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Two new species of brown algae (Phaeophyceae), Padina moffittiana Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov. and Cutleria irregularis Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov., are described from the Hawaiian Islands (between 19°04′N, 155°35′W and 28°25′N, 178°20′W). In addition, the new combination Cutleria canariensis is proposed for Aglaozonia canariensis. New observations are presented on Nereia intricata Yamada, a species described 67 years ago and known only from its type specimen. New records of a further 14 species are given for the Hawaiian Islands. These 17 taxa bring the total number of species of brown algae recorded for the Hawaiian Islands to 55, an increase of 28%. Of the 15 new records, two are recent ‘accidental’ introductions: Dictyota flabellata (Collins) Setchell et Gardner and Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt from California. Six records are notable because of their great distances from previously known collections: Nereia intricata Yamada from the Ryukyu Is., Japan; Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck, from the Adriatic, Mediterranean, warm Atlantic and southern Australia; Distromium flabellatum Womersley, Spatoglossum macrodontum J. Agardh, and Sporochnus moorei Harvey, from Australia; Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux from temperate and colder waters in the Pacific and Atlantic. A comparison with some Japanese species of Padina confirms that Padina japonica Yamada should be subsumed with Padina sanctae‐crucis Børgesen, as proposed earlier.  相似文献   
再议中国近海小黄鱼种群的划分问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
徐兆礼  陈佳杰 《应用生态学报》2010,21(11):2856-2864
以往认为,中国近海小黄鱼可划分为3个种群.本研究从地理隔离、数量动态、形态解剖,分子遗传学和海洋水文等不同方面,重新审视了我国近海小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis Bleeker)种群的划分问题.研究表明:中国近海小黄鱼仅仅存在两个种群,即黄海南部和东海小黄鱼种群及渤海和黄海北部小黄鱼种群.主要证据有三:其一,分析1965年至今小黄鱼不同种群形态解剖学和分子遗传学重要文献,发现这些文献的结果仅仅支持黄海南部和东海小黄鱼是一个种群的结论;其二,依据1971-1982年我国10多个主要渔业公司小黄鱼捕捞统计资料,黄海南部和东海的小黄鱼在地理分布上几乎不存在隔离的现象.在冬季外海,黄海南部和东海小黄鱼栖息于同一个越冬场.进入春季后,它们从该越冬场分别向舟山渔场、鱼山渔场和吕泗渔场产卵洄游.同时,东海南部近海越冬场的小黄鱼向北作产卵洄游,在舟山渔场汇入外海来的小黄鱼鱼群中.从5-8月,黄海南部至东海仅存在一个小黄鱼索饵群体.而黄海北部和渤海小黄鱼群体与上述群体存在明显的地理隔离;其三,黄海南部和东海,近年来小黄鱼产量增长趋势一致,而同期的渤海和黄海北部小黄鱼资源量恢复不大.  相似文献   
The habitat and movements of a Pacific bluefin tuna were investigated by reanalyzing archival tag data with sea surface temperature data. During its trans-Pacific migration to the eastern Pacific, the fish took a direct path and primarily utilized waters, in the Subarctic Frontal Zone (SFZ). Mean ambient temperature during the trans-Pacific migration was 14.5 ± 2.9 (°C ± SD), which is significantly colder than the waters typically inhabited by bluefin tuna in their primary feeding grounds in the western and eastern Pacific (17.6 ± 2.1). The fish moved rapidly through the colder water, and the heat produced during swimming and the thermoconservation ability of bluefin tuna likely enabled it to migrate through the cold waters of the SFZ.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   The mouth of the Yangtze River is an important stopover site for migratory shorebirds using the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. From 1984 to 2004, we censused and banded shorebirds and monitored hunting activities at the mouth of the Yangtze River to understand how shorebirds used the study area. Counts and banding data revealed greater numbers of shorebirds at the mouth of the Yangtze River during northward migration (spring) than during southward migration (fall), with ratios varying from 1.5:1 to 7.2:1 at different sites from 1984 to 2005. The most common species observed during spring (northward) migration were Great Knots ( Calidris tenuirostris ), Red Knots ( Calidris canutus ), Bar-tailed Godwits ( Limosa lapponica ), Sharp-tailed Sandpipers ( Calidris acuminata ), and Red-necked Stints ( Calidris ruficollis ). During spring 2003–2004, 96.98% of the shorebirds observed were adults (ASY or older) and 3% were after hatching-year and second-year birds (AHY or SY). In contrast, almost all (94.73%) birds counted during the fall were hatching-year (HY) birds. These results indicate that adult shorebirds either use a different migration route during fall migration or use the same route, but do not stop at the mouth of the Yangtze River. HY birds, however, may depend on the coastal stopover sites for feeding during their first southward passage.  相似文献   
Identification of carriers of fragile X syndrome (FXS) with the subsequent prenatal diagnosis and knowledge of FXS-associated genetic profiles are essential for intervention in specific populations. We report the results of carrier screening of 39,458 East Asian adult women and prenatal diagnosis from 87 FXS carriers. The prevalence of FXS carriers and full mutation fetuses was estimated to be 1/581 and 1/3124 in East Asian populations, respectively. We confirmed the validity of the current threshold of CGG trinucleotide repeats for FMR1 categorization; the integral risks of full mutation expansion were approximately 6.0%, 43.8%, and 100% for premutation alleles with 55–74, 75–89, and ≥ 90 CGG repeats, respectively. The protective effect of AGG (adenine-guanine-guanine nucleotides) interruption in East Asian populations was validated, which is important in protecting premutation alleles with 75–89 CGG repeats from full mutation expansion. Finally, family history was shown not an effective indicator for FXS carrier screening in East Asian populations, and population-based screening was more cost-effective. This study provides an insight into the largest carrier screening and prenatal diagnosis for FXS in East Asian populations to date. The FXS-associated genetic profiles of East Asian populations are delineated, and population-based carrier screening is shown to be promising for FXS intervention.  相似文献   
Samples of cassava leaves exhibiting severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) were collected with the PhytoPASS kit in fields surrounding the city of Bujumbura (Burundi). These materials were then sent to Belgium for polymerase chain reaction determination of the CMD begomoviruses inducing the observed symptoms. Different pairs of specific primers were used to amplify DNA sequences specific to African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV), East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus (EACMCV), East African cassava mosaic Malawi virus (EACMMV), East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus (EACMZV), the Uganda variant of East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV-UG) and South African cassava mosaic virus (SACMV). It was revealed that mixed infections were prevailing in the analyzed materials. Most of the samples submitted to this analysis were found to be co-infected by three different begomoviruses (ACMV + EACMV + EACMV-UG). The so revealed mixed infections could explain the high severity of CMD symptoms noticed on cassava in the region of Bujumbura while the diversity within the CMD causal agents illustrates the importance to take this parameter into consideration for a successful use of plant genetic resistance to control the disease.  相似文献   
A 56-year time series of human plague cases (Yersinia pestis) in the western United States was used to explore the effects of climatic patterns on plague levels. We found that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), together with previous plague levels and above-normal temperatures, explained much of the plague variability. We propose that the PDO's impact on plague is conveyed via its effect on precipitation and temperature and the effect of precipitation and temperature on plague hosts and vectors: warmer and wetter climate leading to increased plague activity and thus an increased number of human cases. Our analysis furthermore provides insights into the consistency of plague mechanisms at larger scales.  相似文献   
The accumulation and seasonal impact of riverine discharge on coral reefs of the Meso-American Region (MAR) were estimated using a numerical simulation of river runoff dispersion. River-reef connectivity, or source-sink dynamics of terrestrial runoff was further assessed from more than 400 watersheds of the region onto discrete coral reef areas. Using land use for 2003 and 2004 in the MAR, this work builds upon a Regional Ocean Modeling System simulation of the MAR validated by ocean color satellite data, and on the monthly river nutrient and sediment load and discharge provided by the World Resources Institute using the N-SPECT model. Analysis of the variability of simulated runoff transport to the reefs showed that reefs of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) were mostly impacted from June to September, following the peak time of river discharge. At that time, the coastal and oceanic circulations contribute quickly to expel the runoff from the MBRS. High runoff concentration waters leaving the eastern coast of Honduras during the months of October to December return to the southwestern MAR in March as they are entrained in a cyclonic gyre. Coral reefs of the MAR are thus impacted twice, first from the coastal side with runoff of local origin and later from the oceanic side with runoff from mixed origin. High probability of connectivity between rivers and remote reefs is established as this study revealed that river runoff from the north shore of Honduras has a wide-spread impact on most of the coral reefs of southern Belize, while watersheds on the Gulf of Honduras are mostly connected to coral reefs in the northern shore of Honduras. Although the level of remote influence (or runoff concentration reaching the reef) is lower than the local, the cumulative effect of numerous remote river-reef connections remains significant. Communicated by Biology Editor Michael Lesser  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial variation in the growth parameters skeletal density, linear extension and calcification rate in massive Porites from two nearshore regions of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were examined over a 16‐year study period. Calcification rates in massive Porites have declined by approximately 21% in two regions on the GBR ~450 km apart. This is a function primarily of a decrease in linear extension (~16%) with a smaller decline in skeletal density (~6%) and contrasts with previous studies on the environmental controls on growth of massive Porites on the GBR. Changes in the growth parameters were linear over time. Averaged across colonies, skeletal density declined over time from 1.32 g cm?3 (SE = 0.017) in 1988 to 1.25 g cm?3 (0.013) in 2003, equivalent to 0.36% yr?1 (0.13). Annual extension declined from 1.52 cm yr?1 (0.035) to 1.28 cm yr?1 (0.026), equivalent to 1.02% yr?1 (0.39). Calcification rates (the product of skeletal density and annual extension) declined from 1.96 g cm?2 yr?1 (0.049) to 1.59 g cm?2 yr?1 (0.041), equivalent to 1.29% yr?1 (0.30). Mean annual seawater temperatures had no effect on skeletal density, but a modal effect on annual extension and calcification with maxima at ~26.7 °C. There were minor differences in the growth parameters between regions. A decline in coral calcification of this magnitude with increasing seawater temperatures is unprecedented in recent centuries based on analysis of growth records from long cores of massive Porites. We discuss the decline in calcification within the context of known environmental controls on coral growth. Although our findings are consistent with studies of the synergistic effect of elevated seawater temperatures and pCO2 on coral calcification, we conclude that further data on seawater chemistry of the GBR are required to better understand the links between environmental change and effects on coral growth.  相似文献   
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