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The recently discovered late Triassic vertebratelocality at Chulabhorn Dam (North-Eastern Thailand) has yielded incomplete remains (jaw fragments and teeth) of phytosaurs, which are apparently indicative of a form related to Belodon and Rutiodon. They can be interpreted as showing that in the late Triassic North-Eastern Thailand was already biogeographically part of Laurasia.  相似文献   
Abstract: The levels and molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC and pseudocholinesterase (ΦChE, EC were examined in various skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, and neural tissues from normal and dystrophic chickens. The relative amount of the heavy (Hc) form of AChE in mixed-fibre-type twitch muscles varies in proportion to the percentage of glycolytic fast-twitch fibres. Conversely, muscles with higher levels of oxidative fibres (i.e., slow-tonic, oxidative-glycolytic fast-twitch, or oxidative slow-twitch) have higher proportions of the light (L) form of AChE. The effects of dystrophy on AChE and ΦChE are more severe in muscles richer in glycolytic fast-twitch fibres (e.g., pectoral or posterior latissimus dorsi, PLD); there is no alteration of AChE or ΦChE in a slow-tonic muscle. In the pectoral or PLD muscles from older dystrophic chickens, however, the AChE forms revert to a normal distribution while the ΦChE pattern remains abnormal. Muscle ΦChE is sensitive to collagenase in a similar way as is AChE, thus apparently having a similar tailed structure. Unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle has very high levels of ΦChE, present mainly as the L form; AChE is present mainly as the medium (M) form, with smaller amounts of L and Hc. The latter pattern of AChE forms resembles that seen in several neural tissues examined. No alterations in AChE or ΦChE were found in cardiac or neural tissues from dystrophic chickens.  相似文献   
Abstract: Skeletal muscle cells of newborn rats, cultured in the absence of neuronal influence, were found to contain two types of cell surface acetylcholine receptors as demonstrated by isoelectric focusing. The isoelectric points of the two types of receptors were indistinguishable from those of junctional and extrajunctional types of receptors in mature animals. The cultured cells had two classes of intracellular α-bungarotoxin (αBT) binding components; one had the same sedimentation coefficient as that of surface receptors (9S), and the other had much smaller apparent molecular weights. Only a single major component was detected by isoelectric focusing analysis of the 9s intracellular aBT binding component, with a PI value close to that of the extra junctional receptor. These results suggest that the junctional and extrajunctional types of receptors may be synthesized through a common precursor.  相似文献   
Summary Myogenic cells from mice homozygous for the lethal mutation motor endplate disease (med/med) were grown in culture. Like muscle cells taken from wild type (+/?) litter mates they fused to form myotubes which contracted, developed cross striations, and exposed acetylcholine receptors (AChR) on their surface. However, a decrease of 30% in the number of mononucleated cells per unit fresh weight of muscle was observed as early as 2–3 days postnatal, i.e., at least one week prior to the onset of physiological symptoms. Hence, in addition to influencing the functional maintenance of motor endplates, the med gene seems to control early events in muscle development.  相似文献   
Bruno David 《Geobios》1981,14(6):795-799
Three species of irregular see-urchins form the settlement of a marly level (lower Hauterivian) of the Castellane area. Two of them are strongly smaller than the norm. Their stunting is prouved by ontogenic, mecanical, sedimentological and ecological arguments. The ecological grounds of stunting are discussed.  相似文献   
A large sample of skulls and associated dentitions of Cormohipparion sphenodus (Cope, 1889). new combination, is described from Miocene deposits of Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, and California. This species is morphologically more advanced than the most primitive species of the genus, C. goorisiMacFadden & Skinner, 1981, and more primitive than a third and more advanced species of this genus. C. occidentale (Leidy, 1856). In several characters such as configuration of the preobrital fossa, size, hypsodonty, shape of protocone, and complexity of enamel plication, C. sphenodus is morphologically similar, and potentially related to, some Old World Vallesian «Hipparion. In addition, based on radiometric calibration of stratigraphic sequences in Nebraska and California, C. sphenodus spans an interval of time from about 13.6 to 11 Ma. Inasmuch as the Old World «Hipparion Datum is calibrated at about 12 Ma, we conclude that C. sphenodus exhibits the morphological and chronological prerequisites to have been directly ancestral to some of these Old World forms.The hipparion horses apparently were a polyphyletic assemblage of several genera, and their biogeographic and biochronologic history is more complex than classically thought. Several dispersal events involving these horses may have occurred between the New and Old Worlds during the late Miocene.  相似文献   
Henri Cappetta 《Geobios》1981,14(5):563-575
Recent researches in the phosphat-bearing basins ofMorocco have allowed to collect new selachian forms. In this paper, three Ypresian genera from Ouled Abdoun basin, new for Morocco, are described: Heptranchias howellii (Reed, 1946), Alopias denticulatus nov. sp. and Odontorhytis pappenheimiBöhm, 1926. The re-discovery of the genus Odontorhytis allows to state precisely its morphological dental features and to affirm that it is well a selachian and not a teleostean, as it was thought. The stratigraphic distribution of some species is stated precisely.  相似文献   
Bruno David 《Geobios》1980,13(6):903-926
A complete study of the ontogeny of the irregular urchin Toxaster granosus kiliani (Lambert)) was achieved from an important lower cretaceous sample. In a first time, ontogenic variations of each character were analysed versus length chosen as size reference. This first step had shown that very important changes in shape take place during the development of the young urchin: increase in height, downward migration of the periproct, forward movement of the peristome… In a second time, a growth crisis was proved and described. Such a crisis occurs, from 12 mm to 16 mm length, as a momentary acceleration of the growth (i.e. the rate of growth increases during a short time). The reality of this crisis was demonstrated by both mathematical and biological ways and also by comparing with other actual and fossil populations. The whole of these results leads to a synthetical pattern of growth divided into three main stages which are successively a juvenile, a preadult and an adult stage. This division was proved also by a principal components analysis.  相似文献   
Histochemical techniques have been employed to characterize enzymatic activity in the mesocoxal muscles of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Through our studies of the enzymes myosin-ATPase, NADH reductase, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), we were able to classify fibers within these muscles according to criteria established for muscle fibers of vertebrates. Many of the mesocoxal muscles possess two different and distinct populations of fibers, whereas the remaining muscles are homogeneous with respect to their constituent fibers. The data presented here indicate biochemical heterogeneity for muscles of differing structural and functional features and possible neurotrophic influences upon oxidative enzymes and myosin-ATPase isozymes.  相似文献   
Summary Rats, 6 weeks old, were subjected to a program of endurance running for 3, 6 and 12 weeks. 0.5 to 0.8 m thick sections of Epon embedded soleus muscles were studied with morphometric methods.In cross-sections the area occupied by subsarcolemmal mitochondria was independent of the age, but was 53% higher after 12 weeks of training. The mean depth of the zones with subsarcolemmal mitochondria increased only 15% to about 0.9 m. Thus, the subsarcolemmal mitochondria showed a pronounced spreading at the muscle fiber surface in trained muscles. — The number of capillaries per fiber decreased slightly in controls and increased not significantly in trained muscles.It is concluded that the subsarcolemmal mitochondria supply the energy for the active transport of metabolites through the sarcolemma in oxidative muscle fibers, and that they are the limiting factor for endurance performance of the soleus muscle fibers because the changes in the capillarization were only small. It is suggested that the subsarcolemmal and the interfibrillar mitochondria have different functions and may therefore represent different types of mitochondria which can be distinguished by their morphology as well as by their biochemical properties.  相似文献   
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