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Does agricultural intensification reduce the area used for agricultural production in Brazil? Census and other data for time periods 1975–1996 and 1996–2006 were processed and analyzed using Geographic Information System and statistical tools to investigate whether and if so, how, changes in yield and stocking rate coincide with changes in cropland and pasture area. Complementary medium‐resolution data on total farmland area changes were used in a spatially explicit assessment of the land‐use transitions that occurred in Brazil during 1960–2006. The analyses show that in agriculturally consolidated areas (mainly southern and southeastern Brazil), land‐use intensification (both on cropland and pastures) coincided with either contraction of both cropland and pasture areas, or cropland expansion at the expense of pastures, both cases resulting in farmland stability or contraction. In contrast, in agricultural frontier areas (i.e., the deforestation zones in central and northern Brazil), land‐use intensification coincided with expansion of agricultural lands. These observations provide support for the thesis that (i) technological improvements create incentives for expansion in agricultural frontier areas; and (ii) farmers are likely to reduce their managed acreage only if land becomes a scarce resource. The spatially explicit examination of land‐use transitions since 1960 reveals an expansion and gradual movement of the agricultural frontier toward the interior (center‐western Cerrado) of Brazil. It also indicates a possible initiation of a reversed trend in line with the forest transition theory, i.e., agricultural contraction and recurring forests in marginally suitable areas in southeastern Brazil, mainly within the Atlantic Forest biome. The significant reduction in deforestation that has taken place in recent years, despite rising food commodity prices, indicates that policies put in place to curb conversion of native vegetation to agriculture land might be effective. This can improve the prospects for protecting native vegetation by investing in agricultural intensification.  相似文献   
Residual feed intake (RFI) is the difference between actual and predicted dry matter intake (DMI) of individual animals. Recent studies with Holstein-Friesian calves have identified an ~20% difference in RFI during growth (calf RFI) and these groups remained divergent in RFI during lactation. The objective of the experiment described here was to determine if cows selected for divergent RFI as calves differed in milk production, reproduction or in the profiles of BW and body condition score (BCS) change during lactation, when grazing pasture. The cows used in the experiment (n=126) had an RFI of −0.88 and +0.75 kg DM intake/day for growth as calves (efficient and inefficient calf RFI groups, respectively) and were intensively grazed at four stocking rates (SR) of 2.2, 2.6, 3.1 and 3.6 cows/ha on self-contained farmlets, over 3 years. Each SR treatment had equal number of cows identified as low and high calf RFI, with 24, 28, 34 and 40/11 ha farmlet. The cows divergent for calf RFI were randomly allocated to each SR. Although SR affected production, calf RFI group (low or high) did not affect milk production, reproduction, BW, BCS or changes in these parameters throughout lactation. The most efficient animals (low calf RFI) lost similar BW and BCS as the least efficient (high calf RFI) immediately post-calving, and regained similar BW and BCS before their next calving. These results indicate that selection for RFI as calves to increase efficiency of feed utilisation did not negatively affect farm productivity variables (milk production, BCS, BW and reproduction) as adults when managed under an intensive pastoral grazing system.  相似文献   
A long‐term rainforest restoration experiment was established on abandoned pasture in northeastern Queensland in 1993 to examine the effectiveness of five different restoration planting methods: (T1) control (no plantings); (T2) pioneer monoculture (planting seedlings of one pioneer species, Homalanthus novoguineensis, Euphorbiaceae); (T3) Homalanthus group framework method (H. novoguineensis and eight other pioneer species); (T4) Alphitonia group framework method (Alphitonia petriei, Rhamnaceae, with eight other pioneer species); and (T5) maximum diversity method (planting pioneers, middle‐phase species, and mature‐phase species). We investigated temporal patterns in the (1) fate of seedlings originally planted in 1993; (2) natural recruitment of native plant species; and (3) current habitat structure (canopy cover and ground cover of grasses and invasive plants) within each restoration treatment. A total of 97% of seedlings planted in T2 died within the first 13 years and all had died by 2014. A total of 72% of seedlings planted in T3, 55.5% of seedlings planted in T4, and 55% of seedlings planted in T5 also died by 2014. By 2014, 42 species from 21 families had recruited across the experimental site, and the abundance of recruits was almost twice that recorded in 2001 and 2006. Overall, T3, T4, and T5 had the greatest diversity and abundance of recruits. By 2014, canopy cover was greatest in T3, T4, and T5 but grass cover was least in T5. It is concluded that some restoration success measures increase with planting diversity, but overall the rate of recovery is similar in framework species and maximum diversity method.  相似文献   
Limited research has suggested that higher lambing densities increase interference from foreign ewes at lambing which disrupts the ewe-lamb bond and compromises lamb survival. This may be particularly evident in mobs of twin-bearing ewes compared to single-bearing ewes because a greater number of lambs are born per day. Therefore, we hypothesised that; (i) decreasing the mob size of ewes at lambing has a greater impact on the survival of twin-born lambs than single-born lambs; (ii) the relationship between mob size and lamb survival can be explained by differences in the rate of interaction with foreign ewes and lambs at lambing; and (iii) ewes will utilise a limited area of the paddock at lambing and thus lambing density will be defined by the distribution of ewes in the paddock rather than the paddock area. Merino ewes were allocated into a 2×2 factorial combination of ewe pregnancy status (single- or twin-bearing) and mob size (high (n=130 ewes) or low (n=50 ewes)) on day 140 from the start of joining. Each treatment had two replicates excepting the low mob size for twins which had a third replicate. Ewes lambed at a stocking rate of 11 ewes/ha. Feed-on-offer during lambing exceeded 2400 kg dry matter (DM)/ha. Ewe-lamb behaviour was observed and dead lambs were autopsied over 11 days during the peak of lambing. The distribution of ewes in each paddock was recorded every 2 h during daylight hours by counting the number of ewes occupying 2500 m2 grids. The proportion of ewes and their newborn progeny which interacted with foreign ewes at lambing did not differ between the high and low mob sizes for single- (24.9% v. 20.8%) or twin-bearing ewes (14.3% v. 19.6%; P=0.74). Similarly, interaction with foreign lambs did not differ between the high and low mob sizes for single- (14.5% v. 25.2%) and twin-bearing ewes (34.5% v. 26.4%; P=0.44). The distribution of ewes within the paddock did not differ between treatments (P=0.95). On average, single-bearing ewes which lambed at the high and low mob sizes occupied 34% and 36% of the paddock during daylight hours, and the corresponding values for twin-bearing ewes were 40% and 43%. Survival of twin-born lambs was lower than single-born lambs (75.3% v. 87.9%; P<0.01), however, lamb survival was not influenced by mob size regardless of birth type. These results suggest that higher mob sizes may not compromise lamb survival when feed-on-offer during lambing exceeds 2400 kg DM/ha.  相似文献   
In terms of animal welfare, farming systems of dairy cows are perceived positively by consumers when compared to pigs or poultry. A main reason is that the majority of consumers associate dairy farming with pasture, which in turn they relate with benefits for animal health and welfare. However, holistic scientific assessments of the effects of pasturing on animal welfare are rare. Hence, it was the aim to study the animal welfare level in 61 German loose housing dairy farms by using the measures of the Welfare Quality® protocol for dairy cattle (WQP). Data were collected twice per farm at the end of the pasture season (July to October) and approximately 6 months later at the end of the barn season (December to April). Farms were classified based on the duration cows had access to pasture per day during the pasture season: group 1 (G1)>10 h; group 2 (G2) 6 to 10 h; group 3 (G3)<6 h and group 4 (G4) without pasture access. The average herd size was 129 Holstein-Friesian or Red-Holstein cows (range 58 to 527). In addition to WQP data, performance data were gathered from routine herd data recordings. The indicators were aggregated to criteria applying the scoring system of the WQP. G4 received lower scores at the first than at the second visit for the criterion absence of hunger, while there were no differences between visits in the other groups (P=0.58 – group×farm visit effect). All pasturing groups were scored better at the end of the pasture season than G4 for the criterion comfort around resting (P<0.01). Compared with G1 for both farm visits and G2 for the end of the barn season, G4 reached inferior scores for the criterion absence of injuries, including indicators such as hairless patches, lesions, and swellings and lameness. At both assessments G2 was scored higher than the other groups for the criterion absence of diseases (P=0.04). In conclusion, pasture access had positive effects only on selected welfare indicators, however, these effects were not maintained throughout the barn season.  相似文献   
The ability to authenticate the feed given to animals from the animal products has become a major challenge for scientists, monitoring bodies and commercial entities alike. This study compared two methods based on the use of the visible reflectance spectrum of the fat to discriminate pasture-fed (P) from stall concentrate-fed (S) lamb carcasses. A total of 307 (143 P and 164 S) Limousine lambs were used over 2 years. Pasture-fed lambs grazed a permanent pasture that was maintained at a leafy, green vegetative stage, and offered ad libitum; they received no supplementation at pasture. Body weight of P lambs when turning out to pasture and at slaughter averaged 9.2 (standard deviation (s.d.) 2.21) kg and 33.2 (s.d. 2.89) kg, respectively. S lambs were fed indoors on an ad libitum diet of commercial concentrate and hay until slaughter at a mean body weight of 33.7 (s.d. 3.62) kg. The reflectance spectrum of perirenal and subcutaneous caudal fat was measured at slaughter and at 24 h post mortem. Plasma carotenoid concentration was measured at slaughter. In method 1, the fat reflectance spectrum data were used at wavelengths between 450 and 510 nm to calculate an index quantifying light absorption by carotenoid pigments. In method 2, a multivariate analysis was performed over the full set of fat reflectance data at wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm. Method 2 yielded a higher proportion of correctly classified lambs compared with method 1 (P < 0.05 to 0.001), except for measurements made at 24 h post mortem on perirenal fat for S lambs. The proportion of lambs correctly classified using method 2 was 87.4% and 92.9% for measurements made on perirenal and caudal fat at slaughter, and 93.9% and 91.0% for measurements made on perirenal and caudal fat 24 h post mortem. Plasma carotenoid concentrations were higher in P lambs than in S lambs (P < 0.001), which led to correct classification of 90.7% of the lambs.  相似文献   
Ellis  S.  Yamulki  S.  Dixon  E.  Harrison  R.  Jarvis  S.C. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(1):15-25
Total denitrification and nitrous oxide (N2O) losses were measured from three contrasting dairy management systems representing good commercial practice (system 1), production maintained but with reduced N losses (system 2); and nitrate leaching less than 50 mg L-1 but with reduced production (system 3). Measurements were made following mineral fertiliser application and from two plot experiments where four treatments were applied: control, NH4NO3 at 60 kg N ha-1, cattle slurry applied to the surface (equivalent to 45 kg N ha-1), and cattle slurry injected. Despite low soil temperatures (<6 °C) and low rainfall (<3 mm), total denitrification and N2O losses peaked at 56 and 16 g N ha-1 d-1, respectively. Total denitrification losses decreased: system 1 system 2 > system 3, whereas N2O losses decreased: system 2 > system 3 > system 1. Total denitrification losses tended to decrease with decreasing fertiliser application rate, whereas fertiliser application rate was not the sole determinant of the N2O loss. The system 3 field was injected with cattle slurry for 2 yr, system 2 received some slurry by injection and system 1 received slurry to the surface. Thus, the amount, timing and method of previous cattle slurry application was important in determining the loss following subsequent fertiliser application. For the plot experiments, total denitrification and N2O losses decreased in the order: slurry injected > mineral fertiliser > slurry applied to the surface > control for 5 days following application. However, 16 and 19 days after application, N2O losses above the control were measured from plots that had received cattle slurry. It was inferred that the application of cattle slurry to the pasture soil stimulated greater N2O production and increased losses over a longer time period compared with mineral fertiliser additions.  相似文献   
生态系统的脆弱性与退化生态系统   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
生态系统的脆弱性是一个含义广泛的概念,是生态系统内固有的特性,脆弱性只能在干扰的状态下才显现出来.而干扰(包括自然干扰和人为干扰)又是引起退化生态系统的原因,种类的入侵和消亡、种类组成的变化、生态系统的多样性和稳定性、生产力、生态位的分化及生态系统小环境变化则是研究退化生态系统形成和恢复的重要内容,本文探讨脆弱性与退化生态系统诸方面的关系以及在植被恢复上的应用.  相似文献   
杨树根系浸提液对3种牧草种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用不同浓度(3、10和30mg/mL)的南林95杨〔PopulusdeltoidsBartr.cv.Lux×P.euramericana(Dode)Guineircv.I 45/51〕和NL 80351杨(P.deltoidsBartr.cv.Lux×P.deltoidsBartr.cv.Harvard)根系浸提液,处理杨树 牧草复合经营系统中3种主要牧草种子,探讨杨树根系浸提液对牧草种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:南林95杨和NL 80351杨根系浸提液对3种牧草种子的萌发及幼苗的生长有一定影响。这2个无性系根系浸提液对紫花苜蓿(MedicagosativaL.)、白三叶(TrifoliumrepensL.)和杂交狼尾草(PennisetumalopecuroidesL.×P.americanumL.)的种子发芽率、幼苗高生长、根长生长及种子活力主要表现为抑制作用,在浓度较高时影响尤为明显;但2个无性系根系浸提液对白三叶的高生长(南林95杨30mg/mL除外)表现出一定的促进作用;在3mg/mL浓度时,2个无性系根系浸提液对白三叶的种子活力也有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
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