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African swine fever (ASF) has recently made its appearance in Madagascar. Ticks of the Ornithodoros moubata group, considered to be O. porcinus Walton, 1962 were formerly known to occur in western Madagascar, but seem to have disappeared from that region. However, three new sites where they occur were found in the humid and cool central highlands of Anatananarivo province. These ticks are known to be efficient reservoirs and vectors of ASF and constitute a considerable complication to the control of the disease. The authors also discuss another potentially complicating factor, the presence of a species of African bushpig, Potamochoerus larvatus.  相似文献   
本文用脑室灌注和Fura2测定细胞内游离钙技术观察了地塞米松(dexamethasone,DEX)对家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热效应和下丘脑细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,借此深入探讨地塞米松解热作用的中枢机制。结果发现:脑室灌注乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸(06nmol)引起家兔结肠温度明显升高,静脉注射地塞米松(5mg/kg)显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,地塞米松(60~120μmol/L)并不影响下丘脑细胞内[Ca2+]i,而事先脑室灌注抑制基因转录的放线菌素D(3nmol)则完全取消了地塞米松对乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热的解热作用。这些结果提示:地塞米松显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,其机制与地塞米松激活脑内某些基因的表达有关,而与下丘脑神经细胞跨膜钙离子流无关。  相似文献   
非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒感染家猪或野猪后引发的一种急性、烈性传染病,主要通过病猪及其周围环境传播,蜱是中间宿主。1921年该病首次暴发于非洲肯尼亚,2018年8月传入我国,目前已有24个省级行政区发生疫情。非洲猪瘟病毒主要经呼吸道和消化道进入猪体内,感染靶细胞主要是单核-巨噬细胞,目前受体还不明确。非洲猪瘟病毒是单分子双链DNA病毒,长度为170~190kb,编码150~200种蛋白,包括多种免疫调控蛋白,可以抵抗机体免疫。非洲猪瘟病毒疫苗研究较多,包括灭活疫苗、减毒疫苗、亚单位疫苗和基因疫苗等,但迄今这些疫苗都不能保护家猪免受非洲猪瘟病毒感染。今后需要对非洲猪瘟病毒及其发病机制做详细系统的研究,为开发有效防治方案提供资料。  相似文献   
Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome(SFTS) is an emerging hemorrhagic fever disease caused by SFTSV, a newly discovered phlebovirus that is named after the disease. Currently, no effective vaccines or drugs are available for use against SFTSV infection, as our understanding of the viral pathogenesis is limited. Bortezomib(PS-341), a dipeptideboronic acid analog, is the first clinically approved proteasome inhibitor for use in humans. In this study, the antiviral efficacy of PS-341 against SFTSV infection was tested in human embryonic kidney HEK293 T(293 T) cells. We employed four different assays to analyze the antiviral ability of PS-341 and determined that PS-341 inhibited the proliferation of SFTSV in 293 T cells under various treatment conditions. Although PS-341 did not affect the virus absorption, PS-341 treatment within a non-toxic concentration range resulted in a significant reduction of progeny viral titers in infected cells.Dual-luciferase reporter assays and Western blot analysis revealed that PS-341 could reverse the SFTSV-encoded nonstructural protein(NS) mediated degradation of retinoic acid-inducible gene-1(RIG-I), thereby antagonizing the inhibitory effect of NSs on interferons and blocking virus replication. In addition, we observed that inhibition of apoptosis promotes virus replication. These results indicate that targeting of cellular interferon pathways and apoptosis during acute infection might serve as the bases of future therapeutics for the treatment of SFTSV infections.  相似文献   
NS5 is the largest and most conserved protein among the four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes. It has been the target of interest for antiviral drug development due to its major role in replication. NS5 consists of two domains, the N-terminal methyltransferase domain and C-terminal catalytic RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domain. It is an unstable protein and is prone to inactivation upon prolonged incubation at room temperature, thus affecting the inhibitor screening assays. In the current study, we expressed and purified DENV RdRp alone in Esherichia coli (E. coli) cells. The N-terminally His-tagged construct of DENV RdRp was transformed into E. coli expression strain BL-21 (DE3) pLysS cells. Protein expression was induced with isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) at a final concentration of 0.4 mM. The induced cultures were then grown for 20 h at 18 °C and cells were harvested by centrifugation at 6000 x g for 15 min at 4 °C. The recombinant protein was purified using HisTrap affinity column (Ni-NTA) and then the sample was subjected to size exclusion chromatography, which successfully removed the degradation product obtained during the previous purification step. The in vitro polymerase activity of RdRp was successfully demonstrated using homopolymeric polycytidylic acid (poly(rC)) RNA template. This study describes the high level production of enzymatically active DENV RdRp protein which can be used to develop assays for testing large number of compounds in a high-throughput manner. RdRp has the de novo initiation activity and the in vitro polymerase assays for the protein provide a platform for highly robust and efficient antiviral compound screening systems.  相似文献   
Specific interactions of the classical swine fever virus internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) with 40S ribosomal subunits and eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)3 enable 43S preinitiation complexes containing eIF3 and eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNA(iMet) to bind directly to the initiation codon, yielding 48S initiation complexes. We report that eIF5B or eIF5B/eIF3 also promote Met-tRNA(iMet) binding to IRES-40S complexes, forming 48S complexes that can assemble elongation-competent ribosomes. Although 48S complexes assembled both by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated Met-tRNA(iMet) recruitment were destabilized by eIF1, dissociation of 48S complexes formed with eIF2 could be out-competed by efficient subunit joining. Deletion of IRES domain II, which is responsible for conformational changes induced in 40S subunits by IRES binding, eliminated the sensitivity of 48S complexes assembled by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanisms to eIF1-induced destabilization. However, 48S complexes formed by the eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanism on the truncated IRES could not undergo efficient subunit joining, as reported previously for analogous complexes assembled with eIF2, indicating that domain II is essential for general conformational changes in 48S complexes, irrespective of how they were assembled, that are required for eIF5-induced hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP and/or subunit joining.  相似文献   
为研究CSFV强毒感染对猪外周血白细胞的影响,本研究用猪瘟病毒石门株(CSFV SM)感染60日龄仔猪后,分析外周血中CSFV核酸载量动态变化、白细胞亚群变化和白细胞SLAⅠ和SLAⅡDR分子的表达情况。实验结果显示:实验仔猪经CSFV感染后48小时体温升高并可以在血液中检测到CSFV核酸,核酸载量持续升高,在感染后6日(DPI)达到最大值,为2 DPI时核酸载量的104.84±0.98倍;WBC、LYM、PLT数量持续降低,WBC在1DPI和2DPI分别降至65.87%和50.00%,LYM在1~3DPI分别降至70.68%、47.88%和23.29%,PLT数量持续降低,6DPI时仅为初始值的34.59%;NK、γδT、Tc、Th、CD3+CD4+CD8+和CD3-CD4-CD8-淋巴细胞在感染后均不同程度的减少,其中NK细胞在1DPI时减少78.49%,而后变化与1DPI比较差异不显著,γδT、Tc、CD3-CD4-CD8-、CD3+CD4+CD8+在3DPI时分别降至41.74%、43.83%、15.87%和32.96%,Th细胞在感染后持续下降,在6DPI时减少至42.95%;感染后淋巴细胞中表达S...  相似文献   
本研究旨在探究非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus, ASFV) I226R蛋白(I226R protein, pI226R)抑制cGAS-STING信号通路的作用机制。利用双荧光素酶报告系统和实时荧光定量PCR (real-time quantitative PCR, qPCR)证明pI226R显著抑制cGAS-STING通路介导的I型干扰素及干扰素刺激相关基因的产生。免疫共沉淀及激光共聚焦显微镜试验发现pI226R与cGAS蛋白相互作用。免疫印迹分析证明pI226R通过自噬-溶酶体途径促进cGAS蛋白的降解。同时,pI226R阻碍了cGAS与E3泛素连接酶三基序蛋白56 (tripartite motif protein 56, TRIM56)的结合,导致cGAS的单泛素化减弱,从而抑制了cGAS的活化和cGAS-STING通路的激活。总之,本研究证明ASFV pI226R通过拮抗cGAS进而抑制宿主的抗病毒天然免疫反应,进一步增加了对研究ASFV免疫逃逸机制的理解,为疫苗的研发提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
分析黑龙江省气象因素与猩红热发病的关系,建立时间序列模型,为今后制定更科学有效的猩红热防控策略提供参考依据。收集黑龙江省2010~2020年猩红热月发病数据以及同期气温、气压等气象资料,应用广义相加模型分析气象因素与猩红热发病之间的关联程度和形式。结果发现: 猩红热全年均有发病而且呈现出较为典型的双峰型特征,在春季的4~5月份和冬季的11~12月份发病数达到高峰;月平均气压、月平均相对湿度、月日照时数和月平均风速的P值均小于0.05,表明具有统计学意义。同时,RR(相对危险度Risk Ratio)值均小于1,即猩红热发病与四个气象因素呈负相关。黑龙江省猩红热发病每年存在两个流行高峰,主要以冬季为主,发病数随着月平均相对湿度、月日照时数、月平均风速与月平均气压的升高而降低。  相似文献   
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