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PalaeoniscidaeVogt,l852Weixiniscusgen.nov.TypespeeiesWcixiniscusmicrolepis.Genericdiagnovi8Small'palaeoniscidofelongate-fusiformbody.Dorsalfinlong-based,opposingt0thespacebetweenpelvicandanalfins.Pelvicfinwithrela-tivelylongbase,nearertoanalfinthant0pectorals.Caudalfinheterocerca1,deepcleft,upper1obelongerthanlowerlobe-Fin-rays0fallfinscompletelyandsparselysegmented,brancheddistally.Fin-'fulcrapresentontheuppercaudallobe.Postorbitalpartofmaxilliaratherexpanded,ofpalaeoniscoidshape.Suspetis…  相似文献   
Inl988-199otheRegionalGeologicalSurveyTeamoftheGeologicalBureauofNingxia(RGSN)foundsomefossilmammalsinthelowerpartoftheHo11g1iugouFormationandtheupperpartoftheOligocene.Inl992ajointteamoflnstituteofVertebratePaleontologyandPaleoanthropo1ogy,AcademiaSinica(IVPP),andtheRGSNwenttoHaiyuailCountyandcollectedmorefossilmamma1sfromtheYuanjia-wowoareausi11gascreen-washingmethodThemammalfaunafromthelowerpartoftheHongliugouFormationiscomposedofAprotodonsp.,Indricotheriidaeindet.,Rhinoceroti…  相似文献   
Phenelzine [2-phenylethylhydrazine] (PLZ), a potent inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (MAO)-A and-B, is used widely in psychiatry. We have studied the effects of PLZ administration on urinary excretion of several bioactive amines and their metabolites in psychiatric patients. Urine samples (24-hour) were collected prior to treatment and again at 2 and 4 weeks of treatment with PLZ (30–90 mg daily in divided doses). Amines and metabolites analyzed included 2-phenylethylamine (PEA), m-and p-tyramine (m-and p-TA), phenylacetic acid (PAA), m-and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (m-and p-OH-PAA), tryptamine (T), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), normetanephrine (NME), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), and homovanillic acid (HVA). Levels of PEA, p-TA, 5-HT, and T were elevated during treatment with PLZ, but no significant changes in urinary excretion of the acid metabolites PAA, p-OH-PAA, and 5-HIAA were observed. Urinary levels of the noradrenaline metabolites NME and MHPG were increased and decreased, respectively; a similar pattern was observed with the dopamine metabolites 3-MT and HVA. There was an elevation in levels of m-TA and a decrease in its acid metabolite m-OH-PAA during the treatment with PLZ.  相似文献   
Microhabitat use by marsh-edge fishes in a Louisiana estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Synopsis We used a drop sampler to characterize use of the marsh-edge ecotone by small fishes along two transects running inland from the Gulf of Mexico for ca. 25 km in Louisiana's Barataria-Caminada Bay System. Monthly sampling was stratified among upper, middle, and lower reaches and within reaches to characterize fish responses to salinity, depth, distance from shore, substrate, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, turbidity, velocity, and emergent stem density. In 681 quantitative samples, covering 658 m2, collected between October 1987 and October 1989, we collected 57 fish species and 16 864 individuals, primarily larvae and juveniles. The 15 most abundant fishes, comprising 97.7% of all individuals, were concentrated near the marsh edge (i.e., 0 to 1.25 m distance). Some significant differences within species for seasonal variables (e.g., temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration) reflected the ephemeral duration of early life history stages. Other differences reflected ontogenetic microhabitat shifts (e.g., depth and distance from shore). Within ecological groups, characterized as demersal residents, nektonic transients, and demersal transients, spatial and temporal segregation reflected the particular habitat requirements of each species. In a principal component analysis of microhabitat use, the first three components were interpreted as seasonal, depth-and-distance, and salinity axes, respectively. The array of species and size classes in principal component space reflected the complex dimensionality of microhabitat use. The high density of fish larvae and juveniles near the marsh edge confirmed the importance of the marsh-edge ecotone as a nursery for many estuarine-dependent fishes.  相似文献   
浙西早寒武世梅树村期棒状化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文记述了浙江省西部江山县新塘坞地区灯影组(梅树村期)中新发现的矿化骨骼化石——浙江棒(新属)Zhejiangorhabdion gen.nov.。该化石的形态与以往化石类群均不相同,为个体微小的棒状,表面具较复杂的纹饰,不同个体间的纹饰都有一定变化,推测是动物体内不同部位的骨棒所具有的特征,代表了一个新的化石类群。新属的发现丰富了梅树村期动物群的内容,对了解具骨骼动物群体在这一时期的演化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
Pollen, phytolith, and plant macrofossil analyses were carried out on the cultural layers of Helsinki Old Town excavated by the Helsinki City Museum and dated to the 15–17th centuries. Cultural mineral soil layers, a former ditch, a well, one waste pit, one waste heap and three house areas were investigated. The results show that-within certain limits-pollen in the mineral soil reflects the cultural changes of the local settlement from rural to urban. Among the main anthropogenic indicators, the high NAP (non-arboreal pollen) frequencies, the low pollen concentration values, and especially the high frequencies of Cichoriaceae (Liguliflorae) pollen should be emphasized. The macrofossil data were used to determine the species list of the herb pollen and to make a more detailed reconstruction of the local vegetation at Helsinki Old Town.  相似文献   
细胞核移植技术已被证明是研究发育中核质相互关系的非常重要的手段之一,电融合技术也是近十年发展起来的新型细胞融合技术。本实验运用这两项技术,进行了鼠、兔目间核质杂交实验,小鼠8-细胞核在激活的兔去核卵母细胞中,发生了染色体超前凝聚及核膨胀,融合卵移植到小鼠输卵管4.5天后,冲洗出,有5.4%的重构卵发育到囊胚期,通过染色体检查,囊胚细胞中均为小鼠染色体,其中一个囊胚为正常小鼠核型(2 n=40,XX)。通过本实验,我们认为:鼠兔远缘核质杂交胚胎的早期发育是可能的。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:对比关节镜下双排缝合桥固定和单排固定治疗肩袖全层撕裂的疗效,并分析术后早期再撕裂的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析广州中医药大学附属北碚中医院2018年1月~2021年12月期间收治的200例肩袖全层撕裂患者的临床资料,根据手术方案的不同分为A组(n=97,接受单排固定治疗)和B组(n=103,接受双排缝合桥固定治疗)。对比两组的疼痛、肩关节功能情况、肩关节活动度及术后早期再撕裂发生率。采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析肩袖全层撕裂患者术后早期再撕裂的危险因素。结果:术后6个月,B组视觉疼痛模拟评分量表(VAS)评分低于A组,美国加州大学肩关节评分系统(UCLA)评分、美国肩肘外科医师学会(ASES)评分高于A组(P<0.05)。术后6个月,B组前屈、外展、体侧外旋角度大于A组(P<0.05)。B组的术后早期再撕裂总发生率低于A组(P<0.05)。术后早期再撕裂的发生与糖尿病史、撕裂大小、吸烟史、年龄、术前肌肉质量、性别、脂肪浸润、注射皮质类固醇有关(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:年龄≥60岁、性别为男性、吸烟史、糖尿病史、撕裂大小为巨大型再撕裂、脂肪浸润、注射皮质类固醇是术后早期再撕裂发生的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:关节镜下双排缝合桥固定治疗肩袖全层撕裂,可更好的减轻疼痛症状,改善关节功能和关节活动度。此外,糖尿病史、脂肪浸润、吸烟史、高龄、撕裂大小为巨大型再撕裂、男性、注射皮质类固醇等是肩袖全层撕裂患者术后早期再撕裂的危险因素。  相似文献   
Jisuo Jin 《Palaeontology》2003,46(5):885-902
Eocoelia akimiskii sp. nov. from the Lower Silurian (upper Telychian) Attawapiskat Formation of Akimiski Island, James Bay, Nunavut, is the first and oldest Eocoelia to be described from the Hudson Bay Basin, one of three largest inland basins of North America. The new species lacks dental plates, dental cavities, and marginal deflection or lip, which indicates a post-Aeronian form of the well-known Eocoelia lineage. In rib numbers, Eocoelia akimiskii falls between E. curtisi and E. sulcata , being closer to E. sulcata . In rib strength, however, the new species is more closely allied to E. curtisi . Although Eocoelia is currently assigned to the Rhynchonellida because of its lack of spiralia, several features (particularly the lack of a septalium, the presence of a unique notothyrial platform and cardinal process, and dense, free-hanging fibrous growth frills) of the genus and other leptocoeliids are distinctly atypical of the rhynchonellides. The new species occurs in an inter-reef, shelly packstone facies within the Attawapiskat Formation, which is characterized by coral-stromatoporoid reefs with abundant, diverse, reef-dwelling brachiopods and other shelly organisms. The close association of Eocoelia akimiskii with the Attawapiskat reefs supports a shallow subtidal (BA2) setting generally assigned to the Eocoelia Community. The reefs themselves, however, host an extremely abundant brachiopod fauna dominated by Pentameroides , Trimerella , Septatrypa , and Gypidula . Four species of Clorinda are also common elements of the reef-dwelling brachiopods. This demonstrates that the concept of the classic Early Silurian level-bottom brachiopod communities cannot be directly applied to reef-dwelling brachiopod communities.  相似文献   
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