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The authors investigated the response to experimentally elevated water temperature in genotypes of Pocillopora damicornis from three coral reefs in the upwelling Gulf of Panama and four coral reefs in the non-upwelling Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamanian Pacific. Sea-surface temperature in the Gulf of Panama declines below 20 °C during seasonal upwelling, while in the thermally stable Gulf of Chiriquí, the temperature ranges from 27 to 29 °C. Genotypes of P. damicornis from the seven locations were determined by allozyme electrophoresis. The most abundant genotype at each location was selected for a thermal tolerance experiment where corals were exposed to water temperature of 30 °C (1 °C above ambient) for 43 days. Four site coral genotypes can be uniquely differentiated by the GPI locus, two by the LGG-2 locus, and two by a combination of the MDH-1, LGG-2, and LTY-3 loci. A visual assessment of the coral condition after exposure to an elevated temperature showed that corals from localities in the non-upwelling environment retained a normal to slightly pale appearance, while corals from the upwelling environment bleached and their polyps were mostly retracted. A two-way ANOVA confirmed that corals were significantly affected by water temperature and locality. The zooxanthellae were also significantly affected by the interaction of elevated temperature and locality of the corals. Mean zooxanthellae density decreased by 25 and 55%, respectively, in experimentally heated corals from the non-upwelling and upwelling environments. Low concentrations of photosynthetic pigments per live area of the corals were the norm in corals under elevated temperature. The mean concentration of chlorophyll a per live area of the corals was reduced by 17 and 49%, respectively, in heated corals from the non-upwelling and upwelling sites. Coral genotypes from the upwelling Gulf of Panama demonstrated higher vulnerability to thermal stress than coral genotypes from the non-upwelling Gulf of Chiriquí. However, the latter showed greater differences in their responses. Thus, even at small geographic scales, corals can display different levels of tolerance to thermal stress. The difference in thermal tolerance between corals from upwelling and non-upwelling environments is concomitant with greater genetic differences in experimental corals from the thermally stable Gulf of Chiriquí compared with corals from the upwelling Gulf of Panama.Communicated by K.S. Sealey  相似文献   
The growth dynamics of green sea turtles resident in four separate foraging grounds of the southern Great Barrier Reef genetic stock were assessed using a nonparametric regression modeling approach. Juveniles recruit to these grounds at the same size, but grow at foraging-ground-dependent rates that result in significant differences in expected size- or age-at-maturity. Mean age-at-maturity was estimated to vary from 25–50 years depending on the ground. This stock comprises mainly the same mtDNA haplotype, so geographic variability might be due to local environmental conditions rather than genetic factors, although the variability was not a function of latitudinal variation in environmental conditions or whether the food stock was seagrass or algae. Temporal variability in growth rates was evident in response to local environmental stochasticity, so geographic variability might be due to local food stock dynamics. Despite such variability, the expected size-specific growth rate function at all grounds displayed a similar nonmonotonic growth pattern with a juvenile growth spurt at 60–70 cm curved carapace length, (CCL) or 15–20 years of age. Sex-specific growth differences were also evident with females tending to grow faster than similar-sized males after the juvenile growth spurt. It is clear that slow sex-specific growth displaying both spatial and temporal variability and a juvenile growth spurt are distinct growth behaviors of green turtles from this stock.Communicated by Ecological Editor P.F. Sale  相似文献   
Carbon and nitrogen isotopes analyses were performed on marine mammal bone collagen from three archaeological sites (ad 1170–1813) on Cape Espenberg (Kotzebue Sound, northwestern Alaska) as well as modern animals harvested from the same area to examine long‐term trends in foraging ecology and sea ice productivity. We observed significant and dramatic changes in ringed seal stable isotope values between the early 19th and early 21st centuries, likely due to changing sea ice productivity and reduced delivery of organic matter to the benthos driven by recent warming in the Arctic. These data highlight the importance of the archaeological record for providing a long‐term perspective on environmental variation and interpreting recent changes driven by anthropogenic processes.  相似文献   
目的:评价经膝下(Below the Knee, BTK)途径导管直接溶栓(Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis, CDT)治疗混合型下肢深静脉血栓形成(Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVT)的安全性和有效性。方法:回顾性分析2013年1月至2017年10月于徐州市肿瘤医院介入科接受经BTK途径CDT治疗的38例急性混合型DVT患者临床资料,其中男性患者26例,女性患者12例,年龄54±11岁。结果:技术成功率为100%。经小隐静脉穿刺途径28例,小隐静脉切开途径4例,胫后静脉切开途径4例,胫后静脉穿刺途径2例。行CDT前,所有患者均接受临时可回收滤器置入,并于术后2周内取出。36名患者DVT血栓溶解成功(Ⅱ和Ⅲ级)。2名未获得血栓溶解成功的患者,从症状发生到CDT时间均大于10天。对13例患者(左侧10例,右侧3例)进行髂静脉球囊扩张和支架植入。围手术期出现切口渗血4例,切开部位麻木5例,没有新发肺栓塞和大出血发等主要并发症。平均随访时间为2年(1个月-4年),28例患者超过1.5年。2例患者由于未服用华法林而出现反复髂股DVT。随访期间通畅率和PTS率分别为81.6%(31/38)和31.6%(12/38)。结论:采用经BTK途径行CDT治疗混合型DVT是安全有效的,围手术期及随访期间结果满意,是一种值得推广的方法。  相似文献   
深海具有多种复杂独特的生境,蕴藏着极为丰富的物种多样性,被公认为未来重要的基因资源来源地,具有巨大的应用开发潜力。目前,深海微生物资源已成为国家重要的战略资源储备,也是各国海洋战略的核心关注点。预计在未来20年内,深海微生物资源将在多个领域得到产业化应用。我国在历时近二十年的深海微生物资源采探中,已分离鉴定并规范保藏大洋来源的菌株9 376株,分属于1 443个种444个属,实现了一定的资源积累,并快速提升了知识产权拥有量。但是,随着深海微生物资源获取和开发活动的快速发展,联合国大会"养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外海域的生物多样性"谈判进程趋紧,我国深海微生物资源领域依然存在采样区域较为局限、绝大多数微生物难以培养、资源量有待扩容、产业化推进机制缺失、知识产权占有量不足等问题。因此,本文认为应从加强政策引导、强化资源库的基础建设、建立产学研一体化机制、增强国际合作几个方面入手,实现我国深海生物资源产业由"跟跑者"到"领跑者"的跨越。  相似文献   
The thigmotrich scuticociliates Boveria labialis and Boveria subcylindrica are obligate parasites that may cause high mortality in cultured sea cucumbers and bivalves. Morphological methods can identify these organisms in active state, but are unable to discern them in resting stages. In aquaculture practice, these parasitic ciliates are hard to eradicate when massive infection occurs in sea cucumbers. Thus, early detection and precaution are crucial for the control of these pathogens. Under such circumstances, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) will serve as a fast way to detect and monitor the occurrence of these parasites. We designed two SSU‐rDNA targeted oligonucleotide probes labeled with fluorochromes, and optimized the FISH protocols for the detection of B. labialis and Bsubcylindrica from the host sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and the bivalve Atrina pectinata, respectively. The assays resulted in a clear differentiation of the two similar species by strong fluorescence signals from the oligonucleotide probes. Moreover, we successfully used the FISH protocol to detect the cysts of B. labialis and variation in abundance of active parasites to evaluate the efficacy of chemical treatments. This is the first report and detection of the cysts of B. labialis from the host sea cucumber A. japonicus.  相似文献   
The effects of climate change on coastal risk factors are increasing due to both rising sea levels and increasingly intense coastal floodings. However, these changes are only just beginning to be incorporated into planning strategies for coastal economies and land use in France. Recent coastal storms marked the turning point, and public authorities have now started to revise coastal management legislation, stating that the managed retreat of settlements and infrastructure is the preferred strategy to adapt to climate change. To date, this managed retreat has almost exclusively been discussed in relation to the current political, social, and economic obstacles that make it difficult to relocate equipment and houses inland. Here, we add to this discussion by depicting how the careful ecological restoration of dunes and salt marshes on land made available by managed retreat could overcome some of these obstacles. First, we describe three possible strategies to adapt to sea‐level rise as well as the maladaptation of the current strategy. Then, we focus on the limitations and advantages of ecological restoration in terms of managed retreat and vice versa. Finally, we depict how a new kind of land lease, introduced in draft legislation, can help tackle the multitemporal and multispatial issues that currently hinder managed retreat.  相似文献   
郭巍  侯晓蕾 《生物信息学》2018,25(12):70-74
杭州湾传统海塘是历史时期中国海塘的典型,历史悠久、类型丰富、体系完善,也是杭嘉湖平原、宁绍平原防洪抗潮的基本保障。文章从风景园林的角度,梳理钱塘江河口区域海塘修建的历史沿革,然后从主塘塘型、相关附属构造和建筑等方面总结海塘营建体系,并着重从海塘与水利系统、土地划分、聚落分布和布局等关系角度剖析了海塘对东南滨海地区传统人居环境的支撑作用。这对于了解中国类似地区景观的形成和形态结构具有较强的意义。  相似文献   
Lactation is the most energetically demanding stage of reproduction in female mammals. Increased energetic allocation toward current reproduction may result in fitness costs, although the mechanisms underlying these trade‐offs are not well understood. Trade‐offs during lactation may include reduced energetic allocation to cellular maintenance, immune response, and survival and may be influenced by resource limitation. As the smallest marine mammal, sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have the highest mass‐specific metabolic rate necessitating substantial energetic requirements for survival. To provide the increased energy needed for lactation, female sea otters significantly increase foraging effort, especially during late‐lactation. Caloric insufficiency during lactation is reflected in the high numbers of maternal deaths due to End‐Lactation Syndrome in the California subpopulation. We investigated the effects of lactation and resource limitation on maternal stress responses, metabolic regulation, immune function, and antioxidant capacity in two subspecies of wild sea otters (northern: E. l. nereis and southern: E. l. kenyoni) within the California, Washington, and Alaska subpopulations. Lactation and resource limitation were associated with reduced glucocorticoid responses to acute capture stress. Corticosterone release was lower in lactating otters. Cortisol release was lower under resource limitation and suppression during lactation was only evident under resource limitation. Lactation and resource limitation were associated with alterations in thyroid hormones. Immune responses and total antioxidant capacity were not reduced by lactation or resource limitation. Southern sea otters exhibited higher concentrations of antioxidants, immunoglobulins, and thyroid hormones than northern sea otters. These data provide evidence for allocation trade‐offs during reproduction and in response to nutrient limitation but suggest self‐maintenance of immune function and antioxidant defenses despite energetic constraints. Income‐breeding strategists may be especially vulnerable to the consequences of stress and modulation of thyroid function when food resources are insufficient to support successful reproduction and may come at a cost to survival, and thereby influence population trends.  相似文献   
Climate change is expected to result in range shifts and habitat fragmentation for many species. In the Arctic, loss of sea ice will reduce barriers to dispersal or eliminate movement corridors, resulting in increased connectivity or geographic isolation with sweeping implications for conservation. We used satellite telemetry, data from individually marked animals (research and harvest), and microsatellite genetic data to examine changes in geographic range, emigration, and interpopulation connectivity of the Baffin Bay (BB) polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulation over a 25‐year period of sea‐ice loss. Satellite telemetry collected from n = 43 (1991–1995) and 38 (2009–2015) adult females revealed a significant contraction in subpopulation range size (95% bivariate normal kernel range) in most months and seasons, with the most marked reduction being a 70% decline in summer from 716,000 km2 (SE 58,000) to 211,000 km2 (SE 23,000) (p < .001). Between the 1990s and 2000s, there was a significant shift northward during the on‐ice seasons (2.6° shift in winter median latitude, 1.1° shift in spring median latitude) and a significant range contraction in the ice‐free summers. Bears in the 2000s were less likely to leave BB, with significant reductions in the numbers of bears moving into Davis Strait (DS) in winter and Lancaster Sound (LS) in summer. Harvest recoveries suggested both short and long‐term fidelity to BB remained high over both periods (83–99% of marked bears remained in BB). Genetic analyses using eight polymorphic microsatellites confirmed a previously documented differentiation between BB, DS, and LS; yet weakly differentiated BB from Kane Basin (KB) for the first time. Our results provide the first multiple lines of evidence for an increasingly geographically and functionally isolated subpopulation of polar bears in the context of long‐term sea‐ice loss. This may be indicative of future patterns for other polar bear subpopulations under climate change.  相似文献   
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