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Copper(II) N-salicylidene-(S)-alaninate trihydrate reacting as the S-enantiomeric parent compound with KOCN in hot diluted methanol yielded by slow crystallisation from the cooled reaction mixture (in the course of 1 day) the racemic product K[Cu{sal-(RS)-ala}(NCO)]. The parameters of the axial type EPR spectrum in X-band region and the LF band position in the electronic spectrum are typical of an axially distorted square pyramidal coordination of the Cu(II) atom in this complex. The spectral properties of the complex cuprate prepared and its basal crystallographic data are consistent with those of the earlier studied15 K2[Cu2{sal-(RS)-ala}2(μ-NCO)2] synthetized by using [Cu{sal-(RS)-ala}(H2O)].H2O as the racemic parent complex in the reaction mixture with KOCN.  相似文献   
The thermophilic blue-green alga Synechococcus lividus was grown at 38 and 55°C. The reaction center chlorophyll-protein complexes (CP) of Photosystem (PS I) and PS II, CP aI and CP aII, were isolated by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at 4°C. SDS solubilization of thylakoids was performed in the temperature range 0–65°C. The low-temperature absorption and fluorescence emission spectral properties of the isolated chlorophyll-protein complexes were analyzed. Only traces of CP aI were solubilized at temperatures below the lipid phase transition temperature. Instead, a minor PS I component, CP aI, was obtained that had absorption and fluorescence characteristics similar to those of CP aI. CP aI had a slightly lower mobility than CP aI in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The amount of CP aI in the gel scan profile increased dramatically when solubilization was carried out above the phase transition temperatures, but started to decrease above 60°C. CP aII, on the other hand, could be efficiently extracted even at 0°C and was stable in the scan profile up to extraction temperatures of 30–40°C. Low-temperature absorption and fluorescence emission spectra were typical for CP aI and CP aII and no specific effects of the two growth temperatures on these properties were observed. The phase transition temperature was considered to be critical for the solubilization of CP aI, either because of the difficulties of SDS (especially as it forms micelles at low temperatures) in penetrating the solidified membrane lipids at temperatures below that of the phase transition or because the CP aI monomers of the PS I antennae are so strongly bound to each other that they cannot be dissociated by SDS before thermal agitation has reached a certain level that is achieved above the phase transition temperature. We consider both the difficulties in solubilizing CP aI at sub-transition temperatures and the heat stability of the two complexes as adaptations which enable Synechococcus to grow under extreme high-temperature regimes.  相似文献   
(1) Three analogs of merocyanine dyes added to suspensions of chromatophore vesicles showed absorbance changes responding to the change in surface potential induced by salt addition and to the change in membrane potential induced by illumination. (2) The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of the dyes was linearly related, in the presence and absence of uncouplers, to that of carotenoid spectral shift which is an intrinsic probe of the intramembrane electric field. (3) Comparison of the merocyanine absorbance changes induced by salt addition with those induced by illumination indicated that the surface potential change in the outer surface of chromatophore membranes during illumination was very small. (4) Judging from the spectra of these absorbance and from the low permeabilities of the dyes to membrane, the absorbance change are attributed to change in distribution of the dyes between the medium and the outer surface region in chromatophore membranes. The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of merocyanine dyes depended on the salt concentration of the medium. The types of dependence were different among three merocyanine analogs. This is explained by the mechanism mentioned above assuming appropriate parameters. It is suggested that, under continuous illumination, an equilibrium of the electrochemical potential of H+ is reached between the bulk aqueous phase and the outer surface region in the membrane where the merocyanine dyes are distributed.  相似文献   
Summary A new system of dispersal units has been elaborated, based on weight and morphological features functional in dispersal. Weight was divided into eight classes and the functional morphological features were selected in such a way that their effectiveness could be tested by experiments.The spectra of weight and dispersal adaptations of dispersal units sampled in Euphorbio-Pinetum nigrae and Fumano-Stipetum habitats south of Vienna are calculated with this system and then compared.The results show that both communities can be characterized with such spectra. It is also possible with these spectra to make statements about the ecological and social position of the association in a succession.Nomenclature follows Ehrendorfer (1973).  相似文献   
Co(II) interacts with bleomycin in aqueous solution, in the presence of air, to give a short lived mononuclear superoxo-Co(III) complex (I) identified previously, by Sugiura, by electron paramagnetic resonance measurements. This complex rapidly releases O2 to yield the dinuclear μ-peroxo-Co(III) complex (II), but is stabilized by the presence of DNA yielding a new superoxo long lived species (I′). The absorption and circular dichroism spectra of the three species (I,I′,II) have been characterized.  相似文献   
Rhodospirillum rubrum strain F24.1 is a spontaneous revertant of nonphototrophic mutant F24 derived from wild-type strain S1. Strain F24 shows no detectable photochemical activity and contains, at most, traces of the photoreaction center polypeptides. Strain F24.1 has a phototrophic growth rate close to that of the wild-type strain (Picorel, R., del Valle-Tascón, S. and Ramírez, J.M. (1977) Arch. Biophys. Biochem. 181, 665–670) but shows little photochemical activity. Light-induced absorbance changes in the near-infrared, photoinduced EPR signals and ferricyanide-elicited absorbance changes indicate that strain F24.1 has a photoreaction center content of 7–8% as compared to strain S1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated F24.1 chromatophores shows the photoreaction center polypeptides to be present in amounts compatible with this value. Photoreaction center was prepared from strain F24.1 and showed no detectable difference with that of strain S1. It is concluded that strain F24.1 photosynthesis is due entirely to its residual 7–8% of typical photoreaction center.  相似文献   
叶片功能性状能反映植物对环境的高度适应能力和复杂生境下的自我调控能力,同时也能反映植物的基本特征和对资源的有效利用率。以木论国家级自然保护区喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林144种优势木本植物为研究对象,测定其叶厚(LT)、叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶长宽比(L/W)、叶组织密度(LTD)叶片形态性状和12种叶元素性状特征及变异程度,并探讨植物对喀斯特生境的适应策略。结果表明:17个性状变异程度不同,其中叶面积变异系数最大,达到133.31%,叶片碳变异系数最小,为7.73%,叶元素变异程度普遍高于叶形态性状变异程度。不同叶习性物种间叶厚、比叶面积、叶长宽比、叶氮含量性状差异达到显著水平。部分叶性状呈显著相关,得到一系列最佳功能性状组合,体现植物对喀斯特地区特殊生境的适应性。沿着性状贡献率较高的PC1轴,能够定义出叶经济谱,大部分常绿植物采取经济保守策略,而大部分落叶植物则聚集在资源获取的一侧。相较于邻近非喀斯特地区,喀斯特地区植物有较小的LA、SLA。这些结果体现了喀斯特地区植物叶片形成的不同叶性状特征,以及分布于经济谱两端的常绿和落叶植物的不同资源获取策略,揭示了植物对生境的适应策略...  相似文献   
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