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Piperidine nitroxides like 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) are persistent free radicals in non-acidic aqueous solutions and organic solvents that may have value as therapeutic agents in medicine. In biological environments, they undergo mostly reduction to stable hydroxylamines but can also undergo oxidation to reactive oxoammonium compounds. Reactions of the oxoammonium derivatives could have adverse consequences including chemical modification of vital macromolecules and deleterious effects on cell signaling. An examination of their reactivity in aqueous solution has shown that oxoammonium compounds can oxidize almost any organic as well as many inorganic molecules found in biological systems. Many of these reactions appear to be one-electron transfers that reduce the oxoammonium to the corresponding nitroxide species, in contrast to a prevalence of two-electron reductions of oxoammonium in organic solvents. Amino acids, alcohols, aldehydes, phospholipids, hydrogen peroxide, other nitroxides, hydroxylamines, phenols and certain transition metal ions and their complexes are among reductants of oxoammonium, causing conversion of this species to the paramagnetic nitroxide. On the other hand, thiols and oxoammonium yield products that cannot be detected by ESR even under conditions that would oxidize hydroxylamines to nitroxides. These products may include hindered secondary amines, sulfoxamides and sulfonamides. Thiol oxidation products other than disulfides cannot be restored to thiols by common enzymatic reduction pathways. Such products may also play a role in cell signaling events related to oxidative stress. Adverse consequences of the reactions of oxoammonium compounds may partially offset the putative beneficial effects of nitroxides in some therapeutic settings.  相似文献   
Voss P  Grune T 《Amino acids》2007,32(4):527-534
Summary. The accumulation of oxidized proteins is known to be linked to some severe neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. Furthermore, the aging process is also accompanied by an ongoing aggregation of misfolded and damaged proteins. Therefore, mammalian cells have developed potent degradation systems, which selectively degrade damaged and misfolded proteins. The proteasomal system is largely responsible for the removal of oxidatively damaged proteins form the cellular environment. Not only cytosolic proteins are prone to oxidative stress, also nuclear proteins are readily oxidized. The nuclear proteasomal system is responsible for the degradation of these proteins. This review is focused on the specific degradation of oxidized nuclear proteins, the role of the proteasome in this process and the regulation of the nuclear proteasomal system under oxidative conditions.  相似文献   
Improved immunocytochemical detection of daunomycin   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Improved immunocytochemical (ICC) detection of the anthracycline anticancer antibiotic daunomycin (DM) has been achieved by use of hydrogen peroxide oxidation prior to ICC staining for DM. The new method greatly enhanced the localization of DM accumulation in cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle of rats after a single i.v. dose of the drug. DM accumulated in the nuclei as well as in the sarcoplasm, where it occurred in the form of small granules, which were particularly evident in cardiac muscle cells. The distribution of the granules coincided with that of mitochondria. Uptake of DM in nuclei and mitochondria of heart muscle cells may help to improve our understanding of the cardiac toxicity of DM and related anthracyclin antibiotics. A number of ELISA tests were carried out in order to elucidate the mechanims of H2O2−assisted antigen retrieval. A possible mechanism is that DM is reduced and converted to its semiquinone and/or hydroquinone derivative in vivo. Oxidation by hydrogen peroxide acts to convert these derivatives back to the native antigen. The improved ICC methodology using oxidation to recreate native antigens from reduced metabolites may be helpful also with respect to the localization of other drugs.  相似文献   
Microorganisms which can assimilate tropate were screened from soil. Among them, we found a microorganism which has an ability to convert α-methyltropate to optically active α-phenylpropionate, and it was identified as Rhodococcus sp. KU1314. Substrate specificity of the microorganism has been studied. When the aryl group was phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl and 2-naphthyl, the substrate gave optically active α-propionate in good yields. To estimate the reaction mechanism, some compounds considered to be the intermediates were subjected to the reaction. Both enantiomers of α-methyltropate were converted to (R)-α-phenylpropionate with almost the same enantiomeric excess (68 and 72% from R-and S-enantiomers, respectively) and yield (605 and 48% from R-and S-enantiomers, respectively).  相似文献   
The reactivity of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) with water insoluble phenolic compounds has been studied in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIM][BF4])/water mixtures. The enzyme retained some catalytic activity up to 90% ionic liquid in water at 25 °C only at pH values higher than 9.0. Activity steadily decreased towards neutral and acidic conditions, as judged by 4-aminoantypirin/phenol activity tests. Inhibition of horseradish peroxidase under neutral acidic condition was due to the binding of fluoride anions released from tetrafluoroborate anion to the heme iron as demonstrated by the sharp UV–visible absorption transition diagnostic of the conversion from a five coordinated to a six coordinated high spin ferric heme iron. Thus, reactions with water insoluble phenols were carried out under alkaline reaction conditions and 75% [BMIM][BF4]/water mixture. Under these conditions, the distribution of the reaction products was much narrower with respect to that observed in aqueous buffers or water/dimethylformamide or water/dimethylsulfoxide mixtures, and polymeric species other than dimers were not observed. Technical scale preparations of a novel 4-phenylphenol ortho dimer [2,2′-bi-(4-phenylphenol)] with a high yield of the desired product were obtained.  相似文献   
The activity of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO; E.C. catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of tryptophan to form kynurenine. IDO activity consumes superoxide anions; therefore, we postulated that over-expression of IDO might mitigate superoxide-anion dependent, oxidative modification of cellular proteins in vitro. We prepared and characterized RAW 264.7 macrophages that were stably transfected with either an IDO expression vector or the control (empty) vector. We detected IDO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity in the IDO-transfected macrophages, but not in the macrophages transfected with the empty vector. To generate superoxide anions in situ, we treated the IDO-and control-transfected cultures with xanthine or hypoxanthine, and then used ELISA methods to quantitate the relative levels of oxidatively modified proteins in total cell lysates. The levels of protein carbonyls were similar in IDO-transfected and vector-transfected macrophages; however, protein nitration was significantly less in IDO-transfected cells compared to control transfectants. In addition, steady-state levels of superoxide anions were significantly lower in the IDO-transfected cultures compared with control transfectants. Our results are consistent with the concept that, besides degrading tryptophan, IDO activity may protect cells from oxidative damage.  相似文献   
The effects of neighboring residues and formulation variables on tyrosine oxidation were investigated in model dipeptides (glysyl tyrosine, N-acetyl tyrosine, glutamyl tyrosine, and tyrosyl arginine) and tripeptide (lysyl tyrosyl lysine). The tyrosyl peptides were oxidized by light under alkaline conditions by a zero-order reaction. The rate of the photoreaction was dependent on tyrosyl pK(a), which was perturbed by the presence of neighboring charged amino acid residues. The strength of light exposure, oxygen headspace, and the presence of cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammonia chloride had a significant effect on the kinetics of tyrosyl photo-oxidation. Tyrosine and model tyrosyl peptides were also oxidized by hydrogen peroxide/metal ions at neutral pH. Metal-catalyzed oxidation followed first-order kinetics. Adjacent negatively charged amino acids accelerated tyrosine oxidation owing to affinity of the negative charges to metal-ions, whereas positively charged amino acid residues disfavored the reaction. The oxidation of tyrosine in peptides was greatly affected by the presence of adjacent charged residues, and the extent of the effect depended on the solution environment.  相似文献   
水体硝化体系中砷的解毒机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
硝化是目前废水生物脱氮中应用最为广泛的工艺之一,其功能菌为化能自养型细菌,生长缓慢,对重金属十分敏感。砷是一种剧毒的类金属元素,主要以无机形式的亚砷酸盐[AsO2-,As(Ⅲ)]和砷酸盐[AsO43-,As(Ⅴ)]存在,尤以As(Ⅲ)毒性最强。但研究发现,在硝化体系中,高浓度As(Ⅲ)(约400mg/L)未对硝化功能微生物产生明显毒性。深入比较发现,As(Ⅲ)的生物氧化与硝化过程具有一定的关联性。化能自养型As(Ⅲ)氧化菌不仅可在有氧条件下将As(Ⅲ)氧化,还可在缺氧条件下以NO2或NO3为电子受体氧化As(Ⅲ)。而硝化细菌也是典型的化能自养菌,且硝化体系内存在氧气及硝化产物NO2、NO3等电子受体,理论上均可接受电子实现As(Ⅲ)的氧化。本文结合硝化反应特性,综述了As(Ⅲ)在硝化体系下的解毒机制,主要为胞外聚合物的...  相似文献   
Vertebrate vocalizations are widespread secondary sexual signals used for mate attraction and territory defence, and variation in signal quality is often condition dependent and impacts reproductive outcomes. Although vocal signal performance is known to reflect various aspects of male quality, few studies have examined the underlying mechanisms mediating its costs and hence its honesty. Using a population of Arctic‐breeding snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis), we compared the ‘Oxidation Handicap Hypothesis’, which predicts that testosterone‐induced increases in oxidative stress provide a direct mechanistic basis for ensuring the honesty of many secondary sexual signals, to the ‘Aerobic Activity Hypothesis, which predicts that it is the aerobic activity involved with signal production (i.e. vocal performance or defending a large territory) and not testosterone directly that links signal quality and oxidative stress. Males singing at faster rates had higher levels of both reactive oxygen metabolites and non‐enzymatic antioxidant capacity in the plasma (i.e. without an increase in overall oxidative stress), enabling certain males to produce high‐quality signals while also mitigating the costs of an associated increase in oxidative stress. However, these results were completely independent of plasma testosterone levels, supporting the role of aerobic performance in directly affecting oxidative stress. Although song performance was not linked to reproductive parameters in our data set, our research is the first to test these competing hypotheses in a behavioural trait and results suggest that oxidative stress may be an underlying physiological cost preventing low‐quality individuals from producing high‐quality signals.  相似文献   
The role of mitochondrial energy metabolism in maintaining lung function is not understood. We previously observed reduced lung function in mice lacking the fatty acid oxidation enzyme long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD). Here, we demonstrate that long-chain acylcarnitines, a class of lipids secreted by mitochondria when metabolism is inhibited, accumulate at the air-fluid interface in LCAD−/− lungs. Acylcarnitine accumulation is exacerbated by stress such as influenza infection or by dietary supplementation with l-carnitine. Long-chain acylcarnitines co-localize with pulmonary surfactant, a unique film of phospholipids and proteins that reduces surface tension and prevents alveolar collapse during breathing. In vitro, the long-chain species palmitoylcarnitine directly inhibits the surface adsorption of pulmonary surfactant as well as its ability to reduce surface tension. Treatment of LCAD−/− mice with mildronate, a drug that inhibits carnitine synthesis, eliminates acylcarnitines and improves lung function. Finally, acylcarnitines are detectable in normal human lavage fluid. Thus, long-chain acylcarnitines may represent a risk factor for lung injury in humans with dysfunctional fatty acid oxidation.  相似文献   
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