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细胞色素P450酶在自然界中广泛存在,能催化多种类型的氧化反应,在有机合成和生物化工方面具有重要的应用潜力。尽管大多数P450酶通常需要辅酶和复杂的电子传递体系协助活化氧分子,一些P450酶也可以利用过氧化氢作为末端氧化剂,这极大地简化了催化循环,为P450酶的合成应用提供了一条新的简便途径。本文系统地介绍了几类过氧化氢驱动的P450酶催化体系,包括脂肪酸羟化酶P450SPα和P450BSβ、脂肪酸脱羧酶P450OleTJE、人工改造的羟化酶P450BM3和P450cam突变体、以及基于底物误识别策略的P450-H2O2体系。通过分析催化反应机制,本文探讨了P450-H2O2催化体系在目前存在的挑战和可能的解决途径,并对其进一步应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
单克隆抗体生产过程中二硫键的还原是生物制药领域中的一个常见技术难题,可产生低分子量碎片,影响产品质量,导致蛋白纯度降低、稳定性下降,影响药物的安全性和有效性。抗体二硫键还原实质上是由细胞内的硫氧还蛋白系统和谷胱甘肽系统引起的可逆氧化还原反应,并与具体生产过程参数有关。近年来,随着抗体药物和哺乳动物细胞培养工艺规模的发展,二硫键还原问题频繁发生。为解决此问题,研究人员不断尝试并建立了多种预防方法以保证产品质量。概述了抗体二硫键结构、二硫键还原的主要成因及生产过程中的形成因素,重点阐述了消除或减缓抗体二硫键还原的方法、对策,并列举了几种可行的过程分析技术,以期为单克隆抗体药物生产制造工艺的进一步优化提供参考。  相似文献   
刘俊霞  薛丹  黄新亚  刘建亮  高永恒  陈槐 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5317-5327
泥炭地是主要的甲烷(CH4)排放源,甲烷循环过程对水位变化响应敏感。研究选取两块具有水位差异的泥炭地土壤,通过厌氧培养实验探究水位变化对泥炭地甲烷产生和甲烷厌氧氧化(Methane Anaerobic Oxidation,AOM)潜势的影响,并分析影响其潜势大小的生物地球化学因子。结果显示,高水位泥炭地(0 cm) CH4产生累积量为(0.89±0.01)μg/g,要显著高于低水位(-30 cm:(0.70±0.03)μg/g)泥炭地甲烷产生量,但低水位AOM累积量要显著高于高水位泥炭地(0 cm:(2829.93±35.99)μg/g),低水位泥炭地AOM量为(3588.06±24.78)μg/g。通过相关性分析发现甲烷产生潜势与含水量和DOC具有显著相关性,AOM潜势与含水量、pH、DOC具有显著相关性,含水量和DOC是影响若尔盖泥炭地甲烷产生及AOM潜势大小的重要因子。此外,发现高水位泥炭地甲烷产生潜势对温度升高的响应较为明显,特别是表层土壤(0-20 cm)。本研究明确了水位变化对若尔盖泥炭地甲烷产生及AOM潜势的影响特征,估算了全国泥炭地甲烷产生及AOM潜势的大小,以期为减缓全球气候变暖提供一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   
磷脂是构成生物膜和脂蛋白的重要成分,容易在自由基或非自由基以及酶促条件下发生氧化修饰,形成氧化磷脂(oxidized phospholipids,OxPLs),并进一步产生具有不同生物活性的氧化产物.临床证据表明,OxPLs在动脉粥样硬化(ath-erosclerosis,AS)发展过程中不断生成和转化,并在病变处积累...  相似文献   
【背景】海上油田见聚后产出水硫化物超标,影响到注聚水的配聚黏度,采用生物脱硫时,由于常规除硫菌难以适应除油后产出液的高温,使得脱硫效果不佳。【目的】分析海上采出液水处理过程的菌群结构,明确生物处理各节点的菌群构成变化;开展耐高温脱硫菌驯化筛选,获得耐高温的高效脱硫菌。【方法】采集来自胜利油田海三站的水样,以16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术分析样本菌群结构,并分别在不同温度(55、60和65℃)下的无机富集培养基中进行多轮转接驯化,结合常压室温等离子体(atmospheric and room temperature plasma, ARTP)诱变技术筛选获得耐高温的脱硫菌群,采用宏基因组测序技术分析富集菌群的组成,并测定其脱硫能力。【结果】处理前的采出液水样含有较多的嗜热菌和硫酸盐还原菌,如Thermodesulfovibrio、Pseudothermotoga、Thermolithobacter、Fervidobacterium、Thermovenabulales和Pseudomonas;以厌氧气浮除油工艺处理的出水中,嗜氢菌属(Hydrogenophilus)成为最主要的优势菌,...  相似文献   
【背景】沙福芽孢杆菌ST7菌株具有较强的锰氧化能力,但其分子机制不清楚。【目的】着重研究鞭毛马达开关蛋白基因(fliY)对沙福芽孢杆菌锰氧化能力的影响。【方法】根据同源重组原理,以沙福芽孢杆菌ST7菌株为起始菌株,构建fliY基因敲除的突变株ΔfliY,测定菌落迁徙、细菌生物膜和锰氧化率等,研究fliY基因突变后菌株的运动能力、生物膜生成和锰氧化能力是否发生变化。【结果】经克隆测序,证实突变株ΔfliY中fliY基因的后半段被卡纳霉素抗性基因取代,fliY基因失活;与野生型菌株ST7相比,突变株ΔfliY在全营养的LB培养基中生长变化不大,但在含锰的PYCM培养基中,突变株的生长速度减慢、菌落较小、生物膜生成量显著下降,运动性和锰氧化能力分别下降65%和20%。【结论】fliY基因不仅影响菌株的生长和运动,而且参与细菌的趋化和锰氧化等生物学过程。  相似文献   
硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化菌的种类、分布和特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王茹  郑平  张萌  赵和平  周晓馨 《微生物学通报》2015,42(12):2448-2456
硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化(NAFO)是指微生物在厌氧条件下利用硝酸盐或亚硝酸盐作为电子受体,将低价铁(二价铁或零价铁)氧化为高价铁(三价铁)的过程。具有NAFO代谢能力的微生物称为硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化菌(NAFOM)。NAFO是微生物领域的重大发现,也是环境领域开发新型脱氮技术和地学领域研究铁、氮循环的理论依据。整理文献报道的NAFOM资料,分析NAFOM系统发育性状,探讨典型NAFOM的生态分布及其营养、代谢特性,以期为NAFOM菌种资源的开发、地球铁素和氮素循环的研究、NAFO过程的优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Low-bandgap mixed tin (Sn)-lead (Pb) perovskite solar cells promise efficiency beyond the pure-Pb ones. However, the difference in the interaction rate of SnI2 and PbI2 with organic salts causes spatial distribution heterogeneity of Sn2+ and Pb2+ in mixed Sn─Pb perovskite layers. This causes a Sn-rich surface, which can trigger more severe Sn2+ oxidation and nonradiative recombination. A strategy, of introducing indium ion (In3+) into the perovskite precursor solution to compete with Sn2+ when reacting with organic salts is developed. Therefore, the nucleation and crystallization of perovskite films are well-controlled, leading to improved film quality with a more balanced Sn/Pb ratio on the film surface. Additionally, In3+ has a lower reduction potential compared to Sn2+ which can generate an extra energy barrier for Sn2+ oxidation. The improved film quality and reduced surface oxidation result in accelerated electron transfer and reduced carrier recombination rate. The modified devices achieve a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 23.34%, representing one of the highest PCEs in mixed Sn─Pb solar cells made with PCBM.  相似文献   
The recent development of mutant-selective inhibitors for the oncogenic KRASG12C allele has generated considerable excitement. These inhibitors covalently engage the mutant C12 thiol located within the phosphoryl binding loop of RAS, locking the KRASG12C protein in an inactive state. While clinical trials of these inhibitors have been promising, mechanistic questions regarding the reactivity of this thiol remain. Here, we show by NMR and an independent biochemical assay that the pKa of the C12 thiol is depressed (pKa ∼7.6), consistent with susceptibility to chemical ligation. Using a validated fluorescent KRASY137W variant amenable to stopped-flow spectroscopy, we characterized the kinetics of KRASG12C fluorescence changes upon addition of ARS-853 or AMG 510, noting that at low temperatures, ARS-853 addition elicited both a rapid first phase of fluorescence change (attributed to binding, Kd = 36.0 ± 0.7 μM) and a second, slower pH-dependent phase, taken to represent covalent ligation. Consistent with the lower pKa of the C12 thiol, we found that reversible and irreversible oxidation of KRASG12C occurred readily both in vitro and in the cellular environment, preventing the covalent binding of ARS-853. Moreover, we found that oxidation of the KRASG12C Cys12 to a sulfinate altered RAS conformation and dynamics to be more similar to KRASG12D in comparison to the unmodified protein, as assessed by molecular dynamics simulations. Taken together, these findings provide insight for future KRASG12C drug discovery efforts, and identify the occurrence of G12C oxidation with currently unknown biological ramifications.  相似文献   
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