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Vladimir A. Shuvalov 《BBA》2007,1767(6):422-433
It has been shown [V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in many-electron atoms of biologically important compounds, Biochemistry (Mosc.) 68 (2003) 1333-1354; V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in atoms of biologically important molecules, Uspekhi biologicheskoi khimii, (Pushchino) 44 (2004) 79-108] that the orbit angular momentum L of each electron in many-electron atoms is L = mVr = n? and similar to L for one-electron atom suggested by N. Bohr. It has been found that for an atom with N electrons the total electron energy equation E = (Zeff)2e4m/(2n2?2N) is more appropriate for energy calculation than standard quantum mechanical expressions. It means that the value of L of each electron is independent of the presence of other electrons in an atom and correlates well to the properties of virtual photons emitted by the nucleus and creating a trap for electrons. The energies for elements of the 1st up to the 5th rows and their ions (total amount 240) of Mendeleev' Periodical table were calculated consistent with the experimental data (deviations in average were 5 × 10− 3). The obtained equations can be used for electron dynamics calculations in molecules. For H2 and H2+ the interference of electron-photon orbits between the atoms determines the distances between the nuclei which are in agreement with the experimental values. The formation of resonance electron-photon orbit in molecules with the conjugated bonds, including chlorophyll-like molecules, appears to form a resonance trap for an electron with E values close to experimental data. Two mechanisms were suggested for non-barrier primary charge separation in reaction centers (RCs) of photosynthetic bacteria and green plants by using the idea of electron-photon orbit interference between the two molecules. Both mechanisms are connected to formation of the exciplexes of chlorophyll-like molecules. The first one includes some nuclear motion before exciplex formation, the second one is related to the optical transition to a charge transfer state.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) plays essential roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair. SSB functions as a homotetramer with each subunit possessing a DNA binding domain (OB-fold) and an intrinsically disordered C-terminus, of which the last nine amino acids provide the site for interaction with at least a dozen other proteins that function in DNA metabolism. To examine how many C-termini are needed for SSB function, we engineered covalently linked forms of SSB that possess only one or two C-termini within a four-OB-fold “tetramer”. Whereas E. coli expressing SSB with only two tails can survive, expression of a single-tailed SSB is dominant lethal. E. coli expressing only the two-tailed SSB recovers faster from exposure to DNA damaging agents but accumulates more mutations. A single-tailed SSB shows defects in coupled leading and lagging strand DNA replication and does not support replication restart in vitro. These deficiencies in vitro provide a plausible explanation for the lethality observed in vivo. These results indicate that a single SSB tetramer must interact simultaneously with multiple protein partners during some essential roles in genome maintenance.  相似文献   
In Photosystem I, light-induced electron transfer can occur in either of two symmetry-related branches of cofactors, each of which is composed of a pair of chlorophylls (ec2A/ec3A or ec2B/ec3B) and a phylloquinone (PhQA or PhQB). The axial ligand to the central Mg2 + of the ec2A and ec2B chlorophylls is a water molecule that is also H-bonded to a nearby Asn residue. Here, we investigate the importance of this interaction for charge separation by converting each of the Asn residues to a Leu in the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and the cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, and studying the energy and electron transfer using time-resolved optical and EPR spectroscopy. Nanosecond transient absorbance measurements of the PhQ to FX electron transfer show that in both species, the PsaA-N604L mutation (near ec2B) results in a ~ 50% reduction in the amount of electron transfer in the B-branch, while the PsaB-N591L mutation (near ec2A) results in a ~ 70% reduction in the amount of electron transfer in the A-branch. A diminished quantum yield of P700+ PhQ? is also observed in ultrafast optical experiments, but the lower yield does not appear to be a consequence of charge recombination in the nanosecond or microsecond timescales. The most significant finding is that the yield of electron transfer in the unaffected branch did not increase to compensate for the lower yield in the affected branch. Hence, each branch of the reaction center appears to operate independently of the other in carrying out light-induced charge separation.  相似文献   
Type-II quantum dots (QDs) are capable of light-driven charge separation between their core and the shell structures; however, their light absorption is limited in the longer-wavelength range. Biological light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) efficiently absorbs in the blue and red spectral domains. Therefore, hybrid complexes of these two structures may be promising candidates for photovoltaic applications. Previous measurements had shown that LHCII bound to QD can transfer its excitation energy to the latter, as indicated by the fluorescence emissions of LHCII and QD being quenched and sensitized, respectively. In the presence of methyl viologen (MV), both fluorescence emissions are quenched, indicating an additional electron transfer process from QDs to MV. Transient absorption spectroscopy confirmed this notion and showed that electron transfer from QDs to MV is much faster than fluorescence energy transfer between LHCII and QD. The action spectrum of MV reduction by LHCII-QD complexes reflected the LHCII absorption spectrum, showing that light absorbed by LHCII and transferred to QDs increased the efficiency of MV reduction by QDs. Under continuous illumination, at least 28 turnovers were observed for the MV reduction. Presumably, the holes in QD cores were filled by a reducing agent in the reaction solution or by the dihydrolipoic-acid coating of the QDs. The LHCII-QD construct can be viewed as a simple model of a photosystem with the QD component acting as reaction center.  相似文献   
The repair of X-ray induced DNA single strand breaks and DNA—protein cross-links was investigated in stationary phase, contact-inhibited mouse cells by the alkaline-elution technique. Approx. 90% of X-ray induced single strand breaks were rejoined during the first hour of repair, whereas most of the remaining breaks were rejoined more slowly during the next 5 h. At early repair times, the number of residual non-rejoined sungle strand breaks was approx. proportional to the X-ray dose. DNA—protein cross-links were removed at a slower rate (T1/2 approx. 10–12 h). Cells were held in stationary growth for various periods of time after irradiation before subculture at low density to score for colony survival (potentially lethal damage repair), chromosome aberrations in the first mitosis, and sister-chromatid exchanges in the second mitosis. Both cell killing and the frequency of chromosome aberrations decreased during the first several hours of recovery, reaching a minimum level by 6 h; this decrease correlated temporally with the repair of the slowly rejoining DNA-strand breaks. Relatively few sister-chromatid exchanges were observed when the cells were subcultured immediately after X-ray. The exchange frequency rose to maximum levels after a 4-h recovery interval, and returned to control levels after 12 h of recovery. The possible relationship of DNA repair to these changes in survival, chromosome aberrations, and sister-chromatid exchanges during liquid-holding recovery is discussed.  相似文献   
According to one prominent model, each protomer in the activated nucleoprotein filament of homologous recombinase RecA possesses two DNA-binding sites. The primary site binds (1) single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) to form presynaptic complex and (2) the newly formed double-stranded (ds) DNA whereas the secondary site binds (1) dsDNA of a partner to initiate strand exchange and (2) the displaced ssDNA following the strand exchange. RecA protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (RecAPa) promotes in Escherichia coli hyper-recombination in an SOS-independent manner. Earlier we revealed that RecAPa rapidly displaces E.coli SSB protein (SSB-Ec) from ssDNA to form presynaptic complex. Here we show that this property (1) is based on increased affinity of ssDNA for the RecAPa primary DNA binding site while the affinity for the secondary site remains similar to that for E.coli RecA, (2) is not specific for SSB-Ec but is also observed for SSB protein from P.aeruginosa that, in turn, predicts a possibility of enhanced recombination repair in this pathogenic bacterium.  相似文献   
利用100 keV/μm碳离子束(初始能量为290 MeV/u)照射溶解于纯水、10 mmol/L Tris、1 mmol/L EDTA及TE 缓冲液中的pUC19质粒DNA.通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术分析了不同溶液中各种形态DNA分子所占份额,并计算得到不同剂量下平均每个质粒分子中单链断裂(SSB)及双链断裂(DSB)的数目.发现Tris通过抑制SSB和DSB的产生对碳重离子辐照下的质粒DNA有明显的保护作用,而EDTA能够加剧SSB的产生而抑制DSB的形成.  相似文献   
Phytohormones, such as salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (ET) and jasmonic acid (JA), play key roles in plant defence following pathogen attack. The involvement of these hormones in susceptibility following Fusarium oxysporum (Fo) infection has mostly been studied in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, Fo causes vascular wilt disease in a broad range of crops, including tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Surprisingly little is known about the involvement of these phytohormones in the susceptibility of tomato towards Fo f. sp. lycopersici (Fol). Here, we investigate their involvement by the analysis of the expression of ET, JA and SA marker genes following Fol infection, and by bioassays of tomato mutants affected in either hormone production or perception. Fol inoculation triggered the expression of SA and ET marker genes, showing the activation of these pathways. NahG tomato, in which SA is degraded, became hypersusceptible to Fol infection and showed stronger disease symptoms than wild‐type. In contrast, ACD and Never ripe (Nr) mutants, in which ET biosynthesis and perception, respectively, are impaired, showed decreased disease symptoms and reduced fungal colonization on infection. The susceptibility of the def1 tomato mutant, and a prosystemin over‐expressing line, in which JA signalling is compromised or constitutively activated, respectively, was unaltered. Our results show that SA is a negative and ET a positive regulator of Fol susceptibility. The SA and ET signalling pathways appear to act synergistically, as an intact ET pathway is required for the induction of an SA marker gene, and vice versa.  相似文献   
生化提纯高纯度有生物活性的蛋白质一直是一项艰巨的工作.主要综述了免疫亲和层析的纯化特点,以及用此方法在分离纯化具有临床诊断价值的可提取性核抗原SSB La中的有效应用.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of copper-containing nitrite reductase (CuNiR) from the thermophilic Gram-positive bacterium Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 and the amino (N)-terminal 68 residue-deleted mutant were determined at resolutions of 1.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively. Both structures show a striking resemblance with the overall structure of the well-known CuNiRs composed of two Greek key β-barrel domains; however, a remarkable structural difference was found in the N-terminal region. The unique region has one β-strand and one α-helix extended to the northern surface of the type-1 copper site. The superposition of the Geobacillus CuNiR model on the electron-transfer complex structure of CuNiR with the redox partner cytochrome c551 in other denitrifier system led us to infer that this region contributes to the transient binding with the partner protein during the interprotein electron transfer reaction in the Geobacillus system. Furthermore, electron-transfer kinetics experiments using N-terminal residue-deleted mutant and the redox partner, Geobacillus cytochrome c551, were carried out. These structural and kinetics studies demonstrate that the region is directly involved in the specific partner recognition.  相似文献   
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