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A survey was carried out between 2004 and 2005 in two ecologically different locations, Kakamega and Muhaka to assess diversity and abundance of wild host plants of lepidopteran stem borers as compared to maize plots during the cropping and non-cropping seasons. Kakamega in Western Kenya is characterized by a Guineo-Congolian rain forest mosaic and Muhaka at the Kenyan coast by a Zanzibar Inhambane mosaic with secondary grassy and woody vegetation. In Kakamega, wild host plants and maize covered 2 and 43% of the surveyed area. No variation in diversity and relative abundance of wild host plants was observed between both the cropping and non-cropping seasons. In Muhaka, the diversity and relative abundance of wild host plant species differed between seasons, with the Shannon Weaver Index (H) of 1.67 and 0.95 for cropping and non-cropping seasons, respectively. Similarly in this location, wild host plant cover varied between cropping (23%) and noncropping (17.9%). During both seasons, this was higher than the maize cover, with 10.7% and 0% for the cropping and non-cropping seasons, respectively. For both localities, the implication of the differences found in the abundance and diversity between the cropping and non-cropping seasons is discussed.  相似文献   
Xin Wang  Anthony D. Fox  Peihao Cong  Lei Cao 《Ibis》2013,155(3):576-592
More than 90% of the Lesser White‐fronted Geese Anser erythropus in the Eastern Palearctic flyway population winter at East Dongting Lake, China. To explain this restricted distribution and to understand better the winter feeding ecology and habitat requirements of this poorly known species, we assessed their food availability, diet and energy budgets at this site through two winters. Lesser White‐fronted Geese maintained a positive energy budget when feeding on above‐ground green production of Eleocharis and Alopecurus in recessional grasslands in autumn and spring to accumulate fat stores. Such food was severely depleted by late November and showed no growth in mid‐winter. Geese fed on more extensive old‐growth Carex sedge meadows in mid‐winter where they were in energy deficit and depleted endogenous fat stores. Geese failed to accumulate autumn fat stores in one year when high water levels prevented the Geese from using recessional grassland feeding areas. Fat stores remained lower throughout that winter and Geese left for breeding areas later in spring than in the previous year, perhaps reflecting the need to gain threshold fat stores for migration. Sedge meadows are widespread at other Yangtze River floodplain wetlands, but recessional grasslands are rare and perhaps restricted to parts of East Dongting Lake, which would explain the highly localized distribution of Lesser White‐fronted Geese in China and their heavy use of these habitats at this site. Sympathetic management of water tables is essential to maintain the recessional grasslands in the best condition for Geese. Regular depletion of fat stores whilst grazing sedge meadows in mid‐winter also underlines the need to protect the species from unnecessary anthropogenic disturbances that enhance energy expenditure. The specialized diet of the Lesser White‐fronted Goose may explain its highly restricted winter distribution and global rarity.  相似文献   
记述了采自萨哈林岛1新种,Alopecosa mikhailovi sp.nov.,2♂♂,新种与solivaga种团近似.  相似文献   
记述了在临夏盆地早中新世地层中发现的兰州巨獠犀(Aprotodon lanzhouensis)的下门齿化石,其特点为非常粗壮并强烈弯曲。新材料的发现使巨獠犀在临夏盆地的延续时代跨越渐新世/中新世界线的推测得到完全证实。巨獠犀分布的地质时代和地理范围与巨犀重合,但巨獠犀的化石地点和个体数量都相当稀少。巨獠犀的下颌形态功能特点指示其生活于晚始新世至早中新世中国西北、南亚和中亚干旱环境地带中镶嵌分布的少量近水环境。巨獠犀在中中新世之前彻底绝灭,其原因可能是气候变化的结果,也说明临夏盆地早中新世的环境特征与晚渐新世的疏林系统相似,而不同于中中新世的茂密森林。  相似文献   
东亚特有种五唇兰自然状态下存在叶背红色和绿色两种生态型。对海南岛霸王岭地区的五唇兰群落中草本层生态位特征进行测定和分析,探讨两种生态型五唇兰在群落中的地位和作用以及彼此间的竞争关系。结果表明: 狭穗草、叶背红色型五唇兰和毛俭草在该层占据较大的重要值。叶背红色型五唇兰较叶背绿色型具有更广的生态位宽度; 拟金草和叶背红色型五唇兰以相似的生态位宽度值居该层物种生态位宽度的首位。两种生态型五唇兰均与该层其他大部分物种具有较大生态位重叠值,两者间的生态位重叠亦很大。这说明五唇兰对其生境有很好的适应性,两种生态型间可能存在较大的竞争。  相似文献   

A list of the known species of Trichoptera from Iran is given. Since MALICKY (1986), Hydroptila astraia, H.asteria, Chimarra zagrosensis and Hydropsyche iokaste has been newly described from Iran. New records for the country are Ithytrichia clavata, Pseudoneureclipsis graograman, Hydropsyche bitlis, Micropterna hatatitla and Adicella hakkariensis. The species Hydroptila simulans and Hydropsyche pellucidula could not be confirmed for the fauna of Iran.  相似文献   

The Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) is a scarce but regular passage visitor in Turkey. Spring migration has its peak in April, autumn migration in August/September (medians are April 23th and August 29th). Detailed information on flock size, wintering, main resting sites etc. is given and compared with other Middle East countries.  相似文献   

At temperatures below zero in winter months, a total of 202 spiders was collected by pitfall traps from a snow-covered grassland in eastern Turkey. 16 genera and 20 species were recorded, belonging to the families Gnaphosidae, Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Thomisidae, Theridiidae, Philodromidae, Salticidae, and Tetragnathidae.  相似文献   

The region between Mersin and ?skenderun was selected for studying marine turtles in the Turkish waters of the Mediterranean sea, as the most important nesting grounds of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Mediterranean are situated there. In the 1995–96 fishing season, the 5 trawl boats taking part in the project reported that nets in the Eastern Mediterranean trapped 160 Green Turtles and 26 Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta). In the following trawling season (1996/97), 306 Green Turtles, 116 Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) and 437 Nile Soft-shelled Turtles (Trionyx triunguis) were found to be trapped as a by-catch in the trawling nets. 87% of these turtles were captured by mid-trawling nets, the rest by bottom-trawling nets, mostly at depths of 11–30 m. 95% of all turtles were caught alive and healthy, and were usually released back into the sea immediately after capture by the fishermen. Training measures were given to local fishermen in order to raise their awareness of the threats to marine turtles.  相似文献   
The species Hellinsia jordanica Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich sp. n. is newly described from Jordan.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EED698C9-1943-41BC-A503-13A2128A62C5  相似文献   
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