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Populations of the genus Fusarium in wheat fields were studied within the crop-growing season at Qena area (Upper Egypt) using two different types of media (DCPA and DRBA) at 25°C. Fourteen Fusarium species were isolated during this study, namely F. anthophilum, F. aquaeductuum, F. chlamdosporum, F. dimerum, F. merismoides, F. moniliforme, F. oxysporum, F. poae, F. proliferatum, F. sambucinum, F. scripi, F. solani, F. sporotrichioides and F. subglutinans. Fusarium merismoides, F. oxysporum and F. sambucinum were the most common Fusarium species isolated from different wheat plant parts (rhizosphere and rhizoplane) as well as from the wheat fields (soil and air). Fusarium spp. rarely appeared at the beginning of the season and increased sharply between January to March and decreased slightly or sharply at the end of the season according to the type of media and isolation source.  相似文献   
本文研究羧化壳聚糖在蚊净香草组培中的应用。试验结果表明,在诱导培养基中附加2 g/L羧化壳聚糖,有利于提高蚊净香草诱导率;附加4 g/L羧化壳聚糖,试管苗增殖率达6倍,且根系发达。  相似文献   
The mutualistic nature of cleaning symbioses has long remainedunconfirmed because of the difficulty in showing net benefitsfor clients. We have previously shown that cleaning gobies (Elacatinusspp.) within territories of Caribbean longfin damselfish (Stegastesdiencaeus) reduce the number of gnathiid isopod ectoparasiteson territory owners. We now investigate whether this benefitof being cleaned has reproductive consequences for male longfindamselfish. The mating success, rate of egg loss, and parentalaggression of 40 nest-guarding males were assessed during sixconsecutive monthly reproductive periods. Ten males had cleaningstations within their territory, 10 males were without cleaningstations, and 20 males initially with a cleaning station hadtheir cleaners removed half-way through the study. Ectoparasiteloads on our focal fish were very low; however, damselfish withcleaning stations still had significantly fewer ectoparasitesthan did fish without cleaning stations. There was, however,no significant difference in the number of eggs, clutches, orarea of clutches received, or in the number of eggs lost beforehatching between damselfish with and without cleaners. We alsofound no difference in parental male aggression between damselfishwith and without cleaners. We conclude that although ectoparasiteremoval appears to have no direct consequence for reproduction,at least for the levels of infestations observed on our studysite, it may still affect other aspects of damselfish fitnesssuch as survival.  相似文献   
Aims Conversion of secondary forests to pure larch plantations is a common management practice driven by the increasing demand for timber production in Northeast China, resulting in a reduction in soil nutrient availability after a certain number of years following conversion. Nutrient resorption prior to leaf senescence was related to soil fertility, an important nutrient conservation strategy for plants, being especially significant in nutrient-poor habitats. However, the seasonal dynamics of leaf nutrients and nutrient resorption in response to secondary forest conversion to larch plantations is not well understood.Methods A comparative experiment between larch plantations (Larix spp.) and adjacent secondary forests (dominant tree species including Quercus mongolica, Acer mono, Juglans mandshurica and Fraxinus rhynchophylla) was conducted. We examined the variations in leaf nutrient (macronutrients: N, P, K, Ca and Mg; micronutrients: Cu and Zn) concentrations of these tree species during the growing season from May to October in 2013. Nutrient resorption efficiency and proficiency were compared between Larix spp. and the broadleaved species in the secondary forests.Important findings Results show that the seasonal variation of nutrient concentrations in leaves generally exhibited two trends, one was a downward trend for N, P, K, Cu and Zn, and another was an upward trend for Ca and Mg. The variations in foliar nutrient concentrations were mainly controlled by the developmental stage of leaves rather than by tree species. Resorption of the observed seven elements varied among the five tree species during leaf senescence. Nutrient resorption efficiency varied 6–75% of N, P, K, Mg, Cu and Zn, while Ca was not retranslocated in the senescing leaves of all species, and Mg was not retranslocated in Larix spp. Generally, Larix spp. tended to be more efficient and proficient (higher than 6–30% and 2–271% of nutrient resorption efficiency and resorption proficiency, respectively) in resorbing nutrients than the broadleaved species in the secondary forests, indicating that larch plantations had higher leaf nutrient resorption and thus nutrient use efficiency. Compared with Larix spp., more nutrients would remain in the leaf litter of the secondary forests, indicating an advantage of secondary forests in sustaining soil fertility. In contrast, the larch plantation would reuse internal nutrients rather than lose nutrients with litter fall and thus produce a positive feedback to soil nutrient availability. In summary, our results suggest that conversion from secondary forests to pure larch plantations would alter nutrient cycling through a plant-mediated pathway.  相似文献   
Cinara sp. nov., previously identified as Cinara cupressi (Buckton) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an important alien aphid pest of cypresses and junipers, and invaded Africa in the late 1980s. The work reported here was carried out as part of a larger programme aimed at the classical biological control of the aphid in Africa. Basic life history attributes including life table statistics of the aphid were quantified in order to facilitate the development of efficient aphid culturing methods and essential baseline information necessary for the culturing of potential parasitoid biological agents prior to selection for introduction to Africa. Developmental rates and fecundity were studied under four constant temperatures (10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, and 25 °C). The effects of several plant nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) supplied at different dose levels on life history attributes of Cinara sp. nov. were also studied.Unlike most other aphids, the apterous morph of Cinara sp. nov. developed through only three instars, and the alate four instars. The aphid is highly aggregative and exploits a wide range of feeding sites from young green branches to woody stems. The developmental period of Cinara sp. nov. ranged from 9.3 days at 25 °C to 22.3 days at 10 °C and the developmental threshold was 0.61 °C. Reproduction was delayed, because of the longer duration of development, and nymph production decreased with decreasing temperature. The intrinsic rate of increase ranged between 0.117 at 25 °C and 0.060 at 10 °C. Aphid size increased significantly as temperature was lowered. Wing formation was not induced when apterae were reared for up to three generations at each constant temperature but continuous crowding in the supply cultures held at 21 °C resulted in a high number of alates being formed. No appreciable effects of the different plant nutrients, supplied either singly or in combination, on the duration of instars or overall survival could be detected.  相似文献   
External and internal flavonoids were isolated from 12 Uncarina taxa (Pedaliaceae), endemic to Madagascar. Four flavone aglycones, tricetin 7,3′,5′-trimethyl ether, tricetin 7,4′,5′-trimethyl ether, 5,3′-dihydroxy-6,7,4′,5′-tetramethoxyflavone and eupatorin were isolated from leaf wax of seven Uncarina taxa, Uncarina grandidieri, Uncarina decaryi, Uncarina abbreviata, Uncarina turicana, Uncarina platycarpa, Uncarina leandrii var. leandrii and Uncarina peltata, but not Uncarina stellulifera, Uncarina perrieri, Uncarina sakalava, Uncarina leptocarpa and U. leandrii var. rechbergeri. Furthermore, eight flavonoid glycosides were isolated from the leaves. Major glycosides were apigenin and luteolin 7-O-glucuronides and occurred in all the Uncarina taxa examined, except the absence of the former compound in U. peltata. Other glycosides were identified as hispidulin, jaceosidin, chrysoeriol and tricin 7-O-glucuronides, and luteolin 7,4′-di-O-glucuronide and a flavonol, isorhamnetin 3-O-diglucoside. From the results described above, methylated flavone aglycones and glucuronides were chemical characters of the leaves of Uncarina species, and also may be those of the family Pedaliaceae. Besides, an anthocyanin, two flavonols and three flavones were isolated from the flowers of U. grandidieri, and identified as cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside (anthocyanin), quercetin and isorhamnetin 7-O-glucuronides (flavonols) and apigenin, luteolin and jaceosidin 7-O-glucuronides (flavones).  相似文献   
燕麦种质资源重要农艺性状适应性和稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为客观评价燕麦种质资源重要农艺性状的适应性和稳定性,本研究利用加权隶属函数法分析了81份燕麦种质材料在7个试验点的株高等7个重要农艺性状的遗传差异,以加权隶属函数值(D值)构建基因型×环境的GGE双标图,分析裸燕麦、皮燕麦在不同试验点的适应性和稳定性。结果表明:主穗粒重是裸燕麦材料在所有试验点中变异程度最大的性状,有效分蘖数是皮燕麦中变异程度最大的性状,其余5个性状的变异程度与皮裸性几乎无关;加权隶属函数法结合GGE双标图在对燕麦农艺性状进行综合分析时具有很好的应用价值;坝莜三号、73014-336、二莜麦、Bauntebue、坝燕一号等材料可用于实际生产,其中的坝莜三号、坝燕一号已是当下河北等地区的主栽品种;晋8609-1、LY03-02、二秋莜麦、64燕麦、品16、Banner、LY01-12等可作为杂交育种的亲本材料。  相似文献   
and 1988. Aspects of the life history of Cercopithifilaria johnstoni (Nematoda:Filarioidea). International Journal for Parasitology 18: 1087–1092. Cercopithifilaria johnstoni (Nematoda:Filarioidea) occurs in the subcutaneous connective tissues of a spectrum of native murid and marsupial hosts in Eastern Australia. Life cycle studies revealed that: (i) microfilaria occur in lymphatic capillaries and extravascular connective tissue of the dermis (= ‘skin-inhabiting’), (ii) ixodid ticks, particularly Ixodes trichosuri, are intermediate hosts in nature, (iii) development from microfilariae to infective third-stage larva occurs only while the tick is off the host, that is, during ecdysis from larva to nymph or from nymph to adult. Transmission of C. johnstoni in a wild population of bush rats (Rattus fuscipes) occurred in summer and winter, and was associated with peaks in the number of larval and/or nymphal stages of ticks on rats. C. johnstoni was transmitted experimentally to bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus, Perameles nasuta), bush rats and laboratory rats (R. norvegicus), indirectly by subcutaneous inoculation of third-stage larvae and directly by tick feeding. The prepatent period was approximately 3 months and the longest duration of microfilariae in the ‘ skin’ was more than 25 months. Dermal and ocular lesions were observed in R. fuscipes. The host-parasite relationship has the potential for development as an inexpensive and practical model for human onchocerciasis.  相似文献   
Subalpine forest succession was studied on Mt. Fuji, Japan, where various types of forests in different successional phases occur owing to volcanic action. Ninety stands were subjected to ordination using an index (SI) defined by the relative basal area and the life span of component woody species, and the cover of canopy layer of the sample stands. Two different sequences of sample stands were found. One was from deciduous scrubs, through Larix kaempferi forests and Abies forests, to Tsuga diversifolia forests, and the other from Abies-Tsuga thickets to Abies forests. Through analyses of the forest structure and composition, soil survey and identification of fallen logs, the former sequence was recognized as the primary sere and the latter as a regeneration sere following gap formation. During forest succession, basal area reached a maximum in the seral phase with a multi-layered structure. The Tsuga forests, whose understory is restricted to a moss layer, were regarded as the climax. The death or fall of Tsuga stems resulted in gaps, which were subsequently occupied by Abies-Tsuga thickets. The second Abies forests were distinguished from the ones in the primary sere by the occurrence of Dryopteris and Cacalia and the lack of Rhododendron in the understorey. Both Abies forest types included Tsuga saplings. Thus, a cyclic relation is supposed between Abies and Tsuga.Nomenclature follows Ohwi (1975) and Nakaike (1982) for vascular plants, Iwatsuki & Noguchi (1973) for mosses, Inoue (1981) for hepaticae, Kashiwadani (1981) for lichens, respectively. Abies veitchii, A. mariesii were lumped as Abies spp.I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Toshio Hamaya, Tokyo, for the cordial guidance and encouragement. I also thank Prof. M. Numata and Dr. M. Ohsawa, Chiba, Prof. K. Okutomi, Tokyo, Dr. K. Suzuki, Tokyo, Dr. M. Suzuki, Kanazawa, and Mr. H. Taoda, Kumamoto, for their valuable advice and discussions.  相似文献   
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