Imsa.  相似文献   
Summary Arachis hypogaea (peanut or groundnut) is an AABB allotetraploid whose precise ancestry is not yet clear. Its closest diploid relatives are the annual and perennial wild species included with it in the section Arachis. Variation in these species for 11 different enzymes was studied by starch-gel electrophoresis. Differences attributed to at least 13 genetic loci were found among eight enzymes, while three enzymes appeared uniform throughout the section. Values for Nei's genetic distance were calculated for all pairs of species and were used to estimate relationships. All diploid species, apart from two whose validity had previously been questioned, could be distinguished by their overall zymotypes, but few contained unique alleles. When species were grouped by their mean genetic distances, they formed two clusters, which agreed reasonably well with the division of the section into annual versus perennial species. The single B-genome species was an outlier within the annual group. A. hypogaea showed fixed heterozygosity at four loci (in ssp. hypogaea) or six loci (in ssp. fastigiata), which agrees with previous conclusions that the peanut is an allotetraploid. None of the diploids included in this survey could be conclusively identified as donors of either the A or the B genome to the tetraploids. The two subspecies of A. hypogaea differed consistently in two of the thirteen putative loci studied. This may call into question the simple hypothesis that A. hypogaea originated from just two diploid species.  相似文献   
It has been shown that probable portions which form contacts in a protein can be predicted by means of an average distance map (ADM) as well as regular structures (-helices and -turns) defined as short-range compact regions (Kikuchiet al., 1988a,c). In this paper, we analyze the occurrence of those portions and short-range compact regions on ADMs for various proteins regarding their folding types. We have found out that each folding type of proteins shows characteristic distribution of such parts on ADMS. We also discuss the possibility of the prediction of folding types of proteins by ADMs.  相似文献   


One of the oldest and most powerful ways for ecologists to explain distinct biological communities is to invoke underlying environmental differences. But in hyper-diverse systems, which often display high species richness and low species abundance, these sorts of community comparisons are especially challenging. The classic view for Amazonian birds posits that riverine barriers and habitat specialization determine local and regional community composition. We test the tacit, complementary assumption that similar bird communities should therefore permeate uniform habitat between major rivers, regardless of distance.


Upland (terra firme) rainforests of central Amazonia.


We conducted intensive whole-community surveys of birds in three pairs of 100-ha plots, separated by 40–60 km. We then used dissimilarity indices, cluster analysis, and ordination to characterize differences among the six avian communities.


In all, we detected 244 forest-dependent birds, with an average of 190 species (78%) per plot. Species turnover was negligible, no unique indicator species were found among plot pairs, and all documented species were already known from a complete inventory at one of the three sites.

Main Conclusions

Our study corroborates the classic biogeographical pattern and suggests that turnover contributes little to regional avian diversity within upland forests. Using a grain size of 100 ha, this implies that upland birds perceive the environment as uniform, at least over distances of ~60 km. Therefore, to maximize both local species richness and population persistence, our findings support the conservation of very large tracts of upland rainforest. Our analyses also revealed that the avifauna at Reserva Ducke, encroached by urban sprawl from the city of Manaus, shows the hallmarks of a disturbed community, with fewer vulnerable insectivores. This defaunation signals that even an enormous preserve (10 × 10 km) in lowland Amazonia is not insulated from anthropogenic degradation within the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   


Investigating major freshwater fish flows (translocations) between biogeographic regions and their temporal dynamics and also quantifying spatial patterns and temporal changes in the array of introduced species, and the emergence and distance between major donor and recipient regions.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied

Freshwater fishes.


We analysed a global dataset on freshwater fish introductions (4241 events of 688 species). Freshwater fish flows were investigated with flow diagrams and χ2 tests, while PERMANOVA (permutational multivariate analysis of variance) was used to test the association between species and regions and temporal shifts. Cluster analysis revealed major recipient areas and composition of the introduced species. Finally, changes in distances between donor and recipient sites were tested with PERMANOVA.


The number of introductions between biogeographic regions mirrored the European and North American dominance before World War II (WWII) and the trends in recreational fishing, biocontrol programmes and food production, especially in the Sino-Oriental region, which has a long tradition of aquaculture and fishkeeping. Over the years, the origins and composition of introduced species changed uniquely in each biogeographic region, although the most introduced species are common to every region. Salmonids and other cold-water species were frequently introduced before the 1950s, whereas tropical ornamental and aquaculture species currently prevail. Distances between donor and recipient sites did not vary over the time. After WWII, the Sino-Oriental region consolidated its dominance and the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions emerged as new global donor and recipient regions.

Main Conclusions

Global policy should focus on tropical ornamental and aquaculture species, which could benefit from global warming, especially in the Sino-Oriental region, because it currently dominates freshwater fish species flows, and the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions, because they recently emerged as important global donor and recipient regions of freshwater fish introductions.  相似文献   
We present an automated method incorporated into a software package, FOLDER, to fold a protein sequence on a given three-dimensional (3D) template. Starting with the sequence alignment of a family of homologous proteins, tertiary structures are modeled using the known 3D structure of one member of the family as a template. Homologous interatomic distances from the template are used as constraints. For nonhomologous regions in the model protein, the lower and the upper bounds for the interatomic distances are imposed by steric constraints and the globular dimensions of the template, respectively. Distance geometry is used to embed an ensemble of structures consistent with these distance bounds. Structures are selected from this ensemble based on minimal distance error criteria, after a penalty function optimization step. These structures are then refined using energy optimization methods. The method is tested by simulating the alpha-chain of horse hemoglobin using the alpha-chain of human hemoglobin as the template and by comparing the generated models with the crystal structure of the alpha-chain of horse hemoglobin. We also test the packing efficiency of this method by reconstructing the atomic positions of the interior side chains beyond C beta atoms of a protein domain from a known 3D structure. In both test cases, models retain the template constraints and any additionally imposed constraints while the packing of the interior residues is optimized with no short contacts or bond deformations. To demonstrate the use of this method in simulating structures of proteins with nonhomologous disulfides, we construct a model of murine interleukin (IL)-4 using the NMR structure of human IL-4 as the template. The resulting geometry of the nonhomologous disulfide in the model structure for murine IL-4 is consistent with standard disulfide geometry.  相似文献   
Ephedra sinica is a rare and vulnerable species in China, and the habitat of Ephedra sinica is seriously threatened (by climate change and human activities). Predicting the suitable growth areas and constructing ecological corridors for Ephedra sinica in China will help to protect it scientifically. Based on 306 valid distribution records and 13 selected environmental factors, the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model was used to simulate the potential current habitat zones and future (2050 and 2070) habitat zones of Ephedra sinica under four climate change scenarios. The minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model was applied to extract important ecological corridors of Ephedra sinica. The results indicate that: (1) Under the current environment, the total area of the suitable habitat for Ephedra sinica in China is 42.24 × 105 km2, mainly distributed in Northwest China and North China. (2) Suitable area increases as the RCP rises. The center of mass of the habitat zone moved northward from Shaanxi Province to Ordos City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. (3) Of the 13 environmental factors selected, the primary factor was elevation (20.8 %), followed by wettest month precipitation (18.2 %) and temperature seasonality (15.2 %). (4) Built 19 ecological corridors, with a total corridor length of 430.2 km, including seven long-distance passages and 12 short-distance corridors. All corridors are far from the artificial surface, mostly near high-altitude areas. The 19 ecological corridors constructed using the MCR model will also provide considerable importance for the survival of Ephedra sinica on a longer time scale in the future.  相似文献   
Aim This study aims to explain the patterns of species richness and nestedness of a terrestrial bird community in a poorly studied region. Location Twenty‐six islands in the Dahlak Archipelago, Southern Red Sea, Eritrea. Methods The islands and five mainland areas were censused in summer 1999 and winter 2001. To study the importance of island size, isolation from the mainland and inter‐island distance, I used constrained null models for the nestedness temperature calculator and a cluster analysis. Results Species richness depended on island area and isolation from the mainland. Nestedness was detected, even when passive sampling was accounted for. The nested rank of islands was correlated with area and species richness, but not with isolation. Idiosyncrasies appeared among species‐poor and species‐rich islands, and among common and rare species. Cluster analysis showed differences among species‐rich islands, close similarity among species‐poor and idiosyncratic islands, and that the compositional similarity among islands decreased with increasing inter‐island distance. Thus, faunas of species‐poor, smaller islands were more likely to be subsets of faunas of species‐rich, larger islands if the distance between the islands was short. Main conclusions Species richness and nestedness were related to island area, and nestedness also to inter‐island distances but not to isolation from the mainland. Thus, nestedness and species richness are not affected in the same way by area and distance. Moreover, idiosyncrasies may have been the outcome of species distributions among islands being influenced also by non‐nested distributions of habitats, inter–specific interactions, and differences in species distributions across the mainland. Idiosyncrasies in nested patterns may be as important as the nested pattern itself for conservation – and conservation strategies based on nestedness and strong area effects (e.g. protection of only larger islands) may fail to preserve idiosyncratic species/habitats.  相似文献   
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