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Understanding rules of resource allocation within individuals is helpful in explaining population dynamics. This is particularly the case under the conditions of resource limitation that are commonly experienced by zooplankton. Here, we evaluate assumptions underlying models of resource allocation in Daphnia and test the predictions of two models of response to starvation.
We also test the predictions of two simple models concerning the mechanisms of egg provisioning in Daphnia magna. Our results: (1) demonstrate that provisioning is discontinuous, occurring over a discrete period of the instar; (2) support the hypothesis that egg production occurs in a serial fashion; (3) show that Daphnia magna responds to starvation by ceasing egg production but that there is an increase in mean size of eggs provisioned during the instar, prior to starvation; and (4) broadly support predictions that the response of Daphnia to starvation is an instantaneous cessation of reproduction but that there is a time lag before death.  相似文献   
1. Invasion of tropical zooplankton into temperate lakes provides an interesting opportunity to explore habitat segregation in a thermal gradient. 2. We explored differing vertical positioning of native and exotic Daphnia (Daphnia mendotae and Daphnia lumholtzi) in a large indoor mesocosm system (Plön plankton towers) during 2 month‐long experiments. The two towers were manipulated to provide gradients of both temperature (15–29 °C) and algal food (0.05–0.58 mg C L?1) and a day–night cycle. 3. Both juvenile and adult D. lumholtzi showed a ‘typical’ vertical migration pattern, with higher densities in the epilimnion at night than during the day. They avoided the food‐poor middle layer. In contrast, D. mendotae adults showed little tendency to migrate into the epilimnion at night, remaining in the cooler hypolimnion while juveniles migrated. The vertical distribution of D. mendotae appeared unaffected by the presence of D. lumholtzi. 4. The strong migration behaviour of D. lumholtzi in the absence of fish cues suggests that this behaviour may be a constitutive trait. Habitat partitioning of the two species is probably the result of different thermal tolerances, with D. mendotae constrained to remaining in deeper water by high temperatures in the epilimnion and the tropical D. lumholtzi able to use the warm epilimnion at night.  相似文献   
Genetic markers, genealogies and biogeographic patterns in the cladocera   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cladoceran crustaceans are an important component of zooplankton in a wide range of freshwater habitats. Although the ecological characteristics of several cladoceran species have been well studied, biogeographical studies have been hampered by problematic taxonomic affiliations. However, recently developed molecular techniques, provide a powerful tool to subject aquatic taxa to comparative analyses. Here we highlight recent molecular approaches in aquatic ecology by presenting a simple method of DNA preparation and PCR amplification of the mitochondrial DNA (16S rDNA) in species from nine different families within the cladocera. On a broad taxonomic scale, sequence analysis of this mtDNA fragment has been used to produce the first molecular based phylogeny of the cladocera. This analysis clustered the cladoceran families in a fashion similar to that suggested by previous systematic classifications. In a more detailed analysis of the family Daphniidae, nuclear randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), mitochondrial restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and morphological analyses were combined to identify species and interspecific hybrids within the Daphnia galeata species complex across 50 lakes in 13 European countries and one lake in Africa. The study revealed interspecific hybridization and backcrossing between some taxa (D. cucullata and D. galeata) to be widespread, and species and hybrids to frequently occur in sympatry. Genetic, as well as morphological information, suggests the occurrence of D. hyalina outside the Holarctic.  相似文献   
Diurnal vertical migration (DVM) of Daphnia hyalina in Lake Bled was most intense during summer stratification. The extent of DVM varied with the size of the animal and its reproductive state. Migration distances were shortest in immature specimens and longest in ovigerous females. During daytime, ovigerous females stayed deeper in the water column than females without ova or immatures. The daytime temperature of water at the median depth of the ovigerous females did not exceed 10 °C, even in the warmest season. At night they migrated upward to an environment which was warmer by as much as 9 °C.Laboratory observations indicate that specimen's size and water temperature determine the velocity of passive sinking, such that morning descent of the different groups of Daphnia can be explained by passive sinking alone.Our hypothesis is that the distribution of different groups of D. hyalina in Lake Bled is influenced by two types of predators: fish (Perca fluviatilis L. and Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and larvae of Chaoborus flavicans (Meig.), the latter appearing in the epilimnion during the night. Fish predation has a key-role at the beginning of thermal stratification. Supposing that in spring the gene pool of Daphnia consists of a mix of different genotypes, distributed at different depths during the day, fish predation combined with a presence of fish chemicals favored genotypes with a lower day-depth during the spring/summer period.  相似文献   
Over a two-year period, each of the three Daphnia species in two lakes with different pressure by fish and invertebrate predators exhibited different defensive reactions: predator avoidance in space (Daphnia hyalina), seasonal morphological changes (Daphnia cucullata), and a combination of both (Daphnia cristata). Body size and general susceptibility to predation, combined with predators' preferences were most likely responsible for the kind of defence in each of the three Daphnia.  相似文献   
Summer blooms of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae var. flos-aquae accompanied by dense populations of Daphnia were common in fish ponds of the district Blatná in 1950s-1960s. Changes in management (increased stocking densities, decreased usage of superphosphate as fertilizer) made this type of plankton less frequent. The present study documents this trend and suggests explanations.  相似文献   
The annual cycles of Daphnia carinata in three fish-free ponds in southern New Zealand (Quarry, Taieri and Raupo Ponds) are described. Although breeding was continuous, the populations were frequently dominated by distinct cohorts and there was a sexual phase in spring. Growth rates, particularly in Quarry Pond, were often slow, and clutch sizes generally small. Egg and neonate sizes changed seasonally, but changes were not closely related to clutch sizes and body lengths. In Taieri Pond and Raupo Pond some D. carinata grew to 6.14 mm and carried clutches of up to 154 eggs. The potentially high fecundity associated with large size makes D. carinata a good coloniser, but our studies showed that it also survives well in poor food conditions by growing slowly and producing only 1–2 eggs per clutch. D. carinata showed marked seasonal polymorphism in tailspine length and development of head crests. In winter, crests were absent and tailspines were short and varied little with body length. Crests were first apparent, and tailspines began to elongate, in early spring, before the first appearance of a notonectid, Anisops wakefieldi. By midsummer, tailspines had increased markedly with body length but the slope of the relationship declined in autumn. Laboratory trials showed that both tailspine length and crest development increased in the presence of Anisops. These increases may be due to water-soluble factor(s) produced by Anisops.  相似文献   
The coexistence of Daphnia cucullata × galeata hybrids with the parental species D. galeata and D. cucullata was investigated by measuring areas and mesh sizes of filtering structures of these herbivorous zooplankton taxa cultivated at low and high food concentrations. The clearance rates and somatic growth rates were also determined. When reared at low food concentration, all taxa had larger filtering areas. Larger filtering areas also resulted in higher clearance rates. Differences between taxa in both filtering area and clearance rate were caused mainly by interspecific size differences. Hybrids had the largest absolute mesh sizes, and the parental species had smaller mesh sizes. Hybrids also showed heterosis in somatic growth rate at high food concentration. The observed taxon-specific differences in mesh size and somatic growth rate contribute to resource partitioning between the taxa and thus to their successful coexistence in lakes. Received: 1 March 1999 / Accepted: 25 May 1999  相似文献   
Trouve S  Ding A  Goudet J 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2004,17(6):1400-1; discussion 1402-4
Inbreeding generally results in deleterious shifts in mean fitness. If the fitness response to increasing inbreeding coefficient is non-linear, this suggests a contribution of epistasis to inbreeding depression. In a cross-breeding experiment, Salathe & Ebert (2003. J. Evol. Biol. 16: 976-985) tested and found the presence of this non-linearity in Daphnia magna. They argue that epistatic interactions cause this non-linearity. We argue here that their experimental protocol does not allow disentangling the effect of synergistic epistasis from two alternative hypotheses, namely hybrid vigour and statistical non-independence of data.  相似文献   
  • 1 Planktivorous fish were hypothesised to influence the abundance of algal biomass in lakes by changing zooplankton grazing, affecting zooplankton nutrient recycling and by direct recycling of nutrients to phytoplankton. The relative roles of direct fish effects vs. zooplankton grazing were tested in mesocosm experiments by adding to natural communities large grazing zooplankton (Daphnia carinata) and small planktivorous fish (mosquitofish or juveniles of Australian golden perch).
  • 2 The addition of Daphnia to natural communities reduced the numbers of all phytoplankton less than 30 µm in size, but did not affect total biomass of phytoplankton as large Volvox colonies predominated.
  • 3 The addition of Daphnia also reduced the abundance of some small (Moina, Bosmina, Keratella) and large (adult Boeckella) zooplankton, suggesting competitive interactions within zooplankton.
  • 4 The addition of mosquitofish to communities containing Daphnia further reduced the abundance of some small zooplankton (Moina, Keratella), but increased the numbers of Daphnia and adult Boeckella. In spite of the likely increase in grazing due to Daphnia, the abundance of total phytoplankton and dominant alga Volvox did not decline in the presence of mosquitofish but was maintained at a significantly higher level than in control.
  • 5 The addition of juveniles of golden perch to communities containing Daphnia reduced the abundance of small zooplankton (Moina), increased the abundance of large zooplankton (adult Boeckella) but had no significant effect on Daphnia and total phytoplankton abundance.
  • 6 The results of the present study suggest that some planktivorous fish can promote the growth of phytoplankton in a direct way, probably by recycling nutrients, and even in the presence of large grazers. However, the manifestation of the direct effect of fish can vary with fish species.
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