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本文描述了甘肃玉门红柳峡下沟组的介形类化石共5属4亚属、13种。其中1新属、6个新种、1个比较种。根据介形类特征和地理分布,推测下沟组的时代为早白垩世巴列姆期;同时结合玉门红柳峡下沟组的岩性特征,认为该组为淡水微咸水河湖相沉积。  相似文献   
对北祁连山东段和鄂尔多斯西缘新材料的研究表明,甘肃景泰红水堡晚石炭世早期的杂羊齿属(Palaeoweichselia)与西欧的模式标本存在明显差异,遂另建-新属——Reticalethopteris gen.nov..新属与Neuralethopteris是脉延羊齿类植物中分别代表网状叶脉和羽状叶脉的一对姐妹属.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton viruses are important components of aquatic ecosystems. However, their prevalence and genetic diversity in marine and freshwater systems are largely under estimated owing to the immense size of water bodies and limitations in virus discovery techniques. In this study, we conducted a 1-year survey of phytoplankton virus communities by collecting surface water monthly from an inland lake(East Lake) in China between May 2012 and April 2013. We examined four phytoplankton viruses, i.e., myoviruses, podoviruses, siphoviruses, and phycodnaviruses, and seven sets of primers were used to target conserved genes within these four species. In this year-long investigation, a total of 358 different virus-related sequences from four virus families were obtained. All virus families were detected in all months, except for cyanopodoviruses, which were only identified during eight of the 12 months surveyed. Moreover, virus abundance and diversity changed dynamically over time. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the majority of viral sequences from East Lake, China displayed distinct clustering patterns compared with published sequences. These results supported the existence of a highly diverse and unique phytoplankton virus community in East Lake, China.  相似文献   
东海区大型水母数量分布特征及其与温盐度的关系   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
以 2 0 0 4年 4月和 6月东海区中北部海域大型水母的监测调查结果为依据 ,分析了东海区大型水母的主要种类组成、数量分布及其与温度、盐度环境的关系、以及主要种类间的个体生长差异。结果表明 :4月大型水母的优势种类多管水母约占 75 %、霞水母约占 15 %和沙水母约占 5 % ;6月大型水母的优势种类沙海蜇约占 6 0 %、多管水母约占 2 0 %和霞水母约占 10 %。其中沙海蜇和霞水母为往年东海区大量暴发的种类。沙海蜇为低温高盐种 ,适温范围为 12~ 17℃ ,主要分布于黄海冷水团伸向东海舌锋的锋面以北海域 ,密集分布区最高网产为 10 0 0 0 kg/ h左右 ;霞水母为暖水高盐种 ,适温范围为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ,主要密集分布于东海北部的暖水控制海域。黄海冷水团势力强弱可作为判别沙海蜇暴发程度的一个重要参考因子。东海区大型水母主要优势种的生长速度以沙海蜇最快 ,其次为霞水母 ,而多管水母相对较慢 ,且个体偏小  相似文献   
报道了在甘肃省东乡县龙担地点发现的中国长鼻三趾马Hipparion(Proboscidipparion)sinense头骨化石.此前在早更新世龙担动物群中记述过的长鼻三趾马材料仅有一枚第三掌骨,头骨化石的发现不仅使该动物群的三趾马种级分类得到证实,同时扩大了对这个种头骨和牙齿特征的认识.由于最初建种的正型标本为老年个体,此后也未发现过中国长鼻三趾马的完好头骨化石,因此龙担的新材料将为该种的特征补充更多重要的信息,尤其是鼻切迹的构成.其鼻骨下部呈一细窄条状向前强烈延伸,组成鼻颌切迹下缘的后部,其前端尖,到达P2/P3界线水平,与前颌骨鼻突的末梢间有30 mm的距离.这些特征的识别对判断长鼻三趾马的系统关系有重要意义.  相似文献   
武汉东湖水生植被及其恢复途径探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1992~1993年对武汉东湖三个主要湖区(郭郑湖、汤林湖和牛巢湖)水生植被的调查表明,该湖区共有水生植物32种,优势种为大茨藻、狐尾藻、苦草和菱。金鱼藻呈不断扩大的趋势。植被类型可分为11个群丛,植被面积约为0.65km ̄2,总生物量为1236.39t(湿重),植被带状分布仅见于汤林湖北部和其他部分湖汊。汤林湖和牛巢湖水生植被正处于自然恢复演替阶段。  相似文献   
Portunus trituberculatus is a commercially important species widely spread in the East China Sea. Intraspecific variation of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtDNA COI) gene was investigated in 213 individuals from six localities (Changjiang Estuary, Shengsi Islands, Zhoushan Islands, Dongtou Islands, Dinghai Bay, and Quanzhou Bay) ranging from north (31°21′N) to south (24°55′N) coastal waters of the East China Sea. Overall, a total of 27 mtDNA haplotypes and 21 variable sites were detected in the 787 bp segment of COI gene. Analysis of mtDNA COI sequence data revealed that crabs from the six localities were characterized by moderately high haplotypic diversity (h = 0.787 ± 0.026), while sequence divergence values between haplotypes were relatively low (π = 0.00241 ± 0.00098). Each population was characterized by a single most frequent haplotype, shared among all six localities, and a small number of rare ones, typically present in only one or two individuals and representative of a specific population. However, neither the neighbor-joining tree nor the minimum spanning network (MSN) based on the haplotype data exhibited geographical patterns of the six populations. Mismatch distribution analysis of P. trituberculatus individuals sampled from the six localities suggested that sudden population expansion might have occurred in CJ and SS population that might be consistent with over-exploitation of the swimming crab. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and F ST statistics showed that significant genetic differentiation existed among the SS, ZS, DT, DH, and QZ populations, suggesting that gene flow might be reduced, even between the geographically close sites, despite the high potential of dispersal. The possible causes of the observed genetic heterogeneity among the P. trituberculatus populations and the potential applications of the mtDNA COI marker in the artificial breeding and fisheries management are discussed. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   
甘肃鼢鼠血象及其与低氧适应的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalax cansus)是一种严格营地下生活的鼠类,其形态、行为及生理特征均与地面鼠不同。为探讨甘肃鼢鼠适应低氧环境的机理,本研究采用血象指标测定方法,对甘肃鼢鼠低氧适应前后的红细胞数、血红蛋白浓度、红细胞压积等各血象指标进行测定。结果显示,甘肃鼢鼠低氧适应后红细胞数、血红蛋白浓度和红细胞压积均显著升高,而平均红细胞体积、平均红细胞血红蛋白及平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度明显下降。与地面生活的啮齿动物低氧适应后血象相比,甘肃鼢鼠红细胞数量多,红细胞压积大,血红蛋白浓度高,红细胞膜表面积大,血红蛋白的利用率较高,可能是对低氧环境适应的一种途径。  相似文献   
The field of reproductive medicine witnessed a breakthrough in September 2014 with the first successful live birth post uterine transplantation. This success represents the culmination of decades' worth of research on infertility and reproductive medicine. This subject of infertility gathers special attention in the Middle East, as childbearing is given paramount importance in the family unit. And as with any new medical advancement, Middle Eastern people look to their religious authorities for guidance. This paper describes the various ethical quandaries related to uterine transplantation, from a perspective of the religious and societal factors that are unique to the Middle East, and embeds them within the conversation of its alternative solutions.  相似文献   
甘肃草本植物区系的一条分界线   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对甘肃产5科161属531种草本植物(不包括栽培属种)进行了鉴定和登记,且对它们进行了统计分析和区系地理研究,从种数与纬度的关系图中得出,北纬36°05′一线为甘肃草本植物区系中的一条可能的分界线。  相似文献   
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