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阿拉善黄鼠的生命表及繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈敬先 《兽类学报》1991,11(2):138-142
将采自野生种群的阿拉善黄鼠(Spermophilus dauricus alaschanicus Buechner)( 下称黄鼠)样本划分为8个年龄间隔,然后编制生命表。结果表明,黄鼠的平均死亡率(qx)为0.7512(♂)和0.6222(♀),平均寿命为1.3311年(♂)和1.1073年(♀)。0-l岁龄黄鼠的期望寿命(ex)为0.8311年(♂)和1.1073年(♀)。世代净增殖率(Ro)每代为l.7327。种群内禀增长率(瞬时)(rm)为0.1433,世代平均时间(T)为3.8346年,周限增长率(r)为1.1541/年。  相似文献   
根据鄂霍茨克公海区狭鳕资源声学评估调查资料,研究了狭鳕分布状况及渔场环境特征,并分析了狭鳕行动分布与环境的关系.结果表明,8月公海区狭鳕密集群位于55°N以北、水深小于500m的海域,其主要分布水层在150~300m之间;调查期间狭鳕只为索饵群体,主要摄食太平洋磷虾,狭鳕密集区一般也为太平洋磷虾高密度分布区;8月公海区水温跃层大致在0~50m之间,强度为0.25℃  相似文献   
Physiological girdling of pine trees via phloem chilling: proof of concept   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Quantifying below-ground carbon (C) allocation is particularly difficult as methods usually disturb the root-mycorrhizal-soil continuum. We reduced C allocation below ground of loblolly pine trees by: (1) physically girdling trees and (2) physiologically girdling pine trees by chilling the phloem. Chilling reduced cambium temperatures by approximately 18 degrees C. Both methods rapidly reduced soil CO2 efflux, and after approximately 10 days decreased net photosynthesis (P(n)), the latter indicating feedback inhibition. Chilling decreased soil-soluble C, indicating that decreased soil CO2 efflux may have been mediated by a decrease in root C exudation that was rapidly respired by microbes. These effects were only observed in late summer/early autumn when above-ground growth was minimal, and not in the spring when above-ground growth was rapid. All of the effects were rapidly reversed when chilling was ceased. In fertilized plots, both chilling and physical girdling methods reduced soil CO2 efflux by approximately 8%. Physical girdling reduced soil CO2 efflux by 26% in non-fertilized plots. This work demonstrates that phloem chilling provides a non-destructive alternative to reducing the movement of recent photosynthate below the point of chilling to estimate C allocation below ground on large trees.  相似文献   
荒漠草原区柠条固沙人工林地表草本植被季节变化特征   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
研究荒漠草原人工林固沙区地表草本植被季节变化特征及其和柠条林龄的关系,对于分析柠条人工林地表草本植物的季节适应性和制订合理的人工林管理措施均具有重要的科学意义。选择6、15、24年生和36年生柠条人工林为研究对象,通过调查每个样地5月、8月和10月地表草本植物密度、物种数、盖度和高度,分析了荒漠草原区柠条人工固沙林生长过程中地表草本植被季节变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明,地表草本植物物种数在柠条林龄6和15a时受季节改变的影响较小,在24a之后受到季节变化的显著影响(P0.05)。地表草本植物密度在柠条林龄6a时受季节改变的影响较小,但在15a之后季节变化显著影响地表草本植物个体数分布(P0.05),而且在10月具有最多的地表草本植物个体数。地表草本植被盖度和高度均受到季节变化的显著影响(P0.05),而受林龄的影响较小;不同年龄林地地表草本植被盖度和高度均表现为10月和8月较高,5月较低。研究表明,荒漠草原柠条人工林固沙区,柠条林发育生长和灌木形态的改变不仅影响土壤营养条件,而且还可以调控由于季节改变而引起的土壤温湿度变化,柠条林龄和季节更替二者交互作用,共同影响地表草本植被的季节变化特征。  相似文献   
《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):503-509
Background: Species persistence, particularly in monocarpic species, depends on the successful recruitment of individuals. An understanding of the factors that limit the recruitment of rare monocarpic plant species is therefore vital for their conservation.

Aims: To identify the factors limiting the recruitment of Rheum nobile, a rare and highly specialised monocarpic giant herb endemic to the high eastern Himalayas.

Methods: Seed sowing (seeds added or not added) and seedling transplanting experiments were conducted in disturbed (vegetation removed) and undisturbed plots in the vicinity of established populations of R. nobile to explore the mechanisms of recruitment limitation. Four levels of photosynthetically active radiation (0, 15, 30 and 50 μmol m?2 s?1) and two sowing positions (beneath and above grass litter or moss layer) were manipulated in the laboratory to determine how ground cover limited seedling emergence.

Results: Seed addition increased seedling recruitment. Disturbance significantly increased seedling emergence and establishment. Seed germination significantly decreased with the reduction of light availability, but 31.7% of all seeds germinated in complete darkness. Seedling emergence was close to zero when seeds were sown on top of a layer of grass litter or moss, but rose to 34.5% when the seeds were sown beneath such layers.

Conclusions: Our results indicate that the recruitment of R. nobile is limited by a combination of seed and microsite availability. Therefore, in order to conserve this species, we suggest adding seeds to suitable sites and implementing soil disturbances in existing populations to create suitable microsites.  相似文献   
高原鼠兔与达乌尔鼠兔食物资源维生态位的研究   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
作者于1993年在青海省刚察县年诺索玛地区发现高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)和达乌尔鼠兔(0.daurica)在布哈河谷二阶同域且重叠分布之现象,并从这两种鼠兔的食物资源利用出发,研究了其生态位关系问题。在食物资源维上的生态位宽度(PS),高原鼠兔为0.4744,达乌尔鼠兔为0.4964,即它们具有相近似的生态位宽度。这两种动物的生态位在食物资源谱维上的重叠值(FT)为0.809  相似文献   
在野外样方调查的基础上研究了大青沟国家自然保护区5种不同植被类型地面生苔藓植物物种多样性及其与环境因子之间相关性。(1)共发现苔藓植物12科27属55种,以丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和真藓科(Bryaceae)等为优势科,青藓属(Brachythecium)、真藓属(Bryum)和小石藓属(Weissia)等为优势属,优势种有双色真藓(Bryum bicolor)、西伯利亚瘤冠苔(Mannia sibirica)、密叶绢藓短柄变种(Entodon compressus var.zikaiwiensis)、绒叶青藓(Brachythecium velutinum)和地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)等;(2) Alpha多样性指数中,Patrick丰富度指数6~29,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数1.439 2~2.608 0,变化规律均为:水曲柳林(Fraxinus mandschuria forest) > 蒙古栎林(Quercus mongolica forest) > 大果榆林(Ulmus macrocarpa forest) > 西伯利亚杏灌丛(Armeniaca sibirica shrub) > 羊草草地(Leymus chinensis community);Simpson优势度指数0.131 6~0.295 5,与上述两指数呈显著负相关;Pielou均匀度指数0.663 0~0.803 3,与以上指数相关性不强;(3)影响物种多样性的主要环境因子有空气湿度、土壤水分、乔木盖度和灌木盖度;(4) Bata多样性指数0~0.652 2,大果榆林与蒙古栎林之间相似度最大,羊草草地与水曲柳林之间无相似性;水曲柳林和蒙古栎林是研究区地面生苔藓植物物种多样性保护的重点。  相似文献   
冬眠是动物应对冬季低温和食物匮乏的一种生存策略。达乌尔黄鼠(Spermophilus dauricus)是典型的贮脂类冬眠动物。为研究冬眠动物肾脏的适应机制,本实验采用组织学、血液生化分析及酶联免疫方法检测了夏季活动期(7月)、冬眠期(12月)和早春出眠后(3月)达乌尔黄鼠肾单位形态学及血清肌酐、尿素和抗利尿激素(ADH)的变化,并用qPCR方法检测了肾脏水通道蛋白基因(AQP1、AQP2和AQP3)、ADH受体(V2R)及内皮型一氧化氮合酶基因(eNOS)的表达。结果发现,冬眠期和早春出眠期的达乌尔黄鼠肾小球密度、近曲小管和远曲小管的相对管径、皮质部近曲小管数与远曲小管数比值均低于夏季活动期;冬眠期血清肌酐和尿素浓度高于夏季活动期和早春出眠期,ADH浓度及其受体V2R基因表达低于夏季活动期;冬眠期AQP1基因表达高于早春出眠期,AQP3基因表达低于夏季活动期,AQP2基因表达无显著差异;冬眠期eNOS基因表达低于早春出眠期。这些结果表明冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠表现出较低的肾功能;不同时期的水通道蛋白,eNOS及ADH表现出适应性的功能调节。该实验结果丰富了对冬眠动物肾脏适应机制的认识。  相似文献   
Discrete characters of the occlusal surface (additional cusps) have been studied to elaborate a new approach to the identification of the Ground Squirrel species Spermophilus odessanus, S. suslicus, S. pygmaeus, S. citellus, and S. xanthoprymnus. Data on the presence/absence of the additional cusps have been represented as star plots and, in addition, have been studied using discriminant function analysis. The species‐specific sets of the characters (patterns of bunodonty) have been revealed and are of high diagnostic value. The Citellus‐set is defined by the presence of mesostyles and the rareness of the metastylids, paraconules and metaconules, hypostyles and protostyles. The Pygmaeus‐set is characterized by the presence of additional cusps in the lower cheek teeth. The Odessanus‐oriented set is found in the Spermophilus pygmaeus, S. odessanus, and S. suslicus. The relatively high frequency of additional cusps of the metaloph and the paraloph is characteristic for this set. The Plesiomorphic‐set (characters shared by all the studied species and for this reason regarded herein as ancestral) is found in S. xanthoprymnus. The patterns of bunodonty serve as diagnostic criteria only as a whole: the shape of a star plot (relations among the character frequencies), rather than certain character values, is indicative. An optimal level of identification of species is possible based on the combination of the discrete characters mentioned and on the size parameters of the third upper molar. The occlusal sets are intended to remain stable during the time of species existence and seem to correspond to trends in specialization. The functional meaning of the sets can be explained by the dependence between the presence/absence of the discrete characters and the shape of the crown and its main lophs. Each pattern is likely to correspond to a trophic niche, and this niche corresponds to the species. J. Morphol. 277:814–825, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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