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高效液相色谱建立掌叶大黄指纹图谱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高效液相色谱法建立不同来源掌叶大黄的指纹图谱,为其质量控制提供依据。本实验方法采用Nucleodur C18(4.6mm×250mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相以甲醇:0.5%磷酸水溶液(1:9,V/V)作为A相,乙腈作为B相进行梯度洗脱(流速0.8mL/min,检测波长280nm)。通过聚类分析和相似度分析处理,14个不同来源的掌叶大黄样品被初步分为两大类:正品掌叶大黄和非正品。实验方法简便、可靠,可成为掌叶大黄质量评价的有效手段。  相似文献   
倒伏性是影响大豆产量的重要因素,发掘与大豆倒伏相关的基因对于培育抗倒伏优良高产大豆品种具有重要意义。目前利用不同群体所构建的遗传图谱已经定位了大量与大豆倒伏性相关的QTLs。本研究在对已报道的QTLs进行物理整合的基础上,选择元分析方法将这些倒伏性相关的QTLs进一步整合,鉴定出位于C2(6号染色体)、F(13号染色体)、L(19号染色体)这3个连锁群上重复次数较多的QTL区间6个。选用基于统计学原理的Overview方法进行优化,获得了这些QTL在各个连锁群上的有效遗传位置,这些QTL的置信区间长度最小可缩至0.2 cM。通过在这些区间内进一步筛选,获得一个稳定性较好的标记Satt277。本研究可为大豆抗倒伏基因发掘及分子标记辅助选择育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   
本研究对非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung carcinoma,NSCLC)基因表达数据进行差异表达分析,并与蛋白质相互作用网络(PPIN)数据进行整合,进一步利用Heinz搜索算法识别NSCLC相关的基因功能模块,并对模块中的基因进行功能(GO term)和通路(KEGG)富集分析,旨在探究肺癌发病分子机制。蛋白互作网络分析得到一个包含96个基因和117个相互作用的功能模块,以及8个对NSCLC的发生和发展起到关键作用候选基因标志物。富集分析结果表明,这些基因主要富集于基因转录催化及染色质调控等生物学过程,并在基础转录因子、黏着连接、细胞周期、Wnt信号通路及HTLV-Ⅰ感染等生物学通路中发挥重要作用。本研究对非小细胞肺癌相关的基因和生物学通路进行预测,可用于肺癌的早期诊断和早期治疗,以降低肺癌死亡率。  相似文献   
[目的]枯草芽胞杆菌ComQ是一种类异戊二烯生物合成酶.利用生物信息学预测分析了ComQ的生物学特性,对comQ基因进行过表达和敲除,构建突变菌,孔板发酵培养验证生物膜形态变化.[方法]运用NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)网站里的Protein数据...  相似文献   
There have been numerous reports in the literature of diverse bacteria capable of degrading pentachlorophenol (PCP). In order to gain further insight into the phylogenetic relationships of PCP-degrading bacteria, we examined four strains: Arthrobacter sp. strain ATCC 33790, Flavobacterium sp. strain ATCC 39723, Pseudomonas sp. strain SR3, and Sphingomonas sp. strain RA2. These organisms were isolated from different geographical locations and all of them degrade high concentrations (100–200 mg/L) of PCP. Southern blot analyses determined that these bacteria all harbour DNA that encodes similar, if not identical, genes involved in PCP degradation. Comparison of the 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences revealed that these organisms were very closely related and, in fact, represent a monophyletic group. The 16S rRNA analyses together with fatty acid and sphingolipid analyses strongly suggest that the four strains are members of the genus Sphingomonas . The close relationship of the four organisms is supported by nucleotide sequence analysis data of the pcpB locus encoding PCP-4-monooxygenase, the first enzyme in the PCP degradative pathway.  相似文献   
杂交水稻直链淀粉含量遗传分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杂交水稻稻谷是从F1代杂合体收获的F2代种子,由于F2代属分离群体,直链淀粉含量等稻米品质会发生分离现象.本研究选择直链淀粉含量低、中、高的5个亲本配组的5个杂交组合,按单粒分析法分析双亲亲本、F1和F2代的种子的直链淀粉含量.结果表明,F2代呈现1(低):3(中+高)孟德尔分离规律.在5个组合的单粒分析中发现分离的F2代群体呈双峰的连续分布,该现象表明高直链淀粉含量对低直链淀粉含量为不完全显性,除单一基因控制外,还受微效多基因修饰.因此杂交水稻育种工作中,尤其是优质杂交稻新组合选育时,必须注意选择双亲的直链淀粉含量基本一致,以防分离现象影响米质.  相似文献   
Delays in dredging and inability to dredge the nation's harbors, due to the presence of contaminated sediments and the lack of environmentally acceptable disposal sites are interfering with shipping activities and hampering trade growth. The United States Government is committed to provide continuing support to the port industry's goals for enhancing economic growth while protecting, conserving and restoring natural resources within coastal aquatic lands. The government's commitment has resulted in the articulation of a national dredging policy in the Action Plan for Improvement of the Dredging Process in the United States. This national challenge calls for a systematic and consistent decision making approach to dredging and disposal including contaminated sediment management. In building an effective decision mak ing framework for costs, risk reduction and potential beneficial uses of the disposal material must be considered in identifying and evaluating environmentally acceptable and cost-effective disposal alternatives. A conceptual framework for applying a risk-cost trade off approach in making decisions regarding contaminated sediment disposal is presented and applied to a hypothetical disposal scenario involving three alternatives: deepwater confined disposal, nearshore fill or capping and, upland disposal. The approach entails the performance of sequential evaluations consisting of risk analysis, estimation of costs, integration of the results into a computational framework for trade-off analysis, and the application of decision analytical tools to build consensus among stakeholders and the general public in selecting a preferred alternative.  相似文献   
The increasing use of digital technologies such as mobile phones has led to major health concerns about the effects of non-ionizing pulsed radiation exposure. We believe that the health implications of exposure to radiation cannot be fully understood without establishing the molecular mechanisms of biological effects of pulsed microwaves. We aim to establish methods for studying the molecular mechanisms of protein structural and energetic changes occurring due to external stresses related to non-ionizing radiation by using a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches. In this paper, we present the results from our fully atomistic simulation study of chemical and thermal stress response of a prototype protein, insulin. We performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations of insulin in solution under equilibrium conditions, under chemical stress (imitated by reducing the disulfide bonds in the protein molecule), and under short-lived thermal stress (imitated by increasing simulation temperature for up to 2 ns). The resultant protein conformational behaviour was analysed for various properties with the aim of establishing analysis routines for classification of protein unfolding pathways and associated molecular mechanisms.Submitted as a record of the 2002 Australian Biophysical Society meeting  相似文献   
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