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Ground counts during 1959–1968 compared with counts using high resolution (0.6 m2) satellite imagery during 2008–2012 indicated many fewer Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) at two major molting areas in the western Ross Sea: Edisto Inlet‐Moubray Bay, northern Victoria Land, and McMurdo Sound, southern Victoria Land. Breeding seals have largely disappeared from Edisto‐Moubray, though the breeding population in McMurdo Sound appears to have recovered from harvest in the 1960s. The timing of decline, or perhaps spreading (lower numbers of seals in more places), is unknown but appears unrelated to changes in sea ice conditions. We analyzed both historic and satellite‐derived ice data confirming a large expansion of pack ice mostly offshore of the Ross Sea, and not over the continental shelf (main Weddell seal habitat), and a thinning of fast ice along Victoria Land (conceivably beneficial to seals). Timing of fast ice presence and extent in coves and bays along Victoria Land, remains the same. The reduction in numbers is consistent with an altered food web, the reasons for which are complex. In the context of a recent industrial fishery targeting a seal prey species, a large‐scale seal monitoring program is required to increase understanding of seal population changes.  相似文献   
华南板块上扬子区滇黔桂古陆以北的陆表海缓坡带,因海水深度变化导致志留纪兰多维列世埃隆晚期石牛栏组的岩相—生物相差异,这种差异始于松坎段上部沉积期。本文选择2个剖面,分别代表近岸和远岸带的古地理位置,作松坎段上部灰岩岩相学和沉积环境指标分析。余庆大庄村剖面位于近岸带,可频繁出现薄层泥粒状灰岩和颗粒灰岩,属浅水高能带常见的壳相生屑滩堆积;而桐梓水坝塘剖面位于远岸带,偏深水低能环境中的瘤状灰岩和含泥灰岩透镜体多含灰泥和粉砂屑。这些证据从细节上揭示松坎段上部沉积时,靠近黔中古陆近岸带存在壳相动物大量繁衍的生态位,还伴随有钙质微生物形成的叠层石和核形石,但空间展布上可能是狭窄的,大部分陆表海区的海水深度处于最大风浪暴浪基面以下。  相似文献   
Abstract: Populations of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the vicinity of Marmot Island, Alaska declined during 1975–1985 at about 5% per year (Merrick et al. 1987). The cause of this decline is not known. A life table for the northern sea lion was calculated assuming that life spans follow a Weibull distribution. Samples of northern sea lions taken in the vicinity of Marmot Island, Alaska during 1975–1978 and 1985–1986 indicate that the average age of females older than 3 yr increased about 1.55 yr (SD = 0.35 yr) while the population was declining at about 5% per year. Fecundity rates decreased by 10% over the same period, but the decrease was not statistically significant (Calkins and Goodwin 1988). Possible causes of the population decline and the change in age structure were examined by writing the Leslie matrix population equation in terms of changes in juvenile and adult survival rates and fecundity, and examining the short–term behavior of the trajectories of the average age of adult females, total number of females, and total number of pups with respect to those changes in the vital parameters. From the observed rate of declines of adults and the changes in average age of adult females and fecundity, estimates of the changes in adult and juvenile survival were calculated; estimates of the standard deviations of these changes were estimated via a bootstrap procedure. One purpose of this exercise is to aid in setting priorities for research for determining the cause of the decline. An explanation for the observed declines in numbers of adult sea lions consistent with the observed fecundity rates, a rate of decrease of 5% in the number of adults, and the corresponding increase in average age (of females age 3 yr and older) was a 10%–20% decrease in the survival of juveniles (age 0-3 yr) coupled with an insignificant change in adult survival (0.03%, SD = 1%).  相似文献   
Globally, coral reefs are degrading due to a variety of stressors including climate change and pollution. Active restoration is an important effort for sustaining coral reefs where, typically, coral fragments are outplanted onto degraded reefs. Coral outplants, however, can experience mortality in response to a range of stressors. We pair results of outplant monitoring observations with satellite‐based measurements of multiple oceanographic variables to estimate the relative importance of each driver to coral outplant survival. We find that when considering mean environmental conditions experienced by outplants during the monitoring period, particulate organic carbon (POC) levels are most important in determining outplant survival, with certain levels of POC beneficial for outplants. Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) are also important determinants of outplant survival, where survival is greatest in regions with minimal or slightly negative anomalies. Survival also increases with increasing distance to land, likely due to a reduction in negative ridge‐to‐reef effects on coral outplants. When considering the range (min–max) of environmental conditions experienced during the monitoring period, large fluctuations in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and POC are most important in determining outplant survival. Increasing outplant depth can help to counter the negative impacts of large fluctuations in environmental variables. We find that a variety of remotely sensed oceanographic variables have significant impacts on survival and should be considered in coral restoration planning to help evaluate potential restoration sites and ultimately maximize coral outplant survival.  相似文献   
Biosolids deep row incorporation (DRI) offers an alternative recycling approach for bioenergy crop production, but phosphorus additions in excess of the vegetation requirements can potentially impair water quality. The effects of DRI of anaerobically digested (AD) and lime-stabilized (LS) biosolids at four rates (213, 426 Mg ha−1 for AD and 328, 656 Mg ha−1 for LS) and a single rate of conventional P fertilizer on leaching of PO4-P, and TKP were investigated in a hybrid poplar plantation in a coastal plain heavy mineral mine reclamation site. The effects of AD and LS biosolids aging on the transformations and losses of P applied with the biosolids were also studied. Zero tension lysimeters were installed at the site to collect leachate. Samples were collected at least monthly for 30 months between July 2006 and December 2008. We also analyzed biosolids P (labile P, Al-, Fe-bound-P, Ca-bound-P, total P, Mehlich 1 P) fractions. The loss of P was determined and P binding constituents were described via regression analysis. Orthophosphate and TKP from the DRI biosolids leached in negligible amounts, and were similar to leaching from conventional P fertilization. Most of the P was Al- and Fe-bound in the AD biosolids and Ca-bound in the LS biosolids. Labile P decreased with decrease in organic C, which indicated that P leaching potential from the DRI biosolids decreased with aging. Our results indicated that P mobility from biosolids of the type used should not pose a water quality risk.  相似文献   
Protein nitration and nitrosylation are essential post-translational modifications(PTMs)involved in many fundamental cellular processes. Recent studies have revealed that excessive levels of nitration and nitrosylation in some critical proteins are linked to numerous chronic diseases.Therefore, the identification of substrates that undergo such modifications in a site-specific manner is an important research topic in the community and will provide candidates for targeted therapy. In this study, we aimed to develop a computational tool for predicting nitration and nitrosylation sites in proteins. We first constructed four types of encoding features, including positional amino acid distributions, sequence contextual dependencies, physicochemical properties, and position-specificscoring features, to represent the modified residues. Based on these encoding features, we established a predictor called DeepNitro using deep learning methods for predicting protein nitration and nitrosylation. Using n-fold cross-validation, our evaluation shows great AUC values for DeepNitro, 0.65 for tyrosine nitration, 0.80 for tryptophan nitration, and 0.70 for cysteine nitrosylation, respectively,demonstrating the robustness and reliability of our tool. Also, when tested in the independent dataset, DeepNitro is substantially superior to other similar tools with a 7%à42% improvement in the prediction performance. Taken together, the application of deep learning method and novel encoding schemes, especially the position-specific scoring feature, greatly improves the accuracy of nitration and nitrosylation site prediction and may facilitate the prediction of other PTM sites. DeepNitro is implemented in JAVA and PHP and is freely available for academic research at http://deepnitro.renlab.org.  相似文献   
The lack of a comparative approach makes it impossible to determine the main factors influencing colonization and evolution in plants. Here we conducted the first comparative study of a characteristic Mediterranean lineage (white‐flowered Cistus) taking advantage of its well‐known phylogenetic relationships. A two‐scale approach was applied to address the hypothesis of higher levels of isolation in mountain than in lowland species. First, a time‐calibrated phylogeny using plastid sequences of Cistaceae suggested that the origin of Cistus species postdated both the refilling of the Mediterranean Sea (5.59–5.33 Ma) and the onset of the Mediterranean climate (3.2 Ma). Two hundred and sixty‐three additional, plastid sequences from 111 populations showed different numbers of haplotypes in C. laurifolius (7), C. monspeliensis (2) and C. salviifolius (7). Although haplotype sharing among disjunct populations was observed in all species, phylogeographic analyses revealed haplotype lineages exclusive to Europe or Africa only in the mountain species (C. laurifolius). Isolation by either geographical distance or sea barriers was not significantly supported for the lowland species (C. monspeliensis; C. ladanifer from a previous study). The same is true for the less habitat‐specific species of the lineage (C. salviifolius). Comparative phylogeography of the Cistus species leads us to interpret a general pattern of active colonization surpassing Mediterranean barriers. In contrast, ecological conditions (precipitation, temperature, soils) appear to have determined the distribution of the Cistus species of Mediterranean mountains. This study further provides molecular evidence for multiple colonization patterns in the course of successful adaptation of Cistus species to Mediterranean habitats.  相似文献   
The post spawning behaviour of sea trout Salmo trutta was studied over a 2 year period in the river and estuary of the River Fowey, south‐west England. Forty‐five sea trout kelts were trapped immediately after spawning in December and intraperitoneally tagged with miniature acoustic transmitters. The subsequent emigration into coastal waters was monitored using acoustic receivers deployed throughout the river catchment. The levels of gill Na+K+ATPase activity in sea trout kelts sampled at the same time as the tagged fish were within the range of 2·5 to 4·5 μmol Pi per mg protein per h indicating that the post‐spawning fish were not physiologically adapted to salt water. The tagged kelts were resident in fresh water between 4 and 70 days before entering the estuary. Sixty two per cent of the tagged kelts subsequently migrated successfully into coastal waters, with a higher success rate for male fish (75%) than females (58%). There was a significant size related difference in the run‐timing of the kelts with the larger fish moving more quickly into coastal waters after spawning than smaller fish. Seaward migration within fresh water was predominantly nocturnal and generally occurred in conjunction with increasing river discharge and rising water temperature. Migration through the estuary continued to be predominantly nocturnal and occurred during an ebbing tide. Residency within the estuary varied amongst individuals although it was invariably short, with most fish moving out into coastal waters within one to two tidal cycles. Five tagged kelts returned from the coastal zone and re‐entered fresh water during April and June. Marine residence time varied between 89 and 145 days (mean 118 days) and the minimum estimated marine survival was c. 18%. One of these sea trout was subsequently recaptured after successfully spawning in the vicinity where it had been previously tagged demonstrating a degree of spawning site fidelity.  相似文献   
The efflux of K+ and Na+ from sea urchin eggs during Ca2+ ionophore A23187-induced parthenogenesis was studied in a K+ and Na+-free artificial seawater using extracellular ion-specific electrodes. We have probed this model system with monovalent cation-specific ionophores to determine if they affect K+ efflux in the unfertilized egg and whether any changes in ionophore sensitivity are observed during egg activation. In 500 mM choline chloride, 10 mM CaCl2, 50 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.0, A23187 induced a rapid efflux of K+ and Na+ from the eggs after a short lag time (10–15 seconds). After the burst, the rate of K+ efflux remained higher than the pre-activation rate, but was lower than during the burst phase, while the rate of Na+ efflux became nearly zero. Monovalent cation-specific ionophores (valinomycin, gramicidin and nigericin) had no effect on K+ efflux from the unfertilized eggs in our model system. However, once the egg was activated by A23187, each of the above ionophores caused a prolongation of the burst phase for many minutes. These results show that the unfertilized egg plasma membrane (using our artificial conditions) is not susceptible to the monovalent cation-specific antibiotics and suggest that either the inserted cortical granule membrane or the developing fertilization envelope interacts with these ionophores to cause the change in rate-limiting step for K+ efflux observed egg activation.  相似文献   
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