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Evidence for the presence of the metal-binding protein metallothionein, MT, in higher plants is equivocal. Although a number of MT-like metal complexes have been isolated from plants, the chemical structures of most of these compounds have not been fully elucidated. Recently a novel class of plant peptides, poly (γ-glutamylcysteinyl) glycines, (γEC)nG, have been discovered. These peptides bind metal ions, and in the presence of such ions the amount of (γEC), G in plant cells increases. The presence of peptide bonds through the γ-carboxyl group of glutamate, rather than the α-carboxyl group, suggests that these peptides are not encoded by structural genes but are the products of biosynthetic pathways. Cells which are resistant to supra-optimal concentrations of certain metal ions over-produce (γEC)n G. (γEC)n G. may be functional analogues of MT. Whether or not some plants also produce MT is an important question which remains to be answered.  相似文献   
Cholinergic processes were measured in motor cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of cats in the terminal stages of GM1 gangliosidosis and compared to those of control cats. The greatest difference observed was elevation in the rate of K+-stimulated release of acetylcholine (ACh) from brain slices prepared from affected cats. The K+-stimulated release of endogenous ACh was increased by 31-43% and of newly synthesized ACh by 19-80% in brain slices from different brain regions. All regions that were examined were affected but the greatest effects occurred in cortex. The rate of synthesis of ACh was elevated in cortical and hippocampal slices. Choline acetyltransferase activity in brain regions of cats with GM1 gangliosidosis was not significantly different from that in controls, whereas high-affinity choline transport in cortical synaptosomes was elevated. Muscarinic receptor binding sites were reduced in the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of GM1 mutant cats, whereas the apparent affinity was not altered. These results indicate that there are major alterations of cholinergic function in the brains of cats with GM1 gangliosidosis.  相似文献   
In The Netherlands the decline of some phanerogamic species cannot be readily explained from obvious factors such as lowering of the groundwater table, eutrophication or land reclamation. For a number of species the hypothesis was tested that the decline is partly due to air pollution. A two-factor model was made in which decline is accounted for by (a) habitat destruction assessed from topographic maps and (b) air pollution measured as the SO2 95-percentile over the winter period 1978/1979. Effects of both factors were assumed to follow a sigmoid dose-effect curve. For a number of species decline proved to be significantly correlated with air pollution. These are notably species from the syntaxon Violion caninae. A comparison was made with results obtained for epiphytic lichens. It appears that for some phanerogamic species sensitivity is about the same as for moderately sensitive lichens.Nomenclature follows Heukels & van der Meijden (1983).Thanks are due to the Rijksherbarium, for providing some of their unpublished data; and to Ada Groeneveld, for technical assistance.  相似文献   
The analysis of binomial data by a generalized linear mixed model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Following the addition of 0–75 mole N g–1 as ammonium chloride or ammonium sulphate to a sandy loam soil the nitrate formed was measured daily for a period of 15–17 days. The nitrate produced as a function of time was described using the Monod equation for microbial growth. An optimisation technique is described for obtaining, from the nitrification time course data, the maximum specific growth rate, the affinity constantant and an index limited by the concentration of ammonium in soil solution. Additions of more than 7.3 moles N g–1 soil as ammonium chloride were found to inhibit nitrification. The inhibition was interpreted as being caused by osmotic pressure or by chloride ion. A similar effect was not found with ammonium sulphate, because the salt concentration in the soil solution was restricted by the precipitation of calcium sulphate. The model developed was capable of accounting for nitrate production in the soil under non-steady state conditions of substrate concentrations and nitrifier biomass.  相似文献   
A solubilized preparation of the major Rhodospirillum rubrum antenna complex (B880) was obtained by a described procedure and its polypeptide composition was analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Only two polypeptides of molecular weights close to 7000 were detected after staining the gels with Coomassie brilliant blue. However, several other constituents could be visualized by silver staining or by an immunochemical method. When the preparation was chromatographed on Sephacryl, some of the resulting fractions exhibited the characteristic B880 absorption spectrum and contained only the two proteins that were detectable with Coomassie brilliant blue. In those fractions the A 280/A 880ratio was 0.4, which indicated a significant improvement of the bacteriochlorophyll to protein ratio over the unchromatographed preparation (A 280/A 880=0.7). Other chromatography fractions lacked bacteriochlorophyll and contained a carotenoid which seemed to be bound to protein. The macromolecular constituents present in these latter fractions differed from those associated to the purified B880 complex in their electrophoretic moblities and/or in their staining properties. That suggested the possible existence of a carotenoprotein that did not result from the B880 complex upon loss of bacteriochlorophyll.  相似文献   
Abstract The quantitative approach used here is based on a model comprising a well-stirred medium, an unstirred layer, and a CO2 absorbing leaf. The unstirred layer is divided up by planes into a number of sub-layers. Within each plane the concentration of each solute is everywhere the same as is the electric potential. These variables constitute the basic data. Thus the planes were characterized by their pH value. An equation is derived which enables the calculation of the basic data of a plane from the known data of another plane. In this way it is possible to calculate the basic data for all planes. From these data the rate of assimilation, the thickness of the unstirred layer and its sub-layers, the fluxes across the sub-layers and the conversions among the carbon components can be estimated. The CO2 flux decreases, and the HCO?3 flux increases towards the leaf. There are negative fluxes of OH& and CO2–3. H+ fluxes are of minor importance and can be ignored if the pH of the medium is higher than 8.0, provided no non-inorganic C buffers with appropriate pKa are present. The significance of the carbon diffusion facilitating effect of an inorganic carbon system is expressed in various ways. The values obtained represent maxima, as the assumption is made that the equilibrium reactions are very fast. It is argued that even better effects are possible if the back-diffusion of CO2–3 could be prevented by lowering the pH of the unstirred layer.  相似文献   
Summary Protein A of Staphylococcus aureus is an Fc receptor for IgG that has been used as a therapeutic reagent to treat cancer in humans and experimental animals. We used ultracentrifugation combined with analysis of isolated fractions by radioimmunoprecipitation and competitive radioimmunoassay with chicken antibodies that bind free protein A or protein A in complexes but do bind free immunoglobulin reagents to localize and characterize the types of complexes formed with different molar ratios of 125I-protein A and human 131I-IgG alone or in serum, and 1311-Fc fragments. This approach offers a distinct advantage over direct counting of radioactivity in the fractions because resolution of complexes and free reagents is much improved. With excess 131I-IgG or 1311-Fc, all the 125I-protein A is present only in complexes that contained 4 molecules of immunoglobulin reagent and 2 molecules of protein A (4:2 complexes), whereas with excess 125I-protein A the stoichiometry of the complexes was 1:1. We have also shown the preformed 4:2 and 1:1 complexes will interconvert in the presence of added excess protein A or IgG, respectively, and that fresh IgG will exchange with IgG or Fc in preformed complexes. Because protein A has been found to elute from an immobilized reagent used in serotherapy of human cancer and is present in a large excess of IgG, the 4:2 complexes may play an active role in the tumoricidal or toxic reactions observed.Abbreviations SpA protein A of Staphyloccus aureus - VBS EDTA gel, 0.0055 M veronal buffered saline containing 0.01 M EDTA and 0.1% gelatin, pH 7.4 - PBS 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4  相似文献   
Probabilistic models of the cell cycle maintain that cell generation time is a random variable given by some distribution function, and that the probability of cell division per unit time is a function only of cell age (and not, for instance, of cell size). Given the probability density, f(t), for time spent in the random compartment of the cell cycle, we derive a recursion relation for n(x), the probability density for cell size at birth in a sample of cells in generation n. For the case of exponential growth of cells, the recursion relation has no steady-state solution. For the case of linear cell growth, we show that there exists a unique, globally asymptotically stable, steady-state birth size distribution, *(x). For the special case of the transition probability model, we display *(x) explicitly.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants MCS8301104 (to J.J.T.) and MCS8300559 (to K.B.H.), and by the National Institutes of Health under grant GM27629 (to J.J.T.).  相似文献   
Paton G., Thomas R. J. and Waller P. J. 1984. A prediction model for parasitic gastroenteritis in lambs. International Journal for Parasitology14: 439–445. The parasite Ostertagia circumcincta is a major cause of parasitic gastro-enteritis in lambs in temperate countries. A prediction model is described, based on a mathematical representation of the external and internal stages of the life-cycle.The model is used to predict the numbers of infective larvae on a permanent experimental paddock grazed by ewes and lambs in 1973 and 1974. The “moisture status” of the surface layer of the pasture was found to be of fundamental importance for the successful prediction of the development and survival of the pre-infective larval stages. For the years studied the contribution to the summer wave of infection by lamb derived larvae was particularly significant.  相似文献   
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