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The phenotypic consequences in the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) of the transition from an ordinary field-dwelling rodent to a species that is dependent on human populations was studied by investigating the morphometric variation of non-commensal populations of M. m. domesticus from Syria, Jordan, SW Iran, and Libya and comparing them with that of conspecific commensal populations from Eastern Turkey, Greece, and Bulgaria. Commensal populations of M. musculus musculus from the Czech Republic were used as an outgroup. About 849 adult specimens of M. musculus were analysed by multivariate procedures based on standard molar, skull and body measurements. As expected, there was considerable variation among the studied populations and a good correspondence between morphometric and geographic distances. The resulting morphometric tree was consistent with the hypothesis that the original radiation of M. m. domesticus took place somewhere in the Near East. Commensal populations of M. m. domesticus form a single derived branch. Specimens originating from four different sites in eastern Syria showed the greatest similarity to one another and possessed relatively bigger molars than the other studied populations. Commensal populations were characterised by longer tails when compared to non-commensal populations, which suggests an adaptation for living in a more three-dimensionally heterogeneous environment for commensal populations.  相似文献   
The effects of hypophysectomy and subsequent administration of growth hormone, thyroxine, insulin, and testosterone were examined in rat liver for the relationship between the thermotropic effects on State 3 respiration (ADP induced) and fatty acid composition of the phospholipid fraction of intact mitochondria as well as of inner membrane vesicles. The Arrhenius profile for energy-linked (succinate) State 3 respiration of mitochondria from hypophysectomized rats lacked the discontinuity at 23.5 °C seen with mitochondria from normal rats. After injections of the hormones the discontinuity representing the transition temperature from gel to liquid crystalline state of lipids occurred at different temperatures: 18.5 °C for growth hormone, 26.0 °C for thyroxine, 19.5 °C for growth hormone + thyroxine, 27.6 °C for insulin, and 25.3 °C for testosterone. The energy of activation between 37.5 and 23.5 °C was 1.9 times greater for hypophysectomy than for controls. Growth hormone was the most effective in restoring the energy of activation to normal, above as well as below transition temperature. The effect of thyroxine appears to be due to a larger stimulation of the State 4 respiration than that of growth hormone, insulin, or testosterone, especially at higher temperatures. Phospholipids extracted from intact mitochondria or inner membrane vesicles of hypophysectomized rats contained less arachidonic acid (20:4) and more linoleic acid (18:2) than those of normal rats. In addition, the contents of some of the minor fatty acids were also changed. Calculated unsaturation index showed an 18.8 and 14.9% depletion in unsaturation in whole mitochondria and inner membranes, respectively. Among the different hormones used to treat the hypophysectomized rats, growth hormone was the most effective in restoring the transition temperature and fatty acid composition to normal levels and increasing the gain in body weight. Although the other hormones increased total unsaturation index to some extent, some of the individual fatty acids were affected differently. Good correlation exists between the unsaturation index of mitochondrial fatty acids and transition temperature of State 3 respiration. These results strongly suggest a role for the hormones, particularly growth hormone, in the control of mitochondrial membrane fluidity of hypophysectomized rat liver, through fatty acid composition of phospholipids.  相似文献   
Coronavirus (CoV) infections are commonly associated with respiratory and enteric disease in humans and animals. In 2012, a new human disease called Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) emerged in the Middle East. MERS was caused by a virus that was originally called human coronavirus-Erasmus Medical Center/2012 but was later renamed as Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). MERS-CoV causes high fever, cough, acute respiratory tract infection, and multiorgan dysfunction that may eventually lead to the death of the infected individuals. The exact origin of MERS-CoV remains unknown, but the transmission pattern and evidence from virological studies suggest that dromedary camels are the major reservoir host, from which human infections may sporadically occur through the zoonotic transmission. Human to human transmission also occurs in healthcare facilities and communities. Recent studies on Middle Eastern respiratory continue to highlight the need for further understanding the virus-host interactions that govern disease severity and infection outcome. In this review, we have highlighted the major mechanisms of immune evasion strategies of MERS-CoV. We have demonstrated that M, 4a, 4b proteins and Plppro of MERS-CoV inhibit the type I interferon (IFN) and nuclear factor-κB signaling pathways and therefore facilitate innate immune evasion. In addition, nonstructural protein 4a (NSP4a), NSP4b, and NSP15 inhibit double-stranded RNA sensors. Therefore, the mentioned proteins limit early induction of IFN and cause rapid apoptosis of macrophages. MERS-CoV strongly inhibits the activation of T cells with downregulation of antigen presentation. In addition, uncontrolled secretion of interferon ɣ-induced protein 10 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 can suppress proliferation of human myeloid progenitor cells.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einem Vorkommen des Dünnschnäbligen Tannenhähers an der Küste des Ochotskischen Meeres im Fernen Osten Sibiriens wurde das Ernten und Verstecken von Samen aus den Zapfen der Zwergzirbelkiefer (Pinus pumila) untersucht. Der Inhalt von durchschnittlich 2,8 Zapfen, das sind etwa 80 Samen, wurde in der gefüllten Kehltasche transportiert und auf eine Anzahl unter niedriger Zwergstrauchvegetation gelegener Bodenverstecke verteilt. Die Verstecke wurden in annähernd linearer Anordnung ohne Bevorzugung einer bestimmten Himmelsrichtung angelegt. Die Versteckserien enthielten im Median 79, maximal mehr als 120 Samen, das Einzelversteck durchschnittlich 19,6 Samen. Das Ernten und Leeren eines Zapfens geschah im Schnitt innerhalb von 47 s. Für das Verstecken einer Füllung des Kehlsacks benötigten die Vögel ca. 170 s. Für das gesamte Beschaffen und Verstecken eines einzelnen Kiefernsamens errechnet sich ein durchschnittlicher Zeitbedarf von 3,26 s. Nach 20 Tagen war der Zapfenvorrat in der lokalen Kiefernpopulation erschöpft. Jeder Häher hat nach den Hochrechnungen bis zu 100.000 Samen vergraben.
Harvesting and caching capacities of Thin-billed Nutcrackers in the Russian Far East
Summary At the Ochotskian sea coast Thin-billed Eurasian Nutcrackers (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos) harvested seeds of ripe cones of the brush pinePinus pumila in late summer. The mean number of seeds carried in their sublingual pouch was 80, which respresents the harvestable contents of 2.8 cones. These were distributed in an average of 5 caches, exclusively in the soil under low tundra vegetation. Caches were organized in nearly straight lines. Series contained a mean of 82.7 seeds, single caches a mean of 19.6 seeds. Plucking one cone and harvesting its seeds took 47 seconds on average. The caching of a complete pouchful took on average 123.4 seconds. The time invested for harvesting and caching one single seed was calculated at 3.26 seconds. Within three weeks in July, an average individual bird was calculated to have cached a total of up to 100,000 seeds.
The syntypes ofBromus madritensis var.delilei Boiss. comprise two different elements: specimens ofB. haussknechtii Boiss. and ofB. fasciculatus C. Presl s.l. By its lectotypification and on the basis of new morphological characters, the validation ofB. fasciculatus subsp.delilei (Boiss.)H. Scholz 1971 was substantiated. This subspecies represents the eastern marginal segregate of the south-Mediterranean species.B. fasciculatus var.alexandrinus Thell. is a minor variant of the typical subspecies.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   
Previous analysis of Rendille household herd composition revealed a transition from camel to cattle ownership for sedentary impoverished Rendille pastoralists of northern Kenya. In an attempt to delineate determinants of livestock holdings, logistic regression analysis of 112 household herds from the Rendille settlement of Korr, Marsabit District, Kenya was undertaken. Results indicated that household wealth, measured in present livestock holdings, past drought losses, and livestock sales, formed better predictors of cattle ownership than did household characteristics pertaining to labor supply, wage earners, age-set membership, and birth order of household head. These results are discussed in light of pastoral strategies designed to minimize risk.  相似文献   
Uplift of the roof of africa and its bearing on the evolution of mankind   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evidence concerning the geomorphological evolution of the Western Rift Valley, sedimentation within the valley and comparison of the fossil mammalian faunas of Western Uganda and East Africa indicate that the mountain ranges which now flank the Western Rift were uplifted in three or more stages beginning during the upper Miocene and that they reached climatically important altitudes during the upper Pliocene, at which time they began to modify regional climatic patterns in East Africa. Their main effect was the xerification of conditions over much of the region east of the mountains. The regional climatic effects due to the mountain ranges were themselves modified by global climatic changes related to the onset of the Glacial Period, the two phenomena combining to yield the Present day climatic regime of East Africa. As the climate changed, so did the flora and fauna. Faunal response was of three main kinds: a) dispersal into East Africa of pre-existing forms already adapted to more xeric conditions (many bovids, some cercopithecids), b) autochthonous evolution of forms adapted to mesic environments into forms adapted to more xeric conditions (suids, elephantids, some bovids, hominids), c) displacement of species ranges of those lineages unable to adapt to changing conditions (i.e. local extinctions) (Anancus, Brachypotherium). Autochthonous evolvers, including hominids, adopted two main strategies reflected in their hard anatomy: a) dietary shift (suids, proboscideans, bovids and later Pliocene hominids) and b) locomotor changes (early Pliocene hominids).  相似文献   
Regional analyses of the interaction between human populations and natural resources must integrate landscape scale environmental problems. An approach that considers human culture, environmental processes, and resource needs offers an appropriate methodology. With this methodology, we analyze problems of food availability in African cattle-keeping societies. The analysis interrelates cattle biomass, forage availability, milk and blood production, crop yields, gathering, food subsidies, population, and variable precipitation. While an excess of cattle leads to overgrazing, cattle also serve as valuable food storage mechanisms during low rainfall periods. Food subsidies support higher population levels but do not alter drought-induced population fluctuations. Variable precipitation patterns require solutions that stabilize year-to-year food production and also address problems of overpopulation.  相似文献   
Enamel hypoplasia was recorded for the primary and permanent teeth of Natufians (terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers) and Early Arabs (Subsistence farmers). Minimal hypoplasia was found in the primary teeth of the Natufians, but in the Early Arab population, 31% of upper first primary molars showed enamel defects. In the permanent teeth, the Early Arab population again showed a significantly higher frequency of hypoplasia, with all teeth affected. In the Natufians, only later developing teeth showed enamel defects. These findings suggest that health status in the Early Arab population was poor throughout life, affecting pregnant mothers, their foetuses, young infants and children. These results confirm other studies that have shown deterioration in health status of early agriculturalists relative to hunter- gatherers. Comparisons of these findings with those of recent populations indicate that health status in the Natufians was comparable to that of modern populations with subsistence diets and mediocre health care. Health status in the Early Arab population was comparable to that of modern populations suffering from severe malnutrition and chronic disease.  相似文献   
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