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Matthias Albrecht  David Kleijn  Neal M. Williams  Matthias Tschumi  Brett R. Blaauw  Riccardo Bommarco  Alistair J. Campbell  Matteo Dainese  Francis A. Drummond  Martin H. Entling  Dominik Ganser  G. Arjen de Groot  Dave Goulson  Heather Grab  Hannah Hamilton  Felix Herzog  Rufus Isaacs  Katja Jacot  Philippe Jeanneret  Mattias Jonsson  Eva Knop  Claire Kremen  Douglas A. Landis  Gregory M. Loeb  Lorenzo Marini  Megan McKerchar  Lora Morandin  Sonja C. Pfister  Simon G. Potts  Maj Rundlf  Hillary Sardias  Amber Sciligo  Carsten Thies  Teja Tscharntke  Eric Venturini  Eve Veromann  Ines M.G. Vollhardt  Felix Wckers  Kimiora Ward  Andrew Wilby  Megan Woltz  Steve Wratten  Louis Sutter 《Ecology letters》2020,23(10):1488-1498
Floral plantings are promoted to foster ecological intensification of agriculture through provisioning of ecosystem services. However, a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of different floral plantings, their characteristics and consequences for crop yield is lacking. Here we quantified the impacts of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control (18 studies) and pollination services (17 studies) in adjacent crops in North America, Europe and New Zealand. Flower strips, but not hedgerows, enhanced pest control services in adjacent fields by 16% on average. However, effects on crop pollination and yield were more variable. Our synthesis identifies several important drivers of variability in effectiveness of plantings: pollination services declined exponentially with distance from plantings, and perennial and older flower strips with higher flowering plant diversity enhanced pollination more effectively. These findings provide promising pathways to optimise floral plantings to more effectively contribute to ecosystem service delivery and ecological intensification of agriculture in the future.  相似文献   
基于组合评价法的湖南省农业可持续发展区域分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭洁  董俐  周卫军  谭雪兰  刘沛 《生态科学》2020,39(1):110-117
从农业资源与环境、农业生产与经济、农业人口与社会3个评价维度构建了区域农业可持续发展指标体系, 运用主成分分析法、熵值法、模糊Borda法、因子分析法及聚类分析法和GIS技术, 通过组合评价方法定量研究湖南省农业可持续发展区域分异现状。结果表明: 湖南省农业可持续发展在区域上总体呈现出不平衡的发展状态, 农业可持续发展综合水平以长株潭城市群为核心, 由东至西递减; 农业人口与社会可持续发展水平南北低中部高, 东部强西部弱; 农业生产与经济可持续发展水平围绕湘北洞庭湖农业区和湘南农业综合区向外围递减; 农业资源与环境可持续发展水平表现为一横两纵优势带和南北两个落后圈。  相似文献   
The growing human enterprise has sparked greater interest in identifying ecological thresholds in land use conversion beyond which populations or communities demonstrate abrupt nonlinear or substantive change in species composition. Such knowledge remains fundamental to understanding ecosystem resilience to environmental degradation and informing land use planning into the future. Confronting this challenge has been largely limited to inferring thresholds in univariate metrics of species richness and indices of biotic integrity and has largely ignored how land use legacies of the past may shape community responses of today. By leveraging data for 13,069 riverine sites from temperate, subtropical, and boreal climate zones on four continents, we characterize patterns of community change along diverse gradients of urbanization and agricultural land use, and identity threshold values beyond which significant alterations in species composition exists. Our results demonstrate the apparent universality by which freshwater fish communities are sensitive to even low levels of watershed urbanization (range of threshold values: 1%–12%), but consistently higher (and more variable) levels of agricultural development (2%–37%). We demonstrated that fish community compositional thresholds occurred, in general, at lower levels of watershed urbanization and agriculture when compared to threshold responses in species richness. This supports the notion that aggregated taxon‐specific responses may better reflect the complexity of assemblage responses to land use development. We further revealed that the ghost of land use past plays an important role in moderating how current‐day fish communities respond to land use intensification. Subbasins of the United States experiencing greater rates of past land use change demonstrated higher current‐day thresholds. Threshold responses of community composition, such as those identified in our study, illustrate the need for globally coordinated efforts to prioritize country‐specific management and policy initiatives that ensure that freshwater fish diversity is not inevitably lost in the future.  相似文献   
化肥和农药的过量使用导致的农业面源污染已经成为我国环境污染的重要组成部分,对农业绿色高效安全生产及设施农业带来了巨大挑战。寻找新型的传统化肥替代品、提高化肥使用效率及保护生态环境是亟待解决的重大问题。生物刺激剂是具有调控植物生长作用的成分和(或)微生物的统称,用于农业生产,可改善土壤理化性质与群落微生物,能促进作物的代谢与生长,增强对营养物质的吸收和利用,提升作物抗逆能力及提高作物产量与产品品质。微藻体内具有结构新颖、功能独特的天然活性物质,是制备新型生物刺激剂的理想来源。微藻用于环境治理的同时,可获得足量的微藻生物质来制备生物刺激剂,从而达到治理环境、降低成本及提质增效的目的。就微藻源生物刺激剂的定义及功能、微藻全细胞和天然活性物质生物刺激剂的制备、应用效果及对植物和土壤的作用原理进行综述,以期为微藻源强效生物刺激剂的规模化制备及农业生产应用奠定理论基础和提供生产实践指导。  相似文献   
如何在确保生态系统安全的同时有效地开发和利用资源、保障人类福祉是当前面临的挑战。近年来兴起的“安全公正空间”(Safe and Just Operating Space, SJOS)理论框架为人类可持续发展提供了有效的评估方法, 即充分利用自然资源来提高人类社会福祉的同时确保环境生态安全。研究以长江中下游地区大通湖流域为例, 根据流域内的社会经济数据、环境监测数据和湖泊沉积记录, 从社会基础和环境系统两个方面构建该流域的SJOS框架, 并利用环境库兹涅兹曲线来揭示总体环境变化特征。结果表明: 流域内淡水利用、空气质量、水质均突破环境上限, 处于危险的状态, 此外流域内无贫困和产业创新两个社会基础维度的完成度相对较低。环境库兹涅兹曲线揭示了大通湖流域内社会-生态系统大致分为初始阶段(1950s—1980s)、严重退化阶段(1980s—2000s)和逐步改善(2000s后)三个阶段。研究为维持区域可持续发展提供了重要的参考信息, 同时也为区域SJOS框架的构建提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   
Tree-ring stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios (δ18O and δ13C) are an important archive for climate reconstructions. However, it remains unclear whether the polyvinyl acetate emulsion, often used for the preservation and fixation of wood samples, influences δ18O and δ13C signals. Further uncertainties are associated with the possible effects of geographical origin and cambial age of historical samples. Here, we present annually-resolved and absolutely-dated δ18O and δ13C measurements of 21 living oaks (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) from the Czech Republic. We find that the δ18O and δ13C signals in the extracted alpha-cellulose are not affected by polyvinyl acetate treatment. Covering the entire 20th century and reaching until 2018 CE, our dataset reveals spatial and temporal coherency within and between the individual δ18O and δ13C chronologies of different oak species, sample locations, and tree ages. Highly significant (p < 0.01) Pearson’s correlation coefficients of the site-specific δ13C and δ18O chronologies range from 0.48–0.77 and 0.36–0.56, respectively. The isotopic inter-series correlations of Q. robur and Q. petraea from the same site are 0.75 and 0.43 for the mean δ13C and δ18O values, respectively. Significant (p < 0.01) correlations of 0.49 and 0.84 are found for δ13C and δ18O, respectively, when all measurements from all sampling locations and tree ages are included. Our study shows that non-pooled oak δ18O and δ13C measurements from both species, different locations, and diverse tree ages can be combined into robust isotopic chronologies for climate reconstructions.  相似文献   
Plodia interpunctella and Oryzaephilus surinamensis are found in food storehouses including dates and palm storages. The current study aimed to determine competition and overlap potentials of the two pests of date fruits. Time series models were used to study two species populations and logistic growth model to estimate the effect of density of the species. The results revealed the environmental capacities of O. surinamensis and P. interpunctella were 433 and 1610 (maximum number per 20 g), respectively, and the population growth rates (r) were 1.2 and 1.3, respectively. Ecological balances of the two species were close to each other from the first to the third week. The population of O. surinamensis decreased in the fourth week of the competition. The highest population balance of the two species was in the 14th week. The potential of exploitable ecological niches (eij) and the amount of non-exploited ecological niches by any species (zij) for O. surinamensis was higher than for P. interpunctella from the 8th week untill the end of sampling period. The overlap of ecological niches in the two species (D) ranged from 0.94 to 1, indicating a complete overlap of temporal activity in the two populations on date palm. The current results of this study can be used by integrated pest management specialists. Information over the effects of species competition on population dynamics and their coexistence can be used to predict population status and to adopt simple pest control methods.  相似文献   
Land‐use legacies associated with agriculture, such as increased soil fertility and elevated soil pH, promote invasions by non‐native plant species on former agricultural lands. Restoring natural soil conditions (i.e. low fertility and low pH) may be an effective, long‐term method to control and reduce the abundance of non‐native and ruderal species that invade abandoned agricultural lands. In this study, we examined how soil manipulation treatments of lowering soil fertility with carbon additions and lowering soil pH by applying sulfur affect non‐native and ruderal native plant species abundance in two former citrus groves in central Florida. Non‐native plant biomass was removed by one of two methods (tilling or topsoil removal), and was combined with a soil amendment of sulfur, carbon, sulfur + carbon, or none. The biomass removal treatments significantly decreased non‐native abundance, with topsoil removal as the most effective. Carbon additions did not affect soil fertility or vegetation. Sulfur and sulfur + carbon additions significantly decreased soil pH in both groves for at least 1 year post‐treatment; however, we did not see a significant vegetation response. Overall, our results suggest that removing vegetation by tilling and topsoil removal is an effective method for reducing non‐target species cover. Although we did not see a response of vegetation to our treatments, we were able to restore the initial soil characteristics, which can be a first step toward complete restoration.  相似文献   
An intensive regional research campaign was conducted by the North American Carbon Program (NACP) in 2007 to study the carbon cycle of the highly productive agricultural regions of the Midwestern United States. Forty‐five different associated projects were conducted across five US agencies over the course of nearly a decade involving hundreds of researchers. One of the primary objectives of the intensive campaign was to investigate the ability of atmospheric inversion techniques to use highly calibrated CO2 mixing ratio data to estimate CO2 flux over the major croplands of the United States by comparing the results to an inventory of CO2 fluxes. Statistics from densely monitored crop production, consisting primarily of corn and soybeans, provided the backbone of a well studied bottom‐up inventory flux estimate that was used to evaluate the atmospheric inversion results. Estimates were compared to the inventory from three different inversion systems, representing spatial scales varying from high resolution mesoscale (PSU), to continental (CSU) and global (CarbonTracker), coupled to different transport models and optimization techniques. The inversion‐based mean CO2‐C sink estimates were generally slightly larger, 8–20% for PSU, 10–20% for CSU, and 21% for CarbonTracker, but statistically indistinguishable, from the inventory estimate of 135 TgC. While the comparisons show that the MCI region‐wide C sink is robust across inversion system and spatial scale, only the continental and mesoscale inversions were able to reproduce the spatial patterns within the region. In general, the results demonstrate that inversions can recover CO2 fluxes at sub‐regional scales with a relatively high density of CO2 observations and adequate information on atmospheric transport in the region.  相似文献   
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