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TFTr mutants of L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma cells are analyzed as they appear in situ following cloning and incubation for 9-11 days in soft agar cloning medium. These TFTr mutants can be divided by colony size into sigma, small colony, and lambda, large colony, mutants. The use of a size discriminator on an automatic colony counter allows the production of histograms to evaluate the size distribution of colonies on a plate. The evaluation of these size distribution curves provides insight into the properties of sigma and lambda mutants. From these analyses several conclusions may be drawn. The sigma phenotype is preferentially associated with the TFTr subpopulation of a treated culture. The sigma phenotype is not an artifact of delayed toxicity following treatment. The frequency of quantifiable sigma mutants is not affected by agar concentrations between 0.20% and 0.45% in the cloning medium. TFTr sigma mutants are produced spontaneously and can be induced by a variety of mutagens. The decline in overall detectable mutants frequency observed for some mutagens with increasing time after treatment is due to the decline in sigma mutant frequency. The quantitation of both sigma and lambda mutants is thus useful in obtaining maximum utility of the information provided by the L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma assay.  相似文献   
Summary The inheritance of the dwarf plant type was studied in blackgram (V. mungo (L.) Hepper). Type 9 has erect plant type with normal internode length. The mutant line, EMSD has reduced internode length. The F1, F2 and F3 generations of a cross between Type 9 and EMSD and its reciprocal were studied. The extreme dwarf plant type appeared to be governed by a single recessive gene, dw 1 dw 1 with no cytoplasmic effect.Part of Ph.D. Thesis submitted by the first author  相似文献   
Fisher's geometric model of adaptation (FGM) has been the conceptual foundation for studies investigating the genetic basis of adaptation since the onset of the neo Darwinian synthesis. FGM describes adaptation as the movement of a genotype toward a fitness optimum due to beneficial mutations. To date, one prediction of FGM, the probability of improvement is related to the distance from the optimum, has only been tested in microorganisms under laboratory conditions. There is reason to believe that results might differ under natural conditions where more mutations likely affect fitness, and where environmental variance may obscure the expected pattern. We chemically induced mutations into a set of 19 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions from across the native range of A. thaliana and planted them alongside the premutated founder lines in two habitats in the mid‐Atlantic region of the United States under field conditions. We show that FGM is able to predict the outcome of a set of random induced mutations on fitness in a set of A. thaliana accessions grown in the wild: mutations are more likely to be beneficial in relatively less fit genotypes. This finding suggests that FGM is an accurate approximation of the process of adaptation under more realistic ecological conditions.  相似文献   
E. coli WP2 and its repair-deficient derivatives were treated with the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, heliotrine and monocrotaline in the presence of a liver microsomal fraction. The doubly repair-deficient strains WP100 uvrA recA and CM611 uvrA exrA showed considerable killing. The singly repair-deficient strains WP2 uvrA, CM561 exrA and CM571 recA showed slight killing. In strains WP2 and WP2 uvrA induced reversion to Trp+ was not detected with either monocrotaline or mitomycin C. These results are entirely consistent with liver activation converting pyrrolizidine alkaloids into bifunctional alkylating agents.  相似文献   
M Fox 《Mutation research》1975,29(3):449-466
Using four common mutagens, ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), methyl methanesulphonate (mms), uv, and X-irradiation, the relationship between dose of mutagen, cellular lethality and frequency of 8-azaguanine resistant colonies in V79 Chinese hamster cells has been examined. Several factors affecting the recovery of mutants including inter and intra-clone metabolic co-operation have been quantitated and their influence on survival response curves examined. Induced mutant frequencies were assayed by two methods in situ, and after replating. After exposure to X-rays, MMS and UV a significantly higher frequency of mutants was observed in replated experiments as compared with the in situ situation, at all survival levels assayed. With EMS, an increment on replating was observed only at high survival levels. The replating data suggest that two types of azgr colonies are produced, i.e. those which contain only azgr cells and those which, due to damage segregation, contain a mixture of azgr and azg8 cells. These mixed colonies appear to be lost by metabolic co-operation when mutation frequencies are assayed in silu. The proportion of mixed to homogeneous colonies differs with different mutagens. Taking into account such factors, EMS and UV irradiation were similarly mutagenic at a given survival level, but at equitoxic doses, fewer mutants were recovered after exposure of V79 cells to MMS and X-rays.  相似文献   
Y Kuroda 《Mutation research》1975,30(2):229-238
Trans-2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acrylamide (furylfuramide: FF or AF2) was tested for ability to induce 8-azaguanine (8AG) resistant mutations in cultured human diploid cells. FF had a relatively severe cytotoxic effect on the cells. From the concentration-survival curve, the D0 value for 2-h treatment with FF was estimated to be 11 mug/ml. When cells were treated with FF at various concentrations for 2 h, cultured in normal medium for 48 h, and then selected in medium containing 8AG at 30 mug/ml, the induced mutation frequency increased gradually with increase in concentration of FF. When cells were treated with FF at 10 mug/ml for 2 h, cultured in normal medium for various periods of mutation expression time, and selected with 8AG at 30 mug/ml, the highest induced mutation frequency was obtained with 48 h of mutation expression time. Microscopic examination of the numbers of cells in colonies indicated that the total number of cells increased by half during this mutation expression time of 48 h.  相似文献   
When Syrian hamster embryo cells were pretreated with a weak chemical carcinogen, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), or with a physical agent such as X-irradiation prior to being exposed to a potent cancer-producing chemical, transformation (crisscrossing of cells not seen in control) occurred up to nine times more often than when the cells were not pretreated. The degree of enhancement appears independent of carcinogen dose. The transformation frequency associated with the carcinogens benzo(a)pyrene (BP), dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA), 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (AcAAF), and N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was increased. There are similarities in the enhancement produced by pretreatment of hamster cells with X-irradiation and with alkylating agents: with both, maximum enhancement occurred approx. 48 h after treatment and lethality attributable to the pretreatment was 10–20% relative to control. However, enhancement produced by X-irradiation pretreatment was slightly greater than that obtained with MMS. The exact cause of the enhancement in transformation resulting from the interaction of these agents is not yet known, but the enhancement associated with MMS pretreatment cannot be related to partial cell synchronization or disruption in the cell cycle. Hamster cells pretreated with 250 μM of MMS demonstrated no alteration in normal cel DNA synthesis through 48-h post-treatment. Analysis of unscheduled DNA synthesis by autoradiography or by alkaline sucrose gradients indicated that the damaged DNA was rapidly repaired after treatment. Therefore, repair of DNA damage as it is now understood is probably not involved.  相似文献   
Some chemical aspects of dose-response relationships in alkylation mutagenesis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Alkylation of DNA can lead to induction of potentially miscoding groups (promutagenic) or potentially template-inactivating groups (lethal). The proportions of these are found to vary with the chemical nature of the alkylating agent. Agents of low Swain and Scott s factor (or those tending to Ingold's SNi type) react relatively more extensively at O-atom sites in DNA, and yield relatively more of the miscoding O6-alkylguanine residues. Phosphotriester formation is also relatively more extensive with SNi agents.Inactivation of DNA can result from depurinations, strand breakage, and cross-linkage.Both promutagenic and lethal lesions are subject to repair; 3 principal enzymatic systems appear to exist; one for excision and repair of cross-links or aralkyl groups resembles the uvr system; others for repair of single-strand breaks parallel repair of X-ray-induced breaks (exr, rec systems); another, less well defined at present, recognizes certain methylated bases, and depurinated sites (probably Goldthwait's endonuclease II).These factors can be shown to influence dose-response in alkylation mutagenesis. This, broadly, can be classified as linear with the promutagenic group-inducing or directly miscoding agents, and is independent of cytotoxicity; whereas with other agents non-linear response parallels the occurrence of “shouldered” survival curves, and reflects mutation induction by “repairs errors”.Additionally, alkylation of cellular constituents other than DNA, e.g. repair enzymes, may influence dose response, and will again depend on chemical reactivity of the agent.  相似文献   
Various E. coli mutants, deficient in DNA repair, differed in their response to increasing concentrations of N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU).Loss of viability due to exposure to NMU was greatest in those strains with a reduced capacity for repair of single-strand breaks. Viability of wild-type and uvrA? strains was not affected by NMU concentrations up to 3.0 mM. Some loss of viability occurred, at the higher NMU concentrations, in both strains carrying exrA? while strains carrying uvrA?polA? or recA? were the most sensitive. The results support the hypothesis that the lethal effect of NMU on repair-deficient E. coli was due to its ability to induce single-strand breaks.Induction of mutations by NMU was observed in all the strains used and the results suggested that NMU damage per se was the major mutational event. The dose response curve for induction of revertants by NMU was, however, influenced by the repair system(s) present. The number of revertants scored at the higher NMU concentrations was greater in those strains lacking the recA and polA dependent repair functions than in the wild-type strain. However, at NMU concentrations below 2.0 mM the numbers of revertants induced in exrA? carrying strains, prossessing accurate rec-dependent repair, were lower than the comparable wild-type values. The evidence suggests that the uvrA gene product also acts on some, possibly non-mutagenic, types of NMU damage and that error-prone repair of these lesions increases the number of potential revertants.  相似文献   
The biological inactivation of bacteriophage R17 by ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENUA) has been studied. At the mean lethal dose for the first compound 8 moles ethyl are bound/mole RNA and with the nitroso compound 3.5 moles ethyl are bound. Analysis of the amounts of the different ethylated derivatives formed shows that the toxicity of the sulphonate can be accounted for by the formation of 3-ethylcytosine, O6-ethylguanine, 1-ethyladenine and chain breaks produced on the hydrolysis of ethyl phosphotriesters. With the nitroso derivative on the other hand, the sum of chain breaks and of bases alkylated on a position involved in specific hydrogen bonding between base pairs only accounts for 65% of the observed toxicity. The possibility that 3-ethyladenine may constitute a lethal lesion is discussed.  相似文献   
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