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测定和分析了具钩竖毛螯石蛾成虫和幼虫及黄氏竖毛螯石蛾成虫的mtDNA-COⅠ、Ⅱ及tRNA-Leu基因序列,发现具钩竖毛螯石蛾成虫与幼虫的序列歧异度为1%,而具钩竖毛螯石蛾的成、幼虫与黄氏竖毛螯石蛾成虫的序列歧异度为14%和13%.对我国特有种具钩竖毛螯石蛾幼虫的形态特征进行了描述.  相似文献   
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to neovasculogenesis and reendothelialization of damaged blood vessels to maintain the endothelium. Dysfunction of EPCs is implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular injury induced by homocysteine (Hcy). We aimed to investigate the role of Cyclin A in Hcy-induced EPCs dysfunction and explore its molecular mechanism. In this study, by treatment of EPCs with Hcy, we found that the expression of Cyclin A mRNA and protein were significantly downregulated in a dose-dependent manner. Knockdown of Cyclin A prominently reduced proliferation of EPCs, while over-expression of Cyclin A significantly promoted the cell proliferation, suggesting that Hcy inhibits EPCs proliferation through downregulation of Cyclin A expression. In addition, epigenetic study also demonstrated that Hcy induces DNA hypomethylation of the Cyclin A promoter in EPCs through downregulated expression of DNMT1. Moreover, we found that Hcy treatment of EPCs leads to increased SAM, SAH and MeCP2, while the ratio of SAM/SAH and MBD expression decrease. In summary, our results indicate that Hcy inhibits Cyclin A expression through hypomethylation of Cyclin A and thereby suppress EPCs proliferation. These findings demonstrate a novel mechanism of DNA methylation mediated by DNMT1 in prevention of Hcy associated cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
Butler MG  Chakraborty SA  Lampe DJ 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):351-366
Mariner family transposons are perhaps the most widespread transposable elements of eukaryotes. While we are beginning to understand the precise mechanism of transposition of these elements, the structure of their transposases are still poorly understood. We undertook an extensive mutagenesis of the N-terminal third of the transposase of the Himar1 mariner transposon to begin the process of determining the structure and evolution of mariner transposases. N and C-terminal deletion analyses localized the DNA binding domain of Himar1 transposase to the first 115 amino acids. Alanine scanning of 23 selected sites within this region uncovered mutations that not only affected DNA binding but DNA cleavage as well. The behavior of other mutations strongly suggested that the N-terminus is also involved in multimerization of the transposase on a single inverted terminal repeat and in paired ends complex formation which brings together the two ends of the transposon. Finally, two hyperactive mutations at conserved sites suggest that mariner transposases are under a pattern of stabilizing selection in nature with regard to how efficiently they mediate transposition, resulting in a population of “average” transposons.  相似文献   
鲫鱼Hind Ⅲ高重复DNA序列的分子克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因组DNA高重复序列的研究有助于解释许多重要的生命现象 ,如基因调节、基因转座、基因进化等 ,还可以用于进行种群的遗传分析。鱼类的DNA高重复序列研究资料较少 ,曾在鲤科鱼类发现HindⅢ高重复序列家族。本研究用HindⅢ内切酶消化 ,从鲫鱼 (Carassiusauratusauratus)基因组DNA也克隆出一种独特的高重复序列。序列测定揭示该重复序列长度为 175bp ,在单倍体基因组的拷贝数为 1× 10 5。鲫鱼HindⅢ高重复序列与鲫鱼属 (Carassius)其它同类已知的高重复序列存在某种程度的变异 ,而与鲤科其它属的已知的HindⅢ高重复序列完全不同  相似文献   
In Antarctica ozone depletion is highest during spring, coinciding with the reproduction of many seaweed species. Propagules are the life-stage of an alga most susceptible to environmental perturbations. Therefore, fertile thalli of Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory (Rhodophyta) were collected in the eulittoral of King George Island (Antarctica) to examine spore susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). In the laboratory, freshly released tetraspores were exposed to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400–700 nm), PAR+UV-A (320–700 nm) or PAR+UV-A+UV-B (280–700 nm). Photosynthetic efficiency was measured during 1–8 h of exposure and after 48 h of recovery. Additionally, mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and DNA damage were determined. Saturating irradiance of photosynthesis of freshly released tetraspores was 57 µmol photons m−2 s−1. Exposure to increasing fluence of PAR reduced photosynthetic efficiency. UVR further decreased the photosynthetic efficiencies of the tetraspores but spores were able to recover completely after UVR exposure and 2 days post-cultivation under low PAR. DNA damage was minimal and lesions were effectively repaired under photoreactivating light. Concentrations of the MAAs shinorine and palythine were higher in tetraspores treated with UVR than in spores only exposed to PAR. Generally, the tetraspores show a good UV tolerance. This flexible response of the tetraspores of this species to changing radiation conditions enables the alga to grow along a considerable depth gradient from the sublittoral to the eulittoral where they can be exposed to enhanced UVBR under conditions of stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   
松口蘑菌丝体的分离和RAPD-PCR分析   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
针对松口蘑 [Tricholomamatsutake(S .ItoetImai)Sing .]菌丝体分离培养困难和各种相关分离物目前难以用出菇试验鉴定的现实 ,采用 8种培养基配方 ,对 9个不同来源的松口蘑子实体的不同部位及菌根、菌土进行组织分离 ,计接种试管 81 0多支 ,结果从菌褶部位获得 94支慢生型的菌丝体分离菌株 ,从菌柄部位仅获得 1支快生型的菌丝体分离菌株。以马铃薯葡萄糖土壤滤液培养基 (PDAS)、马铃薯葡萄糖麦麸滤液培养基 (PDAW )、BM培养基、马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基 (PDA)对菌褶进行组织分离 ,获慢生型菌丝体的成功率依次为 74.4%、35.5%、156%和 8.9%。以各分离菌株的来源松口蘑子实体和中日两国松口蘑研究者提供的分离菌株作为DNA参照样品 ,对从供试子实体、菌根、菌土进行组织分离获得的各种相关纯培养物进行亲菌鉴定。采用筛选的 1 7个随机引物介导 2 5个供试松口蘑子实体及其分离菌体的RAPD(RandomAmplifiedPolymorphicDNA) PCR反应 ,全部获得了清晰而稳定的DNA指纹图谱 ,结果一致表明 :每个松口蘑子实体的菌盖 (含菌褶…  相似文献   
近交系大鼠DNA指纹分析研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的建立DNA指纹技术对近交系大鼠遗传监测的方法.方法采用DNA指纹图法对国内已知的7个品系9个近交系大鼠群体进行了分析,并对相同DNA进行了多次DNA指纹图重复实验.结果(1)不同品系之间DNA指纹图差异较大,其平均图带数为16.360±2.178,共有带率为0.061±0.008,相似系数为0.062±0.008,相同DNA指纹图概率为3.691×10-23.(2)同一群体不同个体之间DNA指纹图带的相似系数和共有带率(除SHR(哈)和WKY(哈)小于0.7外),其他均在大于0.9.(3)不同地区同一SHR和同一WKY品系间DNA指纹图也存在不同,其相似系数和共有带率均小于0.6.(4)相同DNA不同次制作的DNA指纹图谱基本一致(P>0.05).结论证实了该方法在近交系大鼠遗传监测中的可行性.  相似文献   
DNA疫苗免疫佐剂的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
DNA疫苗是最近几年从基因治疗研究领域发展起来的一种新型疫苗,它能诱导机体产生持久的体液免疫和细胞免疫应答,能够抗病毒,细菌和寄生虫的感染,对自身免疫性疾病和过敏性疾病有一定的疗效作用。但与传统的灭活疫苗相比,其免疫效价还比较低,最近的研究表明:联合使用DNA疫苗和疫苗佐剂如细胞因子,协同刺激分子等有助于提高DNA疫苗的免疫效价,这一发现有利于研制更有效的DNA疫苗,本文就通过使用免疫佐剂提高DNA免疫效价的最新进展做一综述。  相似文献   
为寻找新的生物治蝗措施 ,采用显微镜和生化方法 ,对 1992年从新疆木垒县西伯利亚蝗上分离的一株痘病毒 (Gomphocerussibiricusentomopoxvirus,GsEPV)的超微结构、发育循环和DNA特性进行了研究 ,结果表明 :该病毒的包含体为球形 ,最大直径约 6 90 μm ,最小直径约 3 95 μm ,平均为 5 33μm。脂肪体超薄切片中的病毒粒子呈椭圆形 ,大小为 2 6 7nm× 10 3nm。病毒粒子髓核折叠成 2~ 3折 ,其横切面呈圆形 ,中间有 3~ 4个电子非致密的圆点。GsEPV主要感染寄主脂肪体。接种后 15~ 2 0天包含体大量形成 ,此时已没有游离病毒粒子存在 ,发育同步 ,并且比其它痘病毒发育周期短。GsEPV -DNA经三种限制性内切酶 HindⅢ、BglⅡ和 EcoRⅠ酶解后分别得到2 0、17和 2 9条片段 ,其分子量分别为 15 5 37× 10 6D ,15 6 45× 10 6D和 15 6 79× 10 6D ,平均为 15 5 37× 10 6D。与已报道的蝗虫痘病毒进行比较 ,这些痘病毒可分为二种类型 :一种包含体为圆形的 ;另一种为椭圆形。形态相似的包含体病毒髓核结构相似 ,分子量也在一个范围内 ,具有椭圆形包含体的痘病毒如OaEPV、CiEPV、MsEPV、AcEPV和PnEPV ,其病毒粒子中DNA链折叠较少 (1~ 2折 ) ,分子量也较小 ,通常在 12 5× 10 6D范围 ;而具有圆形包含体的痘病毒  相似文献   
We are writing in response to the population and phylogenomics meeting review by Andrews & Luikart ( 2014 ) entitled ‘Recent novel approaches for population genomics data analysis’. Restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing has become a powerful and useful approach in molecular ecology, with several different published methods now available to molecular ecologists, none of which can be considered the best option in all situations. A&L report that the original RAD protocol of Miller et al. ( 2007 ) and Baird et al. ( 2008 ) is superior to all other RAD variants because putative PCR duplicates can be identified (see Baxter et al. 2011 ), thereby reducing the impact of PCR artefacts on allele frequency estimates (Andrews & Luikart 2014 ). In response, we (i) challenge the assertion that the original RAD protocol minimizes the impact of PCR artefacts relative to that of other RAD protocols, (ii) present additional biases in RADseq that are at least as important as PCR artefacts in selecting a RAD protocol and (iii) highlight the strengths and weaknesses of four different approaches to RADseq which are a representative sample of all RAD variants: the original RAD protocol (mbRAD, Miller et al. 2007 ; Baird et al. 2008 ), double digest RAD (ddRAD, Peterson et al. 2012 ), ezRAD (Toonen et al. 2013 ) and 2bRAD (Wang et al. 2012 ). With an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different RAD protocols, researchers can make a more informed decision when selecting a RAD protocol.  相似文献   
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