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Amino acid residues that are involved in functional interactions in proteins have strong evolutionary pressure to remain unchanged and consequently their substitution patterns are different from those that are noninteracting. To characterize and quantify the differences between amino acid substitution patterns due to structural restraints and those under functional restraints, we have made a comparative analysis of families of homologous proteins. Residues classified as having the same amino acid type, secondary structure, accessibility, and side-chain hydrogen bonds are shown to be better conserved if they are close to the active site. We have focused on enzyme families for this analysis since they have functional sites that are easily defined by their catalytic residues. We have derived new sets of environment-specific substitution tables, which we term function-dependent environment-specific substitution tables, where amino acid residues are classified according to their distance from the functional sites. The residues that are within a distance of 9 A from the active site have distinct amino acid substitution patterns when compared to the other sites. The function-dependent environment-specific substitution tables have been tested using the sequence-structure homology recognition program FUGUE and the results compared with the recognition performance obtained using the standard environment-specific substitution tables. Significant improvements are obtained in both recognition performance and alignment accuracy using the function-dependent environment-specific substitution tables (P-value = 0.02, according to the Wilcoxon signed rank test for alignment accuracy). The alignments near the active site are greatly improved with pronounced improvements at lower percentage identities (less than 30%).  相似文献   
A detailed conformational analysis of hyperolactone C diastereomers and enantiomers ((5R,9R),(5S,9S) and (5S,9R),(5R,9S)) was done with molecular mechanics and density functional theory methods. Time-dependent density functional theory (B3PW91/TZVP) was used to calculate electronic transition energies (UV/vis spectra) and rotational strengths of the respective conformations. The effect of solvation (acetonitrile solution) on excitation energies and electronic circular dichroism was approximated by the polarizable continuum model. By comparison of the simulated CD spectrum with that measured for hyperolactone C isolated from Hypericum lloydii, its absolute configuration can be assigned as (5S,9S).  相似文献   
We demonstrate a highly parallel strategy to analyze the impact of single nucleotide mutations on protein function. Using our method, it is possible to screen a population and quickly identify a subset of functionally interesting mutants. Our method utilizes a combination of yeast functional complementation, growth competition of mutant pools, and polymerase colonies. A defined mutant human glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase library was constructed which contains all possible single nucleotide missense mutations in the eight-residue glucose-6-phosphate binding peptide of the enzyme. Mutant human enzymes were expressed in a zwf1 (gene encoding yeast homologue) deletion strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Growth rates of the 54 mutant strains arising from this library were measured in parallel in conditions selective for active hG6PD. Several residues were identified which tolerated no mutations (Asp200, His201 and Lys205) and two (Ile199 and Leu203) tolerated several substitutions. Arg198, Tyr202, and Gly204 tolerated only 1-2 specific substitutions. Generalizing from the positions of tolerated and non-tolerated amino acid substitutions, hypotheses were generated about the functional role of specific residues, which could, potentially, be tested using higher resolution/lower throughput methods.  相似文献   
Adriamycin is an anthracycline anticancer drug used widely for solid tumors in spite of its adverse side effects. The solution structure of 2:1 adriamycin-d-(CGATCG)(2) complex has been studied by restrained molecular dynamics simulations. The restraint data set consists of several intramolecular and intermolecular nuclear Overhauser enhancement cross-peaks obtained from two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. The drug is found to intercalate between CG and GC base pairs at two d-CpG sites. The drug-DNA complex is stabilized via specific hydrogen bonding and van der Waal's interactions involving 4OCH(3), O5, 6OH, and NH(3)(+) moiety of daunosamine sugar, and rings A protons. The O-glycosidic bond C7-O7-C1'-C2' lies in the range 138 degrees -160 degrees during the course of simulations. The O6-H6...O5 hydrogen bond is stable while O11-H11...O12 hydrogen bond is not favored. The intercalating base pairs are buckled and minor groove is wider in the complex. The phosphate on one strand at intercalation site C1pG2 is in B(I) conformation and the phosphates directly lying on opposite strand is in B(II) conformation. The phosphorus on adjacent site G2pA3 is in B(II) conformation and hence a distinct pattern of B(I) and B(II) conformations is induced and stabilized. The role of various functional groups by which the molecular action is mediated has been discussed and correlated to the available biochemical evidence.  相似文献   
One of Oleg Ptitsyn's most important papers (Shakhnovich, E., Abkevich, V., and Ptitsyn, O. (1996) Nature, 379, 96-98) describes how knowledge of structure and function can be used to understand better the nature of amino acid substitutions in families and superfamilies of proteins. The selective advantages of retaining structure and function during evolution can be expressed as restraints on the amino acid substitutions that are accepted.  相似文献   
Environmental factors are assumed to play an important role in the shaping of craniofacial morphology. Here we propose a statistical approach which can be of utility in estimating the magnitude and localization of a particular nongenetic factor upon the specific functional components of the skull. Our analysis is a combination of previous attempts of apportionment of variance and the application of craniofunctional theory. The effect of subsistence strategy on craniofacial functional components was studied on 18 populations of hunter-gatherers and farmers from South America. Results demonstrate that the environmental factors studied likely influenced the masticatory component's size and shape. Even when this effect is not large enough to clearly differentiate among subsistence strategies (since whole craniofacial variation among populations remains greater), the method used here provides interesting clues to localize plastic or adaptive responses to external stimuli.  相似文献   
Vibrational absorption and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra of valinomycin are measured, in different solvents, in the ester and amide carbonyl stretching regions. The influence of cations, namely Li(+), Na(+), K(+), and Cs(+), in methanol-d(4) solvent is also investigated. Ab initio quantum mechanical calculations using density functional theory and 6-31G* basis set are used to predict the absorption and VCD spectra. A bracelet-type structure for valinomycin that reproduces the experimental absorption and VCD spectra in inert solvents is identified. For the structure of valinomycin in polar solvents, a propeller-type structure was optimized, but further investigations are required to confirm this structure. A symmetric octahedral environment for the ester carbonyl groups in the valinomycin-K(+) complex is supported by the experimental VCD spectra. The results obtained in the present study demonstrate that even for large macrocyclic peptides, such as valinomycin, VCD can be used as an independent structural tool for the study of conformations in solution.  相似文献   
In this study multipotent adipose-derived stem cells isolated from human adipose tissue (hMADS cells) were shown to differentiate into adipose cells in serum-free, chemically defined medium. During the differentiation process, hMADS cells exhibited a gene expression pattern similar to that described for rodent clonal preadipocytes and human primary preadipocytes. Differentiated cells displayed the key features of human adipocytes, i.e., expression of specific molecular markers, lipolytic response to agonists of beta-adrenoreceptors (beta2-AR agonist > beta1-AR agonist > beta3-AR agonist) and to the atrial natriuretic peptide, insulin-stimulated glucose transport, and secretion of leptin and adiponectin. hMADS cells were able to respond to drugs as inhibition of adipocyte differentiation was observed in the presence of prostaglandin F2alpha, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, and nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a natural polyhydroxyphenolic antioxidant. Thus, for the first time, human adipose cells with normal karyotype and indefinite life span have been established. They represent a novel and valuable tool for studies of fat tissue development and metabolism.  相似文献   
We investigated the mechanism underlying the control of soldier production in colonies of a social aphid, Tuberaphis styraci, which has a sterile soldier caste in the second instar. High aphid density was shown to induce soldier production in T. styraci. Analysis of natural colonies revealed that the soldier proportion tended to increase with aphid density but reached a plateau. Artificial diet experiments identified a similar plateau of soldier proportion under high-density conditions. In order to gain insights into the controlling mechanism of soldier production, the effect of soldiers on reproducing adult aphids was examined using the artificial diet system. It was experimentally demonstrated that soldier production was suppressed by coexisting soldiers, whereas coexisting non-soldiers facilitated soldier production. These results suggested that caste ratio in the colony of T. styraci is controlled by positive and negative feedbacks consisting of density-dependent induction and suppression of soldier differentiation.  相似文献   
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