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The duck circovirus (DuCV) infection in sick ducks from Fujian Province was investigated. The liver samples of 43 sick Muscovy ducks with infectious serositis were collected from 12 duck farms in Fujian Province.Based on the published sequences of DuCV, two primers were designed for the detection of DuCV and four pairs of primers were designed to amplify four overlapping fragments that cover the complete genome of DuCV. The specific PCR products were amplified from positive samples. The fragments were then cloned into pMD18-T vector and sequenced, and the full length genomic sequence of the FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was obtained. PCR analysis showed that the proportion of ducks which were positive for circovirus was 79% and 10 out of the 12 farms were positive. Sequence analysis showed that the complete genome of DuCV-FJ0601 was 1988 bp and possessed features common to the family Circoviridae which included a stem-loop structure and the Rep protein motifs. Homology analysis showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV had 97.3%~97.5% nucleotide sequence identity to all the four Taiwan isolates (TC1/2002, TC2/2002, TC3/2002, TC4/2002), 82.9% identity to the America (33753-52) isolate and 82.3% identity to the Germany isolate. Phylogenetic analysis with Clustal W, however,showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was on a common branch with Taiwan isolates, and Germany and America isolates belonged to the other branch.  相似文献   
Therapeutic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have attracted a lot of interest both in basic biomedical sciences as well as in translational medicine. Apart from their therapeutic efficacy adverse effects of siRNAs must be addressed. The generation of stable mRNA cleavage fragments and the translation of N-truncated proteins induced by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ASOs) have been reported. Similar to ASOs, siRNAs are considered to function via an antisense mechanism that promotes the cleavage of the target mRNA. To further investigate whether the stable mRNA cleavage fragments also occur in siRNA we constructed a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression plasmid, pshRNA794, containing the same sequence reported in experiments using ASOs which directly targeted the overlapping region of the pre-genomic mRNA (pgmRNA) and sub-genomic mRNA (sgmRNA) of duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV). The shRNA resulted in a 70.9% and 69.9% reduction of the DHBV mRNAs in LMH and HuH-7 cells, respectively. In addition a 70% inhibition of the DHBV DNA level was observed. Interestingly, 3′-mRNA cleavage fragments were detected in LMH but not in HuH-7 cells. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that the ASO sequence was also effective in siRNA. Importantly, our results provide direct evidence that stable 3′-mRNA fragments were generated by siRNA in cells with high levels of DHBV replication. Whether these can cause adverse RNAi effects needs to be explored further.  相似文献   
Information on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti-inflammatory drugs in birds is scarce. Choice of drug and of dosage is usually empirical, since studies of anti-inflammatory drugs are lacking. In this study, three common veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were administered intravenously to five different bird species. Sodium salicylate, flunixin and meloxicam were selected as anti-inflammatory drugs. These NSAIDs were administered intravenously to chickens (Gallus gallus), ostriches (Struthio camelus), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and pigeons (Columba livia). Plasma concentrations of the drugs were determined by validated high-performance liquid chromatography methods and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. Most bird species exhibited rapid elimination of these drugs. Ostriches had the fastest elimination rate for all three NSAIDs, but there were some interesting species differences. Chickens had a half-life that was approximately 10-fold as long as the other bird species for flunixin. The half-life of chickens and pigeons was three-fold as long as the other bird species for meloxicam, and, for salicylic acid, the half-life in pigeons was at least three-five-fold longer than in the other bird species.  相似文献   
Total cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA from rat, calf and duck lens was fractionated by electrophoresis in methylmercury hydroxide-containing agarose gels. RNA electrophoresed in parallel lanes was either transferred onto nitrocellulose and hybridized with total cDNA synthesized on the initial mRNA or was recovered from individual gel fractions for in vitro translation in a reticulocyte cell-free system. This allowed the identification and size-characterization of individual mRNA species encoding α-, β-, γ- and δ-crystallin polypeptides. The 14 S mRNA fraction of rat lens comprises two αA2-mRNAs of approximately 1250 and 1350 nucleotides and the αAIns-mRNA with a size similar to that of the largest αA2-mRNA. The calf lens 14 S mRNA fraction harbors a heterogeneous population of αA2-mRNA. In the same fraction another mRNA encoding a polypeptide, designated X, has been found sharing no homology with αA sequences. The duck lens αA2-mRNA appears to be 400–450 bases longer than the rat and calf lens αA2-mRNAs. Furthermore, in contrast to the single αB2-mRNA in rat and calf lens, two αB2-mRNAs have been identified in duck lens, one, the major species, similar in size to the αB2-mRNA in rat and calf lens (800 bases), and the other species 700 nucleotides longer. The large size differences among the αA2- and αB2-mRNAs most likely reside in their 3′-untranslated sequences.  相似文献   
猪圆环病毒(Porcine circovirus,PCV)为无囊膜的单股负链DNA病毒,是目前发现的最小的动物病毒,大小约为17nm[1]。PCV根据抗原性及基因组的不同可以分为PCV1和PCV2两种基因型,PCV1分离自猪肾细胞系PK15,它不致病,能够在PK15中稳定存在而不形成细胞病变;PCV2对猪有致病性,可引起猪断奶后多系统衰竭综合征(PMWS)、猪皮炎与肾病综合征(PDNS)、断奶猪和育肥猪的呼吸道疾病、猪的繁殖障碍等疾病。近年来已成为严重危害我国养猪业的主要疾病之一。但迄今为止市场上还没有商品化疫苗和特效药物防治该病,并且该病有时呈亚临床感染,所以…  相似文献   
Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been identified as the essential causal agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome. However, little is known regarding the mechanism(s) underlying the pathogenesis of PCV2-induced disease and the interaction of the virus with the host immune system. Here, we present a proteomics study on inguinal lymph nodes of piglets inoculated with PCV2, in order to better understand the pathogenesis of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome and the pathways might be affected after infection. We used two proteomics strategies, 2-DE and 1-DE followed by (16)O/(18)O peptide labelling and peptide identification and quantification by MS. More than 100 proteins were found to be differentially regulated and the results obtained by the two strategies were fairly concordant but also complementary, the (18)O labelling approach being a more robust alternative. Analysis of these proteins by systems biology tools revealed the implication of acute phase response and NrF2-mediated oxidative stress, suggesting a putative role for these pathways in the pig immune response. Besides, CD81 was found to be up-regulated, suggesting a possible role in the internalization of the virus. The use of proteomics technologies together with biology analysis systems opens up the way to gain more exhaustive and systematic knowledge of virus-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution and localisation of acid trimetaphosphatase was investigated in developing heterophils and eosinophils from fowl and duck. In the heterophils of both species, trimetaphosphatase activity progressively increased in concentration from a thin peripheral band in the round immature primary granules to a fairly dense uniform reaction product in most of the mature specific spindle-shaped granules. Fowl and duck primary eosinophil granules had a similar distribution of reaction product as heterophils. In duck specific eosinophil granules the crystalline interna or externa, or both regions, contained strong activity whereas in the fowl, the activity of the specific granules was strongly-uniform in appearance.  相似文献   
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