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The self has been proposed to be rooted in the neural monitoring of internal bodily signals and might thus involve interoceptive areas, notably the right anterior insula (rAI). However, studies on the self consistently showed the involvement of midline default network (DN) nodes, without referring to visceral monitoring. Here, we investigate this apparent discrepancy. We previously showed that neural responses to heartbeats in the DN encode two different self-dimensions, the agentive ‘I’ and the introspective ‘Me’, in a whole-brain analysis of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Here, we confirm and anatomically refine this result with intracranial recordings (intracranial electroencephalography, iEEG). In two patients, we show a parametric modulation of neural responses to heartbeats by the self-relatedness of thoughts, at the single trial level. A region-of-interest analysis of the insula reveals that MEG responses to heartbeats in the rAI encode the ‘I’ self-dimension. The effect in rAI was weaker than in the DN and was replicated in iEEG data in one patient out of two. We propose that a common mechanism, the neural monitoring of cardiac signals, underlies the self in both the DN and rAI. This might reconcile studies on the self highlighting the DN, with studies on interoception focusing on the insula.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Interoception beyond homeostasis: affect, cognition and mental health’.  相似文献   
When searching for hidden food, do chimpanzees take into account both the number of hidden items and the number of potential hiding locations? We presented chimpanzees with two trays, each of them containing a different food/cup ratio and therefore a different likelihood of finding a baited cup among empty alternatives. Subjects'' performance was directly influenced by the relative difference (probability ratio (PR)) between the two given probabilities. Interestingly, however, they did not appreciate the special value of a truly safe option (with P = 1.0). Instead, they seemed to ‘blindly’ rely on the PR between the two options, systematically preferring the more likely one once a certain threshold had been reached. A control condition ruled out the possibility of low-level learning explanations for the observed performance.  相似文献   
EEG是由大脑产生的非线性时间序列,体现出混沌行为。近年来迅速发展的非线性动力学理论为脑电信号分析开创了一个新的领域。本文综述了近年来非线性动力学在脑电信号研究中(睡眠阶段,麻醉深度,认知过程,精神分裂,痴呆及癫痫)的进展,以期对脑神经动力学有更好的理解。  相似文献   
A recent study reported lower anxiety in the 5xFAD transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, as measured by reduced time on the open arms of an elevated plus maze. This is important because all behaviors in experimental animals must be interpreted in light of basal anxiety and response to novel environments. We conducted a comprehensive anxiety battery in the 5xFAD transgenics and replicated the plus‐maze phenotype. However, we found that it did not reflect reduced anxiety, but rather abnormal avoidance of the closed arms on the part of transgenics and within‐session habituation to the closed arms on the part of wild‐type controls. We noticed that the 5xFAD transgenics did not engage in the whisker‐barbering behavior typical of mice of this background strain. This is suggestive of abnormal social behavior, and we suspected it might be related to their avoidance of the closed arms on the plus maze. Indeed, transgenic mice exhibited excessive home‐cage social behavior and impaired social recognition, and did not permit barbering by wild‐type mice when pair‐housed. When their whiskers were snipped the 5xFAD transgenics no longer avoided the closed arms on the plus maze. Examination of parvalbumin (PV) staining showed a 28.9% reduction in PV+ inhibitory interneurons in the barrel fields of 5xFAD mice, and loss of PV+ fibers in layers IV and V. This loss of vibrissal inhibition suggests a putatively aversive overstimulation that may be responsible for the transgenics' avoidance of the closed arms in the plus maze .  相似文献   
When users’ tasks in a distributed heterogeneous computing environment (e.g., cluster of heterogeneous computers) are allocated resources, the total demand placed on some system resources by the tasks, for a given interval of time, may exceed the availability of those resources. In such a case, some tasks may receive degraded service or be dropped from the system. One part of a measure to quantify the success of a resource management system (RMS) in such a distributed environment is the collective value of the tasks completed during an interval of time, as perceived by the user, application, or policy maker. The Flexible Integrated System Capability (FISC) measure presented here is a measure for quantifying this collective value. The FISC measure is a flexible multi-dimensional measure such that any task attribute can be inserted and may include priorities, versions of a task or data, deadlines, situational mode, security, application- and domain-specific QoS, and task dependencies. For an environment where it is important to investigate how well data communication requests are satisfied, the data communication request satisfied can be the basis of the FISC measure instead of tasks completed. The motivation behind the FISC measure is to determine the performance of resource management schemes if tasks have multiple attributes that needs to be satisfied. The goal of this measure is to compare the results of different resource management heuristics that are trying to achieve the same performance objective but with different approaches. This research was supported by the DARPA/ITO Quorum Program, by the DARPA/ISO BADD Program and the Office of Naval Research under ONR grant number N00014-97-1-0804, by the DARPA/ITO AICE program under contract numbers DABT63-99-C-0010 and DABT63-99-C-0012, and by the Colorado State University George T. Abell Endowment. Intel and Microsoft donated some of the equipment used in this research. Jong-Kook Kim is pursuing a Ph.D. degree from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University (expected in August 2004). Jong-Kook received his M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University in May 2000. He received his B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Korea University, Seoul, Korea in 1998. He has presented his work at several international conferences and has been a reviewer for numerous conferences and journals. His research interests include heterogeneous distributed computing, computer architecture, performance measure, resource management, evolutionary heuristics, and power-aware computing. He is a student member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and ACM. Debra Hensgen is a member of the Research and Evaluation Team at OpenTV in Mountain View, California. OpenTV produces middleware for set-top boxes in support of interactive television. She received her Ph.D. in the area of Distributed Operating Systems from the University of Kentucky. Prior to moving to private industry, as an Associate Professor in the systems area, she worked with students and colleagues to design and develop tools and systems for resource management, network re-routing algorithms and systems that preserve quality of service guarantees, and visualization tools for performance debugging of parallel and distributed systems. She has published numerous papers concerning her contributions to the Concurra toolkit for automatically generating safe, efficient concurrent code, the Graze parallel processing performance debugger, the SAAM path information base, and the SmartNet and MSHN Resource Management Systems. Taylor Kidd is currently a Software Architect for Vidiom Systems in Portland Oregon. His current work involves the writing of multi-company industrial specifications and the architecting of software systems for the digital cable television industry. He has been involved in the establishment of international specifications for digital interactive television in both Europe and in the US. Prior to his current position, Dr. Kidd has been a researcher for the US Navy as well as an Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School. Dr Kidd received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1991 from the University of California, San Diego. H. J. Siegel was appointed the George T. Abell Endowed Chair Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU) in August 2001, where he is also a Professor of Computer Science. In December 2002, he became the first Director of the CSU Information Science and Technology Center (ISTeC). ISTeC is a university-wide organization for promoting, facilitating, and enhancing CSU’s research, education, and outreach activities pertaining to the design and innovative application of computer, communication, and information systems. From 1976 to 2001, he was a professor at Purdue University. He received two BS degrees from MIT, and the MA, MSE, and PhD degrees from Princeton University. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, heterogeneous computing, robust computing systems, parallel algorithms, parallel machine interconnection networks, and reconfigurable parallel computer systems. He has co-authored over 300 published papers on parallel and distributed computing and communication, is an IEEE Fellow, is an ACM Fellow, was a Coeditor-in-Chief of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and was on the Editorial Boards of both the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and the IEEE Transactions on Computers. He was Program Chair/Co-Chair of three major international conferences, General Chair/Co-Chair of four international conferences, and Chair/Co-Chair of five workshops. He has been an international keynote speaker and tutorial lecturer, and has consulted for industry and government. David St. John is Chief Information Officer for WeatherFlow, Inc., a weather services company specializing in coastal weather observations and forecasts. He received a master’s degree in Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. He spent several years as the head of staff on the Management System for Heterogeneous Networks project in the Computer Science Department of the Naval Postgraduate School. His current relationship with cluster computing is as a user of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), a numerical weather model developed at Colorado State University. WeatherFlow runs RAMS operationally on a Linux-based cluster. Cynthia Irvine is a Professor of Computer Science at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. She received her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University and her B.A. in Physics from Rice University. She joined the faculty of the Naval Postgraduate School in 1994. Previously she worked in industry on the development of high assurance secure systems. In 2001, Dr. Irvine received the Naval Information Assurance Award. Dr. Irvine is the Director of the Center for Information Systems Security Studies and Research at the Naval Postgraduate School. She has served on special panels for NSF, DARPA, and OSD. In the area of computer security education Dr. Irvine has most recently served as the general chair of the Third World Conference on Information Security Education and the Fifth Workshop on Education in Computer Security. She co-chaired the NSF workshop on Cyber-security Workforce Needs Assessment and Educational Innovation and was a participant in the Computing Research Association/NSF sponsored Grand Challenges in Information Assurance meeting. She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Information Warfare and has served as a reviewer and/or program committee member of a variety of security related conferences. She has written over 100 papers and articles and has supervised the work of over 80 students. Professor Irvine is a member of the ACM, the AAS, a life member of the ASP, and a Senior Member of the IEEE. Timothy E. Levin is a Research Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School. He has spent over 18 years working in the design, development, evaluation, and verification of secure computer systems, including operating systems, databases and networks. His current research interests include high assurance system design and analysis, development of models and methods for the dynamic selection of QoS security attributes, and the application of formal methods to the development of secure computer systems. Viktor K. Prasanna received his BS in Electronics Engineering from the Bangalore University and his MS from the School of Automation, Indian Institute of Science. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Pennsylvania State University in 1983. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering as well as in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He is also an associate member of the Center for Applied Mathematical Sciences (CAMS) at USC. He served as the Division Director for the Computer Engineering Division during 1994–98. His research interests include parallel and distributed systems, embedded systems, configurable architectures and high performance computing. Dr. Prasanna has published extensively and consulted for industries in the above areas. He has served on the organizing committees of several international meetings in VLSI computations, parallel computation, and high performance computing. He is the Steering Co-chair of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium [merged IEEE International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS) and the Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (SPDP)] and is the Steering Chair of the International Conference on High Performance Computing(HiPC). He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing and the Proceedings of the IEEE. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers. He was the founding Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Richard F. Freund is the originator of GridIQ’s network scheduling concepts that arose from mathematical and computing approaches he developed for the Department of Defense in the early 1980’s. Dr. Freund has over twenty-five years experience in computational mathematics, algorithm design, high performance computing, distributed computing, network planning, and heterogeneous scheduling. Since 1989, Dr. Freund has published over 45 journal articles in these fields. He has also been an editor of special editions of IEEE Computer and the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. In addition, he is a founder of the Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, held annually in conjunction with the International Parallel Processing Symposium. Dr. Freund is the recipient of many awards, which includes the prestigious Department of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award in 1984 and the Lauritsen-Bennet Award from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command in San Diego, California.  相似文献   
There is strong evidence supporting the deleterious effects of aging on learning and memory and behavioral parameters in normal mice. However, little is known about the Ames dwarf mouse, which has a Prop-1 gene mutation resulting in deficiencies in growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and prolactin. These mice are much smaller and live significantly longer than their normal siblings. Using the elevated plus-maze, locomotor activity meters, and an inhibitory avoidance learning task, the present study compared Ames dwarf mice to their normal siblings. Results showed that Ames dwarf mice did not experience an age-related decline in locomotor activity when compared to their young counterparts. Furthermore, old dwarf mice did not differ from the young groups in inhibitory avoidance retention, while old normal animals performed more poorly than both young groups on this test. Elevated plus-maze behavior did not differ in the old normal versus dwarf groups, but the old groups did differ from the young. Results indicate that both old groups experienced a significant decline in anxiety with age. Taken together, these results indicate that multiple hormone deficiencies resulting from a lack of primary pituitary function have beneficial effects on cognitive function and locomotor behavior in advanced age. In fact, the Ames dwarf mouse may provide a model for studies of delayed mental as well as physical aging.  相似文献   
Animals rarely solve problems spontaneously. Some bird species, however, can immediately find a solution to the string-pulling problem. They are able to rapidly gain access to food hung on the end of a long string by repeatedly pulling and then stepping on the string. It is currently unclear whether these spontaneous solutions are produced by insight or by a perceptual-motor feedback loop. Here, we presented New Caledonian crows and humans with a novel horizontal string-pulling task. While the humans succeeded, no individual crow showed a significant preference for the connected string, and all but one failed to gain the food even once. These results clearly show that string pulling in New Caledonian crows is generated not by insight, but by perceptual feedback. Animals can spontaneously solve problems without planning their actions.  相似文献   
The study of animal cognition has provided valuable data throughout the years, yet its reliance on laboratory work leaves some open questions. The main question is whether animals employ cognition in daily decision-making. The following discussion uses sperm competition (SC) as a test case for demonstrating the effect of cognition on routine choices, in this case, sexual selection. Cognition is manifested here by males' ability to represent the number of rivals competing with them. I claim that response to SC is driven by quantity estimation and the ability to assess competition magnitude cognitively. Hence, cognition can determine males' response to SC, and consequentially it can be selected within this context. This supports the argument that cognition constitutes an integral part of an individual's toolbox in solving real-life problems, and shows that physical and behavioural phenomena can expose cognition to selection and facilitate its evolution.  相似文献   
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