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长江中游鱼类寄生棘头虫区系的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
经过3年10次调查,剖检湖北省宜都、黄冈两处江段所产72种鱼类,共计766尾。收集棘头虫10种,其中包括2新种和1新组合,即蛇鮈新棘吻虫(新种)Neoechinorhynchus saurogobi sp.nov.,长江丽棘虫(新种)Brentisentis yangtzensis sp.nov.(Illiosontidae),鲤丽棘虫(新组合)B.cyprini comb.nov.。对长江中游鱼类寄生棘头虫区系的特点进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
Understanding the regeneration niche of species may allow us to gain insight into how communities are structured. In deserts, the regeneration niche is usually related to spaces beneath shrubs where shade cast by shrubs creates microenvironments that benefit seedlings and where even small amounts of rain may favour germination and establishment. Shade and water may also interact with different types of soils. However, species may have different requirements for germination and seedling survival. We could expect that shrub species with different drought tolerances exhibit different responses to the combination of these factors. We ask if responses of dominant species of the Atacama Desert to abiotic factors (shade, water and soil type) are related to their drought tolerance, a topic not exhaustively explored in shrubs growing in true deserts. We conducted two factorial experiments. The first one was designed to evaluate how shade (microhabitat) in combination with water may affect germination (emergence) and early survival. In the second experiment, we assessed the influence of shade in relation to soil type. Each species responded distinctively to the three variables under study, but in general, their emergence responses were more influenced by water (more water, greater emergence) than by microhabitat or soil type. Survival was influenced both by microhabitat and by water and was higher under shade and abundant water. Soil type affected only one of our species in terms of emergence. Species responses in general depended on their tolerance to stress. In one species, there was indication of a seed–seedling conflict. Our results show similar species responses to environmental constraints but also more or less unique responses that are related to their tolerance to drought and which may ultimately permit species coexistence. We found that shade may not be important for germination but may be crucial for survival in dry years.  相似文献   
Synopsis The channel darter, Percina copelandi, is a small benthic fish with a wide but disjunct distribution across central North America. The development of conservation and recovery strategies for Canadian populations is limited by a lack of knowledge regarding ecology, population size and other factors that affect its distribution and abundance. We sampled five rivers in the Lake Ontario basin to test whether the distribution of P. copelandi reflected riffle habitat characteristics or landscape-scale factors such as surficial geology and natural barriers (waterfalls). At most sites yielding P. copelandi, riffles flowed into deep sand bottomed run or pool habitats. Despite a lack of association with local surficial geology or riffle habitat characteristics, both the upstream limits of P. copelandi occurrence and distribution of suitable habitats reflected the distribution of waterfalls, chutes and bedrock outcroppings. In contrast to P. copelandi, distributions of Etheostoma flabellare, P. caprodes and Rhinichthys cataractae reflected among site differences in riffle habitat.  相似文献   
This study examined the genetic diversity of small-spored Alternaria species in the southwest desert of the USA by sampling 552 isolates from different habitats (soil and plant debris) in different locations (urban and an undisturbed desert). To estimate the genetic diversity, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting analysis was performed for all isolates. Strains representative of the sampled genotypic diversity (n = 125) were further characterized according their sporulation pattern and the capability to produce allergens. Morphological characterization assigned the majority of the strains to the Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tenuissima morpho-groups with only two isolates assigned to the Alternaria arborescens morpho-group. AFLP fingerprinting differentiated the A. arborescens morpho-groups, but could not distinguish between the A. alternata and A. tenuissima morpho-groups. Western blot analysis showed that a large number of allergenic proteins were produced by strains. These proteins were not specific for any morpho-group nor source of isolation. A hierarchical analysis of molecular variance was performed on the AFLP data to quantify molecular variation and partition this variation among sampled locations and habitat. No statistically significant differentiation among locations and habitat was detected indicating a lack of population structure across environments.  相似文献   
柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)沙包是塔克拉玛干沙漠特殊的生物地貌景观, 对维持区域生态环境的稳定具有极其重要的作用。该研究采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法, 选取且末、阿拉尔、策勒、塔中4个典型区域的柽柳沙包为研究对象, 对柽柳沙包0-500 cm土壤垂直剖面进行采样, 测定土壤pH值、枯落物含量、电导率及HCO3 -、Cl -、SO4 2-、Ca 2+、Mg 2+、K +、Na +含量, 分析柽柳沙包中土壤盐分的空间变化规律及其影响因素。结果表明: 1)从且末、阿拉尔、策勒到塔中, 土壤pH值总体呈升高趋势, 土壤电导率及Na +、Ca 2+、Mg 2+、SO4 2-含量总体呈降低趋势, K +、Cl -、HCO3 -含量没有明显的变化规律。2)盐分在4个样区的垂直分布主要表现为: 且末和策勒样区柽柳沙包的土壤盐分呈表层聚集现象; 阿拉尔和塔中样区柽柳沙包的土壤盐分呈深层聚集现象。随着土层深度的增加, 土壤pH值总体呈升高的趋势, 土壤枯落物含量总体呈降低趋势; 土壤电导率在且末和策勒样区总体呈降低趋势, 阿拉尔样区呈先降低后升高再降低的变化趋势, 而塔中样区呈先升高后降低再升高的变化趋势。3)根据相关性分析和主成分分析, 且末样区土壤枯落物含量、SO4 2-、Na +、K +为影响土壤盐分含量的主要因子, 且土壤盐分以硫酸盐为主; 阿拉尔样区影响土壤盐分组成的主要因子为Cl -、Na +; 策勒样区为Cl -、K +、Na +; 塔中样区为Cl -、Na +、Ca 2+、SO4 2-, 且土壤盐分均以氯化物为主。综合分析表明, 不同区域柽柳沙包中土壤盐分存在空间变异性, 柽柳沙包土壤盐分的变化与干旱沙漠地区强烈的蒸发作用、地表风蚀强度、地下水埋深、土壤中枯落物及柽柳的生物积盐效应等因素密切相关, 是影响不同区域土壤盐分分布的关键因子。  相似文献   
Arctic marine fishes and their fisheries in light of global change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In light of ocean warming and loss of Arctic sea ice, harvested marine fishes of boreal origin (and their fisheries) move poleward into yet unexploited parts of the Arctic seas. Industrial fisheries, already in place on many Arctic shelves, will radically affect the local fish species as they turn up as unprecedented bycatch. Arctic marine fishes are indispensable to ecosystem structuring and functioning, but they are still beyond credible assessment due to lack of basic biological data. The time for conservation actions is now, and precautionary management practices by the Arctic coastal states are needed to mitigate the impact of industrial fisheries in Arctic waters. We outline four possible conservation actions: scientific credibility, ‘green technology’, legitimate management and overarching coordination.  相似文献   
The key to understanding the evolutionary origin and modification of phenotypic traits is revealing the responsible underlying developmental genetic mechanisms. An important organismal trait of ray‐finned fishes is the gas bladder, an air‐filled organ that, in most fishes, functions for buoyancy control, and is homologous to the lungs of lobe‐finned fishes. The critical morphological difference between lungs and gas bladders, which otherwise share many characteristics, is the general direction of budding during development. Lungs bud ventrally and the gas bladder buds dorsally from the anterior foregut. We investigated the genetic underpinnings of this ventral‐to‐dorsal shift in budding direction by studying the expression patterns of known lung genes (Nkx2.1, Sox2, and Bmp4) during the development of lungs or gas bladder in three fishes: bichir, bowfin, and zebrafish. Nkx2.1 and Sox2 show reciprocal dorsoventral expression patterns during tetrapod lung development and are important regulators of lung budding; their expression during bichir lung development is conserved. Surprisingly, we find during gas bladder development, Nkx2.1 and Sox2 expression are inconsistent with the hypothesis that they regulate the direction of gas bladder budding. Bmp4 is expressed ventrally during lung development in bichir, akin to the pattern during mouse lung development. During gas bladder development, Bmp4 is not expressed. However, Bmp16, a paralogue of Bmp4, is expressed dorsally in the developing gas bladder of bowfin. Bmp16 is present in the known genomes of Actinopteri (ray‐finned fishes excluding bichir) but absent from mammalian genomes. We hypothesize that Bmp16 was recruited to regulate gas bladder development in the Actinopteri in place of Bmp4.  相似文献   
In order to test the congruence of genetic data to the morphologically defined Neotropical catfish genera Tympanopleura and Ageneiosus and explore species diversity, we generated 17 DNA barcodes from five of six species of Tympanopleura and 12 of 13 species of Ageneiosus. To discriminate limits between species, an automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD), a generalised mixed yule-coalescent model (GYMC) and fixed distance thresholds Kimura two-parameter (K2P; 3%) were used to discriminate putative species limits from the DNA barcodes. The ABGD, GMYC and K2P methods agreed by each generating 13 clusters: six in Tympanopleura (five nominal plus one undescribed species) and seven in Ageneiosus. These clusters corresponded broadly to the described species, except in the case of the Ageneiosus ucayalensis group (A. akamai, A. dentatus, A. intrusus, A. ucayalensis, A. uranophthalmus and A. vittatus). Haplotype sharing and low divergences may have prevented molecular methods from distinguishing these species. We hypothesise that this is the result of a recent radiation of a sympatric species group distributed throughout the Amazon Basin. One putative new species of Tympanopleura was also supported by the molecular data. These results taken together highlight the utility of molecular methods such as DNA barcoding in understanding patterns of diversification across large geographic areas and in recognising overlooked diversity.  相似文献   
温带荒漠的积雪沿灌丛始融,并以灌丛为中心形成融雪漏斗,导致融雪水向灌丛基部汇集。观测资料表明:通过灌丛对融雪水分布的反馈,使灌丛周围的沙层含水量明显增加,为裸沙区的152.1一228.9%,从而提高融雪水的利用率并改善灌丛自身的供水条件,对荒漠植被的分布格局亦起一定影响。  相似文献   
Drylands are key contributors to interannual variation in the terrestrial carbon sink, which has been attributed primarily to broad-scale climatic anomalies that disproportionately affect net primary production (NPP) in these ecosystems. Current knowledge around the patterns and controls of NPP is based largely on measurements of aboveground net primary production (ANPP), particularly in the context of altered precipitation regimes. Limited evidence suggests belowground net primary production (BNPP), a major input to the terrestrial carbon pool, may respond differently than ANPP to precipitation, as well as other drivers of environmental change, such as nitrogen deposition and fire. Yet long-term measurements of BNPP are rare, contributing to uncertainty in carbon cycle assessments. Here, we used 16 years of annual NPP measurements to investigate responses of ANPP and BNPP to several environmental change drivers across a grassland–shrubland transition zone in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. ANPP was positively correlated with annual precipitation across this landscape; however, this relationship was weaker within sites. BNPP, on the other hand, was weakly correlated with precipitation only in Chihuahuan Desert shrubland. Although NPP generally exhibited similar trends among sites, temporal correlations between ANPP and BNPP within sites were weak. We found chronic nitrogen enrichment stimulated ANPP, whereas a one-time prescribed burn reduced ANPP for nearly a decade. Surprisingly, BNPP was largely unaffected by these factors. Together, our results suggest that BNPP is driven by a different set of controls than ANPP. Furthermore, our findings imply belowground production cannot be inferred from aboveground measurements in dryland ecosystems. Improving understanding around the patterns and controls of dryland NPP at interannual to decadal scales is fundamentally important because of their measurable impact on the global carbon cycle. This study underscores the need for more long-term measurements of BNPP to improve assessments of the terrestrial carbon sink, particularly in the context of ongoing environmental change.  相似文献   
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