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Premise of the study: Hybridization is an important evolutionary force in the history of angiosperms; however, there are few examples of stabilized species derived through homoploid hybrid speciation. Homoploid hybrid species are generally detected via the presence of genetic additivity of parental markers, novel ecological and spatial distinctions, and novel morphological traits, all of which may aid in the successful establishment of hybrid species from parental types. Speciation and diversification within the genus Castilleja (Orobanchaceae) has been attributed to high levels of hybridization and polyploidy, though currently there are no examples of homoploid hybrid speciation within the genus. We employed multiple lines of evidence to examine a putative hybrid origin in C. christii, a rare endemic, known only from 80 hectares at the summit of Mt. Harrison (Cassia Co., Idaho). • Methods: We used granule-bound starch synthase II (waxy) sequences and 26 morphological characters to address hybridization between C. christii and widespread congeners C. miniata and/or C. linariifolia in an area of sympatry. Chromosomes of C. christii were also counted for the first time. • Key results: All 230 direct-sequenced C. christii individuals had the additive genomes of both C. miniata and C. linariifolia. Castilleja christii shares traits with both parents but also has floral characters that are unique and transgressive. Cytological counts indicated that all three taxa are diploid. • Conclusions: We conclude that C. christii is a stabilized homoploid hybrid derivative of C. linariifolia and C. miniata and is likely following an independent evolutionary trajectory from its progenitors.  相似文献   
Multiple HindIII-restriction fragments of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella typhi chromosomal DNA exhibited homology with the heat-labile enterotoxin (LT1) gene of Escherichia coli as determined by Southern blot analysis. A 9.4 kb HindIII restriction fragment identified in S. typhimurium and S. typhi chromosomal DNA reacted with both eltA and eltB gene probes. However, the homology of the 9.4 kb DNA fragment from these Salmonella species was greater with eltB than eltA. In addition, a synthetic oligonucleotide probe, made to a portion of the putative GM1-ganglioside binding region of cholera toxin (CT) and LT1, hybridized with the 9.4 kb DNA fragment of S. typhimurium but not with the 9.4 kb fragment found in S. typhi isolates. The hybridization of multiple restriction fragments of Salmonella DNA with eltA and eltB gene sequences further suggests duplication of the stx operon on the chromosome of these bacteria.  相似文献   
To examine geographic differentiation in Asarum heterotropoides var. heterotropoides in Hokkaido Is. in the northern Japan, in which two putative cryptic species have been suspected to exist, extensive and detailed morphological research on 794 individuals from 44 populations throughout Hokkaido Is. was performed. Among the characters examined, the angle between and tip shape of the calyx lobes and the supratecta of the pollen grains were significantly correlated and were found in similar geographic clines. Among them, the pollen showed two discrete states in almost distinct distribution. Multidimensional scaling analysis showed that individuals within each of the two pollen types had different trends in flower characters. Consequently, we assumed a cline from south to north on Hokkaido Is. For the causes of the cline, the two hypotheses were proposed, primary geographic differentiation or extensive introgressive hybridization between two distinct geographical species existing in the past.  相似文献   
Two beta-lactamase genes called blaL and blaU have been cloned independently in Liège and in Ume?, from Streptomyces cacaoi. Genes blaL and blaU were found to differ largely in their nucleotide sequences, although the encoded proteins both belonged to the class A of beta-lactamases (active-site serine penicillinases). DNA-hybridization and polymerase chain reaction assays have now demonstrated that both blaL and blaU genes were present in the S. cacaoi strains used in Liège and in Ume?.  相似文献   
The process of speciation involves the accumulation of reproductive isolation (RI) between diverging lineages. Selection can favor increased RI via the process of reinforcement, whereby costs to hybridization impose selection for increased prezygotic RI. Reinforcement results in phenotypic divergence within at least one taxon, as a result of costly hybridization between sympatric taxa. The strength of selection driving reinforcement is determined by the cost of hybridization and the frequency of hybridization. We investigated the cost of hybridization by quantifying postmating RI barriers among Phlox species that comprise one of the best‐studied cases of reinforcement. We determined if the strength of RI differs among lineages that have and have not undergone reinforcement, how much variability there is within species in RI, and whether RI is associated with phylogenetic relatedness. We found high RI for the species that underwent phenotypic divergence due to reinforcement; however, RI was also high between other species pairs. We found extensive variability in RI among individuals within species, and no evidence that the strength of RI was associated with phylogenetic relatedness. We suggest that phenotypic divergence due to reinforcement is associated with the frequency of hybridization and introgression, and not the cost of hybridization in this clade.  相似文献   
对常见食源性致病菌副溶血性弧菌的杂交条件进行了优化。基于副溶血性弧菌的tdh,trh,toxR基因选用了3种探针序列,从菌落杂交样品的预处理方法、杂交时间和显色检测等方面对基于副溶血性弧菌毒力基因的原位杂交实验进行了条件优化。结果表明,采用80℃热固定2 h,37℃预杂交10 min后杂交8 h以及封闭1 h的改良方法可获得高特异性、低背景且着色清晰的实验结果。优化的菌落杂交技术检测副溶血性弧菌与传统检测方法相比,具有高效、准确、可区分致病性菌株的优点,为水产品中副溶血性弧菌致病菌株和非致病菌株的同步检测和筛选提供参考。  相似文献   
Papaver fauriei is an endemic and endangered species that grows only on the gravelly alpine slopes of Mt. Rishiri, Japan. Cultivated poppy (Papaver sp.), the species name of which is unknown, has been introduced to the natural habitats of P. fauriei through human activities. Because the appearance and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of these two poppies are highly similar, it is of concern that they could produce hybrids in their natural habitats. Thus, first, the ability of these two poppies to produce hybrids was analyzed by artificial fertilization in this study. A large number of seeds were produced by reciprocal crosses between P. fauriei and the cultivated poppy, comparable with the number of seeds obtained by self‐ or cross‐fertilization of P. fauriei or the cultivated poppy. In addition, high germination was observed for seeds obtained from crosses between the two poppies, and deleterious phenotypes, such as albinism and dwarfism, were not detected in the F1 generation. These results indicate that after pollination, there is no reproductive isolation between the two poppies. Second, we sequenced the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 240 poppy individuals collected from the gravelly alpine slopes of Mt. Rishiri, and 66 showed the sequence of P. fauriei, whereas 174 showed the sequence of the cultivated poppy. However, the ITS sequence that confirms hybridism between the two poppies was not detected in these individuals, indicating that hybridization of P. fauriei and the cultivated poppy rarely occurs under natural conditions. Unknown mechanism(s) appear to prevent cross‐pollination between the two poppies.  相似文献   
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