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Alexandrium taylori Balech is a cyst‐forming dinoflagellate species responsible for recurrent blooms in Mediterranean coastal waters. The nuclear development of the cells during the sexual cycle and the effect of different external nitrate and phosphate levels were studied. Nuclear fusion of gametes occurred 6–12 h after the complete cytoplasmic fusion. The U‐shaped nuclei fused through the end of one nucleus and the mid‐area of the other. The mobile and biflagellated zygote had a large, U‐shaped nucleus and may follow three different fates: direct division, short‐term encystment (ecdysal), and long‐term encystment (resting). Ecdysal cysts may divide in >24–96 h into two, four, six, or eight cells before germinating. Meiosis presumably occurred in three locations: in the planozygote, within the ecdysal cyst, and in the planomeiocyte (germling) liberated either from ecdysal or resting cysts. The effects of nutrients on these routes were studied in individually isolated sexual stages. (1) Direct divisions occurred mainly under replete conditions (L1), whereas no direct planozygote divisions were recorded in media with no phosphate added (L‐P). (2) Short‐term encystment was larger in media lacking phosphate (L‐P and L/30) than in medium with no nitrate added (L‐N) or under replete conditions (L1). (3) Long‐term encystment was only observed in medium with no nitrate added (L‐N). The long‐lived resting cyst, not previously described for this species, had a clear double wall, an irregular shape, a flat morphology, and a middle orange spot. No cysts germinated in 1–2 months, whereas 86% of the cysts germinated 2–3 months after being formed. A flow cytometry analysis showed that sexual induction and zygote formation were very fast and highly common processes, zygotes being nearly half of the population at days 3 and 5 after the induction of sexuality in the cultures.  相似文献   
Abstract  A new species of Frankliniella Karny, probably introduced to Australia from the Caribbean area, is described here as causing feeding damage to the young leaves of Lantana in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. The new species is unusual within this large, primarily Neotropical genus, in that it feeds only on leaves, not in flowers, and that adult females are either apterous or fully winged. Only 10 of the 160 described species of Frankliniella are known to exhibit wing reduction, and notes are given on these together with notes on the seven species of the genus that are not endemic to the New World. Life history studies, including sex and morph ratios, indicate that egg to adult can require as little as 12 d, but despite breeding well in greenhouses, the species is not known to develop large populations in the field in Australia.  相似文献   
Since the publication of Darwin's theory of evolution in 1859, lingulids have probably been the most widely quoted examples of arrested evolution. This, to some degree, may be because few anatomical features are impressed either on or inside valves so these may not adequately reflect the extent of change incurred during lingulid evolution. Two lingulid brachiopods, Lingulella chengjiangensis and Lingulellotreta malongensis, from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Yunnan, South China) show preservation of a series of soft parts, notably the lophophores, setae mantle canals and perfectly impressed visceral region, which are vital to understanding the evolution and lifestyle of brachiopods. Analysis of the valve interiors favours the claim that an epifaunal mode of life could be a plesiomorphic state in contrast to the infaunal one of modern lingulids. Based on these fossils, the three‐pseudosiphon formation of setae found in Recent lingulids is proposed to be an apomorphy derived as an adaptation to an infaunal lifestyle. Comparison between the interior of the fossils with that of modern lingulids does little to support the widespread notion that the morphology of this lineage has remained remarkably constant since at least the early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   
Egg-to-fry development and survival of brown trout Salmo trutta were compared in two rivers of the Pyrenean piedmont, the Nive d'Arnéguy, with few human activities, and the Nive des Aldudes, with many anthropogenic activities including 11 fish farms and two sewage treatment plants (STPs). Survival was estimated between spawning (early December) and emergence time (early March) by means of capsules, 7 cm3 in volume, filled with green eggs then inserted into the gravel of artificial redds at spawning sites. In the Nive des Aldudes, three sets of conditions were studied: a fish farm near the springs, a fish farm and an STP in a village, and a series of fish farms and an STP in a village. In each situation, two artificial redds were created upstream and two others downstream from the fish farms. In the Nive d'Arnéguy, four sites were equipped: each of the two downstream sites with two artificial redds, and the two upstream sites with one redd. Substratum characteristics (proportion of fine particles) and the quality of surface and interstitial water (oxygen content, ammonia and nitrite nitrogen) were periodically measured. There was no redd substratum difference between sites upstream and downstream of fish farms. Survival to fry emergence was higher in the Nive d'Arnéguy (63·5%) than in the Nive des Aldudes (47·7%). In this latter river, the nitrogen released from the STPs was 0·5% that from fish farms. Fish farming impaired survival close to fish farm effluents (31·6%), as compared to survival upstream (63·6%), and induced a development delay during the yolk-sac fry stage. These differences were mainly linked to a drop in the dissolved oxygen content in interstitial water induced by the nitrogen flow in surface and interstitial waters.  相似文献   
Sexual reproduction of Gymnodinium nolleri ( Ellegaard & Moestrup 1999 ) was studied by intercrossing experiments in all combinations of six clonal strains and backcrossing of five clonal F1 offspring. The results indicated that the conjugation of G. nolleri responded to the existence of more than two sexual types (complex heterothallism) and that compatibility between progeny of one cyst (inbreeding) was the rule. Sexual fusion, planozygote formation and development, cyst formation, and germination and planomeiocyte division were followed using time‐lapse photography. This study revealed many similarities between the sexual stages and life cycle pattern of G. nolleri and the related G. catenatum and the existence under culture conditions of an alternative cycle between vegetative cells and zygotes without a hypnozygote stage. The fate of zygotes, division or encystment, was influenced by the nutritional status of the external medium. The division of G. nolleri planozygotes was promoted by high levels of external nutrients, whereas the maximum percentage of encystment was recorded when phosphates were reduced in the isolation medium. The division of zygotes might be different from both vegetative and planomeiocyte division because it resulted in two‐cell chains with the cells not oriented in parallel.  相似文献   
Recruitment limitation models of coral reef fishes assume that interactions between demersal individuals and settling larvae are of little consequence to local population dynamics, as are interactions among reef residents. To test this premise, I examined the effects of interactions on the settlement and persistence of the ocean surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus. I also looked at behavioural exchanges among ocean surgeonfish of different sizes and between ocean surgeonfish and other reef residents to determine whether the nature of these exchanges changes ontogenetically. Settlement of ocean surgeonfish to Tague Bay Reef, St. Croix, U.S.V.I. was increased in the presence of conspecifics and decreased in the presence of a common Caribbean damselfish, the beaugregory Stegastes leucostictus. Additionally, post-settlement persistence was negatively related to the level of aggression received from beaugregories. Interactions among ocean surgeonfish and between ocean surgeonfish and damselfish were size-dependent; the largest and smallest size classes had higher levels of association with conspecifics than did the middle size classes, and larger size classes received more aggression from damselfish than did the smaller size classes. These results suggest that behavioural interactions may significantly affect the distribution, abundance and early post-settlement persistence of ocean surgeonfish settlers, and that the nature of these interactions changes over the lifetime of individuals.  相似文献   
Constant pressure in Hawai'i to use limited freshwater resources has resulted in increasing concern for the future of the native stream fauna. Hawaiian freshwater gobies have an amphidromous life cycle with a marine larva period and require streams which flow continuously to the ocean for the critical reproductive periods and during recruitment. As such, the stream fauna is particularly sensitive to any anthropogenic perturbations which disrupt the continuity of stream flows. The objective of this 2-year study was to compare the life cycles of the goby, Lentipes concolor, from a heavily diverted stream on Moloka'i and a relatively undisturbed stream on Maui. In Makamaka'ole Stream, Maui, the population of L. concolor was reproductively active all year with females potentially spawning 2–3 times annually. The timing of spawning did not occur consistently during the wet or dry season but coincided with high stream flow conditions regardless of time-of-year. In Waikolu Stream, Moloka'i, the reproductive pattern was more variable with the number of reproductively active females ranging from 0% to 100%. In general the number of eggs was greater and egg size smaller for female L. concolor in Waikolu Stream than in Makamaka'ole Stream. However, female reproductive condition of L. concolor from Maui was consistently higher than from fish on Moloka'i. Reproduction of L. concolor in Makamaka'ole Stream was correlated with the seasonal pattern of flow rates with peaks in female reproductive condition associated with periods of elevated discharge. No correlation between reproduction and discharge occurred in Waikolu Stream. There were considerable differences between the magnitude of discharge in the two streams. Waikolu Stream experienced prolonged periods of extremely low flows which have become common since the Moloka'i Irrigation System began diverting water from the stream in 1960. In Makamaka'ole Stream, L. concolor was capable of reproducing throughout the year and adjusting fecundity in response to stream flow conditions. In contrast, the population in Waikolu Stream appeared to have a ‘boom or bust’ reproductive pattern; the population had reduced or no reproduction when stream flow conditions reached extreme low levels, but the population succesfully reproduced during higher flow months. The diversion structure in Waikolu Stream has dampened the natural seasonal discharge cycle, exacerbated natural low flow conditions, and increased the likelihood of prolonged periods of extremely low flow. Stream management practices in the Hawaiian Islands must take into account the complex life cycles and sensitivity to variable stream flow conditions of the native fauna. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The genera of the insect parasitic nematode family Mermithidae axe reviewed, and 16 of them axe redescribed and illustrated. Information is given on methods of rearing adult mermithid specimens and on host specificity. The four types of merrnithid life cycles axe described in detail. One figure shows the variety of insects parasitized by merrnithids and the location and size of the nematode within the insect. Several mermithid eggs are illustrated, and their usefulness in identification is discussed.Taxonomically, the primary emphasis is on the adult stages of the merrnithJds with larval and egg characteristics supplementaxy. An emended family diagnosis is given. Merrnis subnigrescens is considered a synonym of M. nigrescens, and M. tahitiensis is synonymized with M. mirabilis. Hydromermis contorta is accepted, leaving the genus Paramermis in an uncertain position. Study of the Steiner collections of Limnornermis bathybia indicates that Limnornerrnis is accepted as a valid genus. The adults of Agamermis decaudata are descried and illustrated for the first time. The genus Gastromermis is limited to the long single-spiculed forms, as it is now apparent that five or more genera have ventrally shifted mouth orifices. Amphirnermis tinyi n. sp. is described from damselflies from Louisiana. The genus Lanceimermis is accepted, and three species in this genus are illustrated. The taxon Reesimermis nielseni has been accepted for this important parasite of more than 20 mosquito species. This nematode previously has been referred to as Romanomermis sp. Romanomermis iyengari is transferred to the genus Reesirnermis. Diximermis peterseni n. gen., n. sp., from anopheline mosquitoes, is described and iUustrated. The adults of Agamomermis culicis which parasitize Aedes sollicitans, are described for the first time, and the species placed in a new genus, Perutilimermis. The new genus Neornesornermis is proposed for Mesomermis flumenalis Welch, 1962. Several problems on mermithid morphology and taxonomy are discussed. Type material is established for some of the taxa.  相似文献   
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