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Conclusion  Membrane association is essential for GRK function and because of this the GRKs have evolved complex regulatory mechanisms for associating with the membrane. Although the GRKs are highly homologous, each kinase utilizes a distinct mechanism for associating with the membrane, which makes it unique within the family. Initially, the carboxyl terminus of the GRKs was identified as the “membrane association domain” but recent evidence suggests that the amino terminus may also play a critical role in localizing the kinases to the membrane (Murga et al., 1996; Pitcher et al, 1996). It is within these two domains that the GRKs are most variable at the amino acid level. The GRKS exhibit an absolute requirement for phospholipids not only for association with the membrane but also for activity. There are differences in preference and binding sites for the phospholipids within the GRK family, which may reflect differential targeting of the GRKs to G protein-coupled receptors situated in different lipid environments. There are hundreds of G protein-coupled receptors and only six known GRKs. All the GRKs appear to phosphorylate the same receptor substrates in vitro (Sterne-Marr & Benovic, 1995; Premont et al., 1995). Receptor specificity, in a cellular  相似文献   
Major parts of amino-acid-coding regions of elongation factor (EF)-1α and EF-2 in Trichomonas tenax were amplified by PCR from total genomic DNA and the products were cloned into a plasmid vector, pGEM-T. The three clones from each of the products of the EF-1α and EF-2 were isolated and sequenced. The insert DNAs of the clones containing EF-1α coding regions were each 1,185 bp long with the same nucleotide sequence and contained 53.1% of G + C nucleotides. Those of the clones containing EF-2 coding regions had two different sequences; one was 2,283 bp long and the other was 2,286 bp long, and their G + C contents were 52.5 and 52.9%, respectively. The copy numbers of the EF-1α and EF-2 gene per chromosome were estimated as four and two, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences obtained by the conceptual translation were 395 residues from EF-1α and 761 and 762 residues from the EF-2s. The sequences were aligned with the other eukaryotic and archaebacterial EF-1αs and EF-2s, respectively. The phylogenetic position of T. tenax was inferred by the maximum likelihood (ML) method using the EF-1α and EF-2 data sets. The EF-1α analysis suggested that three mitochondrion-lacking protozoa, Glugea plecoglossi, Giardia lamblia, and T. tenax, respectively, diverge in this order in the very early phase of eukaryotic evolution. The EF-2 analysis also supported the divergence of T. tenax to be immediately next to G. lamblia. Received: 15 February 1996 / Accepted: 28 June 1996  相似文献   
The available amino acid sequences of the α-amylase family (glycosyl hydrolase family 13) were searched to identify their domain B, a distinct domain that protrudes from the regular catalytic (β/α)8-barrel between the strand β3 and the helix α3. The isolated domain B sequences were inspected visually and also analyzed by Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA) to find common features. Sequence analyses and inspection of the few available three-dimensional structures suggest that the secondary structure of domain B varies with the enzyme specificity. Domain B in these different forms, however, may still have evolved from a common ancestor. The largest number of different specificities was found in the group with structural similarity to domain B from Bacillus cereus oligo-1,6-glucosidase that contains an α-helix succeeded by a three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. These enzymes are α-glucosidase, cyclomaltodextrinase, dextran glucosidase, trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase, neopullulanase, and a few α-amylases. Domain B of this type was observed also in some mammalian proteins involved in the transport of amino acids. These proteins show remarkable similarity with (β/α)8-barrel elements throughout the entire sequence of enzymes from the oligo-1,6-glucosidase group. The transport proteins, in turn, resemble the animal 4F2 heavy-chain cell surface antigens, for which the sequences either lack domain B or contain only parts thereof. The similarities are compiled to indicate a possible route of domain evolution in the α-amylase family. Received: 4 December 1996 / Accepted: 13 March 1997  相似文献   
Abstract: The Pulsinelli-Brierley four-vessel occlusion model was used to study the consequences of hyperglycemic ischemia and reperfusion. Rats were subjected to either 30 min of normo- or hyperglycemic ischemia or 30 min of normo- or hyperglycemic ischemia followed by 60 min of reperfusion. In some animals, 2 mg/kg BN 50739, a platelet-activating factor receptor antagonist, was administered intraarterially either before or after the ischemic insult. The changes in mitochondrial membrane free fatty acid levels, phosphatidylcholine fatty acyl composition, and thiobarbituric acid-reactive material (TBAR) content plus the mitochondrial respiratory control ratio (RCR) were monitored. When the platelet-activating factor antagonist was present during normoglycemia, (a) the mitochondrial free fatty acid release both during and after ischemia was slowed, (b) reacylation of phosphatidylcholine following ischemia was promoted, and (c) TBAR accumulation during and following ischemia was decreased. The detrimental effects of hyperglycemia were muted when BN 50739 was present during ischemia. The RCR was preserved and phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis during ischemia was decreased. TBAR levels were consistently higher in hyperglycemic brain mitochondria both during and after ischemia. The RCR correlated directly with mitochondrial phosphatidylcholine polyunsaturated fatty acid content during ischemia and reperfusion. BN 50739 protection of mitochondrial membranes in brain may be influenced by tissue pH.  相似文献   
Abstract: When primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons are grown in a physiological concentration of KCl (5 m M ) they undergo apoptosis, which can be prevented by growing the cells in the presence of N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA). We now show that ethanol inhibits this trophic effect of NMDA, i.e., promotes apoptosis, and also inhibits the NMDA-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration in cells grown in 5 m M KCl. Both effects of ethanol show a similar concentration dependence and are reversed by a high concentration of glycine, the co-agonist at the NMDA receptor. The data suggest that the effect of ethanol on apoptosis is mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of NMDA receptor function. This effect of ethanol to increase apoptosis could contribute to the previously described in vivo sensitivity of the developing cerebellum to ethanol-induced damage.  相似文献   
Abstract: In astrocytes, nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis has been described to be stimulated by the cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and inhibited by corticosterone. As all three factors are present in the brain under certain conditions, we investigated the effect of their combined application on NGF secretion in the astroglial cell line RC7 and, in addition, studied the effect of calcitriol (1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3). Calcitriol stimulated NGF secretion, whereas corticosterone reduced basal levels of NGF secretion as well as inhibited the NGF secretion induced by IL-1β, calcitriol, and TGF-β1. Calcitriol had an additive effect when applied together with IL-1β and a synergistic effect when applied with TGF-β1. Moreover, calcitriol not only counteracted the inhibitory effect of corticosterone on NGF secretion stimulated by TGF-β1 but even augmented it to a level more than threefold higher than that reached with TGF-β1 alone. Due to the trophic effect of NGF on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, these findings might be of therapeutic relevance under conditions where cholinergic function is impaired and the endogenous levels of corticosterone, IL-1β, or TGF-β1 are elevated.  相似文献   
Abstract: Three isoforms of catalytic α subunits and two isoforms of β subunits of Na+,K+-ATPase were detected in rat sciatic nerves by western blotting. Unlike the enzyme in brain, sciatic nerve Na+,K+-ATPase was highly resistant to ouabain. The ouabain-resistant α1 isoform was demonstrated to be the predominant form in rat intact sciatic nerve by quantitative densitometric analysis and is mainly responsible for sciatic nerve Na+,K+-ATPase activity. After sciatic nerve injury, the α3 and β1 isoforms completely disappeared from the distal segment owing to Wallerian degeneration. In contrast, α2 and β2 isoform expression and Na+,K+-ATPase activity sensitive to pyrithiamine (a specific inhibitor of the α2 isoform) were markedly increased in Schwann cells in the distal segment of the injured sciatic nerve. These latter levels returned to baseline with nerve regeneration. Our results suggest that α3 and β1 isoforms are exclusive for the axon and α2 and β2 isoforms are exclusive for the Schwann cell, although axonal contact regulates α2 and β2 isoform expressions. Because the β2 isoform of Na+,K+-ATPase is known as an adhesion molecule on glia (AMOG), increased expression of AMOG/β2 on Schwann cells in the segment distal to sciatic nerve injury suggests that AMOG/β2 may act as an adhesion molecule in peripheral nerve regeneration.  相似文献   
Abstract: Gangliosides are implicated in the regulation of cellular proliferation as evidenced by differences in ganglioside composition associated with malignant transformation and density of cells in culture, as well as their inhibitory effects when added to cells growing in culture. Exogenously added gangliosides have a bimodal effect on proliferation in U-1242 MG glioma cells, inhibiting DNA synthesis in growing cells and stimulating it in quiescent cells. We investigated the mechanisms involved in stimulation of DNA synthesis using [3H]thymidine incorporation and immune complex kinase assays to identify responsible signal transduction pathways. Treatment of quiescent U-1242 MG cells with GM1 caused activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase isoform Erk2. Pretreatment with the specific MAP kinase kinase inhibitor PD98059 prevented the GM1-stimulated Erk2 activation and GM1-stimulated DNA synthesis. GM1 treatment stimulated another distinct signaling pathway leading to activation of p70 S6 kinase (p70s6k), and this was prevented by pretreatment with rapamycin. Rapamycin also inhibited GM1-stimulated DNA synthesis. Activation of both pathways and stimulation of DNA synthesis were inhibited by forskolin treatment; however, GM1 had no effect on cyclic AMP levels. Platelet-derived growth factor also activated both Erk2 and p70s6k but did not cause DNA synthesis, suggesting that GM1 may stimulate additional cascades, which also contribute to GM1-mediated DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effect of ethanol on the intracellular Ca2+ concentration response to NMDA in rat cerebellar granule cells grown in low or high KCI concentrations has been studied using image analysis. The cells grown in low KCI displayed high sensitivity for glycine. The subtype-selective antagonist ifenprodil inhibited the response with high (in the low micromolar range) and low (in the high micromolar range) potency. Ethanol affected the high-potency component in these cultures. In cells grown in high KCI the glycine sensitivity was lower, and a low potency for ifenprodil (high micromolar) dominated. These cells were not significantly sensitive to ethanol. The results indicate that the component displaying potency for ifenprodil in the low micromolar range with properties of the NR2B subunit is the target for ethanol action on the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   
Abstract: Identification of A1 adenosine receptors (A1Rs) in a tumor cell line derived from rat pituitary (GH4 cells) was performed by ligand binding and immunological experiments. Subsequently, the involvement of A1Rs in the regulation of calcium conductance was studied in these cells. The agonist N 6-( R )-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine ( R -PIA) did not modify the intracellular calcium basal levels, whereas it inhibited the increase produced by 15 m M KCl depolarization. The antagonist 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine led to the opening of voltage-dependent cell surface calcium channels in the absence of exogenous KCl. The channels were of the L type because the effect was abolished by calciseptine and by verapamil. These results suggest that endogenous adenosine exerts a tonic inhibitory effect on calcium transport. This was confirmed by the high adenosine concentration found in cell supernatants (up to 1 µ M ) and by the calcium mobilization produced by exogenously added adenosine deaminase. In depolarizing conditions, the calcium peak in the presence of adenosine deaminase was reduced when cells were preincubated with R -PIA, thus suggesting that A1R activation regulates the intensity of depolarization. These results demonstrate that adenosine is an important regulator of the physiological state of pituitary tumor cells by modulating, in an autocrine manner, the activity of L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels.  相似文献   
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