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The late Cenozoic climate of East Africa is punctuated by episodes of short, alternating periods of extreme wetness and aridity, superimposed on a regime of subdued moisture availability exhibiting a long-term drying trend. These periods of extreme climate variability appear to correlate with maxima in the 400-thousand-year (kyr) component of the Earth's eccentricity cycle. Prior to 2.7 Ma the wet phases appear every 400 kyrs, whereas after 2.7 Ma, the wet phases appear every 800 kyrs, with periods of precessional-forced extreme climate variability at 2.7-2.5 Ma, 1.9-1.7 Ma, and 1.1-0.9 Ma before present. The last three major lake phases occur at the times of major global climatic transitions, such as the onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (2.7-2.5 Ma), intensification of the Walker Circulation (1.9-1.7 Ma), and the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (1.0-0.7 Ma). High-latitude forcing is required to compress the Intertropical Convergence Zone so that East Africa becomes locally sensitive to precessional forcing, resulting in rapid shifts from wet to dry conditions. These periods of extreme climate variability may have provided a catalyst for evolutionary change and driven key speciation and dispersal events amongst mammals and hominins in East Africa.  相似文献   
Current archaeological evidence indicates that greater dietary reliance on marine resources is recorded among the eastern Jomon, while plant dependence prevailed in western/inland Japan. The hypothesis that the dietary choices of the western/inland Jomon will be associated with greater systemic stress is tested by comparing carious tooth and enamel hypoplasia frequencies between the eastern and western/inland Jomon. Demographic collapse coincides with climate change during the Middle to Late Jomon period, suggesting dwindling resource availability. It is hypothesized that this change was associated with greater systemic stress and/or dietary change among the Middle to Late Jomon. This hypothesis is tested by comparing enamel hypoplasia and carious tooth frequencies between Middle to Late and Late to Final Jomon foragers. Enamel hypoplasia was significantly more prevalent among the western/inland Jomon. Such findings are consistent with archaeological studies that argue for greater plant consumption and stresses associated with seasonal resource depletion among the western/inland Jomon. Approximately equivalent enamel hypoplasia frequencies between Middle to Late and Late to Final Jomon foragers argues against a demographic collapse in association with diminished nutritional returns. Significant differences in carious tooth frequencies are, however, observed between Middle to Late and Late to Final Jomon foragers. These results suggest a subsistence shift during the Middle to Late Jomon period, perhaps in response to a changed climate. The overall patterns of stress documented by this study indicate wide-spread environmentally directed biological variation among the prehistoric Jomon.  相似文献   
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), one of the most economically important agricultural pests worldwide, is the vector of cassava mosaic geminiviruses that cause cassava mosaic disease (CMD). In East and Central Africa, a severe CMD pandemic that spread from Uganda in the late 1980s still continues to devastate cassava crops. To assess the association of distinct B. tabaci genetic groups with the CMD pandemic, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene sequences were analysed from whiteflies collected during surveys conducted from 2010 to 2013 in Tanzania. Four genetic groups – Sub‐Saharan Africa 1 (SSA1), Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and East Africa 1, and a group of unknown whitefly species were identified. SSA1 comprised four subgroups: SSA1‐SG1, SSA1‐SG2, SSA1‐SG1/2 and SSA1‐SG3. SSA1‐SG1 was confined to the pandemic‐affected north‐western parts of Tanzania whilst SSA1‐SG2 and SSA1‐SG3 were found in the central and eastern parts not yet affected by the pandemic. The CMD pandemic front was estimated to lie in Geita Region, north‐western Tanzania, and to be spreading south‐east at a rate of ca 26 km/year. The pandemic‐associated B. tabaci SSA1‐SG1 predominated up to 180 km ahead of the CMD front indicating that changes in whitefly population characteristics precede changes in disease characteristics.  相似文献   
All Bemisia tabaci individuals harbour an obligate bacterial symbiont (Portiera aleyrodidarum), and many also harbour non‐essential facultative symbionts. The association of symbiotic bacteria with the various genetic groups of B. tabaci remains unknown for East Africa. This study aimed to assess any association between the various whitefly genetic groups and the endosymbionts they harbour; to investigate if a unique endosymbiont is associated with super‐abundant whiteflies, and to provide baseline information on endosymbionts of whiteflies for a part of East Africa. Whiteflies collected during surveys in Tanzania were genotyped and screened for the presence of the obligate and six secondary symbionts (SS): Rickettsia (R), Hamiltonella (H), Arsenophonus (A), Wolbachia (W), Cardinium (C) and Fritschea (F). The results revealed the presence of Mediterranean (MED), East Africa 1 (EA1), Indian Ocean (IO) and Sub‐Saharan Africa 1 (SSA1) genetic groups of Bemisia tabaci, with SSA1 further clustered into four sub‐groups: SSA1‐SG1, SSA1‐SG2, SSA1‐SG1/2 and SSA1‐SG3. F was completely absent from all of the whiteflies tested while R was always found in double or multiple infections. In general, no particular symbiont appeared to be associated with the super‐abundant SSA1‐SG1 B. tabaci, although A or AC infections were common among infected individuals. The most striking feature of these super‐abundant whiteflies, dominating cassava mosaic disease pandemic areas, was the high prevalence of individuals uninfected by any of the six SS tested. This study of the endosymbionts of B. tabaci in East Africa showed contrasting patterns of infection in crop and weed hosts.  相似文献   
The family Camelidae has been present in Eurasia since the latest Miocene, and several species are recognized, but their evolution is poorly known. The region of El Kowm, central Syria, includes several sites spanning the Early to Late Pleistocene and provides the only abundant fossil record of camelids in the Middle East. Our preliminary results show that several species are present over the sequence, revealing some surprising evolutionary trends.  相似文献   
We discovered two new taxa of Achnanthidium and Encyonema occurring with high abundance in the upstream of the Yom River, which is one of four major rivers in Northern Thailand. Achnanthidium pseudoconspicuum var. yomensis var. nov. closely resembles Achnanthidium pseudoconspicuum var. pseudoconspicuum in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), but has clearly different valve morphometry under the light microscopy (LM). Achnanthidium pseudoconspicuum var. yomensis is also similar to A. japonicum in valve morphology under LM, but differs to this species based on SEM observation. Encyonema yuwadeeanum sp. nov. shows similarities to Encyonema leei and Encyonema subkukenanum, but differs in valve shape and/or polar fissure shape. We discuss the possible valve ontogenetic relationship between Achnanthidium and Cymbellales based on the detailed areolae structures of these two new taxa.  相似文献   
利用构建好的质粒pPIC9K-RGD-4C-His Tag-AGAP(analgesic-antitumor peptide,抗癌镇痛肽)进行单酶切线性化,然后电转化毕赤酵母GS115,电转之后的菌落通过菌落PCR进行筛选,最终得到阳性菌落。阳性菌落经增菌培养,甲醇诱导后的上清SDS-PAGE电泳后经western blot检测证明,抗癌镇痛肽肺靶向融合体已经成功得到表达。  相似文献   
Questions: Bush encroachment is a major problem when African savanna ecosystems are used for cattle ranching. How do secondary woodlands develop after ranching is abandoned? What are the patterns and rates of tree mortality and regeneration? Location: Mkwaja Ranch (now part of Saadani National Park) in coastal Tanzania. Methods: Ninety‐seven circular plots (4‐m radius) were set in secondary Acacia zanzibarica woodland along a gradient of tree density. Variables relating to tree and grass layers and soil characteristics of plots were recorded. Seedlings were counted twice in the wet seasons, and resprouts once. Tree flowering and pod production were assessed during the fruiting season, while survival of trees initially present was recorded after 12 and 32 months. Interrelationships among variables were investigated using multiple linear regression, binary logistic regression and mixed effects models. Results: After 32 months, over one‐third of trees in plots had died. Most died after fire, especially on heavy soils, and mortality was significantly related to the tree live biomass ratio and soil conditions. Seed production was very low, especially in denser stands. Numbers of seedlings correlated with soil and grass variables but not with seed rain. Half of trees killed above‐ground produced coppice shoots from the base; in contrast, root suckering was independent of topkill. By the end of the study, no seedlings survived and no resprouts emerged above the grass layer. Conclusions: A. zanzibarica woodlands at Mkwaja Ranch were able to develop because of ranching, and can only persist under intensive grazing. The woodlands do not represent a successional stage towards forest and will probably revert to predominantly grassland vegetation within 10–20 years unless grazing pressure from wild ungulates increases considerably and/or fire regimes change.  相似文献   
东海低氧区及邻近水域浮游植物的季节变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
赵其彪  孙军  李丹  宣基亮 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2366-2379
根据2011年5月、8月、11月在东海低氧区及邻近水域(25°00'—33°30'N,120°00'—127°30'E)进行的多学科综合调查,对东海低氧区及邻近水域浮游植物群落结构特征及季节变化进行了相关研究。经Utermhl方法初步分析共鉴定出浮游植物4门74属248种(含变种、变型,不含未定种),主要由硅藻和甲藻组成,此外还有少量的金藻和蓝藻。春季优势种主要为具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)、柔弱伪菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissim)、骨条藻(Skeletonema sp.)和具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata);夏季主要是中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)和海链藻(Thalassiosira sp.);秋季主要是具槽帕拉藻、圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus sp.)和柔弱伪菱形藻。调查区浮游植物平均细胞丰度在夏季最高,达到85.002×103个/L,春季次之,秋季最低。在水平方向上,春、夏两季,表层浮游植物细胞丰度在近岸出现高值,由近岸到外海细胞丰度逐渐降低;而在秋季则相反,在调查海域的东北部出现高值,随离岸距离的增加细胞丰度逐渐增加。在垂直方向上,春、夏两季,浮游植物细胞丰度在表层出现最大值,随着深度的增加细胞丰度逐渐降低;而在秋季细胞丰度分布比较均匀,随水深变化不明显。调查区表层浮游植物ShannonWiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数的平面分布基本一致,并且与细胞丰度的分布大致呈镶嵌分布。调查浮游植物群落的演替规律是:从春季的甲藻(具齿原甲藻、微小原甲藻(Prorocentrum minimum)等)为主,硅藻(柔弱伪菱形藻、骨条藻等)为辅;演替至夏季的硅藻(中肋骨条藻、海链藻等)为主,甲藻(主要是梭状角藻(Ceratium fusus)和叉状角藻(Ceratium furca))为辅,到秋季进一步演替为硅藻(具槽帕拉藻、圆筛藻、柔弱伪菱形藻等)为主,铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebaultii)为辅。浮游植物物种组成、优势种、细胞丰度及多样性指数均表现出明显的时空变化。低氧区与非低氧区浮游植物群集存在明显差异。  相似文献   
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