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Recent studies on shark assemblages on the northeast Florida and southeast Georgia coast (hereafter referred to collectively as the “First Coast”) have demonstrated differences in species and age-class composition of catch from previously characterized estuaries and newly surveyed area beaches, demonstrating that these regions may provide a critical habitat to different segments (i.e., life stages) of local shark populations. In this study, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) from muscle tissue and blood plasma were used to examine trophic dynamics (and temporal variability thereof) of the three dominant co-occurring species found along First Coast beaches (the Atlantic Sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, Blacknose shark Carcharhinus acronotus and Blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus) to determine if they exhibit overlap in resource use along with spatial and temporal habitat use. Although considered spatially segregated from the beach species, a dominant, age-class species found in First Coast estuaries (juvenile Sandbar sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus) was also included in this analysis for comparison. Temporal variability of resource-use characteristics was detected at the species level. Resource-use overlap among species varied by tissue type and was generally higher for blood plasma, suggesting greater resource sharing over more recent time periods. Over longer time periods Atlantic Sharpnose and Blacktip sharks exhibited resource-use expansion, whereas Blacknose sharks exhibited a narrowing in resource use, suggesting a more specialized foraging strategy compared to the other species. The resource-use breadth of Sandbar sharks also expanded between blood plasma and muscle tissue. Significant size relationships were detected in Blacktip and Sandbar sharks, indicating ontogenetic resource shifts for both species. A diversity of highly productive resource pools likely support shark populations along the First Coast such that resource-use differentiation is not required to facilitate species co-occurrence. This work may shed light on understanding patterns of species co-occurrence as well as aid in future conservation efforts.  相似文献   
Eight new strains of deep-sea hyperthermophilic sulfur reducers were isolated from hydrothermal vent fields at 9 degrees 50'N East Pacific Rise (EPR) and at the Cleft and CoAxial segments along the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR). 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that each strain belongs to the genus Thermococcus. Restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns of the 16S/23S rRNA intergenic spacer region revealed that these isolates fell into three groups: those from the EPR, those from fluid and rock sources on the JdFR, and those isolated from Paralvinella spp. polychaete vent worms from the JdFR. The optimum-temperature specific growth rates and the temperature ranges for growth were significantly higher and broader for those strains isolated from worms relative to those isolated from low-temperature diffuse hydrothermal fluids. Furthermore, the worm-derived isolates generally produced a larger array of proteases and amylases based on zymogram analyses. The zymogram patterns also changed with growth temperature suggesting that these organisms alter their lytic protein suites in response to changes in temperature. This study suggests that there is significant phenotypic diversity in Thermococcus that is not apparent from their highly conserved 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   
The investigation of prokaryotes in aquatic ecology is often limited to their role in nutrient cycling and the degradation of organic matter. While this aspect of the microbial loop is undoubtedly important, further aspects of bacterial roles in marine food webs exist which have not been fully considered in light of recent research in related fields. The concept of bacteria providing essential nutrients may derive importance from two aspects of their role in the marine environment; firstly as a primary food source for omnivorous, sestonivorous and filtering benthic animals and secondly as components of the commensal microbial communities of marine animals. Many marine organisms lack the de novo ability to produce n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and hence rely on a dietary supply of PUFA. The issue of PUFA origin in the marine food web is particularly salient in light of recent research demonstrating the influence of PUFA levels on the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels. The assumption that microalgae provide the bulk of de novo PUFA production for all marine food webs must be actively reviewed with respect to particular microbial niches such as sea ice, marine animals and abyssal communities.  相似文献   
Summary The eye of the deep-sea penaeid shrimp Gennadas consists of approximately 700 square ommatidia with a side length of 15 n. It is hemispherical in shape and is located at the end of a 1.5 mm long eye stalk. The cornea is extremely thin, but the crystalline cone is well-developed. A clear zone between dioptric structures and the rhabdom layer is absent. A few pigment granules are found within the basement membrane; otherwise they, too, are absent from the eye of Gennadas. The rhabdom is massive and occupies 50 % of the eye. It consists of orthogonally oriented microvilli (the latter measuring 0.07 m in diameter) and is 75 m long. In cross sections adjacent rhabdoms, all approximately 8 m in diameter, form an almost continuous sheet and leave little space for retinula cell cytoplasm. In spite of a one h exposure to light, rhabdom microvilli show no disintegration or disruption of membranes. Vesicles of various kinds, however, are present in all seven retinula cells near the basement membrane. Bundles of seven axons penetrate the basement membrane. On their way to the lamina they often combine and form larger aggregations.The authors wish to thank the director of the Meat Industry Research Institute in Hamilton and his staff for the use of their electron microscope facilities  相似文献   
The first detailed information on the biological aspects of members of the economically important shark family Carcharhinidae in Indonesian waters is given. Carcharhinids dominated the landings of sharks at sites visited, comprising almost 60% of the total biomass of all sharks recorded, over an intensive 5 year sampling period. A total of 26 species of carcharhinids, representing half of the species in the Carcharhinidae, were recorded. The most abundant species, in terms of numbers recorded, were Scoliodon laticaudus and Carcharhinus falciformis , while the most abundant in terms of biomass were Prionace glauca , C. falciformis and Carcharhinus obscurus . Biological data are presented for 22 of the 26 species. The total length at which males attain maturity ( L 50) was determined for 10 species. The biological aspects of a number of species, most notably Carcharhinus sorrah and Loxodon macrorhinus , were found to differ from those recorded in the literature for other regions.  相似文献   
Recent mitogenomic studies suggest a new position for the deep-sea fishes of the order Alepocephaliformes, placing them within the Otocephala in contrast to their traditional placement within the Euteleostei. However, these studies included only two alepocephaliform taxa and left several questions unsolved about their systematics. Here we use whole mitogenome sequences to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships for 11 alepocephaliform taxa, sampled from all five nominal families, and a large selection of non-alepocephaliform teleosts, to address the following three questions: (1) is the Alepocephaliformes monophyletic, (2) what is its phylogenetic position within the Teleostei and (3) what are the relationships among the alepocephaliform families? Our character sets, including unambiguously aligned, concatenated mitogenome sequences that we have divided into four (first and second codon positions, tRNA genes, and rRNA genes) or five partitions (same as before plus the transversions at third codon positions, using "RY" coding), were analyzed by the partitioned maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Our result strongly supported the monophyly of the Alepocephaliformes and its close relationship to the Clupeiformes and Ostariophysi. Altogether, these three groups comprise the Otocephala. Statistical comparison using likelihood-based SH test confidently rejected the monophyly of the Euteleostei when including the Alepocephaliformes. However, increasing the taxonomic sampling within the Alepocephaliformes did not resolve its position relative to the Clupeiformes and Ostariophysi. Within the Alepocephaliformes, our results strongly supported the monophyly of the platytroctid genera but not that of the remaining taxa. From one analysis to other, platytroctids were either the sister group of the remaining taxa or nested within the alepocephalids. Inferred relationships among alepocephaliform taxa were not congruent with any of the previously published phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological characters.  相似文献   
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is known to be of significance as opportunistic pathogen as well as a source of biocontrol and bioremediation activities. S. maltophilia strains have been isolated from rhizospheres, soil, clinical material, aquatic habitats, but little is known about Stenotrophomonas strains recovered from marine environments. During a survey of the biodiversity of Pseudomonas-like bacteria associated with deep-sea invertebrates six Stenotrophomonas strains were isolated from sponge, sea urchin, and ophiura specimens collected from differing Pacific areas, including the Philippine Sea, the Fiji Sea and the Bering Sea. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis confirmed an assignment of marine isolates to the genus Stenotrophomonas as it placed four strains into the S. maltophilia CIP 60.77T cluster and two related to the S. rhizophila DSM 14405T. Together with a number of common characteristics typical of S. maltophilia and S. rhizophila marine isolates exhibited differences in pigmentation, a NaCl tolerance, a range of temperatures, which supported their growth, substrate utilization pattern, and antibiotics resistance. Strains displayed hemolytic and remarkable inhibitory activity against a number of fungal cultures and Gram-positive microorganisms, but very weak or none against Candida albicans. This is the first report on isolation, taxonomic characterization and antimicrobial activity of Stenotrophomonas strains isolated from deep-sea invertebrates.  相似文献   
We tracked six individuals of three shark species, the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, great white, Carcharodon carcharias, and blue, Prionace glauca, near the submarine canyon off La Jolla, southern California during the summers of 1995 and 1997. The duration of tracking ranged from 2 to 38 h per shark. The mode of travel differed in one respect among species. The rate of movement of the endothermic species, the mako and white shark, exceeded that of the ectothermic species, the blue shark. Similarities among species were more common. Firstly, individuals of all three species swam in a directional manner. Secondly, individuals constantly moved up and down in the water column, exhibiting oscillatory or yo-yo swimming. Thirdly, members of the three species swam at the surface for prolonged periods. Finally, the movements of the mako and white sharks were at times loosely associated with bottom topography. We discuss the various adaptive advantages that have been proposed for these behavioral patterns. Oscillatory swimming has been attributed to the following: (1) heating the body in the warm surface waters after swimming in cold, deep water, (2) alternating between two strata of water, one carrying chemical information as to its source, and deriving a direction to that stratum's origin, (3) conserving energy by quickly propelling oneself upward with many tail beats and slowly gliding downward with few beats, and (4) descending to where magnetic gradients are steeper, more perceptible, and useful to guide migratory movements. At the surface, an individual would be able to swim in a straight line by using following features as a reference: (1) celestial bodies, (2) polarized light, or (3) the earth's main dipole field. Furthermore, an individual would conserve energy because of the greater ease to maintaining a warm body in the heated surface waters.  相似文献   
Sharks are one of the most threatened groups of marine animals worldwide, mostly owing to overfishing and habitat degradation/loss. Although these cartilaginous fish have evolved to fill many ecological niches across a wide range of habitats, they have limited capability to rapidly adapt to human-induced changes in their environments. Contrary to global warming, ocean acidification was not considered as a direct climate-related threat to sharks. Here we show, for the first time, that an early ontogenetic acclimation process of a tropical shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) to the projected scenarios of ocean acidification (ΔpH = 0.5) and warming (+4°C; 30°C) for 2100 elicited significant impairments on juvenile shark condition and survival. The mortality of shark embryos at the present-day thermal scenarios was 0% both at normocapnic and hypercapnic conditions. Yet routine metabolic rates (RMRs) were significantly affected by temperature, pH and embryonic stage. Immediately after hatching, the Fulton condition of juvenile bamboo sharks was significantly different in individuals that experienced future warming and hypercapnia; 30 days after hatching, survival rapidly declined in individuals experiencing both ocean warming and acidification (up to 44%). The RMR of juvenile sharks was also significantly affected by temperature and pH. The impact of low pH on ventilation rates was significant only under the higher thermal scenario. This study highlights the need of experimental-based risk assessments of sharks to climate change. In other words, it is critical to directly assess risk and vulnerability of sharks to ocean acidification and warming, and such effort can ultimately help managers and policy-makers to take proactive measures targeting most endangered species.  相似文献   
The role of the extinct giant-toothed white sharkCarcharodon megalodon (Agassiz) in the Caribbean Neogene is discussed based on new evidence of predation on cetaceans from the Lower Pliocene Paraguaná Formation in Venezuela. Large sharks have occupied the highest trophic level in the marine environment. However, based on the recovery of a giant white shark tooth piercing a cetacean lumbar vertebra, the predator-prey relationship is discussed under the hypothesis of initial shark attack, subsequent floating transport of the cetacean carcass, and scavenging prior to deposition on the bottom. The scarce Caribbean fossil records of both giant-toothed sharks and cetaceans suggest that these species were transients during the Pliocene on the Venezuelan coast.   相似文献   
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