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内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区中侏罗世非海相双壳类Ferganoconcha   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
姜宝玉 《古生物学报》2006,45(2):259-264
Ferganoconcha是广泛分布于我国北部、中亚、西伯利亚和乌拉尔地区下、中侏罗统的一类非海相双壳类。Ferganoconchasibirica的产出表明道虎沟地区道虎沟层与辽西地区的海房沟组和冀北地区的九龙山组层位相当,时代介于早侏罗世晚期至中侏罗世之间。结合昆虫和叶肢介化石反映的时代,认为道虎沟层的时代可能为中侏罗世早中期。综合近年来在Ferganoconchidae的分类方面取得的进展,对F.sibirica进行了重新厘定。  相似文献   
This study describes the distribution and abundance patterns of the associate fauna on the living surface of the corals Siderastrea stellata Verril, 1868 and Mussismilia hispida (Verril 1902) using a non-destructive method, on the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro State. For each coral species, infestation density and proportions of infested colonies, colonies attached and unattached to the substrate were estimated. A total of 474 colonies of S. stellata and 452 colonies of M. hispida were examined. The barnacle Ceratoconcha floridana (Pilsbry, 1931) was the dominant coral associate found, followed by gall-crabs of the family Cryptochiridae Paulson, 1875 and the bivalve Lithophaga bisulcata (d’Orbigny, 1842). Both coral species presented similar patterns of infestation dominance. S. stellata colonies were more commonly infested and showed a greater mean infestation density of 0.62 ind/cm2 at Armação dos Búzios, whereas M. hispida colonies had infestation densities of only 0.20 ind/cm2. Infestation density does not appear to impact negatively on corals of Armação dos Búzios. A clear negative relationship between the number of associates in the coral colony and coral size was found. Evidently abundance and frequency of occurrence of associated fauna is highly related to coral community structure and composition and the results highlight the importance of local scale studies.  相似文献   
We investigated the pattern of distribution of intertidal soft-bottom fauna in streams and lagoons of the Uruguayan coast at three spatial scales. The Río de la Plata and the Atlantic Ocean produce on this coast a large-scale gradient in salinity, defining a freshwater (west), an estuarine (central) and a marine (east) region. Within each region, there are several streams and coastal lagoons (sites) that define a second scale of variability. A third scale is given by intertidal gradients within each site. Species richness and total abundance was low in the freshwater west region and high in the central and east regions. The community in the west region was characterized by the clam Curbicula fluminea; in the other regions, it was dominated mainly by the polychaete Heteromastus similis. The polychaete Nephtys fluviatilis was more abundant in the east region, while another polychaete, Laeonereis acuta, characterized the central region. Sediment fractions did not vary significantly at this scale. At the scale of the sites, species richness and total macrofaunal abundance were higher in coastal lagoons than in streams. Coarse sands were more common in coastal lagoons, while medium and fine sand characterized the sediment in streams. Within each site, species richness and total abundance increased towards the lower intertidal level; the macrofauna of the upper levels were a subsample of the fauna occurring at the lower levels. There was also a significantly lower proportion of fine sand at the upper level. At regional scales, the observed patterns may be indirectly or directly related to the gradient in salinity, through differential physiological tolerance to osmotic stress. At the scale of the sites, variability may be explained mainly by geomorphological and sedimentological differences between lagoons and streams. Variation among levels may be related to gradients in desiccation, colonization and predation.  相似文献   
彭基泰  周华明  刘伟 《四川动物》2006,25(4):747-753
将近40年收集的哺乳类资料、采集的标本,结合参考文献,按2003年出版的《中国哺乳动物种和亚种分类名录与分布大全》分类系统进行修订、整理、归类,确定甘孜地区的哺乳类野生动物共有8目26科76属125种(含108亚种),并将这些哺乳类的保护级别、区系成分、栖息环境予以报道。  相似文献   
四川马边大风顶自然保护区两栖爬行动物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年7月中旬至下旬对四川马边大风顶自然保护区的两栖爬行动物进行了调查.本次调查共采得两栖爬行动物标本17种,隶属于9科3目.结合文献资料,该保护区现已知有两栖爬行动物27种(亚种),隶属于12科4目.其中,两栖动物13种(亚种),隶属于7科2目;爬行动物14种(亚种),隶属于5科2目.该保护区物种组成较丰富,没有古北界的成分,特有种所占比例较高.马边县新纪录9种,大鲵已被收入“濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)”附录Ⅰ,大凉疣螈和脆蛇蜥已被收入《中国濒危动物红皮书》,大鲵和大凉疣螈是国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物.该保护区和四川美姑大风顶自然保护区的两栖爬行动物Sorenson指数为36.7%.  相似文献   
2002年8月和9月,对四川雪宝顶自然保护区的兽类进行了调查,并结合历史文献,确认保护区有兽类90种,分属7目27科。区系分析表明:该保护区的兽类属东洋界的有66种,占73.3%;属古北界的有21种,占23.3%;广布种有3种,占3.4%。该保护区有国家Ⅰ级重点保护兽类7种,国家Ⅱ级保护兽类17种。  相似文献   
郑大川  周杰  李思雨  陶军  顾卫 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6718-6727
采用Meta分析对中国区域耕地和林地的土壤动物数量、组成和多样性差异进行定量研究。整合分析结果表明,在中国区域耕地比林地有显著低的土壤动物个体密度(-55.74%)、类群数(-27.56%)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(-24.51%),其中个体密度的响应与类群数和Shannon-Wiener多样性的响应存在显著差异。年均温高于20℃地区耕地和林地间土壤动物数量、类群数和多样性的响应绝对值显著低于年均温小于20℃地区,且耕地与林地间无差异;年降水量400—800mm地区耕地和林地间土壤动物多样性的响应绝对值最大,其次在年降水量大于800mm地区,最小值在年降水量小于400mm地区(耕地与林地无差异)。耕地中水田土壤动物Shannon-Wiener多样性与林地无差异;经济林土壤动物Shannon-Wiener多样性与耕地间无差异。在不同土壤动物尺寸的亚组中,大型土壤动物数量、类群数和多样性的响应绝对值大于小型土壤动物的响应绝对值,且类群数差异显著。耕地中蜱螨类(Acarina)数量显著低于林地(-64.11%),而耕地的弹尾目(Collembola)数量与林地无差异;膜翅目(...  相似文献   
土壤动物与N素循环及对N沉降的响应   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
徐国良  莫江明  周国逸  彭少麟 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2453-2463
以主要的生态过程之一——N循环为对象,论述了土壤动物不仅对凋落物的分解有重要影响,而且在N素矿化和植物对N的吸收过程中也起着重要作用。同时,日益严重的全球变化问题之一——N沉降对土壤动物的多样性及其在生态系统中的功能构成了极大的威胁。另还对土壤动物与N循环研究的方法、土壤动物在N循环过程中的作用机制、热带地区的需求及N沉降下土壤动物的响应作了探讨,并提出,开展大尺度的专类研究及长期定位研究成为下一步研究的需要。  相似文献   
松嫩平原典型黑土耕作区中小型土壤动物时空分布特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
杨旭  林琳  张雪萍  张利敏  沙迪 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3253-3260
为了考察松嫩平原黑土耕作区中小型土壤动物时空分布特征,在松嫩平原东南至西北选取5个典型区域,于2009年5、8、10月进行调查研究,共获取土壤动物15058只,分别隶属于54个类群,其中甲螨亚目、前气门亚目和节跳虫科3类为优势类群,占总数的69.94%,常见类群为8类,占总数的25.20%。分析结果表明:(1)不同采样区域土壤动物差异明显(P0.01),海伦区域样地的土壤动物密度、多样性指数、均匀性指数、优势度指数最高。绥化地区土壤动物类群与丰富度指数最高。(2)月份变化对土壤动物群落结构影响明显,土壤动物多样性特征随着月份变化起伏较大,8月份的土壤动物特征显著区别其它取样月份。(3)垂直分布上,土壤动物的个体数和类群数总体上是随土壤随着深度增加而减少,但不同采样区域土不同采样月份土壤动物垂直分布规律有一定差异。(4)从土壤动物与土壤环境关系来看,土壤环境的p H、全氮与全磷与土壤动物群落结构显著相关(P0.05),土壤动物个数、均匀性指数、丰富度指数、密度与土壤理化性质关系显著相关(P0.05),土壤动物优势类群和常见类群的数量与土壤中全磷、碳氮比、总有机碳关系较为密切。  相似文献   
东北高寒地区土壤动物和微生物的生态特征研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
苏永春  勾影波  张忠恒  张崇邦 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1613-1619
东北高寒地区农田在作物生长期内土壤动物具有明显的季节特征。土壤微生物季节变化具有单一的峰值,其中细菌和放线菌的高峰值在7月份,真菌的高峰值在6月份,从土壤酶及理化性质对土壤动物和微生物影响的灰色分析表明,对土壤动物和微生物影响最大的是脲酶,pH值,含水量和速效磷,并建立了8个灰色数学模型[GM(0,5)],最小的为土壤水解氮,这表明了土壤中水和速效磷是该地区土壤生态稳定的主要因素,因此调整土壤水分供应状况和土壤磷肥输入对改善土壤质量和作物生产将是一个重要的策略,同时加强对脲酶对土壤氮素状况等相关因素的分析。  相似文献   
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