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Soils provide many ecosystem services that are ultimately dependent on the local diversity and belowground abundance of organisms. Soil biodiversity is affected negatively by many threats and there is a perceived policy requirement for the effective biological monitoring of soils at the European level. The aim of this study was to evaluate and recommend policy relevant, cost-effective soil biological indicators for biodiversity and ecosystem function across Europe. A total of 18 potential indicators were selected using a logical-sieve based approach. This paper considers the use of indicators from the ‘top down’ (i.e. concerned with the process of indicator selection), rather than from the ‘bottom up’ detail of how individual indicators perform at specific sites and with specific treatments. The indicators assessed a range of microbial, faunal and functional attributes, newer nucleic acids based techniques, morphological approaches and process based measurements. They were tested at 6 European experimental sites already in operation and chosen according to land-use, climatic zone and differences in land management intensity. These were 4 arable sites, one each in Atlantic, Continental, Mediterranean and Pannonian climate zones, and 2 grassland sites, one each in Atlantic and Continental zones. At each site we sampled three replicated plots of contrasting management intensity and, while the treatments varied from site to site, their disturbance effects were quantified in terms of land use intensity. The field sampling and laboratory analysis were standardised through a combination of ISO protocols, or standard operating procedures if the former were not available. Sites were sampled twice, in autumn 2012 and spring or autumn 2013, with relative costs of the different indicators being determined each time. A breakdown of the cost effectiveness of the indicators showed the expected trade-off between effort required in the field and effort required in the laboratory. All the indicators were able to differentiate between the sites but, as no single indicator was sensitive to all the differences in land use intensity, we suggest that an indicator programme should be based upon a suite of different indicators. For monitoring under the European climatic zones and land uses of this study, indicators for ecosystem functions related to the services of water regulation, C-sequestration and nutrient provision would include a minimum suite of: earthworms; functional genes; and bait lamina. For effective monitoring of biodiversity all taxonomic groups would need to be addressed.  相似文献   
There are numerous reports on the accumulation of ammonia in the mounds of soil-feeding termites. Here, we provided direct evidence for an effective mineralization of nitrogenous soil organic matter in the gut of Cubitermes spp., which gives rise to enormous ammonia concentrations in the intestinal tract. In Cubitermes ugandensis, the ammonia content of the nest material [24.5 μmol (g dry wt.)−1] was about 300-fold higher than that of the parent soil. Large amounts of ammonia were present throughout the intestinal tract, with lowest values in the extremely alkaline gut sections (pH >12) and highest values posterior hindgut [185 μmol (g dry wt.)−1]. Results obtained with other Cubitermes species were similar. Ammonia concentrations in the posterior hindgut of these humivorous species (up to 130 mM) are among the highest values ever reported for soil macroinvertebrates and are matched only by insects feeding on an extremely protein-rich diet (e.g., the sarcophageous larvae of blowflies). Volatilization of ammonia [about 10 nmol (g fresh wt.)−1 h−1], either directly by emission from the termite body or indirectly from their feces, led to NH3 concentrations in the nest atmosphere of C. ugandensis that were three orders of magnitude above the ambient background – a relative accumulation that is considerably higher than that observed with CH4 and CO2. Together with previous results, these observations document that through their feeding activity and due to the physicochemical and biochemical properties of their digestive system, soil-feeding termites effectively catalyze the transformation of refractory soil organic nitrogen to a plant-available form that is protected from leaching by adsorption to the nest soil. Nitrogen mineralization rates of soil-feeding termites may surpass those effected by tropical earthworms and should contribute significantly to nitrogen fluxes in tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   
The vegetation of weeds was sampled in matched pairs of long established organic and contemporary conventional cereal fields in summer 1987, and in spring and summer 1988, with an extended Raunkiaer circle at distances up to 50 m from the field boundary. In spring 1988, the number of plants were also counted. Species density, plant density, a proxy measure of plant density (accumulated Frequency Sum), crop and weed biomass, and occurrence of plants assigned to functional groups, are compared between farming systems. The plants were assigned to functional groups according to: (i) herbivore associations to broad-leaved taxa and (ii) flower location in the canopy, i.e. visibility and availability to flying insects. Furthermore, crop margin and mid-field were compared concerning species density and accumulated Frequency Sum. All variables that differed among the two farming systems had highest values - often several times higher - in the organic system with four exceptions: total biomass, biomass of crop, proportion of a single broad-leaved taxon and of grasses. The differences between the two systems were largest mid-field due to a pronounced pre-herbicide spraying gradient in species and plant density from crop margin to mid-field in conventional fields. A similar gradient was not found in the organic fields.  相似文献   
根据1987年以来野外调查资料,分析了西藏已知蠓类种类、地理分布及区系特点。目前已知西藏蠓科昆虫4亚科14属31亚属151种,占我国已知蠓类(约1100种)的13.73%。其中,仅在西藏有分布并以西藏为模式产地的特有种为99种,占西藏已知蠓种的65.56%。区系分析表明,在所报道的西藏蠓科151种中,古北界15种,占西藏蠓种总数的9.93%,均分布于青藏区青海藏南亚区;东洋界131种,占西藏蠓种总数的86.75%,有105种分布于西南区喜马拉雅亚区,有18种分布于西南区西南山地亚区,有8种分布于喜马拉雅亚区和西南山地亚区;两界均有分布的有5种,占西藏蠓种总数的3.31%。  相似文献   
武夷山自然保护区天蛾科昆虫多样性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过2002年至2008年的陆续采集和2009年5月至10月定期系统调查采集,获得武夷山自然保护区的天蛾标本共2 103号,它们隶属于5亚科、33属、75种和亚种.该保护区天蛾科昆虫的区系成分以东洋区种类为主,其次是广布种,并且有少量的古北区种类及特有种;天蛾种类和个体数量的高峰期基本集中在6~8月,鹰翅天蛾Ambul...  相似文献   
A new insular giant species of Apocricetus (M1 length > 4.22 mm, upper teeth row length > 10.90 mm) is described from dental, mandibular and cranial material recovered at the Na Burguesa-1 site (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean), a Zanclean palaeokarst deposit chronologically close to the refilling of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Apocricetus darderi sp. nov. shows a close relationship with the mainland species A. alberti (MN13), an Iberian taxon, from which it differs in size, the presence of labial and lingual anterolophids in m1, triple anterolophulids frequently developed, a reduced anterosinusid in m2 and m3 and, occasionally, the presence of an ectomesolophid in m3. Apocricetus darderi sp. nov. becomes the first endemic Balearic mammal that can be confidently assigned as having a direct mainland relative, providing the first solid palaeontological evidence of a Messinian origin for the Plio-Pleistocene fauna of Mallorca. Tragomys macpheei from the Caló den Rafelino site (Early Pliocene, probably late MN14 or early MN15) displays a peculiar selenodont teeth pattern and a high degree of hypsodonty, and is considered to be either a direct descendant of Apocricetus darderi sp. nov. or a sister taxon derived from a common ancestor.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0EBF0B6E-2922-4A14-A6C3-8FC8D751647F  相似文献   

Altered precipitation patterns resulting from climate change will have particularly significant consequences in water‐limited ecosystems, such as arid to semi‐arid ecosystems, where discontinuous inputs of water control biological processes. Given that these ecosystems cover more than a third of Earth's terrestrial surface, it is important to understand how they respond to such alterations. Altered water availability may impact both aboveground and belowground communities and the interactions between these, with potential impacts on ecosystem functioning; however, most studies to date have focused exclusively on vegetation responses to altered precipitation regimes. To synthesize our understanding of potential climate change impacts on dryland ecosystems, we present here a review of current literature that reports the effects of precipitation events and altered precipitation regimes on belowground biota and biogeochemical cycling. Increased precipitation generally increases microbial biomass and fungal:bacterial ratio. Few studies report responses to reduced precipitation but the effects likely counter those of increased precipitation. Altered precipitation regimes have also been found to alter microbial community composition but broader generalizations are difficult to make. Changes in event size and frequency influences invertebrate activity and density with cascading impacts on the soil food web, which will likely impact carbon and nutrient pools. The long‐term implications for biogeochemical cycling are inconclusive but several studies suggest that increased aridity may cause decoupling of carbon and nutrient cycling. We propose a new conceptual framework that incorporates hierarchical biotic responses to individual precipitation events more explicitly, including moderation of microbial activity and biomass by invertebrate grazing, and use this framework to make some predictions on impacts of altered precipitation regimes in terms of event size and frequency as well as mean annual precipitation. While our understanding of dryland ecosystems is improving, there is still a great need for longer term in situ manipulations of precipitation regime to test our model.  相似文献   
Two new species, Paramesosciophilodes bellus sp. n. and Paramesosciophilodes rarissima sp. n., from the Jiulongshan Formation at Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China, are described in the extinct family Mesosciophilidae. Altogether seven genera with 21 species of mesosciophilids have been described from the Jurassic of Siberia and Kazakhstan, the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia, and the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia. An emended generic diagnosis of Paramesosciophilodes and a list of known taxa of mesosciophilids are provided.  相似文献   
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