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甘肃东大山自然保护区岩羊生态行为的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2004年7月和8月,通过样线调查、野外直接跟踪观察和瞬间取样的方法,对东大山自然保护区岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)的种群结构和生态行为进行了初步研究。在观察到的720只岩羊中,719只组成了50个群,最大的群82只,最小的群2只,平均群大小(14.38±15.83)只(n=50)。雌雄性比为1∶0.63,成年雌体、亚成体和幼体之比是1∶0.4∶0.24。岩羊的昼间活动中,上午和下午各有一个瞬间觅食高峰,分别在6:30时和15:30时,中午有一段较长时间的休息期。通过对一个46只岩羊群连续12 d的野外跟踪观察,发现该岩羊群昼间的活动范围基本上在1.47 km2内。对152个自然死亡的雄性岩羊头骨的分析表明,东大山雄性岩羊的自然死亡年龄在7.5~11.5龄,其中9.5龄是其自然死亡的高峰。  相似文献   
进行乡镇生态环境质量评价和其空间分异性的影响因子分析,探讨其自身发展及对环境影响的机理,有助于相关部门有针对性地进行政策调整,对实现乡村生产生活与生态环境协调发展,实现乡村振兴的生态文明建设目标有重要意义。本文以天津市蓟州区乡镇为评估单元,利用遥感数据、统计数据和社会调查数据相结合的方法,使用遥感生态指数(RSEI)对其2000—2020年的生态环境质量进行评价,并选取四大类型共九个影响因子,通过地理探测器对蓟州区2020年乡镇生态环境质量的空间分异性影响因素进行了分析。结果表明,蓟州区2000年到2020年乡镇生态环境质量整体有所提升,生态环境质量等级为差和极差的区域明显减少,生态环境质量等级为好的区域面积增加;其变化趋势可分为持续上升型、波动上升型和波动下降型,除礼明庄镇外,其他评估单元生态环境质量都在向好的方向发展。在单因子探测中,地形因子的影响力大于社会因子和经济因子,即蓟州区乡镇生态环境质量的空间分布受海拔影响要大于其他社会经济因素的影响;在交互作用探测中,任意两个影响因子交互之后的作用强度都要大于单一影响因子,其中干度指数与绿度指数的交互作用解释力最高;说明土地利用变化和城...  相似文献   
我国农田土壤动物面临严峻的多样性丧失问题, 建设监测样地并开展长期监测是解决该问题的重要途径, 但至今国内外仍缺乏农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法。依据BCI 50 ha大型固定样地建设规范, 参照我国已建成的森林和农田土壤动物大型固定样地监测经验, 本文提出了农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法。首先, 需要明确科学问题, 确定科学调查监测应遵守的基本原则。其次, 需要规范长期调查监测涉及的专业术语, 依据研究目的和实际情况选择地点和样地, 参照建设规范和农田特征建立农田土壤动物大型固定样地。第三, 以研究农田土壤动物多样性为核心, 揭示土壤动物在农田生态系统健康和功能中的作用, 有选择性地开展4类27项科学指标的长期监测工作, 要求按照统一的、规范化的工作流程开展野外调查和室内实验。最后, 要科学规范地完成标本的鉴定描述和保存保管, 研发体现农田土壤动物特征的数据库和管理信息系统。希望本文的研究结果能推动我国乃至世界范围的规范化样地建设和标准化网络监测, 为我国农田土壤动物评估与保护提供长期可靠的数据支撑。  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101956
The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner, 1808) and the Egyptian cotton leafworm, S. littoralis (Boisduval, 1833), are amongst the most notorious agricultural pest species in Iran. Spodoptera exigua is considered a serious pest of different crops, whereas S. littoralis is known as an important pest of cotton.In this paper, the potential distribution areas of these species in Iran and the important climatic factors affecting their distribution were predicted using the MaxEnt model and the ArcGIS. The results indicate that the main environmental variables contributing to S. exigua’s distribution were precipitation of the coldest quarter (bio19), average wind speed in April (wind4), and annual precipitation (bio12). Also, minimum temperature of the coldest month (bio6), mean temperature of coldest quarter (bio11), altitude and average wind speed in May (wind5) were dominant climatic factors that affected the potential distribution of S. littoralis. These species overlapped in most parts of coastal areas in the southern and northern parts of Iran, with an average overlapping range of 33.2%. Considering their preferred host plants in Iran, it is necessary to strengthen biosurveillance programes and management of these two species in their suitable areas to prevent further invasion, which endangers agricultural security.  相似文献   
发展现代循环农业有助于推动农业生产方式高质量转型,是实现农业可持续发展的重要路径之一。但生产经营者在构建循环农业系统的过程中,因缺乏精确的参数测算,常存在投入产出不明、循环效率偏低、整体评估缺乏等问题,导致现代循环农业系统的物能高效运转面临阻碍。以江苏省太仓市东林村的现代农牧循环系统为对象,在四维时空尺度上界定系统边界并绘制能流图,全面梳理了案例系统全年运转过程中的投入与产出项目。现代“草-羊-田”农牧循环全系统由粮食种植、饲料加工、湖羊养殖与羊粪堆肥4个亚系统构成。通过模拟亚系统逐步结合、系统循环与优化调控的演进过程,采用能值分析方法对农牧系统不同构建阶段的亚系统与全系统的能值投入产出和结构进行定量评估与对比研究。结果表明,在农牧系统产业链逐步构建直至循环生产的过程中,全系统的总能值投入随各亚系统的扩增而有明显增加,系统的物能内部流通率逐渐升高。随后,以废弃物的系统内部消纳为目标,通过强化亚系统间的耦合对现状循环进行优化调控,系统所需的总能值投入有大幅减少,且各亚系统对本地资源的利用程度有明显提升。实证研究定量评估了现代农牧循环系统构建与优化过程中的能值投入与资源利用状况,为系统的高...  相似文献   
目前,转基因动物技术发展迅速并广泛应用于食品、医药、农业和生物材料等众多领域,带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益,且发展潜力巨大。同时,转基因动物及其产品的安全性问题也日益突出,表现在转基因动物本身及产品安全性和环境安全性两个主要方面。"实质等同性原则"是国际上转基因动物安全性评价的基本原则。从转基因动物及其产品作为食品、药品等的安全性评估;从转基因动物对生态环境安全和影响的评估和非预期效应的评估等三个方面进行了阐述,并对我国转基因动物评价体系的构建提出建议。  相似文献   
湿地生态系统设计的一些基本问题探讨   总被引:51,自引:3,他引:51  
湿地生态系统设计是恢复、调整湿地的重要手段,本文3从湿地生态系统设计概念入手,阐述了设计的基本原则。较详细地讨论了设计中的指标(水文指标、化学指标、基质指标和生物指标)要求,根据湿地生态系统设计的用途不同,探讨了3种主要的湿地生态系统设计类型,即作为废水处理湿地的设计,作为调整湿地的系统设计和作为洪水及非点源污染控制的湿地设计。  相似文献   
Fens represent a large array of ecosystem services, including the highest biodiversity found among wetlands, hydrological services, water purification and carbon sequestration. Land‐use change and drainage has severely damaged or annihilated these services in many parts of North America and Europe; restoration plans are urgently needed at the landscape level. We review the major constraints on the restoration of rich fens and fen water bodies in agricultural areas in Europe and disturbed landscapes in North America: (i) habitat quality problems: drought, eutrophication, acidification, and toxicity, and (ii) recolonization problems: species pools, ecosystem fragmentation and connectivity, genetic variability, and invasive species; and here provide possible solutions. We discuss both positive and negative consequences of restoration measures, and their causes. The restoration of wetland ecosystem functioning and services has, for a long time, been based on a trial‐and‐error approach. By presenting research and practice on the restoration of rich fen ecosystems within agricultural areas, we demonstrate the importance of biogeochemical and ecological knowledge at different spatial scales for the management and restoration of biodiversity, water quality, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services, especially in a changing climate. We define target processes that enable scientists, nature managers, water managers and policy makers to choose between different measures and to predict restoration prospects for different types of deteriorated fens and their starting conditions.  相似文献   
A global data set on forest cover change was recently published and made freely available for use (Hansen et al. 2013. Science 342: 850–853). Although this data set has been criticized for inaccuracies in distinguishing vegetation types at the local scale, it remains a valuable source of forest cover information for areas where local data is severely lacking. Masoala National Park, in northeastern Madagascar, is an example of a region for which very little spatially explicit forest cover information is available. Yet, this extremely diverse tropical humid forest is undergoing a dramatic rate of forest degradation and deforestation through illegal selective logging of rosewood and ebony, slash‐and‐burn agriculture, and damage due to cyclones. All of these processes result in relatively diffuse and small‐scale changes in forest cover. In this paper, we examine to what extent Hansen et al.'s global forest change data set captures forest loss within Masoala National Park by comparing its performance to a locally calibrated, object‐oriented classification approach. We verify both types of classification with substantial ground truthing. We find that both the global and local classifications perform reasonably well in detecting small‐scale slash‐and‐burn agriculture, but neither performs adequately in detecting selective logging. We conclude that since the use of the global forest change data set requires very little technical and financial investment, and performs almost as well as the more resource‐demanding, locally calibrated classification, it may be advantageous to use the global forest change data set even for local conservation purposes.  相似文献   
Despite benefits for precision, ecologists rarely use informative priors. One reason that ecologists may prefer vague priors is the perception that informative priors reduce accuracy. To date, no ecological study has empirically evaluated data‐derived informative priors' effects on precision and accuracy. To determine the impacts of priors, we evaluated mortality models for tree species using data from a forest dynamics plot in Thailand. Half the models used vague priors, and the remaining half had informative priors. We found precision was greater when using informative priors, but effects on accuracy were more variable. In some cases, prior information improved accuracy, while in others, it was reduced. On average, models with informative priors were no more or less accurate than models without. Our analyses provide a detailed case study on the simultaneous effect of prior information on precision and accuracy and demonstrate that when priors are specified appropriately, they lead to greater precision without systematically reducing model accuracy.  相似文献   
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