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Biclustering is an important tool in microarray analysis when only a subset of genes co-regulates in a subset of conditions. Different from standard clustering analyses, biclustering performs simultaneous classification in both gene and condition directions in a microarray data matrix. However, the biclustering problem is inherently intractable and computationally complex. In this paper, we present a new biclustering algorithm based on the geometrical viewpoint of coherent gene expression profiles. In this method, we perform pattern identification based on the Hough transform in a column-pair space. The algorithm is especially suitable for the biclustering analysis of large-scale microarray data. Our studies show that the approach can discover significant biclusters with respect to the increased noise level and regulatory complexity. Furthermore, we also test the ability of our method to locate biologically verifiable biclusters within an annotated set of genes.  相似文献   
In this study, membrane proteins were classified using the information hidden in their sequences. It was achieved by applying the wavelet analysis to the sequences and consequently extracting several features, each of them revealing a proportion of the information content present in the sequence. The resultant features were made normalized and subsequently fed into a cascaded model developed in order to reduce the effect of the existing bias in the dataset, rising from the difference in size of the membrane protein classes. The results indicate an improvement in prediction accuracy of the model in comparison with similar works. The application of the presented model can be extended to other fields of structural biology due to its efficiency, simplicity and flexibility.  相似文献   
Wileyto et al. [E.P. Wileyto, W.J. Ewens, M.A. Mullen, Markov-recapture population estimates: a tool for improving interpretation of trapping experiments, Ecology 75 (1994) 1109] propose a four-state discrete time Markov process, which describes the structure of a marking-capture experiment as a method of population estimation. They propose this method primarily for estimation of closed insect populations. Their method provides a mark-recapture estimate from a single trap observation by allowing subjects to mark themselves. The estimate of the unknown population size is based on the assumption of a closed population and a simple Markov model in which the rates of marking, capture, and recapture are assumed to be equal. Using the one step transition probability matrix of their model, we illustrate how to go from an embedded discrete time Markov process to a continuous time Markov process assuming exponentially distributed holding times. We also compute the transition probabilities after time t for the continuous time case and compare the limiting behavior of the continuous and discrete time processes. Finally, we generalize their model by relaxing the assumption of equal per capita rates for marking, capture, and recapture. Other questions about how their results change when using a continuous time Markov process are examined.  相似文献   
The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process has been proposed as a model for the spontaneous activity of a neuron. In this model, the firing of the neuron corresponds to the first passage of the process to a constant boundary, or threshold. While the Laplace transform of the first-passage time distribution is available, the probability distribution function has not been obtained in any tractable form. We address the problem of estimating the parameters of the process when the only available data from a neuron are the interspike intervals, or the times between firings. In particular, we give an algorithm for computing maximum likelihood estimates and their corresponding confidence regions for the three identifiable (of the five model) parameters by numerically inverting the Laplace transform. A comparison of the two-parameter algorithm (where the time constant tau is known a priori) to the three-parameter algorithm shows that significantly more data is required in the latter case to achieve comparable parameter resolution as measured by 95% confidence intervals widths. The computational methods described here are a efficient alternative to other well known estimation techniques for leaky integrate-and-fire models. Moreover, it could serve as a template for performing parameter inference on more complex integrate-and-fire neuronal models.  相似文献   
Alamethicin F50/5 is a hydrophobic peptide that is devoid of charged residues and that induces voltage-dependent ion channels in lipid membranes. The peptide backbone is likely to be involved in the ion conduction pathway. Electron spin-echo spectroscopy of alamethicin F50/5 analogs in which a selected Aib residue (at position n = 1, 8, or 16) is replaced by the TOAC amino-acid spin label was used to study torsional dynamics of the peptide backbone in association with phosphatidylcholine bilayer membranes. Rapid librational motions of limited angular amplitude were observed at each of the three TOAC sites by recording echo-detected spectra as a function of echo delay time, 2τ. Simulation of the time-resolved spectra, combined with conventional EPR measurements of the librational amplitude, shows that torsional fluctuations of the peptide backbone take place on the subnanosecond to nanosecond timescale, with little temperature dependence. Associated fluctuations in polar fields from the peptide could facilitate ion permeation.  相似文献   
Wavelet transform analysis revealed quasiperiodicity of exon starts in the genes for collagens of types I and VII. In the regions coding for the fibrillar part of the protein, the average sum length of an exon and the following intron was ~165 nt, i.e. close to the minimal nucleosome repeat length. Such quasiperiodic segments comprising 2–5 contiguous exon+intron pairs of similar length encompassed more than 50% of exons making the fibrillar part. We also observed regular disposition of exon starts in the nonfibrillar part of collagen VII, but with a different period of 227 nt.  相似文献   
Podstawka E 《Biopolymers》2008,89(11):980-992
This work presents a Fourier-transform absorption infrared, Fourier-transform Raman, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) study of the following peptides belonging to the bombesin-like family: phyllolitorin, [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin, NMB, NMC, and PG-L. The SERS study was undertaken to understand the adsorption mechanism of bombesin-like peptides on an electrochemically roughened silver electrode surface and to show changes in the adsorption mechanism with alterations in amino acids and small tertiary structures. The SERS spectra presented here shows bands mainly associated with the Trp(8) residue vibrations. The presence of mainly pyrrole coring vibrations for phyllolitorin and [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin and mainly benzene coring modes for NMB and NMC indicated that these groups interact with the roughened silver electrode surface. Furthermore, N(1)--C(8) and C(3)--C(9) bonds of the PG-L indole ring seemed to have nearly a vertical orientation on the electrode surface. In addition, distinct vibrations of the C--S fragment were observed in the SERS spectra of [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin and PG-L. The strong enhancement of the nu(C==O) vibration in the [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin SERS spectrum yielded evidence that the intact C==O bond(s) bind strongly to the silver electrode surface, whereas NMC, phyllolitorin, and NMB were located near the silver surface. This finding was supported by the presence of the nu(C--C(==O)) mode. The amide I band observed at 1642 and 1634 cm(-1) for NMB and NMC, respectively, and the Raman amide III band seen in the 1282-1249 cm(-1) range for all peptides except PG-L, indicate that the strongly hydrogen-bonded alpha-helical conformation and random-coil structure are favored for binding to the surface. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 89: 980-992, 2008.This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com.  相似文献   
In this work we present a hybrid linear trap/Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) mass spectrometer to perform protein sequencing using the bottom-up approach. We demonstrate that incorporation of the linear trap greatly enhances the overall performance of the hybrid system for the study of complex peptide mixtures separated by fast high-performance liquid chromatography gradients. The ability to detect in the linear trap enables employment of automatic gain control to greatly reduce space charging in the ICR cell irregardless of ion flux. Resulting accurate mass measurements of 2 ppm or better using external calibration are achieved for the base peak as well as ions at 2% relative abundance. The linear trap is used to perform ion accumulation and activation prior to detection in the ICR cell which increases the scan rate. The increased duty cycle allows for data-dependent mass analysis of coeluting peptides to be acquired increasing protein sequence coverage without increasing the gradient length. In addition, the linear trap could be used as an ion detection device to perform simultaneous detection of tandem mass spectra with full scan mass spectral detection in the ICR cell resulting in the fastest scan cycles for performing bottom-up sequencing of protein digests. Comparisons of protein sequence coverage are presented for product ion detection in the linear trap and ICR cell.  相似文献   
Chicken liver bile acid-binding protein (L-BABP) is a member of the fatty acid-binding proteins super family. The common fold is a β-barrel of ten strands capped with a short helix-loop-helix motif called portal region, which is involved in the uptake and release of non-polar ligands. Using multiple-run molecular dynamics simulations we studied the interactions of L-BABP with lipid membranes of anionic and zwitterionic phospholipids. The simulations were in agreement with our experimental observations regarding the electrostatic nature of the binding and the conformational changes of the protein in the membrane. We observed that L-BABP migrated from the initial position in the aqueous bulk phase to the interface of anionic lipid membranes and established contacts with the head groups of phospholipids through the side of the barrel that is opposite to the portal region. The conformational changes in the protein occurred simultaneously with the binding to the membrane. Remarkably, these conformational changes were observed in the portal region which is opposite to the zone where the protein binds directly to the lipids. The protein was oriented with its macrodipole aligned in the configuration of lowest energy within the electric field of the anionic membrane, which indicates the importance of the electrostatic interactions to determine the preferred orientation of the protein. We also identified this electric field as the driving force for the conformational change. For all the members of the fatty acid-binding protein family, the interactions with lipid membranes is a relevant process closely related to the uptake, release and transfer of the ligand. The observations presented here suggest that the ligand transfer might not necessarily occur through the domain that directly interacts with the lipid membrane. The interactions with the membrane electric field that determine orientation and conformational changes described here can also be relevant for other peripheral proteins.  相似文献   
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