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The embryos from many outbred and inbred strains of mice are arrested at the late 2-cell stage when cultured in vitro in simple culture media. This phenomenon is referred to as the "2-cell block in vitro". The ultrastructural morphology of the nuclei of the blocked embryos is not yet well described. In the present paper we documented the results of a comparative study on the nuclei of mouse embryos, both normally developing and arrested at the 2-cell stage. The blocked embryos maintain the morphological integrity of their nuclei. Main nuclear domains (nucleolus precursor bodies, interchromatin granule clusters, perichromatin granules, and perichromatin fibrils), typical for the control embryos, are observed in the blocked ones. A number and morphological characteristics of these nuclear substructures are not changed significantly in the blocked embryos. At the same time, RNA polymerase II and pre-mRNA splicing factors are redistributed in the nucleus of the blocked embryos. Although something goes to show that nuclear organization of the blocked embryos differ from that of the control, we could not reveal in the blocked embryos distinct signs of degeneration which might characterize aged or dying cells. Our data confirm a peculiar functional state of the 2-cell blocked embryos.  相似文献   
Cell-death and -survival decisions are critically controlled by intracellular Ca2 + homeostasis and dynamics at the level of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) play a pivotal role in these processes by mediating Ca2 + flux from the ER into the cytosol and mitochondria. Hence, it is clear that many pro-survival and pro-death signaling pathways and proteins affect Ca2 + signaling by directly targeting IP3R channels, which can happen in an IP3R-isoform-dependent manner. In this review, we will focus on how the different IP3R isoforms (IP3R1, IP3R2 and IP3R3) control cell death and survival. First, we will present an overview of the isoform-specific regulation of IP3Rs by cellular factors like IP3, Ca2 +, Ca2 +-binding proteins, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), thiol modification, phosphorylation and interacting proteins, and of IP3R-isoform specific expression patterns. Second, we will discuss the role of the ER as a Ca2 + store in cell death and survival and how IP3Rs and pro-survival/pro-death proteins can modulate the basal ER Ca2 + leak. Third, we will review the regulation of the Ca2 +-flux properties of the IP3R isoforms by the ER-resident and by the cytoplasmic proteins involved in cell death and survival as well as by redox regulation. Hence, we aim to highlight the specific roles of the various IP3R isoforms in cell-death and -survival signaling. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   
It is now clear that two prominent nuclear domains, interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs) and Cajal bodies (CBs), contribute to the highly ordered organization of the extrachromosomal space of the cell nucleus. These functional domains represent structurally stable but highly dynamic nuclear organelles enriched in factors that are required for different nuclear activities, especially RNA biogenesis. IGCs are considered to be the main sites for storage, assembly, and/or recycling of the essential spliceosome components. CBs are involved in the biogenesis of several classes of small RNPs as well as the modification of newly assembled small nuclear RNA. We have summarized data on the molecular composition, structure, and functional roles of IGCs and CBs in the nuclei of mammalian somatic cells and oocytes of some animals with a special focus on insects. We have focused on similarities and differences between the IGCs and CBs of oocytes and the well‐studied CBs and IGCs of cultured mammalian somatic cells. We have shown the heterogeneous character of oocyte IGCs and CBs, both in structure and molecular content. We have also demonstrated the unique capacity of oocytes to form close structural interactions between IGC and CB components. We proposed to consider these joint structures as integrated entities, sharing the features of both IGCs and CBs.  相似文献   
CD6 is a lymphocyte glycoprotein receptor that physically associates with the antigen-specific receptor complex at the center of the immunological synapse, where it interacts with its ligand CD166/ALCAM. The present work reports the carbohydrate-dependent interaction of CD6 and CD166/ALCAM with Galectin-1 and -3, two well-known soluble mammalian lectins. Both galectins interfered with superantigen-induced T cell proliferation and cell adhesion phenomena mediated by the CD6-CD166/ALCAM pair, while CD6 expression protected cells from galectin-induced apoptosis. The results suggest that interaction of Galectin-1 and -3 with CD6 and CD166/ALCAM might modulate some relevant aspects of T cell physiology.  相似文献   
Pulmonary surfactant is an essential lipid–protein complex to maintain an operative respiratory surface at the mammalian lungs. It reduces surface tension at the alveolar air–liquid interface to stabilise the lungs against physical forces operating along the compression–expansion breathing cycles. At the same time, surfactant integrates elements establishing a primary barrier against the entry of pathogens. Lack or deficiencies of the surfactant system are associated with respiratory pathologies, which treatment often includes supplementation with exogenous materials. The present review summarises current models on the molecular mechanisms of surfactant function, with particular emphasis in its biophysical properties to stabilise the lungs and the molecular alterations connecting impaired surfactant with diseased organs. It also provides a perspective on the current surfactant-based strategies to treat respiratory pathologies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane Structure and Function: Relevance in the Cell's Physiology, Pathology and Therapy.  相似文献   
Periostin appears to be a unique extracellular protein secreted by fibroblasts that is upregulated following injury to the heart or changes in the environment. Periostin has the ability to associate with other critical extracellular matrix (ECM) regulators such as TGF-β, tenascin, and fibronectin, and is a critical regulator of fibrosis that functions by altering the deposition and attachment of collagen. Periostin is known to be highly expressed in carcinoma cells, but not in normal breast tissues. The protein has a structural similarity to insect fasciclin-1 (Fas 1) and can be induced by transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2. To investigate the molecular interaction of periostin and bone morphogenetic protein, we modeled these three-dimensional structures and their binding sites. We demonstrated direct interaction between periostin and BMP1/2 in vitro using several biochemical and biophysical assays. We found that the structures of the first, second, and fourth Fas1 domains in periostin are similar to that of the fourth Fas 1 domain of TGFBIp. However, the structure of the third Fas 1 domain in periostin is different from those of the first, second, and fourth Fas1 domains, while it is similar to the NMR structure of Fasciclin-like protein from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. These results will useful in further functional analysis of the interaction of periostin and bone morphogenetic protein.  相似文献   
We found the 2′,5′-oligoadenylate synthetase-like (OASL) gene to be significantly elevated by high virus loads in human liver infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Here, we determined whether OASL inhibited HCV replication using an in vitro system. We constructed three expression vectors of OASL to produce isoform a (OASLa), isoform b (OASLb), and the C-terminal ubiquitin-like domain of isoform a (Ub). When Huh7 JFH-1 HCV replicon cells were separately transfected with these three vectors, colony formation of HCV-replicating cells was inhibited by 95%, 94%, and 65%, respectively. Both OASLa and OASLb were also inhibitory for cells as well as the virus because colony formation of OASL-producing cells was reduced to 41% and 8%, respectively. Stable Huh7 clones producing each of the three OASLs were established and assessed for their inhibition of HCV replication using luciferase reporter gene-containing JFH-1 replicon RNA. HCV replication was inhibited by 50-90% in several stable OASL clones. Association analysis in six Ub clones expressing different levels of Ub mRNA showed that the degree of inhibition of HCV replication was significantly associated with the amount of Ub present. In conclusion, OASL possesses two domains with HCV inhibitory activity. The N-terminal OAS-homology domain without OAS activity is inhibitory for cell growth as well as HCV replication, whereas C-terminal Ub is inhibitory only for HCV replication. Therefore, OASLa, a major isoform of this molecule induced in human liver, may mediate anti-HCV activity through two different domains.  相似文献   
Biomembranes are unique states of soft matter that share some of their materials properties with the mesophases of liquid crystals. Although of genuinely fluid character, membranes can display ordered states under physiological conditions, and it appears that their lateral organization and the related functional properties are intimately coupled to states in-between order and disorder. Hence, the liquid-ordered state of membranes, which owes its existence to the unique ability of cholesterol to mediate between order and disorder, has moved center stage in the characterization of membranes in terms of domains or rafts.  相似文献   
Secretion of Escherichia coli hemolysin is mediated by a sec-independent pathway which requires the products of at least three genes, hlyB, hlyD and tolC. Two regions of HlyD were studied. The first region (region A), consisting of the 33-amino acid, C-terminal part of the HlyD protein, is predicted to form a potential helix-loop-helix structure. This sequence is conserved among HlyD analogues of similar transport systems of other bacterial species. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that the amino acids Leu475, Glu477 and Arg478 of this region are essential for HlyD function. The last amino acid of HlyD, Arg478, is possibly involved in the release of the HlyA protein, since cells bearing a hlyD gene mutant at this position produce similar amounts of HlyA to the wild-type strain, but most of the protein remains cell-associated. Competition experiments between wild-type and mutant HlyD proteins indicate that region A interacts directly with a component of the secretion apparatus. The second region of HIyD (region B), located between amino acids Leul27 and Leu170, is highly homologous to the otherwise unrelated outer membrane protein TolC. Deletion of this region abolishes secretion of hemolysin. This sequence of HlyD also seems to interact with a component of the hemolysin secretion machinery since a hybrid HIyD protein carrying the corresponding TolC sequence, although inactive in the transport of HlyA, is able to displace wild-type HlyD from the secretion apparatus.  相似文献   
The fatty acid transport protein (FATP) Fat1p in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions in concert with acyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACSL; either Faa1p or Faa4p) in vectorial acylation, which couples the transport of exogenous fatty acids with activation to CoA thioesters. To further define the role of Fat1p in the transport of exogenous fatty acids, the topological orientation of two highly conserved motifs [ATP/AMP and FATP/very long chain acyl CoA synthetase (VLACS)], the carboxyl 124 amino acid residues, which bind the ACSL Faa1p, and the amino and carboxyl termini within the plasma membrane were defined. T7 or hemagglutinin epitope tags were engineered at both amino and carboxyl termini, as well as at multiple nonconserved, predicted random coil segments within the protein. Six different epitope-tagged chimeras of Fat1p were generated and expressed in yeast; the sidedness of the tags was tested using indirect immunofluorescence and protease protection by Western blotting. Plasma membrane localization of the tagged proteins was assessed by immunofluorescence. Fat1p appears to have at least two transmembrane domains resulting in a N(in)-C(in) topology. We propose that Fat1p has a third region, which binds to the membrane and separates the highly conserved residues comprising the two halves of the ATP/AMP motif. The N(in)-C(in) topology results in the placement of the ATP/AMP and FATP/VLACS domains of Fat1p on the inner face of the plasma membrane. The carboxyl-terminal region of Fat1p, which interacts with ACSL, is likewise positioned on the inner face of the plasma membrane. This topological orientation is consistent with the mechanistic roles of both Fat1p and Faa1p or Faa4p in the coupled transport/activation of exogenous fatty acids by vectorial acylation.  相似文献   
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