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瞬时受体电位香草醛亚家族1 (TRPV1)又称辣椒素受体(VR1),是一类可被辣椒素、热(>43℃)、酸(pH<6.0)所激活的配体门控性非选择性阳离子通道,对Ca2+有高度通透性。早期研究发现TRPV1主要分布在神经系统并介导瘙痒及痛觉反应,近些年研究表明其在非神经细胞如肥大细胞、膀胱上皮细胞、单核细胞、皮肤角化上皮细胞、胰岛细胞等中也广泛分布,在代谢性疾病、消化、呼吸和心血管系统疾病、皮肤病及肿瘤等疾病的发生发展中均发挥了重要作用。本文介绍了TRPV1的分布、结构特征及其功能研究的最新进展,并重点综述了TRPV1介导的瘙痒和疼痛信号通路及以TRPV1为靶点的中草药研究进展,以期为以TRPV1为潜在治疗靶点相关疾病的中西医防治提供理论指导。  相似文献   
The phenomenon of planar cell polarity is critically required for a myriad of morphogenetic processes in metazoan and is accurately controlled by several conserved modules. Six “core” proteins, including Frizzled, Flamingo (Celsr), Van Gogh (Vangl), Dishevelled, Prickle, and Diego (Ankrd6), are major components of the Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway. The Fat/Dchs protocadherins and the Scrib polarity complex also function to instruct cellular polarization. In vertebrates, all these pathways are essential for tissue and organ morphogenesis, such as neural tube closure, left–right symmetry breaking, heart and gut morphogenesis, lung and kidney branching, stereociliary bundle orientation, and proximal–distal limb elongation. Mutations in planar polarity genes are closely linked to various congenital diseases. Striking advances have been made in deciphering their contribution to the establishment of spatially oriented pattern in developing organs and the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. The challenge remains to clarify the complex interplay of different polarity pathways in organogenesis and the link of cell polarity to cell fate specification. Interdisciplinary approaches are also important to understand the roles of mechanical forces in coupling cellular polarization and differentiation. This review outlines current advances on planar polarity regulators in asymmetric organ formation, with the aim to identify questions that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   
Abstract Pathogenesis mediated by Shigella flexneri requires invasion of the gastrointestinal epithelium. It has been previously shown that HeLa cells challenged with S. flexneri show alterations in their phosphotyrosine-containing protein profile. In this report, we demonstrated that bacterial water extracts (WE) abrogated the invasion of HeLa cells by S. flexneri in a dose-dependent manner. A proteinaceous component of S. flexneri was shown to be responsible for this inhibitory activity. Proteins encoded on the 140-MDa plasmid were not responsible for the observed inhibition. WE from other Gram-negative bacteria also inhibited Shigella invasion of HeLa cells. HeLa cells pretreated with WE showed changes in the profile and the intensity of phosphotyrosine-containing protein bands. These data were consistent with a surface protein component in WE which initiated aberrant host cell signaling at the membrane which may account for the inhibition of bacterial entry.  相似文献   
Ectoparasites are a ubiquitous environmental component of breedingbirds, and it has repeatedly been shown that hematoph-agousectoparasites such as fleas and mites reduce the quality andnumber of offspring of bird hosts, thereby lowering the valueof a current brood. Selection acting on the hosts will favorphysiological and behavioral responses that will reduce theparasites' impact. However, the results of the few bird studiesthat addressed the question of whether parasitism leads to ahigher rate of food provisioning are equivocal, and the beggingresponse to infestation has rarely been quantified. A changein begging activity and parental rate of food provisioning couldbe predicted in either direction: parents could reduce theirinvestment in the brood in order to invest more in future broods,or they could increase their investment in order to compensatefor the parasites' effect on the current brood. Since the nestlingsare weakened by the ectoparasites they may beg less, but onthe other hand they may beg more in order to obtain more food.In this study we show experimentally that (1) hen fleas (Ceratophyllusgallinae) reduce the body mass and size of great tit (Parusmajor) nestlings, (2) nestlings of parasitized broods more thandouble their begging rate, (3) the male parents increase thefrequency of feeding trips by over 50%, (4) the females do notadjust feeding rate to the lowered nutritional state of nestlings,and (5) food competition among siblings of parasitized broodsis increased. Ultimately the difference in the parental feedingresponse may be understood as the result of a sex-related differencein the trade-off of i0vesting in current versus future broods.  相似文献   
Chick begging as a signal: are nestlings honest?   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Begging by dependent avian offspring is known to correlate withhunger level, and parents use this as a signal of brood demandto adjust their chick feeding behavior. While there is informationon how each chick adjusts its begging to its own condition,little is known of how chicks adjust to the state of their nestmates. In two experiments we manipulated the competitive environmentof individual European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) chicks byaltering the state of nest mates while holding the state oftarget chicks constant In the first experiment we placed thetarget chick's nest mates in neighboring nests with brood sizesof two, five, or eight chicks. Following the manipulation wereturned them to their own nests and recorded begging behavioron videotape. In the second experiment we separated a targetchick from its siblings and manipulated feeding level in thelaboratory. The siblings were fed at one of three levels; meanwhile,all the target chicks were fed at the intermediate level. Afterthe manipulation we placed the target chicks with their siblingsand recorded their begging in response to an artificial stimulus.In neither experiment was the begging effort of the unmanipulatedtarget chicks affected by the changes in begging behavior oftheir siblings. This result supports the view that begging isa reliable signal of individual chick state and does not involveresponses to the effort of nest mates.  相似文献   
Male firemouth cichlids, Cichlasoma meeki, have red pigmentationcovering large areas of their ventral surface, which is displayedduring aggressive interactions. We manipulated the levels ofred pigmentation by assigning the fish to one of two diets,which were as similar as possible except that one was high incarotenoids while the other was low in carotenoids. During diadictrials under white light, fish kept on the high carotenoid dietwon a higher proportion of contests than fish kept on the lowcarotenoid diet Under green light, where differences in rednesscannot be discriminated, there was no effect of diet on theoutcome of contests. These experiments demonstrate that it isthe effect of the diet on red pigmentation that is importantrather than some confounding variable such as differential growthrates. The weight of the two fish was also important; therewas a tendency for the heavier fish to win more contests. Themass effect was subordinate to color under white light but wasthe dominant factor under green light The nature of the contestsunder the different light conditions also varied; the displayin which the red pigmentation is most obvious was not used undergreen light, but was common under white light This suggeststhat the display strategies are flexible and can be alteredaccording to which displays are most effective in a given environmentPrevious studies of other species of fish and birds have shownthat the degree of redness influences mate choice and is affectedby parasite infestations. We propose that carotenoid pigmentationis likely to reflect a general quality, influenced by severalfactors, rather than a context-specific quality such as fightingability.  相似文献   
Male wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) construct nests that areused in their display to females. Previous work has suggestedthat the number of vacant nests may be used as a mate choicecue. Correlational data from 1992 confirmed that females appearedto be assessing die number of vacant nests on a male's territoryand preferentially mating with males with more nests. Male taillengdi was also correlated widi mating success. In 1993 thenumbers of nests on territories was experimentally manipulated,the female setdement patterns confirmed that die number of vacantnests did mediate mate choice. Male tail length failed to explainadditional variance in mating success when die variance explainedby the experimental manipulation was removed, suggesting diatdie original correlation arose because both tail length andmating success were correlated widi a confounding variable.The structure of the vegetation in a male's territory influencedmating success. This appeared to be due to nests surviving betterin territories widi dense vegetation. Males on territories inwhich nests survive well had longer tails. Male-male competitionfor good territories may explain die observed effects of malemorphology on mating success. Furdier analysis of die nest choicedata showed diat all nests had an equal chance of being usedby a female. The fact diat all nests had an equal probabilityof being chosen by a female means diat each additional nestbuilt by a male wren results in die same increase in matingsuccess. This suggests diat die benefits to males of nest buildingincrease linearly. The number of nests on a territory will beaffected by various factors such as predation pressure, nestbuilding rate, and vegetation structure. The information diatfemales are getting by assessing such a signal is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary TheWnt family of proto-oncogenes encodes secreted signaling proteins that are required for mouse development. TheDrosophila Wnt homolog, thewingless (Wg) segment polarity gene, mediates a signal transduction pathway in which the downstream elements appear to be conserved through evolution. One such element, thedishevelled gene product, becomes hyperphosphorylated and translocates to the plasma membrane in response to Wg (Yanagawa et al., 1995). We report here that the mouseDishevelle-1 (Dvl-1) andDishevelled-2 genes encode proteins that are differentially localized inWnt-overexpressing PC12 cell lines (PC12/Wnt). WhereasDvl-1 andDvl-2 proteins are limited to the soluble fraction of parental PC12 cells, PC12/Wnt cells display a subset ofDvl-1 protein associated with the membrane andDvl-2 protein with the cytoskeletal fraction. These results suggest a conserved role forDvl inWnt/wg signal transduction.  相似文献   
Ca(2+)-activated calmodulin (CaM) regulates many target enzymes by docking to an amphiphilic target helix of variable sequence. This study compares the equilibrium Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ dissociation kinetics of CaM complexed to target peptides derived from five different CaM-regulated proteins: phosphorylase kinase. CaM-dependent protein kinase II, skeletal and smooth myosin light chain kinases, and the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. The results reveal that different target peptides can tune the Ca2+ binding affinities and kinetics of the two CaM domains over a wide range of Ca2+ concentrations and time scales. The five peptides increase the Ca2+ affinity of the N-terminal regulatory domain from 14- to 350-fold and slow its Ca2+ dissociation kinetics from 60- to 140-fold. Smaller effects are observed for the C-terminal domain, where peptides increase the apparent Ca2+ affinity 8- to 100-fold and slow dissociation kinetics 13- to 132-fold. In full-length skeletal myosin light chain kinase the inter-molecular tuning provided by the isolated target peptide is further modulated by other tuning interactions, resulting in a CaM-protein complex that has a 10-fold lower Ca2+ affinity than the analogous CaM-peptide complex. Unlike the CaM-peptide complexes, Ca2+ dissociation from the protein complex follows monoexponential kinetics in which all four Ca2+ ions dissociate at a rate comparable to the slow rate observed in the peptide complex. The two Ca2+ ions bound to the CaM N-terminal domain are substantially occluded in the CaM-protein complex. Overall, the results indicate that the cellular activation of myosin light chain kinase is likely to be triggered by the binding of free Ca2(2+)-CaM or Ca4(2+)-CaM after a Ca2+ signal has begun and that inactivation of the complex is initiated by a single rate-limiting event, which is proposed to be either the direct dissociation of Ca2+ ions from the bound C-terminal domain or the dissociation of Ca2+ loaded C-terminal domain from skMLCK. The observed target-induced variations in Ca2+ affinities and dissociation rates could serve to tune CaM activation and inactivation for different cellular pathways, and also must counterbalance the variable energetic costs of driving the activating conformational change in different target enzymes.  相似文献   
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