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以福建主栽的橄榄(Canarium album(Lour.)Rauesch.)品种‘长营’种子为材料,观察其成熟种子及不同发育时期种子的形态结构,对数量性状进行测量与统计分析,并运用概率分级建立形态指标的正态分布分级标准。结果显示,橄榄种子表型性状和形态结构变异较大,各数量性状变异系数为6.77%~19.04%,具有丰富的遗传多样性;橄榄种子心室类型有12种,其中三心室占比最高(97.80%);胚数量0~4个不等;经K-S检验,各数量性状符合正态分布,依据各性状可划分为5级分级标准。本研究为橄榄种质的系统学研究提供了种子形态方面的新内容,可为橄榄资源描述的标准化及遗传育种研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
Discrete traits are of increasing interest in comparative skeletal biological research. Characteristics justifying their use have been investigated primarily in mice, however. Using 72 discrete variants, 321 human skulls from the Terry Collection of known race, sex and age have been studied. Significant sex and age differences were detected. Inter-trait correlation was found to be at a low but significant overall level. Multivariate comparison with conventional craniometric analysis was undertaken on subdivisions of the sample, and distance based on metric and nonmetric data were concordant. It is concluded, on the basis of these findings and the discontinuous variant frequency distributions, that discrete traits in isolation are not of paramount value to skeletal genetic studies, but may be vital in comparison and conjunction with other types of data in analyzing the population genetics of extinct groups.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the epidermal ridge system were studied in a series of eighteen lesser or pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus). The general ridge alignments are very similar to those of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes); Biegert ('61). On the average the pattern intensity (P.I.) of the palm configurations is considerably higher in the pygmy chimpanzee than in the chimpanzee, thus representing the highest total palm pattern intensity of all species of the Hominoidea. The sole configurations show parallel main results to those of the palm; however, the decreased sole pattern frequency of the pygmy chimpanzee is of a smaller predominance only as compared to the values of the other species of this superfamily. The preliminary data on the finger tip patterns, translated into P.I. values, are much higher than in chimpanzees and within the range of the mean values of gorillas (Brehme, '73), while those of the toes of pygmy chimpanzees seem to possess the lowest P.I. values of the African apes.  相似文献   
Measurements in populations which serve as valid indicators of biological relationship should be proportional to genetic distance. In order to test the utility of discrete cranial traits for estimating genetic distances among populations, estimates of admixture are obtained for gene frequency data and nonmetric cranial data in São Paulo mulattos (M). The gene frequency data serve as a control that the three populations are related as stated: estimates of admixture are obtained by using São Paulo whites (W) and blacks (B) as parental populations and by estimating the parameter of admixture, m, in the model pM = (1 ? m) pW + mpB (Elston, 1971) where the p's are either gene frequencies or nonmetric trait frequencies. A test of goodness of fit of the model provides a means of ascertaining whether or not the data fit this linear model. While the gene frequency data indicate distances among the three populations which are highly compatible with the linear model of admixture, the nonmetric data show significant deviations from the model. This implies that the frequencies of the nonmetric traits in the populations used in this analysis are not a linear function of genetic distance. This discourages the use of nonmetric traits in making quantitative conclusions about genetic relationships. It also suggests the need for investigation of the use of other skeletal characters for estimating genetic distance, as well as approaches for such investigations through the study of hybrid individuals.  相似文献   
Summary Ten genotypes, including inbreds, hybrids, and advanced populations, were examined in order to elucidate the relationship between position and frequency distribution of chiasmata and quantitative traits, including yield heterosis in common beans. The hybrid and advanced population groups were determined to possess 83% and 54% increased chiasma frequency, respectively in contrast to inbred lines. The increase in chiasma frequency of these populations was further manifested in a high number of interstitial chiasmata. The regular and superior chromosome behaviour of the hybrids was found to be positively associated with quantitative measures on bean yield, harvest index and bean yield efficiency. The results were discussed from the point of view that: a) increased interstitial chiasmata may provide an effective mechanism for maintaining genetic diversity and heterosis in hybrid populations; and b) heterosis for chiasma frequency and quantitative traits may be due to dispersed genes on the chromosomes having combined intra-and interallelic interactions. The data provide evidence for the existence of positive associations between interstitially localized chiasmata with its recombination potential and regular chromosome behaviour to bean yield heterosis. The role of enhanced interstitial chiasmata to promote higher levels of genetic variation and heterozygous advantage is discussed.  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs induced by anthropogenic activities and atmospheric N and P deposition have largely increased the availability of soil N and P in terrestrial ecosystems, which have considerably affected terrestrial carbon cycling processes. Tree growth and productivity in forest ecosystems play an important role in global carbon cycling, and determine the magnitude and direction of terrestrial carbon sequestration. Currently, a large number of field manipulation experiments have been conducted to investigate the effects of N and/or P addition on tree growth and forest productivity, but the results from these studies were inconsistent. Such inconsistent results might be affected by multiple factors, including biological, environmental and experimental variables. Here, we reviewed the present research status of the effects of N and P addition on tree growth and forest productivity in forest ecosystems based on three aspects, including the number of publications and experiments with field N and P addition, and the global distributions of these experiments. Then, we summarized the methods for assessing tree growth and forest productivity at ecosystem level in forest ecosystems, including relative growth rate and absolute increment. According to the related results, we reviewed the regulating factors that affect tree growth and productivity, and the potential mechanisms for such factors, including climate, tree size and stand age, plant functional traits (including type of tree-associated mycorrhizal fungi, N-fixation property of trees, and conservative and acquisitive functional traits), plant-microbe interaction, ambient nutrient (i.e., N and P) deposition rate, and experimental variables. Finally, we summarized the current studies, and pointed out five aspects that are urgently needed to provide further insights in future studies, including the physiological mechanism of how tree growth responds to N and P addition, the tradeoff and allocation among growth of various parts of tree under N and P addition, the role of plant functional traits in regulating and predicting the responses of tree growth to N and P addition, how the competition among trees regulates the responses of tree growth to N and P addition, and conducting long-term and coordinated distributed field experiments investigating the effects of N and P addition on tree growth and forest productivity at the global scale.  相似文献   
Summary Approximately 1,600 potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants of the cultivar Superior were regeneratedin vitro from meristems adventitiously initiated on tuber disc expiants. Direct regeneration from tuber disc cells, by passing a callus intermediary, is efficient and results in low frequencies of plants with gross phenotypic aberrations. The somaclonal plant population was statistically characterized in field plots over five asexual generations and in three diverse locations. When compared in advanced generations to a large population of control plants propagated from stem cuttings, the means of the somaclonal population were significantly different, often shifted in the desirable direction, for 16 of 22 horticulturally important traits. Somaclonal population variances statistically exceeded those of the controls for 13 of the 22 traits. Regressions between consecutive tuber generations and between locations or replications (blocks) within a generation were significant in the somaclonal population for all traits analyzed. In a few instances, significant control population regressions occurred that are interpreted to be the result of non-random, non-genetic factors primarily affecting control plants of low vigor. Selected somaclones exhibiting desirable alterations for yield, tuber number and shape, and vigor were stable over more than two consecutive asexual generations.Research supported by a grant from NPI, 417 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108  相似文献   
Summary Sire and dam populations of meat-type chickens were developed at the Animal Research Centre, Ottawa to provide unselected control populations suitable for modern broiler research, estimate genetic parameters of broiler traits, and initiate selection experiments. The populations were synthesized from 16 commercial broiler parent stocks (nine sire and seven dam stocks) during two generations of crossbreeding and one generation of random mating. The estimated genetic contribution per stock to the respective population ranged from 8.3 to 16.7% for autosomal genes, from 5.5 to 17.8% for genes on Z chromosomes, and from 0 to 25.0% for genes on W chromosomes. Genetic differences among the original stocks had not been fully diffused among individuals within the populations at the time parameters were estimated. Consequently, genetic parameter estimates are probably slightly biased. Estimated heritabilities of broiler traits in these populations were generally high, 0.39 to 0.63. Hence, rapid genetic change of these traits is possible. The genetic correlation between 28 to 49 day feed efficiency and corresponding weight gain was 0.69 and between feed efficiency and abdominal fat percentage was -0.68. Increasing body weight gain, improving feed efficiency and reducing abdominal fatness of broilers by selection appears feasible.Contribution No. 1203, Animal Research Centre  相似文献   
Intraepidermal nerves in human digital skin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Intraepidermal nerve fibers of human glabrous digital skin were investigated using a new silver impregnation method. Nerves were observed to enter the epidermis without regional preference, and to extend into the stratum granulosum. They are non-varicose (smooth) or varicose and range from less than 0.2 m to approximately 2 m in diameter, with varicosities up to 3 m in diameter. Some axons branch profusely within the epithelium, giving off fine branches of differing diameters, while others appear to remain unbranched. At least some intraepidermal axons are fine branches of larger axons taking a horizontal course below the epithelial layer. Others are, at least topically, closely associated with Meissner's corpuscles. At 57 nerves per mm2 surface area, the density of intraepidermal nerves found in this investigation is much greater than that reported in recent publications, and agrees closely with values given in several older studies.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. A. Hopf on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
The heritable nature of differential responses by Microplitis croceipes(Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to airborne allelochemicals was investigated. Four isofemale lines were tested for three generations in a flight tunnel. Flight response was found to be strongly dependent on the familial origin, with two highly responsive lines being clearly differentiated from two less responsive ones. Each isofemale line could also be recognized by typical behaviors that suggested that M. croceipesfemales may inherit independent characters of sensory acuity to plant and to host chemicals and of learning ability.  相似文献   
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