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Summary In microspore cultures of Brassica napus L. cv. Topas, embryo yield increases with culture density up to about 40,000 microspores per ml. A much higher density (100,000 per ml) appears inhibitory to embryogenesis. A relatively high culture density (30,000 or 40,000 per ml) for the first 2–4 days of culture is crucial for embryogenesis, after which cultures may be diluted to allow better embryo growth.Medium conditioned by culturing microspores at 30,000 or 40,000 per ml for 1 day improved microspore-embryo yield in low density cultures (3,000 or 4,000 per ml) more than 3-fold. In contrast, media conditioned with microspores from 1–4 days or 0–4 days of culture were inhibitory.Use of feeder cultures resulted in up to 10-fold increase of embryo yield in low density microspore cultures, depending on the method used. Filter papers and other membranes placed on top of feeders greatly inhibited embryogenesis in the feeder layer as well as microspores cultured on the feeder, possibly due to poorer gaseous exchange.  相似文献   
Suction is produced during prey capture by most teleost fishes. Here, we ask two questions about the functional basis of suction feeding. First, is there variation in the kinematic pattern produced by different species while suction feeding? Second, do species termed 'suction specialists' demonstrate similar modifications to their feeding behavior? We used 10 kinematic variables in a principal component analysis to identify axes of variation among 14 suction feeding teleost species (representing nine families and five orders within the Euteleostei) that demonstrate different feeding habits and habitats. MANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests were used to assess differences among species. Most species clustered together on the principal component axes, suggesting a generalized mechanism that facilitates unidirectional flow. Typically, only one species stood out as 'extreme' on each functional axis, and a species that stood out on one axis did not stand out on others. Only one species, the flatfish Pleuronichthys verticalis, an obligate benthic feeder, demonstrated modifications consistent with enhanced suction production. This species displayed a suite of changes that should enhance suction production, including large hyoid depression, large cranial rotation, and small gape. We suggest that suction performance may be greatest in such obligate benthic feeders because cranial morphology is highly modified and prey are captured from the substrate.  相似文献   
The relationship between the distribution of the whale shark Rhincodon typus and hydrobiological variables in the Caribbean Sea during 2005–2009 was analysed. Monthly trips were made to the R. typus aggregation area during the months when this species is present in the region (May to September) to record sightings and hydrological data and to collect samples to determine nutrients, chlorophyll a (Chl a) and zooplankton biomass. A total of 2104 R. typus were counted and three zones of high abundance were identified: Cabo‐Catoche, Contoy (both within the Whale Shark Biosphere Reserve, WSBR) and the zone knows as Afuera. The zones of greatest R. typus density within the WSBR were characterized by high Chl a concentrations (median: 1·1 mg m?3, interpercentile range: 0·5–1·8 mg m?3) and high nutrient concentrations, such as ammonium (median: 2·5 µmol l?1, interpercentile range: 0·5–6·4 µmol l?1), due to the influence of local upwelling. A generalized additive model (GAM) was used to explore the relationship between R. typus distribution and the environmental variables inside WSBR. Zooplankton biomass was the most influential environmental variable, supporting the close relationship between R. typus distribution and biological productivity. Copepods were the dominant zooplankton group within the WSBR. In the Afuera zone, there were large R. typus aggregations (>80 individuals) associated with zooplankton dominated by fish eggs and significantly higher mean ± s.d. biomass (3356·1 ± 1960·8 mg m?3) compared with that recorded inside the WSBR (103·5 ± 57·2 mg m?3). The differences among zones generated changes in R. typus distribution patterns and provided opportunities to develop local management strategies for this species.  相似文献   
Wnt 信号通路在造血干/祖细胞自我更新的过程中发挥至关重要的作用 . 纯化的 Wnt3a 蛋白可以实现造血干/祖细胞的扩增 . 通过病毒转染原代小鼠骨髓基质细胞,建立转基因滋养层细胞 . 通过共培养对转基因滋养层细胞扩增 CD34+ 造血干/祖细胞的作用进行了研究 . 实验结果显示 , 与普通滋养层加细胞因子组相比,经转基因滋养层加细胞因子组培养的 CD34+造血干/祖细胞集落形成能力 (CFC) 是其 (1.55±0.06) 倍;混合集落形成能力是其 (1.95±0.26) 倍;高增殖潜能集落形成能力 (HPP-CFC) 是其 (1.45±0.40) 倍; LTC-IC 活性是其 (3.83±0.86) 倍 . 结果表明,转基因滋养层细胞通过分泌具有天然活性的 Wnt3a 蛋白能在体外有效地扩增造血干/祖细胞的数量 .  相似文献   
ABSTRACT An in vitro method has been established to obtain metacyclic form populations of Trypanosoma brucei brucei . Trypanosome populations containing more than 98% of metacyclic forms were obtained from cultures which were: 1) initiated with bloodstream forms in primary cultures in the presence of Microtus montanus embryonic fibroblast-like cells (feeder cell layers); 2) maintained in glucose-free Eagle's minimum essential medium supplemented with 10 mM L-proline, 2 mM L-glutamine and 20% (v/v) fetal bovine serum at 27° C without medium change for five days; 3) subcultured in the absence of the feeder cell layers but in the presence of Cytodex 3 beads; 4) maintained for an additional nine days with medium changes on days 5, 8 and 11; and 5) harvested on day 14 by means of diethylaminoethyl cellulose column chromatography prior to the appearance of other infective forms. Most of the trypanosomes obtained under these conditions were morphologically similar to metacyclic forms derived from tsetse fly vectors, coated with variable surface glycoprotein and were infective for mice. In the primary cultures procyclic forms, epimastigotes and metacyclic forms appeared by day 8. When the duration of the subculture was prolonged to 17 days or more at 27° C, the metacyclic forms decreased in number while short trypomastigotes, long slender epimastigotes, and long slender trypomastigotes increased in number. These forms in such long-term cultures also appeared in diethylaminoethyl cellulose-isolated populations along with metacyclic forms.  相似文献   
Sexual segregation is common and can occur when sexes occupy different habitats, and/or when sexes aggregate assortatively within the same habitats. However, it is rarely studied in birds, with most previous work concentrating on differential settlement by the sexes in discrete habitats, often separated by large distances. Little attention has been paid to patterns of segregation within the same site. We reared 200 Common Pheasants Phasianus colchicus and released them onto a relatively small site of 250 ha and recorded their patterns of association and differential use of artificial feeders in space and time. Particular feeders were preferred by one sex, although we found no features of the local habitat which explained such preferences. Furthermore, we found sex differences in the use of feeders throughout the day, with females preferentially visiting them in the morning and the proportion of females visiting feeders increasing as the year progressed. Social network analyses found that in the first month after release into the wild, females did not associate strongly with other females, which was surprising as, prior to release, females have been shown to associate with other females in both semi‐natural conditions and when tested in isolation. However, sexual segregation was clearly seen after 1 month of being released and became more pronounced as the year progressed. Females associated with other females from November to February, whereas males avoided other males over this same period. Sexes became less likely to associate with one another in 5 of the 6 months monitored. Such avoidance observed in males suggests that they start to form territories much sooner than previously thought. Pheasants exhibit clear patterns of fine‐scale sexual segregation based on space and time, which was observed in their social preferences at feeding sites. Such detailed fine‐scale segregation is rarely observed in birds.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that spiriferide morphologies have evolved to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions. Through a computational fluid dynamics approach, we examined how the spiriferide original form was optimized for a lotic condition, specifically addressing the functionalization of the Devonian spiriferide brachiopod Paraspirifer bownockeri to generate passive feeding flows. The results using four models, each of which differed in the development of the spiriferide shell depression, i.e. sulcus, showed that a deeper sulcus functions to create strong spiral flows so as to align on the feeding organ inside the shell. Among the sulcus‐developed models, only the mimic of the natural form could generate comparative slow flows with a stable inflow area. The fossil record of spiriferides shows a morphological trade‐off between the development of the sulcus and wing form. We concluded that spiriferide shells with such a morphological combination evolved to produce various feeding strategies, resulting in diversification.  相似文献   
Estimating diet is often an important step in understanding and managing the impacts of ungulates, particularly for non-native species, but there is uncertainty about whether rumen contents should be assessed using macroscopic or microhistological methods or both. Introduced sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) have a large and increasing distribution in south-east Australia, and there is concern about their impacts on native and non-indigenous plant species. We estimated the diets of 102 sambar deer harvested during 2007–2009 using macroscopic and microhistological rumen analysis techniques. We identified 105 plant species in the diets of sambar deer, 61 identified with both techniques and 22 identified only macroscopically or only microhistologically. Rumen species richness was 70% greater using the microhistological technique. Estimates of taxonomic (i.e., monocot and dicot) and functional (i.e., fern, shrub–tree, forb, climber, grass, and grass-like) group composition by the 2 techniques were similar. Shrubs–trees dominated the diet (macroscopic, 49.7%; microhistological, 52.7%), followed by grasses (macroscopic, 22.7%; microhistological, 17.5%) and ferns (macroscopic, 20.6%; microhistological, 22.2%). We identified 9 non-indigenous plant species, 2 of which we identified using only the microhistological technique. We detected seeds of the weed blackberry (Rubus fruticosus aggregate), sometimes in large amounts, only with the macroscopic technique, whereas we detected foliage of that species with both techniques. Both techniques classified sambar deer as an intermediate mixed feeder closer to a concentrate selector–browser than a bulk and roughage feeder. However, both techniques detected seasonal differences in the percentages of taxonomic and functional groups in the diet; sambar deer were more grazers in autumn and more browsers in spring. Our results indicate that both macroscopic and microhistological techniques may need to be used when it is important to identify plant species in the diet, as is often the case for non-native ungulates. However, either technique can be used to estimate broader taxonomic and functional diet composition, including feeding type. © The Wildlife Society, 2011  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology can be used to implement automated bird‐monitoring systems and, therefore, could be of use to field ornithologists. However, the cost of a large‐scale RFID network can be prohibitive for those with limited research budgets. We describe a simple RFID reader/data logger that can be constructed for less than $40 (excluding tools and a battery). This device can be mounted on birdfeeders, nest boxes, nests, or any location repeatedly visited by birds fitted with small RFID tags (i.e., passive integrated transponder or PIT tags). To demonstrate the potential of this low‐cost RFID reader, we monitored the use of feeders by wintering songbirds in central New York and generated a data set consisting of more than 500,000 feeder visits over 5 mo. These data revealed several interesting behaviors, including high visitation rates by some individuals (>200 visits per day), long‐distance movements between feeders (emigration and immigration), and species‐specific patterns of feeder use. Although the system performed well in relatively harsh winter conditions, occasional battery failures and water damage led to some loss of data. Nevertheless, we amassed over 8000 h of monitoring by investing approximately 6 h of labor per week. In addition to recording tag numbers and time stamps, the RFID reader can interface with sensors and actuators, permitting the collection of additional data (such as body mass) and allowing control of motors or solenoids to interact with targeted individuals. RFID technology has great potential for use in a variety of ornithological studies, and we hope our device helps make this technology more accessible.  相似文献   
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