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The interaction of cholesterol with the glycerol backbone segments of phospholipids was studied in bilayers of phosphatidylethanolamine containing equimolar amounts of cholesterol. Glycerol selectively deuterated at various positions was supplied to the growth medium of Escherichia coli strain 131 GP which is defective in endogeneous glycerol synthesis. The procedure enables the stereospecific labeling of the three glycerol backbone segments of the membrane phospholipids. Phosphatidylethanolamine with wild-type fatty acid composition was purified from E. coli cells and deuterium magnetic resonance spectra were obtained either from dispersions of pure phosphatidylethanolamine or from equimolar mixtures of phosphatidylethanolamine with cholesterol. For comparative purposes 1,2-di[9,10-2H2]elaidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine and [3-α-2H]cholesterol were synthesized in order to monitor the behavior of the fatty acyl chains and of the cholesterol molecule itself. For all deuterated segments the deuterium quadrupole splittings as well as the deuterium spin-lattice (T1) relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The glycerol backbone was found to be a remarkably stable structural element of the phospholipid molecule. The quadrupole splittings of the backbone segments changed only by at most 2 kHz upon incorporation of 50 mol % cholesterol. This was in contrast to the fatty acyl chains where the same amount of cholesterol increased the quadrupole splitting by more than 20 kHz. The glycerol segments exhibited the shortest T1 relaxation times of all CH2 segments indicating that the glycerol backbone is the slowest motional moiety of the lipid molecule. Addition of cholesterol has no effect on the backbone motion but the fast reorientation rate of the trans-double bonds in 1,2-dielaidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine is increased dramatically.  相似文献   
The synthesis and testing of several diazocarbonyl JH analogs (diazo JHA) which act as photoaffinity labels for insect juvenile hormone binding proteins are described. The best competitor, 10,11-epoxyfarnesyl diazoacetate, has been shown to irreversibly reduce [3H]-JH III binding to both ovarian and hemolymph JHBP from Leucophaeamaderae after irradiation at 254 nm for 20 seconds. No loss of activity was observed after incubation of JHBP and diazo JHA without irradiation. Protection from photoinactivation by diazo JHA II was achieved by the presence of an equimolar amount of JH III during the photolysis. Photoaffinity labeled proteins show loss of binding capacity without alteration of the binding affinity. This is the first example of the use of a photoaffinity label in the study of JH action on a molecular level, and may become a valuable tool in the elucidation of JH-receptor-chromatin interactions.  相似文献   
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to follow the kinetics of the alkaline induced opening of the imidazole ring of 7-methylguanosine (7-meGuo). The kinetics show an initial rapid formation of a major transient intermediate and some minor products that were chromato-graphically separable into seven peaks. This phase of the reaction is followed by the formation of a dominant pyrimidine derivative whose liquid chromatography retention time in a 6% methanol, 0.01 M NH4H2PO4 (pH 5.1) solvent is 6 min; during the rest of the reaction time this dominant species was progressively converted to a co-dominant species that has a 4.5-min column retention. Mass spectroscopy confirmed the existence of two species of ring opened 7-methylguanine (7-meGua), one formylated and another deformylated. Schiff's reaction demonstrated that the species in the second HPLC peak is the formylated one. The ring opened 7-methylguanine (rom7Gua) released by formamidopyrimidine (FAPy)-DNA glycosylase was shown to coelute with the formylated species. These results demonstrate that the enzyme excises formylated rom7Gua from DNA Analysis of rom7Guo by NMR showed that there are two signals assignable to methyl protons and two to formyl protons. These chemical shifts were interpreted as being due to the opening of the imidazole ring at two sites and to the formation of formylated and deformylated rom7Gua.  相似文献   
The effects of pulsed electric fields on cell membranes were investigated. In vitro exposure of mouse splenocytes to a single high-voltage pulse resulted in an increase in membrane permeability that was dependent on both the electric field strength and the pulse duration. Exposure to a 2 μs, 3.0 kV/cm pulse resulted in the induction of a 1.26 V transmembrane potential, and elicited a 50% loss of intracellular K+. These results are in agreement with previous studies of the effects of pulsed electric fields on erythrocytes and microorganisms. The effect of pulsed electric fields on the functional integrity of lymphocytes was i vestigated by measuring [3H]thymidine incorporation by cells cultured in the presence and absence of various mitogens following exposure to an electrical pulse. No statistically significant effects on the response of mouse spleen lymphocytes to concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin or lipopolysaccharide were observed following exposure to 2 μs electric pulses at amplitudes of up to 3.5 kV/cm. Exposure to a single 10 μs pulse of 2.4–3.5 kV/cm produced a statistically significant reduction in the response of lymphocytes to lipopolysaccharide stimulation that was attributed to cell death.  相似文献   
Secretin modulation of behavioral and physiological functions in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of secretin on behavioral and physiological functions in the rat was investigated. Secretin injected intracerebroventricularly (ICV) significantly increased defecation and decreased novel-object approaches in rats. The peptide showed no significant effects on stereotypic behavior (gnawing, grooming and rearing), open-field locomotor activity however was significantly decreased, an effect that was probably due to a decreased propensity for the rats to initiate locomotor responses. In addition, secretin showed significant effects on respiration rate in anesthetized rats. When the peptide was injected in the lateral ventricle a decrease in respiration rate occurred, but when the brain was perfused from the lateral ventricle to the cisterna magna increases in respiration rate occurred. These data, combined with the facts that secretin and secretin receptors have been identified in the brain indicate that secretin may play a neurotransmitter or neuroregulator role in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
To determine whether soil disturbance by digging and burrowing mammals altered community structure and the rate of succession in a midsuccessional abandoned pasture, species richness, composition and relative abundance were monitored over a two year period both on and off artificially created earth mounds (100, 900, 8100 cm2). Mean species richness increased by up to two species per small mound (100 cm2) and by up to four species per large mound (8100 cm2). However, increased species richness was evident for less than two years. Initially, up to sixteen of the twenty species present occurred more often on earth mounds than off mounds, with two of these species found only on large mounds (8100 cm2). After two years, there was little or no significant difference in species composition and relative frequency on and off earth mounds. Experimental soil disturbance temporarily altered community structure simply by increasing space available for colonization since light, nutrient and water supply did not increase significantly on mounds. Soil disturbance can increase species richness and change species' relative frequency in disturbances as small as 100 cm2 but such changes were likely too small and short lived to alter permanently the structure and rate of succession in the abandoned pasture studied here.  相似文献   
To test the specificity of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) as a neuronal marker for proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, purified and characterized cultured cells were analyzed for their NAA content using both 1H NMR and HPLC. Cell types studied included cerebellar granule neurons, type-1 astrocytes, meningeal cells, oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cells, and oligodendrocytes. A high concentration of NAA was found in extracts of cerebellar granule neurons (approximately 12 nmol/mg of protein), whereas NAA remained undetectable in purified type-1 astrocytes, meningeal cells, and mature oligodendrocytes. However, twice the neuronal level of NAA was found in O-2A progenitors grown in vitro. In addition significant levels of NAA were also detected in cultures of immature oligodendrocytes. Our data partly support previous suggestions that NAA may be a useful neuronal marker for 1H NMR spectroscopic examination of the adult brain. However, they also raise the further possibility that alterations of NAA associated with some specific brain disorders, particularly disorders seen in newborn and young children, may reflect abnormalities in the development of oligodendroglia or their precursors.  相似文献   
The influence of host odour, windspeed, position of the sun, and temperature on flight behaviour of the cabbage seedpod weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis Paykull) were studied. This weevil showed a positive anemotaxis (upwind flight) inside the odour plume of a host crop (Brassica napus L.). Outside the odour plume the weevil showed a pronounced phototaxis at windspeeds below 1.5 m/s. At higher windspeeds, the seedpod weevils flew downwind. The cabbage seedpod weevil flies most readily at low windspeeds (less than 0.5 m/s) and at temperatures above 22 °C.  相似文献   
As part of an investigation into whether it would be possible to use UV radiation as a suitable pretreatment of the donor cells in asymmetric hybridization experiments, the effects of this treatment on sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) protoplast DNA have been determined and compared with those of gamma radiation. Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs have been examined. The dose ranges chosen had previously been determined to be potentially applicable for fusion experiments. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis and standard agarose gel electrophoresis have been used in combination with laser scanning densitometry to gain an insight into the precise nature and degree of DNA damage resulting from irradiation. It was observed that UV radiation introduced substantial modifications to sugarbeet DNA. Double-strand breaks were detected, the number of which was found to be directly proportional to the dose applied. Such breaks indicate that UV radiation results in substantial chromosome/chromatid fragmentation in these cells. Chemical modifications to the DNA structure could be revealed by a significant reduction in DNA hybridization to specific mitochondrial and nuclear DNA probes. Following gamma irradiation at equivalent biological doses (i.e. those just sufficient to prevent colony formation) much less damage was detected. Fewer DNA fragments were produced indicating the presence of fewer double-strand breaks in the DNA structure. In comparison to UV treatments, DNA hybridization to specific probes following gamma radiation was inhibited less. For both treatments, mitochondrial DNA appeared more sensitive to damage than nuclear DNA. The possibility that DNA repair processes might account for these differences has also been investigated. Results indicate either that repair processes are not involved in the effects observed or that DNA repair occurs so fast that it was not possible to demonstrate such involvement with the experimental system used. The general relevance of such processes to asymmetric cell hybridization is discussed.  相似文献   
Recent reports have revealed that the asymmetric nature of the nuclear genome of somatic hybrids, produced following the irradiation of one of the parents with X- or gamma rays, is generally much less than had been anticipated. As a consequence, we have begun to investigate whether UV radiation might be used as an alternative or indeed a supplement to the presently-used ionising radiation techniques in such experiments. Cell culture studies have revealed that UV radiation induces the desired physiological effects in sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) protoplasts, namely, a prevention of cell division without immediate cytotoxicity. Preliminary studies using denaturing and pulsed field gel electrophoresis have shown that UV can also induce substantial physical fragmentation of DNA. When using the same techniques, less breakdown was observed following gamma radiation. All results were highly reproducible. Such results augur well for the potential use of UV in asymmetric somatic cell fusion experiments.  相似文献   
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