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We describe a new specimen of a supposed Paleozoic tetrapod body impression from the Lower Permian S?upiec Formation in the Intra-Sudetic Basin, Poland. The size, integument morphology of belly and part of tail imprints, and the morphology of a well-preserved pes track diagnose the specimen and readily distinguish it from other described specimens of body impressions of Paleozoic tetrapods. The eupelycosaur identity of this new specimen is based on the identification of the footprint Dimetropus leisnerianus (Geinitz, 1863 Geinitz, H. B. 1863. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der organischen Überreste in der Dyas (oder permischen Formation zum Theil) und über den Namen Dyas. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, : 385398.  [Google Scholar]), which is connected with the inferred body imprint. The morphology of integument impressions indicates the presence of the various-sized square or rectangular-shaped scales on the bottom part of the belly and tail of this eupelycosaurid trackmaker.  相似文献   
吐鲁番-哈密盆地早二叠世晚期植物群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
首次记述了吐鲁番-哈密盆地的早二叠世晚期植物11属13种(包括4新种和4未定种),这是一个以科达类及其相关属为主的安加拉植物群。典型的安加拉植物Vojnovskya属的发现,不但在时代的判定上,而且在植物地理区划上都具重要意义。文中还对这一植物群的特征和时代问题作了简要讨论。  相似文献   
The lithic industries of the sites Kermek, Ciscaucasia (2.1–2.0 Ma) and Karakhach, South Caucasus (1.85–1.78 Ma) contain almost all the components of the Acheulian, indicating that this techno-complex appeared in the different areas of the Caucasus region not later than at the end of the Gelasian. Such extremely old ages of these industries as well as a number of their features due to the influence of the local raw material (tabular clasts) suggest that they were formed independently of the Early Acheulian industries known in Africa and the Near East. The very early appearance and further dispersal of Early Acheulian in the Caucasus can be explained by the presence there of raw materials with qualities supporting the production of large tools inherent of Acheulian, and by the very favorable natural conditions of the region in the final Gelazian-initial Calabrian (low or medium altitude terrain with subtropical climate and savanna-like landscape).  相似文献   
Preliminary conclusions from high-resolution microstratigraphical and taphonomical research suggest that Palaeolithic frequentation of the rock-shelter alternated with that of local fauna in the late Early (Lower) Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Twenty-one multiparous dairy cows were fed concentrates containing three levels (119, 154 and 191g/kg DM) of crude protein (CP) during the first ten weeks of lactation. Part of the grain and molassed sugar beat pulp was substituted with 0% (RSM0), 15% (RSM15) or 30% (RSM30) rapeseed meal. Wilted grass silage was fed ad libitum after calving. The average response between RSM0 and RSM15 was +1.66kg milk/d per percentage unit change in concentrate CP content. No further response occurred between RSM15 and RSM30. The positive effect of RSM inclusion was seen throughout the experimental period and was associated with increased plasma non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and decreased plasma insulin concentration one week after calving, and higher efficiency of metabolisable energy utilisation for milk production. Digestibility of the diet remained unaffected. Milk and plasma urea tended to increase with RSM30 indicating excessive supply of rumen degradable protein. Because of the limited potential of cows to compensate for a deficit in feed protein supply by mobilising tissue protein, a substantial milk yield response can be achieved with a moderate level of protein supplementation during early lactation.  相似文献   
滇西南孟连曼信地区早石炭世磷结核中的放射虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇西南昌宁-孟连构造带下石炭统平掌组火山岩之硅质岩夹层中,存在大量结核,X衍射分析证明,这些结核全部为磷结核。其中一块磷结核经分析,获得放射虫化石7属9种(其中包括一未定种):Albaillella paradoxa Deflandre,Archocyrtium sp.,Robotium validum Cheng,Triaenosphaera sicarius Deflandre,Entactinia herculea Foreman,Entactinia parva Won,Astroentactinia multispinosa(Won),Entactinosphaera inusitata Foreman,Entactiosphaera palimbola Foreman,均属杜内期中期Albaillella paradoxa带。这些磷结核应该沉积在上升洋流形成的洋岛环境,而不是裂谷中。  相似文献   
The islands of Torres Strait occupy a shallow area of submerged continental shelf narrowly separating Cape York Peninsula, Australia, from New Guinea. The human history of Torres Strait is unique with respect to mainland northern Australia. Island vegetation, however, exhibits a strong affinity with the environments of the western lowlands regions of Cape York Peninsula and with the vegetation of seasonal tropical Australia in general. Cape York Peninsula is both climatically and biologically diverse, yet few pollen studies have been carried out in its seasonally tropical environments. A summary presentation of palynological results, tracing the nature of vegetation change in Torres Strait, offers a possible framework for vegetation changes in similar environments on mainland Australia and also provides an opportunity to explore the relationship between Quaternary change in humid-tropical Australian environments and their seasonal-tropical counterparts.Six pollen records from Torres Strait provide evidence of vegetation change and fire history over approximately the last 8000 years. Near-shore sediments reveal a Holocene succession in vegetation incorporating lower-tidal mangrove, upper-tidal mangrove, saltmarsh and freshwater swamp communities. Extensive stable mangrove communities dominated coastal Torres Strait between approximately 6000 and 3000 radiocarbon years before present (yr BP). Inland, the strongest Myrtaceae-forest and rainforest representation occurs around the mid-Holocene only to be replaced by open sclerophyll woodlands, as tree density and diversity decline in the last 3000 years. The development of continuous island freshwater swamp conditions, at the coast and inland, is similarly restricted to the late Holocene (c. 2600 yr BP) and fire, as a prominent feature in the Torres Strait environment, is also a relatively recent phenomenon. Comparisons with regional mainland Australian palynological records reveal a degree of consistency in results from Torres Strait suggesting a similarity in late Quaternary trends through Australian humid and seasonally tropical environments. A number of differences, however, are also apparent, highlighting a degree of diversity which warrants further attention.  相似文献   
Microbilobata avalanchensis n. gen. and n. sp. from the Lower Silurian (upper Wenlock) carbonate rocks of the lower Delorme Group in the Avalanche Lake area, northwestern Canada, is described here as the earliest known terebratulid brachiopod. These small shells (less than 2 mm long) are subtriangular, anteriorly emarginate, possibly punctate, with both valves being sulcate at their anterior halves, the ventral sulcus bearing one prominent plica, and the dorsal sulcus marked by two plicae. Internally, M. avalanchensis has a centronelliform loop extending for about three fifths of the total shell length. The shells are silicified in carbonate rocks of mid to outer shelf origin. M. avalanchensis is relatively rare, with about 40 specimens so far found from samples collected at 58–60 m above the base of section AV5 in the Avalanche Lake area. Its presence in rocks of Wenlock age extends the earliest known terebratulids back about 16 million years from the oldest previously recorded terebratulids (earliest Devonian age). The small size and simple form of the new species suggest that heterochrony (progenesis) could have played a role in the origin of the Terebratulida. M. avalanchensis serves as a good example of Cope's Rule, indicating that the terebratulids evolved from a very small, unspecialized ancestor. The unusually small size of this taxon also offers one explanation as to why some ancestors or transitional forms of major taxonomic groups are extremely difficult to find in the fossil record.  相似文献   
New pollen results and radiocarbon dating from a valley mire in south-western Spain are presented. This is a region where few palaeoecological records have been preserved and the sequence yields important new palaeobotanical evidence for the late Holocene. The landscape is shown as having been largely open woodland, but more wooded than at present. The vegetation history of the last four millennia in these montane territories of south-western Iberia is discussed in the light of anthropogenic indicators, archaeological and documentary archives; fire incidence and climate change. Alnus is the predominant pollen type, although a decline is noted during the last couple of centuries. Its presence is connected with local topography behaving as a phreatophyte, that is, a plant which obtains a significant amount of water from the zone of saturated soil. A framework is also provided for the age and ecological dynamics of some major woodland taxa—Betula, Corylus, Ilex, evergreen and deciduous oaks, Ericaceae and Pinus. In addition, the natural status of several pollen taxa and local trends in biodiversity are discussed. We consider that the results of our work will have important implications for the understanding of the vegetation history in a floristically very rich area, with a noticeable diversity of woody taxa, and a relatively well preserved ecosystem structure.  相似文献   
The placoderm Plourdosteus livonicus (Eastman) (Euarthrodira, Coccosteina) from the Upper Timanian Mikhailovskii Fish Assemblage of the Central Devonian Field is described. The composition and structure of the assemblage are discussed and compared with later Frasnian fish assemblages of the Central Devonian Field.  相似文献   
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