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DigA16 is an artificial digoxigenin-binding protein, which was derived from the bilin-binding protein, a lipocalin of Pieris brassicae, via reshaping of its natural ligand pocket. Here we report the crystal structures of DigA16 in the presence of either digoxigenin or digitoxigenin and for the apo-protein at resolutions below 1.9A. As a consequence of the altogether 17 amino acid substitutions within the binding site significant structural changes have occurred in the four loops that form the entrance to the ligand pocket on top of the structurally conserved beta-barrel framework. For example, one loop adopts a new alpha-helical backbone structure, which seems to be induced by few critical side-chain contacts. Digoxigenin becomes almost fully buried (by 95%) upon complexation, whereby specificity for the hydrophilic steroid is maintained through hydrogen-bonding networks and shape complementarity. The differential binding of the related steroid digitoxigenin is mainly governed by an internal histidine residue, whose side-chain undergoes significant induced fit. Among those amino acids that line the ligand pocket two tyrosine and one tryptophan residue provide the largest contacts. Interestingly, corresponding three side-chains are found with the same mutual orientation in the anti-digoxigenin antibody 26-10, even though the hapten orientation is quite different there and only 66% of the steroid surface is buried in the combining site. Hence, in the case of the engineered lipocalin DigA16 an example of convergent in vitro evolution is observed. Generally, the remarkable structural plasticity of the loop region and the role of polar residues in the binding site illustrate the potential of the lipocalin scaffold for the generation of specific receptor proteins towards a variety of ligands.  相似文献   
Here, we present a new approach for protein ligand screening based on the use of limited exoproteolysis coupled to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, combined with computational modelling and prediction of binding energies. As a test for this combined approach, we have screened a combinatorial library containing 8000 peptides (organized in 60 peptide samples) based on positional scanning format. This library is attached to a poly-Pro framework, and screened against the Abl-SH3 domain. The results obtained demonstrated the validity of the experimental and theoretical approaches in identifying better ligands and in rationalizing the changes in affinity. Exoproteolysis coupled to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry could be used to screen complex libraries in a fast and efficient way.  相似文献   
Apoptotic cell death has been proposed to play a role in the neuronal loss observed following traumatic injury in the CNS and PNS. The present study uses an in vitro tissue culture model to investigate whether free fatty acids (FFAs), at concentrations comparable to those found following traumatic brain injury, trigger cell death. Nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells exposed to oleic and arachidonic acids (2 : 1 ratio FFA/BSA) showed normal cell survival. However, when cells were exposed to stearic and palmitic acids, there was a dramatic loss of cell viability after 24 h of treatment. The cell death induced by stearic acid and palmitic acid was apoptotic as assessed by morphological analysis, and activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3-like activities. Western blotting showed that differentiated PC12 cells exposed to stearic and palmitic acids exhibited the signature apoptotic cleavage fragment of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Interestingly, blockade of caspase activities with the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk failed to prevent the cell death observed induced by palmitic or stearic acid. RT-PCR and RNA blot experiments showed an up-regulation of the Fas receptor and ligand mRNA. These findings are consistent with our hypothesis that FFAs may play a role in the cell death associated with trauma in the CNS and PNS.  相似文献   
The SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cell line, which expresses surface tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors TRAIL-R2 and TRAIL-R4, was used as a model system to examine the effect of TRAIL on key intracellular pathways involved in the control of neuronal cell survival and apoptosis. TRAIL induced distinct short-term (1-60 min) and long-term (3-24 h) effects on the protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt (Akt), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) and caspase pathways. TRAIL rapidly (from 20 min) induced the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK, but not of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK). Moreover, TRAIL increased CREB phosphorylation and phospho-CREB DNA binding activity in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3K)/Akt-dependent manner. At later time points (from 3 to 6 h onwards) TRAIL induced a progressive degradation of inhibitor of kappaB (IkappaB)beta and IkappaBepsilon, but not IkappaBalpha, coupled to the nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB and an increase in its DNA binding activity. In the same time frame, TRAIL started to activate caspase-8 and caspase-3, and to induce apoptosis. Remarkably, caspase-dependent cleavage of NF-kappaB family members as well as of Akt and CREB proteins, but not of ERK, became prominent at 24 h, a time point coincident with the peak of caspase-dependent apoptosis.  相似文献   
A unique feature of P450 enzymes is in the presence of a thiolate ligand heme but its exact function in catalysis is a matter of debate. For P450 dependent monooxygenases the "active oxygen" complex seems to exist only as a transition state in which the thiolate ligand provides electron density in order to prevent pi-backbonding of the oxygen to the iron (-S-Fe-O(z.rad;)). The corresponding ground state (Compound I) would be a ferryl species (Fe(IV)z.dbnd6;O) with an electron hole either at the porphyrin or at the sulfur. Apart from this role we postulate that a second function is related to the electronic structure of Compound II as an electron acceptor and this property is shared among monooxygenases, thromboxane synthase, prostacyclin synthase, allene oxide synthase, P450(NOR(-)) and chloroperoxidase. As a common step in all P450 enzymes an extremely rapid electron uptake by Compound II allows that the primary substrate radicals are oxidized to cations which immediately combine with a neighbouring nucleophile. Thus "electron transfer" may substitute for "oxygen rebound" as the final step leading to product formation. The same principle also applies methane monooxygenases in which the role of the thiyl sulfur is replaced by a ferryl-oxyl entity.  相似文献   
An affinity adsorbent for beta-glycosidases has been prepared by using beta-glycosylamidine as a ligand. beta-Glucosylamidine and beta-galactosylamidine, highly potent and selective inhibitors of beta-glucosidases and beta-galactosidases, respectively, were immobilized by a novel one-pot procedure involving the addition of a beta-glycosylamine and 2-iminothiolane.HCl simultaneously to a matrix modified with maleimido groups via an appropriate spacer to give an affinity adsorbent for beta-glucosidases and beta-galactosidases, respectively. This one-pot procedure enables various beta-glycosylamidine ligands to be formed and immobilized conveniently according to the glycon substrate specificities of the enzymes. A crude enzyme extract from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) and a beta-galactosidase from Penicillium multicolor were chromatographed directly on each affinity adsorbent to give a beta-glucosidase and a beta-galactosidase to apparent homogeneity in one step by eluting the column with glucose or by a gradient NaCl elution, respectively. The beta-glucosidase and beta-galactosidase were inhibited competitively by a soluble form of the corresponding beta-glycosylamidine ligand with an inhibition constant (K(i)) of 2.1 and 0.80 microM, respectively. Neither enzyme was bound to the adsorbent with a mismatched ligand, indicating that the binding of the glycosidases was of specific nature that corresponds to the glycon substrate specificity of the enzymes. The ease of preparation and the selective nature of the affinity adsorbent should promise a large-scale preparation of the affinity adsorbent for the purification and removal of specific glycosidases according to their glycon substrate specificities.  相似文献   
Because Tyr35beta is located at the convergence of the alpha1beta1, alpha1beta2, and alpha1alpha2 interfaces in deoxyhemoglobin, it can be argued that mutations at this position may result in large changes in the functional properties of hemoglobin. However, only small mutation-induced changes in functional and structural properties are found for the recombinant hemoglobins betaY35F and betaY35A. Oxygen equilibrium-binding studies in solution, which measure the overall oxygen affinity (the p50) and the overall cooperativity (the Hill coefficient) of a hemoglobin solution, show that removing the phenolic hydroxyl group of Tyr35beta results in small decreases in oxygen affinity and cooperativity. In contrast, removing the entire phenolic ring results in a fourfold increase in oxygen affinity and no significant change in cooperativity. The kinetics of carbon monoxide (CO) combination in solution and the oxygen-binding properties of these variants in deoxy crystals, which measure the oxygen affinity and cooperativity of just the T quaternary structure, show that the ligand affinity of the T quaternary structure decreases in betaY35F and increases in betaY35A. The kinetics of CO rebinding following flash photolysis, which provides a measure of the dissociation of the liganded hemoglobin tetramer, indicates that the stability of the liganded hemoglobin tetramer is not altered in betaY35F or betaY35A. X-ray crystal structures of deoxy betaY35F and betaY35A are highly isomorphous with the structure of wild-type deoxyhemoglobin. The betaY35F mutation repositions the carboxyl group of Asp126alpha1 so that it may form a more favorable interaction with the guanidinium group of Arg141alpha2. The betaY35A mutation results in increased mobility of the Arg141alpha side chain, implying that the interactions between Asp126alpha1 and Arg141alpha2 are weakened. Therefore, the changes in the functional properties of these 35beta mutants appear to correlate with subtle structural differences at the C terminus of the alpha-subunit.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that mammalian sperm bind species-specifically to carbohydrate chains of zona pellucida glycoproteins at fertilization. Although the sperm ligand carbohydrate chains have been characterized in mice and pigs, the existence of the ligands of other mammals remains unclear. In order to explore the bovine sperm ligand, two in vitro competition assay methods were applied. As a result, a high-mannose-type carbohydrate chain, Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-3)Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-3)Manbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1-4GlcNAc, which is the major neutral chain in bovine egg zona glycoproteins, was shown to possess bovine sperm ligand activity. When nonreducing terminal alpha-mannosyl residues were eliminated from the zona glycoproteins by alpha-mannosidase digestion, the ligand activity was reduced, indicating that the alpha-mannosyl residues play an essential role in bovine sperm-egg binding. The number of sperm binding to eggs was reduced to about one-half after fertilization. The ligand-active high-mannose-type chain may be buried after fertilization, since its amount remains unchanged. Pretreatment of bovine sperm with the sperm ligand-carbohydrate chain significantly inhibited penetration of the sperm into oocyte and the male pronucleus formation. Thus, a correlation between the sperm ligand activity and in vitro fertilization rate was observed.  相似文献   
In the study of the structure and function relationship of human MFE-2, we have investigated the dynamics of human MFE-2SCP-2L (hSCP-2L) and its response to ligand removal. A comparison was made with homologous rabbit SCP-2. Breathing and a closing motion are found, identifiable with an adjustment in size and a closing off of the binding pocket. Crucial residues for structural integrity have been identified. Particularly mobile areas of the protein are loop 1 that is connecting helices A and C in space, and helix D, next to the entrance of the pocket. In hSCP-2L, the binding pocket gets occupied by Phe93, which is making a tight hydrophobic contact with Trp36. In addition, it is found that the C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1) that is solvent exposed in the complexed structure becomes buried when no ligand is present. Moreover, an anti-correlation exists between burial of PTS1 and the size of the binding pocket. The results are in accordance with plant nsLTPs, where a similar accommodation of binding pocket size was found after ligand binding/removal. Furthermore, the calculations support the suggestion of a ligand-assisted targeting mechanism.  相似文献   
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