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应用~3H-TTP作为放射性掺入底物,建立了鸭乙型肝炎病毒复制复合体(DHBVRCs)内源性DNA聚合酶的测定方法,研究了该酶的生化特性,试验了12种药物对该酶的抑制作用。结果该方法测定的内源性DNA聚合酶为DHBV特异的,其活性依赖于4种dNTP和Mg~ ++的存在。最适Mg~++浓度为20mM。NP-40可刺激其活性。放线菌素D仅能抑制其30%的活性,膦羧基甲酸钠(PFA)、膦羧基乙酸钠(PAA)和苏拉明可抑制此酶,它们的半数抑制浓度分别为8.5μM、860μM和9.25μM。而Ara-AMP等几种药物对该酶无抑制作用。应用放射性掺入电泳自显影法证明,PFA对DHBV RCs中依赖DNA和RNA的DNA聚合酶均有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   
本文应用常规好氧培养法和厌氧培养法,分析了不同日龄、性别及饲养条件下金定鸭粪便正常菌群的组成与变化情况,并同成年骡鸭、正番鸭、北京鸭和康贝尔鸭的粪便菌群做了比较。  相似文献   
超氧化物歧化酶(E、C、是催化超氧阴离子起歧化反应的金属酶类,血红细胞中的SOD属Cu Zn—SOD。本文详细报道了从鸭血分离纯化SOD的改进方法(同时用猪血作对比研究)。设计了热变性、(NH_4)_2SO_4分级监析、低浓乙醇—氯仿短时去除残留血红蛋白、凝胶层析四步纯化方案,获得高产率电泳纯SOD。用紫外扫描,PAGE电泳后考马斯亮蓝和SOD活性杂色,SDS—电泳,HPLC分离和各电泳带组分的N—端测定等技术检测纯度,并进行性质研究。证明所得SOD是均一的;N—端为Ala;分子量和亚分子量各为32,359和16,500dt;并与猪血SOD对比研究其某些性质;对HPLC出现的多个活力峰及PAGE电泳显现的多条活性带进行了讨论。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   We studied the movements and foraging effort of radio-marked Steller's Eiders ( Polysticta stelleri ) and Harlequin Ducks ( Histrionicus histrionicus ) to evaluate habitat quality in an area impacted by industrial activity near Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Foraging effort was relatively low, with Steller's Eiders foraging only 2.7 ± 0.6 (SE) hours per day and Harlequin Ducks 4.1 ± 0.5 hours per day. Low-foraging effort during periods of high-energetic demand generally suggests high food availability, and high food availability frequently corresponds with reductions in home range size. However, the winter ranges of Harlequin Ducks did not appear to be smaller than usual, with the mean range size in our study (5.5 ± 1.1 km2) similar to that reported by previous investigators. The mean size of the winter ranges of Steller's Eiders was similar (5.1 ± 1.3 km2), but no comparable estimates are available. Eutrophication of the waters near Dutch Harbor caused by seafood processing and municipal sewage effluent may have increased populations of the invertebrate prey of these sea ducks and contributed to their low-foraging effort. The threat of predation by Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ) that winter near Dutch Harbor may cause Steller's Eiders and Harlequin Ducks to move further offshore when not foraging, contributing to an increase in range sizes. Thus, the movement patterns and foraging behavior of these ducks likely represent a balance between the cost and benefits of wintering in a human-influenced environment.  相似文献   
猪 2型圆环病毒 (porcinecircovirus 2 ,PCV2 )是断乳仔猪多系统衰竭综合征 (postweaningmultisystemicwastingsyndrome,PMWS)的原发性病原。PCV2的ORF2编码病毒唯一的结构蛋白Cap。根据GenBank中公布的PCV2JXL株的序列设计一对引物 ,应用PCR方法从该毒株感染的PK 15细胞中扩增出完整的ORF2基因 ,将此基因克隆于本实验室此前构建的塞姆利基森林病毒 (SemlikiForestvirus,SFV)RNA复制子衍生的新型真核表达载体Psfv1cs中的BamHⅠ位点 ,获得重组质粒pSFV1CS Cap。用pSFV1CS-Cap分别转染BHK-21细胞和293T细胞 ,经间接免疫荧光试验检测表明 ,PCV2 ORF2基因在转染细胞中得到表达。小鼠接种试验表明 ,该重组质粒能诱导小鼠产生特异性抗体.  相似文献   
In this study,the loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)method was used to develop a rapid and simple detection system for porcine circovirus type 2(PCV2).According to the PCV2 sequences published in GenBank,multiple LAMP primers were designed targeting conserved sequences of PCV2.Using the DNA extracted from PCV2 isolates HUN-09 and SD-09 as the template,LAMP reactions in a PCV2 LAMP system was performed,the amplification products were detected by adding SYBR Green I and could be observed directly by the naked eye.The results showed highly-efficient and specific amplification in 30 min at 63℃ with a LAMP real-time turbidimeter.Furthermore,PCV2 DNA templates,with a detection limit of 5.5×10-5ng of nucleic acid,indicated that this assay was highly sensitive.The results obtained with the naked eye after SYBR Green I staining were consistent with those detected by the real-time turbidimeter,showing the potential simplicity of interpretation of the assay results.The LAMP assay appeared to have greater accuracy than PCR and virus isolation for the analysis of 18 clinical samples.In addition it offers higher specificity and sensitivity,shorter reaction times and simpler procedures than the currently available methods of PCV2 detection.It is therefore a promising tool for the effective and efficient detection of PCV2.  相似文献   
The duck circovirus (DuCV) infection in sick ducks from Fujian Province was investigated. The liver samples of 43 sick Muscovy ducks with infectious serositis were collected from 12 duck farms in Fujian Province.Based on the published sequences of DuCV, two primers were designed for the detection of DuCV and four pairs of primers were designed to amplify four overlapping fragments that cover the complete genome of DuCV. The specific PCR products were amplified from positive samples. The fragments were then cloned into pMD18-T vector and sequenced, and the full length genomic sequence of the FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was obtained. PCR analysis showed that the proportion of ducks which were positive for circovirus was 79% and 10 out of the 12 farms were positive. Sequence analysis showed that the complete genome of DuCV-FJ0601 was 1988 bp and possessed features common to the family Circoviridae which included a stem-loop structure and the Rep protein motifs. Homology analysis showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV had 97.3%~97.5% nucleotide sequence identity to all the four Taiwan isolates (TC1/2002, TC2/2002, TC3/2002, TC4/2002), 82.9% identity to the America (33753-52) isolate and 82.3% identity to the Germany isolate. Phylogenetic analysis with Clustal W, however,showed that FJ0601 isolate of DuCV was on a common branch with Taiwan isolates, and Germany and America isolates belonged to the other branch.  相似文献   
选取3份DHBV阳性广东麻鸭血清提取DHBV DNA,设计一对扩增DHBV全基因序列引物Q1和Q2,扩增并克隆DHBV全基因序列,测序并运用相关计算机软件及方法分析获得的全基因序列.结果表明,广东麻鸭DH-BV全长为3027bp.提交GenBank后获得的收录号分别为AY433937、AY521226、AY521227(来自1号血清);AY392760、AY536371(分别来自2、3号血清).AY521227的PreS/S ORF出现了单碱基突变,在PreC/CORF之前发现一个新的ORF,暂命名为HORF,HORF也同时存在于GenBank中储存的另外8个DHBV全基因序列中.系统发育分析表明,广东麻鸭DHBV在分化程度上是目前储存于GenBank中的DHBV全序列中最高的.成功克隆了广东麻鸭DHBV全基因序列,序列分析为进一步研究广东麻鸭DHBV提供了有益的信息.  相似文献   
Information on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti-inflammatory drugs in birds is scarce. Choice of drug and of dosage is usually empirical, since studies of anti-inflammatory drugs are lacking. In this study, three common veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were administered intravenously to five different bird species. Sodium salicylate, flunixin and meloxicam were selected as anti-inflammatory drugs. These NSAIDs were administered intravenously to chickens (Gallus gallus), ostriches (Struthio camelus), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and pigeons (Columba livia). Plasma concentrations of the drugs were determined by validated high-performance liquid chromatography methods and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. Most bird species exhibited rapid elimination of these drugs. Ostriches had the fastest elimination rate for all three NSAIDs, but there were some interesting species differences. Chickens had a half-life that was approximately 10-fold as long as the other bird species for flunixin. The half-life of chickens and pigeons was three-fold as long as the other bird species for meloxicam, and, for salicylic acid, the half-life in pigeons was at least three-five-fold longer than in the other bird species.  相似文献   
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