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自世界工业革命以来,化石燃料的大量使用以及人类对自然环境的过度破坏,致使大气CO2浓度不断升高.研究大气CO2浓度升高介导的农业生态系统内植物、植食性昆虫及其天敌的适应机制,对于阐明气候变化下农业害虫爆发危害规律,指导防控与减排具有重要意义.本文综述了大气CO2浓度升高对农业生态系统中植物、植食性昆虫及天敌的影响,主要包括:1)相关研究方法的改进;2)大气CO2浓度升高介导的寄主植物营养和次生代谢物质的变化;3)大气CO2浓度升高对以植物为食的昆虫的个体生长发育、种群数量、行为的影响;4)天敌昆虫的生物学及捕食量与寄生率变化.最后对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
昆虫分类学发展早期将竹节虫归于直翅目,现多数学者认其为1个独立的目.有关竹节虫目的化石记录大都来源于中生代.本文详细回顾和综述了世界中生代竹节虫目昆虫化石研究简史,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,描述了中生代不同地质时期竹节虫目化石的分类单元以及分布特点,初步分析了目前该类群研究中所存在的一些问题,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   
Long‐term ecological studies (LTES) are critical for understanding and managing landscapes. To identify important research gaps, facilitate collaborations and communicate results, several countries have established long‐term ecological research networks. A few initiatives to create such a network in Australia have been undertaken, but relatively few published data exist on the current state of LTES in Australia. In this paper, we present the results of an online survey of terrestrial LTES projects sent to academic, government and non‐governmental organization‐based researchers across Australia. We asked questions pertaining to the focus, scope, support and outcomes of LTES spanning 7 years or longer. Based on the information reported from 85 Australian LTES, we: (i) identify the biomes, processes and species that are under‐represented in the current body of research; (ii) discuss important contributing factors to the successful development and survival of these projects; and (iii) make recommendations to help increase the productivity and influence of LTES across research, management and policy sectors.  相似文献   
Evidence is emerging that embryonic stem cells may have the potential to alleviate many debilitating conditions, but opinions remain polarized on the derivation of stem cells from human embryos obtained during in vitro fertilization treatment. The views of scientists, donors and unaffected members of the general public have been sought, but not those of patients likely to benefit. Semi-structured interviews were completed with 15 people living with Parkinson's disease, 15 with type I diabetes, 15 couples living with infertility and 21 members of the general public. In all four groups, religious, cultural and personal beliefs affected perceptions of the moral status of the embryo and the system of regulating science and scientists involved, overriding differences resulting from their status as potential beneficiaries or facilitators. Whether they came to the interview to defend or promote stem cell research, they cited the same four justifications (utilitarian, ecologic, moral duty and eugenic) but varied in their capacity to present a consistent argument.  相似文献   
“Cyborg” entities do not easily fit into pre-existing categories and can therefore be useful in deconstructing these categories and showing their contingency and political power. In this paper, some cyborg stem cells are examined. They were discussed in Australian public debates as well as during interviews with scientists. Multiple ways of making sense of them are possible, but one became dominant, was inscribed in Australian parliamentary documents and may now seem to be a simple reflection of nature. By showing other possible categorizations and highlighting the contingency and ambiguity of concepts such as “embryo,” or “fetus,” the established definition of these cells is contested. In particular, the way it can displace conversations about women's bodies and the use in research of material from terminations is highlighted. Alternative stem cell categorizations are put forward; these are not “innocent” either, but may offer fruitful ways of talking about this area of techno-science in public.  相似文献   
Despite more than 50 years of genetic research on Sámi people in Sweden, there has been very little engagement with the ethical issues related to this research. My aim is to investigate the ethical challenges in biobank research on Sámi people, to identify ethical challenges that have been overlooked and to find ethical solutions. In my historical research inquiry of published material and interviews with people that have participated in this research, my research questions have been: How are blood samples from Sámi people collected, codified, governed and analyzed? What ethical strategies have been utilized? My main findings are: Sweden acquired biobank collections from Sámi people that are not registered or cannot be traced through the biobank register at the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. These collections entail ethical challenges concerning how the donors are identified, how the material is categorized, the regional ethical committees, governance and Sámi representation. My suggestions focus on transparency and traceability, competence and native peoples' rights and representation in biobank-related activities.  相似文献   

Recent advances and problems in pteridological research. - The first part of this invited lecture deals with the taxonomic position of the Pteridophyta in the Vegetable Kingdom (Chart 1) and particularly the recognition of them as an independent division, distinct from Bryophyta as well as from Spermatophyta but nearer the latter than to the former. Accordingly, in the author's opinion, the Cormobionta can be subdivided into two main groups (Chart 1, and Fig. 2): the Bryophytonta, with the sole division of Bryophyta, and the Stelophytonta, consisting of the Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta. The Bryophytonta are regarded as a conservative phyletic line with low perspective power, running independently since the most remote time from the Stelophytonta (Fig. 1), which, rich in evolutive potentialities, were by far more successful than the former. The extant Pteridophyta are classified according to the scheme proposed by the author in 1977, which shows all taxa from the rank of subdivision to that of family (Chart 2).

The second part of the lecture is mainly devoted to the results of some recent cytogenetic investigations on the Pteridophytes. First of all, information is given on the processes by which the diploids give rise to other entities mainly autotetraploids and allotetraploids (Figs. 3 & 4). Recent cytogenetic investigations have greatly contributed to the knowledge of the genesis of many European, Mediterranean, Macaronesian and North American species. This lecture deals with the species of some of these genera.

The genus Polypodium is represented in Europe by three species, a diploid, a tetraploid and a hexaploid, the probable interrelationships in them are shown in Fig. 5. The origin of the tetraploid, P. vulgare, is not definitely ascertained, but presumably its parents are two species which do not occur at present in Europe and thus its formation is presumably rather ancient; its centre of origin is uncertain.

The genus Cheilanthes (excl. Notholaena and Cosentinia) is represented in the Mediterranean Region, Europe and Macaronesia by seven species: four diploids and three allotetraploids (Fig. 6). Three other allotetraploids would be theoretically possible, but they are so far unknown. Presumably their formation did not take place since their ranges are geographically far apart from each other. The species of Cheilanthes are regarded as relicts of the xerophilous palaeomediterranean flora. In connection with this subject, the scarcity of strongly xerophilous plants among the Pteridophyta and their scattered occurrence in different families and orders is pointed out.

Asplenium is circumscribed in a narrow sense, and Ceterach, Phyllitis and Pleurosorus are regarded as independent genera. The interrelationships of diploids, hybrids and tetraploids, both auto- and allotetraploids, are shown in Chart 3 which also gives the genomic formulae of the pertinent hybrids, whose names are given in an independent list. The scheme shows also those tetraploids and hybrids which have been synthesized but are not yet found in nature; while those diploids which produce neither hybrids with the other species and between themselves, nor tetraploid progeny are left out. Some observations of various nature pertinent to several species are made in addition to the scheme. Particular attention is paid to the delayed allopolyploidy. This kind of ploidy, in our case an allotetraploidy, is interpreted as an attempt of some species to give a tetraploid progeny, when the hybridization between their diploids is prevented by ecological or chorological barriers, or by a too scarce affinity. An example of the process of formation of delayed allotetraploidy is given in Fig. 7.

The two small satellite genera Ceterach and Phyllitis are able to produce hybrids with Asplenium from which they probably took rise in remote times. One of these intergeneric hybrids is × Asplenoceterach; of which the best known is × A. badense, which is regarded as a delayed allotetraploid (Fig. 7). Other presumed hybrids between these genera are × A. barrancense and × A. newmanii. The latter is not yet cytologically investigated. The intergeneric hybrids between Asplenium and Phyllitis are named × Asplenophyllitis. All of them are triploid and those which have been found in nature are included in a scheme (Fig 8) in which the relationships of their common diploid parent, Phyllitis scolopendrium subsp. scolopendrium with four different tetraploid parents are shown.

Two of the satellite genera of Asplenium, namely Ceterach and Phyllitis, hybridize between themselves as well. Perhaps the plant found recently in Corsica and named Asplenium dutartrei belongs to it. However, Ceterach and Phyllitis are, with certainty, the parents of a very interesting fern endemic to the Quarner islands (Yugoslavia) formerly known as Phyllitis hybrida or Scolopendrium hybridum. It is the sole member of the allotetraploid genus Phyllitopsis, described recently by Reichstein. It has been synthesized under experimental conditions and is originated by hybridization between the diploids Ceterach officinarum subsp. bivalens and Phyllitis sagittata followed by chromosome doubling (Fig. 9). The formation of this genus is particularly interesting since it allows us to presume that a process of this kind might have occurred in other families and thus explaining the origin of some genera in which the base number is tetraploid or even hexaploid or octoploid, in comparison with the diploid base number of most genera of the same family.  相似文献   
A model animal showing spontaneous onset is a useful tool for investigating the mechanism of disease. Here, I would like to introduce two aging model animals expected to be useful for neuroscience research: the senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) and the klotho mouse. The SAM was developed as a mouse showing a senescence-related phenotype such as a short lifespan or rapid advancement of senescence. In particular, SAMP8 and SAMP10 show age-related impairment of learning and memory. SAMP8 has spontaneous spongy degeneration in the brain stem and spinal cord with aging, and immunohistochemical studies reveal excess protein expression of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid β in the brain, indicating that SAMP8 is a model for Alzheimer’s disease. SAMP10 also shows age-related impairment of learning and memory, but it does not seem to correspond to Alzheimer’s disease because senile plaques primarily composed of amyloid β or neurofibrillary tangles primarily composed of phosphorylated tau were not observed. However, severe atrophy in the frontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens can be seen in this strain in an age-dependent manner, indicating that SAMP10 is a model for normal aging. The klotho mouse shows a phenotype, regulated by only one gene named α-klotho, similar to human progeria. The α-klotho gene is mainly expressed in the kidney and brain, and oxidative stress is involved in the deterioration of cognitive function of the klotho mouse. These animal models are potentially useful for neuroscience research now and in the near future.  相似文献   
Reflective teachers are always searching for ways to improve their teaching. When this reflection becomes intentional and systematic, they are engaging in teacher research. This type of research, sometimes called action research, can help bridge the gap between theory and practice by addressing topics that are relevant to practicing teachers. This article synthesizes literature within music education and general education to address (a) the conceptual underpinnings of action research, (b) characteristics of action research and teacher research, (c) action research critiques, and (d) implications for teacher research as a form of professional development.  相似文献   
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