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Antibody responses to two filarial diseases of man, onchocerciasis and bancroftian filariasis, were evaluated with the indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT), using antigens derived from the appropriate etiologic agent. Antigenic preparations consisted of frozen cut sections of the adult Onchocerca volvulus and stage III larvae of Wuchereria bancrofti fixed to glass slides. Little difference between the preparations was demonstrated in tests for the diagnosis of onchocerciasis. Of 105 sera from individuals with biopsy-proven infections, 102 (97%) reacted with homologous O. volvulus antigen, and 19 of 22 (86%) with W. bancrofti antigen. In bancroftian filariasis, however, the homologously derived antigen was superior for diagnosis, and the highest seropositive rates occurred in acute, symptomatic infections. All such sera (8) reacted with homologous antigen. In contrast, only 75% (6) reacted with onchocercal antigen. Of those with chronic disease, characterized by long-standing elephantiasis or lymphedema without microfilaremia, 79% (22) were reactors to homologous antigen and 32% (9) to heterologous. The lowest seropositive rates occurred where microfilaremia was unaccompanied by local or systemic symptoms: 38% (3) were positive to homologous antigen and none to onchocercal antigen.Of sera from seven individuals apparently free of bancroftian filariasis, but living in a hyperendemic area, five reacted with bancroftian antigen and four with onchocercal antigen. These reactions could be attributed to occult infections, but more likely resulted from repeated exposure to nondeveloping infective larvae.Cross-reactions in nonfilarial infections were rare with either antigen, and no positive reactions occurred in sera from healthy controls.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探究超声造影定量与动态增强MRI定量在宫颈癌诊断中的应用价值。方法:选择2016年1月至2019年1月于我院接受治疗的86例疑似宫颈癌患者为实验组,另选取同期于我院接受治疗的50例宫颈良性病变患者为对照组,分别对两组患者实施超声造影定量检测及动态增强MRI检查,对比两组患者各参数组间差异性,同时以病理学检测结果为金标准,分析两种检查手段对宫颈癌的筛查效果并实施组间比较。结果:(1)比较显示实验组患者的峰值强度(peak intensity,PI)及时间-曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)均高于对照组,达峰时间(time to peak,TTP)及平均渡越时间(mean transit time,MTT)均低于对照组(P<0.05);(2)比较显示实验组患者的容积转移常数(volume transfer constant,K trans )、速率常数(rate constant,k ep )以及血管外细胞外容积分数(extravascular extracellular volume fraction,V e )均高于对照组,表观扩散系数(apparent diffusion coefficient,ADC)低于对照组(P<0.05);(3)以病理学检测结果为金标准,超声造影定量检测对宫颈癌检测一致性为93.02 %,灵敏度为94.44 %,特异度为85.71 %,增强MRI对宫颈癌检测一致性为96.51%,灵敏度为98.61%,特异度为85.71%。结论:宫颈癌患者实施超声造影定量与增强MRI检测时检测参数与正常宫颈组织相比会出现明显的差异性,可将上述两种检测方式用于宫颈癌患者的筛查诊断中。  相似文献   
Penicillium marneffei is one of the unique thermally dimorphic fungi in Penicillium species that causes a disseminated, progressive and life threatening infection in immunocompromised patients. The diagnosis of Penicilliosis marneffei depends on culture that may delay the treatment due to the time-consuming process. In the present study, we evaluated the specificity and sensitivity of nested PCR to identify Penicillium marneffei from paraffin-embedded tissue. Two sets of oligonucleotide primers were derived from the sequence of 18S rRNA of Penicillium marneffei. The outer primers (RRF1 and RRH1) were specific to fungi. The inner primers (Pm1 and Pm2) were specific to Penicillium marneffei. The specific fragment of approximately 400 bp was amplified from all paraffin-embedded tissues from 14 patients with Penicilliosis marneffei and 10 bamboo rats. The detectable DNA concentration of single PCR and nested PCR were 14 pg/μl and 14 fg/μl, respectively. Further studies are required in order to use nested PCR for early diagnosis of the disease.  相似文献   
37℃用1%β-巯基乙醇处理大肠杆菌HBcAg2小时,可使其全部转化成HBeAg。以常规ELISA方法不能检出HBcAg活性。该制品能被抗-HBe阳性血清特异中和。4℃以液体形式存放稳定,-20℃经过冻融活性下降。HBcAg转化成HBeAg后聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳行为有所改变。分别用转化的大肠杆菌HBeAg和血浆HBeAg作为酶联反应的诊断试剂,检测35份HBsAg阳性乙肝病人血清标本的抗-HBe,符合率为91.4%。同用Abbott-HBe(RIA)试剂盒测定的17份HBsAg阳性血清标本的试验结果比较,符合率为100%。说明转化的大肠杆菌HBeAg可代替血浆HBeAg作为检测抗-HBe的诊断试剂应用。  相似文献   
目的同时用目前常用的几种诊断肺炎支原体(MP)感染的实验方法检测MP,相互比较,得出适于常规诊断MP感染的方法或组合。方法搜集我院于2006年10月至2007年5月间以呼吸道感染入院儿童病例75例,采集其咽拭子和双份血清标本,以多种方法检测有无MP感染:培养法、EIA法测抗原、PCR法测MP-DNA,ELISA法测MP特异性IgG、IgA型抗体以及捕获法ELISA测MP特异性IgM型抗体。结果上述75例儿童中,共计有12例感染MP。以此为基础,上述各方法的敏感度分别是:培养法(25%)、EIA法测抗原(8.3%)、PCR法测MP-DNA(75.0%)、ELISA法测MP特异性IgA型抗体(单份血清为0,双份血清为33.3%)、捕获法ELISA测MP特异性IgM型抗体(单份血清为66.7%,双份血清为100%)。特异度分别是:100%、96.8%、93.7%(93.7%)、98.4%(98.4%)。PCR法和捕获法ELISA测MP特异性IgM型抗体结合后敏感度和特异度分别达到100%和95.2%。结论PCR法测MP-DNA和捕获法ELISA测MP特异性IgM型抗体的组合可高效地诊断MP感染,因而可作为临床诊断MP感染的一个常规组合。  相似文献   
目前,犬布鲁氏菌病在全球多个国家和地区都有发生,而且发病数量逐年上升,由犬布鲁氏菌病感染人的病例报道也日益增多。因此,犬布鲁氏菌病的控制和根除对人类健康和公共卫生安全具有重要的意义。据报道,我国多个省份存在犬布鲁氏菌病,而且感染和发病率有上升的趋势。由于我国养犬数量巨大,犬与人类接触密切,病犬作为人类布鲁氏菌病的传染源不容忽视。犬布鲁氏菌病的研究起步较晚,流行病学资料欠完善,公共卫生学意义有待阐明,诊断、免疫预防等诸多问题还没完全解决,加强犬布鲁氏菌病的研究和防控应引起足够的重视。本文就犬布鲁氏菌病的病原学、流行病学、病理学、临床症状、诊断、治疗、预防及公共卫生安全等分别做一阐述。  相似文献   
Well-differentiated liposarcoma (WD) acquires fully malignant potential when the histological progression named dedifferentiation occurs. This progression is supposed to occur in a time-dependent manner but this is still a debated issue. Clinically, the prediction of dedifferentiation for WD is very important from the therapeutic point of view. To identify genes that are predictive of dedifferentiation and to understand the mechanism of dedifferentiation, we investigated clinical information of 50 cases and studied the gene expression profiles of 36 lipomatous tumors using cDNA microarray. The clinical study showed that the dedifferentiation did not always seem to occur in a time-dependent manner. Interestingly, from the gene expression study, unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of well-differentiated lesions obtained from dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DD) cases that were indistinguishable from WD pathologically showed a clearly distinct gene expression pattern from WD. Using the pattern-matching program, 1687 genes including 487 known genes were identified, which discriminated WD cases from well-differentiated lipomatous lesions obtained from DD cases. These results suggest that the dedifferentiation may arise from different types of WD that could be distinguished from gene expression profiling but could hardly be classified by the pathological studies.  相似文献   
基孔肯亚病毒(chikungunya virus,CHIKV)是一种由埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊传播的蚊媒病毒,属于披膜病毒科甲病毒属.从2005年起,CHIKV在非洲、亚洲和美洲多次发生大规模疫情,其感染率较高,能引起发热性疾病,常伴有关节炎,关节炎症状可维持数月甚至数年,对患者生活和社会生产造成极大影响.除了蚊媒传播,妊娠...  相似文献   
目的比较RNeasy mini kit(Qiagen)柱子法和Trizol法提取RNA在雪貂肺和肠组织H3N2 SYBRGreen PCR定量中的去干扰作用,从而找到适合该定量体系的RNA提取方法。方法比较Trizol法,RNeasy minikit柱子法,改良RNeasy mini kit柱子法1和改良RNeasy mini kit柱子法2提取肺肠组织RNA的质量,RNA逆转录成cDNA后,利用SYBR Green PCR方法检测样品中H3N2的载量,比较产物的特异性,综合评价RNA提取方法。结果 4种方法提取的肺和肠组织的RNA质量不相同,紫外分光光度仪测得RNeasy mini kit柱子法提取的RNA的A260/280低于1.8,其余3种方法的A 260/280在1.8~2.1之间,A 260/230只有Trizol法能达到2.0左右,其余3种方法均远低于2.0。电泳可见Trizol法提取的RNA有3条带:28 s、18 s和5 s,而RNeasy mini kit柱子法的RNA除了有28 s、18 s外,还有基因组DNA,改良RNeasy mini kit柱子法1和2提取的RNA只有28 s和18 s带。RNA逆转录后进行荧光定量PCR,从溶解曲线看,不论是鼻甲刮取物还是肺肠组织的样品模板,4种方法获得的样品与标准品均为单一峰溶解曲线峰,并且波峰位置重叠。而鼻甲刮取物定量的产物跑琼脂糖凝胶电泳均为单一的特异性条带,而肺肠组织的产物电泳发现:Trizol法获得的模板定量产物与标准品一致,为单一的特异性条带,而其它3种方法获得的模板则均有非特异性条带。结论鼻甲刮取物的病毒定量选用RNeasy mini kit柱子法提取定量结果与Trizol法一样可靠,说明对于简单样品该体系及引物非常适用,结果可信。对于组织样品肺和肠,Trizol法获得的样品定量结果比其它3种方法可靠。  相似文献   
目的:检测S100A4在子宫内膜癌中的表达并分析其与子宫内膜癌临床病理指标的相关性,为子宫内膜癌的临床诊断、治疗及与预后预测提供参考依据。方法:采用免疫组织化学技术检测比较70例子宫内膜癌和40例正常子宫内膜组织中S100A4的表达,并分析子宫内膜癌组织中S100A4的表达与患者临床病理指标和生存期的相关性。结果:70例子宫内膜癌组织中S100A4的阳性表达率为57.14%(40/70),40例正常子宫内膜组织中S100A4的阳性表达率为10%(4/40),显著低于子宫内膜癌组织(P0.05)。子宫内膜癌组织中S100A4的表达与患者的年龄和淋巴结转移无显著相关,但与肿块浸润子宫肌壁深度、分化程度、临床分期均呈显著相关(P0.05)。S100A4呈阳性表达的子宫内膜癌患者的生存率和生存期均较S100A4呈阴性表达病例显著降低或缩短(P=0.01)。结论:子宫内膜癌组织中S100A4呈异常高表达,与子宫内膜癌的发生发展和预后密切相关,可能作为子宫内膜癌诊断和预后预测的参考标志物。  相似文献   
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