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Morchella species ascocarps (morels) are sought-after edible mushrooms that exhibit pyrophilous behavior, proliferating in fire-affected soils of certain types of forests. The factors governing fruiting in this habitat are poorly understood. An observational approach was used to determine the spatial distribution on preferred micro-sites of black morel fruiting in a forest after a summer fire, subjected to different post-fire forestry management activities. Clearing the burnt tree stumps from the site, compaction of the burnt soil by heavy machinery (bulldozers) and covering the soil with chopped wood created preferred micro-sites for black morel fruiting. Fewer fruit bodies developed on untouched burnt soil, and almost none on non-burnt soil at the same site. These observations enhance understanding the ecological principles underlying the distribution and abundance of morel ascocarp development in natural habitats; such an understanding could contribute to conservation and management of morel fruiting in the wild.  相似文献   
Seabirds in expanding colonies select the highest-quality nesting habitat, but habitat selection has seldom been studied in declining colonies. We studied a colony of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) that declined from 314,000 active nests in 1987 to 201,000 in 2014. As expected, nest quality and reproductive success were higher in burrow habitats than in other habitats, and nest density decreased with distance from shore. Contrary to predictions, the steepest declines did not occur in the poorest-quality habitat (scrub) or near the inland colony edge and the colony area did not shrink. In agreement with predictions, penguins shifted from nests with less cover to nests with more cover. The highest nest densities and the steepest declines were in habitats of large bushes and bush clusters. As the population declined penguins abandoned nests on the edges of large bushes. Constraints on penguin habitat-use changes include strong area and nest-site fidelity, increased avian predation in high-density areas, soil characteristics, and the costs of making and maintaining nests. Contrary to conventional wisdom we found low-density, poor-quality scrub habitat (which covers >70 % of the colony area) contained 45 % of active nests, produced 44 % of fledglings, and was as important as high-quality habitat for reproductive output. Our research shows that all habitats in a declining colony of seabirds have value for conservation.  相似文献   
The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus Montagu, 1821) is a regularly observed species in the Mediterranean Sea, but its network organization has never been investigated on a large scale. We described the network macrostructure of the bottlenose dolphin (meta)population inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary (a wide protected area located in the north-western portion of the Mediterranean basin) and we analysed its connectivity in relation to the landscape traits. We pooled effort and sighting data collected by 13 different research institutions operating within the Pelagos Sanctuary from 1994 to 2011 to examine the distribution of bottlenose dolphins in the Pelagos study area and then we applied a social network analysis, investigating the association patterns of the photo-identified dolphins (806 individuals in 605 sightings). The bottlenose dolphin (meta)population inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary is clustered in discrete units whose borders coincide with habitat breakages. This complex structure seems to be shaped by the geo-morphological and ecological features of the landscape, through a mechanism of local specialization of the resident dolphins. Five distinct clusters were identified in the (meta)population and two of them were solid enough to be further investigated and compared. Significant differences were found in the network parameters, suggesting a different social organization of the clusters, possibly as a consequence of the different local specialization.  相似文献   
The EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy requires the gathering of information on biodiversity to aid in monitoring progress towards its main targets. Common species are good proxies for the diversity and integrity of ecosystems, since they are key elements of the biomass, structure, functioning of ecosystems, and therefore of the supply of ecosystem services. In this sense, we aimed to develop a spatially-explicit indicator of habitat quality (HQI) at European level based on the species included in the European Common Bird Index, also grouped into their major habitat types (farmland and forest). Using species occurrences from the European Breeding Birds Atlas (at 50 km × 50 km) and the maximum entropy algorithm, we derived species distribution maps using refined occurrence data based on species ecology. This allowed us to cope with the limitations arising from modelling common and widespread species, obtaining habitat suitability maps for each species at finer spatial resolution (10 km × 10 km grid), which provided higher model accuracy. Analysis of the spatial patterns of local and relative species richness (defined as the ratio between species richness in a given location and the average richness in the regional context) for the common birds analysed demonstrated that the development of a HQI based on species richness needs to account for the regional species pool in order to make objective comparisons between regions. In this way, we proved that relative species richness compensated for the bias caused by the inherent heterogeneous patterns of the species distributions that was yielding larger local species richness in areas where most of the target species have the core of their distribution range. The method presented in this study provides a robust and innovative indicator of habitat quality which can be used to make comparisons between regions at the European scale, and therefore potentially applied to measure progress towards the EU Biodiversity Strategy targets. Finally, since species distribution models are based on breeding birds, the HQI can be also interpreted as a measure of the capacity of ecosystems to provide and maintain nursery/reproductive habitats for terrestrial species, a key maintenance and regulation ecosystem service.  相似文献   
This study demonstrated the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to determine habitat connectivity for migration of fishes between the sea and river. Environmental DNA is DNA fragments released by fishes in water, which can be used as a species-specific marker of the presence/absence of the target species. A year-round water sampling regime at 15 sites on the Yodo River, Japan, was conducted to determine whether three major man-made barriers on the river inhibited the migration of fishes using species-specific detection of DNA fragments from three target migrant species, temperate seabass, Lateolabrax japonicus, flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, and ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis. The presence/absence of eDNA from target species was consistent with known patterns of species’ seasonal migration. The detection of the DNA of temperate seabass and flathead grey mullet at sites upstream of the dam closest to the river mouth indicated successful upstream migration of these species via a fish ladder bypassing the dam. On the other hand, DNA of these two species was not detected from the upstream side of the two remaining dams, which are not equipped with fish ladders. Ayu is the only species among the three target species with a land-locked population in Lake Biwa located at the headwater of Yodo River. Ayu DNA was detected at most of the sites in the freshwater area during the warm months; however, in the coldest month of February, eDNA was only detected in the uppermost site of Yodo River at the southern tip of Lake Biwa. The eDNA we detected at this site suggests that it was derived from juvenile ayu spending their winter months in the lake. These results suggest that the eDNA analysis presented here can accurately track the seasonal migration of fishes in a river, demonstrating its application as an indicator of habitat connectivity for fishes in association with man-made barriers in a river. The sampling of eDNA involves merely scooping a tank full of water; therefore, it is a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for long-term monitoring of habitat connectivity associated with the construction of barriers in a river.  相似文献   
目的:分析内固定与关节置换手术治疗骨质疏松性髋部骨折的临床效果及其术后并发症的影响因素。方法:将2017年4月至2018年5月因骨质疏松性髋部骨折于我院进行手术治疗的78例患者作为研究对象,参考患者自身意愿按照采取手术方案的不同将所有患者分为内固定组与关节置换组。内固定组主要采用动力髋螺钉内固定治疗;关节置换组采用全髋关节置换术治疗。对比分析两组治疗后并发症的发生情况及关节功能恢复程度。结果:关节置换组手术治疗后关节功能的恢复情况显著优于内固定组(P0.05),术后并发症发生率低于内固定组(P0.05);患者术后并发症发生的主要影响因素包括:术前存在合并症、手术时机≥2h、采用内固定手术。结论:与内固定术相比,关节置换手术治疗骨质疏松性髋部骨折患者的疗效和安全性均更高,但采用该手术治疗时需注意手术操作的规范性及手术时机。  相似文献   
通过对秦岭山区中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)栖息地生境因子调查、统计,利用R语言分析了各因子与大鲵生境选择的相关性,得出研究结果:秦岭山区影响大鲵生存的主要因子为栖息地类型(相关系数r=0.98),其次是水温(相关系数r=-0.8)、河岸坡度(r=-0.6)和p H (r=-0.6);浊度(相关系数r=0.5)、电导率(r=0.49)、DO(r=0.4)、人为干扰(r=0.35)和海拔(r=0.31)对大鲵分布影响不大。研究结果为探讨中国大鲵对野生环境的适应性选择提供了参考。  相似文献   
Zhai  Xiaofeng  Zhao  Wen  Li  Kemang  Zhang  Cheng  Wang  Congcong  Su  Shuo  Zhou  Jiyong  Lei  Jing  Xing  Gang  Sun  Haifeng  Shi  Zhiyu  Gu  Jinyan 《中国病毒学》2019,34(6):601-609
Since late 2011, outbreaks of pseudorabies virus(PRV) have occurred in southern China causing major economic losses to the pig industry. We previously reported that variant PRV forms and recombination in China could be the source of continued epidemics. Here, we analyzed samples from intensive pig farms in eastern China between 2017 and 2019, and sequenced the main glycoproteins(gB, gC, gD, and gE) to study the evolution characteristics of PRV. Based on the g C gene, we found that PRV variants belong to clade 2 and detected a founder effect during by the PRV epidemic. In addition,we detected inter-and intra-clade recombination; in particular, inter-clade recombination in the g B genes of strains FJ-ZXF and FJ-W2, which were recombinant with clade 1 strains. We also found specific amino-acid changes and positively selected sites, possibly associated with functional changes. This analysis of the emergence of PRV in China illustrates the need for continuous monitoring and the development of vaccines against specific variants of PRV.  相似文献   
Porites panamensis is a hermatypic brooder coral endemic to, and distributed along, the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and is considered a species vulnerable to local effects because it has limited capacity for long‐distance dispersal (and low genetic diversity). Although larvae of P. panamensis have been previously shown to recruit to artificial settlement platforms, they have never been observed in the water column. The present study describes the reproductive behavior of P. panamensis, with a focus on using molecular tools to document evidence for a larval planktonic stage and for successful recruitment. Larvae collected from the water column, and recruitment on natural and artificial substrata were documented. Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal markers, 18s rRNA and ITS (ITS1‐5.8‐ITS2), and one mitochondrial marker, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), confirmed the taxonomic identity of larvae, and showed that larvae and recruits have genotypes similar to adults of P. panamensis. Lipid vacuoles and Symbiodinium sp. were present in the gastrodermis of all larvae. A total of 12 and 371 recruits settled on artificial and natural substrates, respectively, and the recruitment rate differed significantly over time. By documenting the reproductive success of the species, we show the potential for existing individuals both to maintain the population in the study area and to contribute to maintenance of the coral reef community in the coming decades.  相似文献   
Although neighboring plants can influence animal-seed dispersal interactions, little is known about the effect of neighboring seeds and the influence of habitat on seed dispersal by ants. Here we investigated the influence of neighboring seeds on seed removal in two coexisting myrmecochorous species (Epimedium pubescens and Helleborus thibetanus) from temperate deciduous forests of Qinling Mountains, central China, by examining (1) the potential role of ants and rodents and (2) whether the neighboring seed effect differed between forest edge and interior. We found that, presence of the higher-ESMR (elaiosome: seed mass ratio) E. pubescens did not significantly affect seed removal of the lower-ESMR H. thibetanus. By contrast, the presence of H. thibetanus decreased the seed removal rates of E. pubescens, with only a significant effect in rodent exclusion (ant alone) rather than in both ant exclusion (rodent alone) and full access (rodent + ant). Moreover, we found that those effects were not significantly different between the forest edge and the interior, which may be attributed to a similar pattern of overall seed-dispersing ant abundance in the two habitats. This suggested that neighboring seeds could influence seed removal of the focal plant depending on the absence of rodents; when rodents were present, the interaction of rodents and ants rendered no influence of neighboring seeds on seed removal. Our results show that the neighborhood effect was regulated by both dispersers and predators, and this effect was not context-dependent at a small spatial scale. This study highlights the importance to understand the effect of shared seed-removing animals and habitat context to assess the neighboring seed effect on plant-animal interactions.  相似文献   
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