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The nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinase c-Src is frequently overexpressed and/or activated in a variety of cancers, including those of the breast. Several heterologous binding partners of c-Src have been shown to regulate its catalytic activity by relieving intramolecular autoinhibitory interactions. One such protein, p130Cas (Cas), is expressed at high levels in both breast cancer cell lines and breast tumors, providing a potential mechanism for c-Src activation in breast cancers. The Cas-binding protein BCAR3 (breast cancer antiestrogen resistance-3) is expressed at high levels in invasive breast cancer cell lines, and this molecule has previously been shown to coordinate with Cas to increase c-Src activity in COS-1 cells. In this study, we show for the first time using gain- and loss-of-function approaches that BCAR3 regulates c-Src activity in the endogenous setting of breast cancer cells. We further show that BCAR3 regulates the interaction between Cas and c-Src, both qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Finally, we present evidence that the coordinated activity of these proteins contributes to breast cancer cell adhesion signaling and spreading. Based on these data, we propose that the c-Src/Cas/BCAR3 signaling axis is a prominent regulator of c-Src activity, which in turn controls cell behaviors that lead to aggressive and invasive breast tumor phenotypes.  相似文献   
流速对红鳍银鲫幼鱼游泳状态的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在28℃水温下,采用特制的鱼类游泳行为测定装置,研究体重(125.94±13.87)g的红鳍银鲫(Barbodes schwanenfeldi)幼鱼在0.0m/s(对照组)和0.1m/s、0.3m/s、0.5m/s3种流速下的游泳行为。结果表明,从0.0~0.3m/s,红鳍银鲫幼鱼平均趋流率和摆尾频率均随着流速的增加而增大,而0.5m/s组在90min内随时间延长而下降。红鳍银鲫游泳状态明显受到所处流速的影响,在静水对照组以"逆流前进"和"顺流而下"为主,两者共占总观察时间的98%以上;各流速组均以逆流静止为主,且随着流速的增大,逆流静止所占时间比例从45.8%增加至81.3%,而逆流前进所占时间比例由24.1%减至5%以下;逆流后退所占时间比例以0.1m/s组最大,为16.4%;顺流而下的比例随着流速增大先减小后增大,3个流速组依次为13.7%、2.1%和10.9%。红鳍银鲫幼鱼的游泳速度(V)和摆尾频率(TBF)在逆流前进及逆流静止两种游泳状态下呈线性正相关,而在逆流后退和顺流而下两种状态下两者没有显著相关。  相似文献   
The immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection is the formation of multicellular lesions, or granolomas, in the lung of the individual. However, the structure of the granulomas and the spatial distribution of the immune cells within is not well understood. In this paper we develop a mathematical model investigating the early and initial immune response to Mtb. The model consists of coupled reaction-diffusion-advection partial differential equations governing the dynamics of the relevant macrophage and bacteria populations and a bacteria-produced chemokine. Our novel application of mathematical concepts of internal states and internal velocity allows us to begin to study this unique immunological structure. Volume changes resulting from proliferation and death terms generate a velocity field by which all cells are transported within the forming granuloma. We present numerical results for two distinct infection outcomes: controlled and uncontrolled granuloma growth. Using a simplified model we are able to analytically determine conditions under which the bacteria population decreases, representing early clearance of infection, or grows, representing the initial stages of granuloma formation.  相似文献   
The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Leconte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), was accidentally introduced near Belgrade in Serbia just before 1992 and from there its expansion into Europe started. We have estimated its mean rate of expansion from 1992 to 2000 to be approximately 33 km year?1, using data from the annual surveys of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation. We investigated whether or not D. virgifera can establish itself at certain places in Europe, taking its temperature‐dependent development into account. We also estimated the time it will take D. virgifera to reach the Netherlands, considering only its dispersal by flight. All life stage transitions of D. virgifera were simulated with the program INSIM to assess whether or not it could establish itself in particular places. In the simulations, we used the available laboratory data on its life history characteristics, as well as a time series (2–6 years) of daily minimum and maximum temperatures from weather stations across Europe. The temperature‐dependent net reproduction resulting from the simulations showed that D. virgifera populations cannot establish themselves at latitudes above 55°N. The overall expected velocity of D. virgifera's range expansion was computed with van den Bosch et al.'s formula [ van den Bosch F, Hengeveld R & Metz JAJ (1992) Analysing the velocity of animal range expansion. Journal of Biogeography 19: 135–150], where the expansion velocity was based on dispersal characteristics and demographic parameters. We predicted that D. virgifera will not reach the Netherlands by flight from the border of its 2000 range before 2018 using this overall expected velocity. The explanation of this late arrival is that the velocity of population expansion decreases in all directions from the centre of its 2000 range due to unfavourable temperatures. Our analysis is an improvement on former analyses in that it uses temperature‐dependent life history characteristics. We stress, however, that the lack of knowledge on dispersal behaviour and on the values of life history characteristics in field situations might severely limit the applicability of the predicted velocity.  相似文献   
Tadpoles of Sphaerotheca breviceps raised in the laboratory from the egg stage, and hence lacking prior experience of a predator or its odors, were tested to examine their responses to a predator’s (tadpoles of Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) water-borne chemical cues. The stimulus solution was obtained following 24 h of rearing tadpoles of H. tigerinus (one tadpole per 200 mL water) that were not fed during this period. Upon exposure to the stimulus solution the activity of S. breviceps tadpoles decreased by about 90% within 5 min. Their resting period increased significantly over baseline activity, whereas the swimming period, distance traversed, and swimming spurts declined. However, whenever a test tadpole moved, its swimming velocity was high in response to stimulus solution. The antipredatory responses declined with increase in time of storage of the stimulus solution, indicating decay of the predator’s chemical cues. The findings suggest that (1) antipredator defense strategies of S. breviceps do not require prior experience of predators, (2) the predator’s chemical cues are labile in nature, and (3) the response of prey tadpoles to such cues is similar to reported behavior of anuran tadpoles in response to real predators and alarm cues.  相似文献   
Sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (SV-AUC) has emerged in the biopharmaceutical industry as a technique to detect small quantities of protein aggregates. However, the limits of detection and quantitation of these aggregates are not yet well understood. Although diverse factors (molecule, instrument, technique, and software dependent) preclude an all-encompassing measurement of these limits for the complete system, it is possible to use simulated data to determine the quantitation limits of the data analysis software aspect. The current study examines the performance of the SEDFIT/c(s) data analysis tool with simulated antibody monomer/dimer and monomer/aggregate systems. Under completely ideal conditions (zero noise, known meniscus, and shape factor homogeneity), the software limit of quantitation was 0.01% for the monomer/aggregate system and 0.03% for the less well-resolved monomer/dimer system. Under more realistic conditions (0.005 OD root mean square [RMS] noise, shape factor variability, and long solution column), the software limits of quantitation were 0.2 and 0.6% (0.002 and 0.006 OD) for the monomer/aggregate and monomer/dimer systems, respectively. Interestingly, diminished quantitation accuracy at very low levels of oligomer was not accompanied by deterioration of fit quality (as measured by root mean square deviation [RMSD] and residuals bitmap images).  相似文献   
Ambient ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation potentially impacts the photosynthetic performance of high Arctic plants. We conducted an UV-B exclusion experiment in a dwarf shrub heath in NE Greenland (74°N), with open control, filter control, UV-B filtering and UV-AB filtering, all in combination with leaf angle control. Two sites with natural leaf positions had ground angles of 0° (‘level site’) and 45° (‘sloping site’), while at a third site the leaves were fixed in an angle of 45° to homogenize the irradiance dose (‘fixed leaf angle site’). The photosynthetic performance of the leaves was characterized by simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and the PSII performance through the growing season was investigated with fluorescence measurements. Leaf harvest towards the end of the growing season was done to determine the specific leaf area and the content of carbon, nitrogen and UV-B absorbing compounds. Compared to a 60% reduced UV-B irradiance, the ambient solar UV-B reduced net photosynthesis in Salix arctica leaves fixed in the 45° position which exposed leaves to maximum natural irradiance. Also a reduced Calvin Cycle capacity was found, i.e. the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) and the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax), and the PSII performance showed a decreased quantum yield and increased energy dissipation. A parallel response pattern and reduced PSII performance at all three sites indicate that these responses take place in all leaves across position in the vegetation. These findings add to the evidence that the ambient solar UV-B currently is a significant stress factor for plants in high Arctic Greenland.  相似文献   
The speed of signal conduction is a factor determining the temporal properties of individual neurons and neuronal networks. We observed very different conduction velocities within the receptive field of fast-type On-Off transient amacrine cells in carp retina cells, which are tightly coupled to each other via gap junctions. The fastest speeds were found in the dorsal area of the receptive fields, on average five times faster than those detected within the ventral area. The asymmetry was similar in the On- and Off-part of the responses, thus being independent of the pathway, pointing to the existence of a functional mechanism within the recorded cells themselves. Nonetheless, the spatial decay of the graded-voltage photoresponse within the receptive field was found to be symmetrical, with the amplitude center of the receptive field being displaced to the faster side from the minimum-latency location. A sample of the orientation of varicosity-laden polyaxons in neurobiotin-injected cells supported the model, revealing that approximately 75% of these processes were directed dorsally from the origin cells. Based on these results, we modeled the velocity asymmetry and the displacement of amplitude center by adding a contribution of an asymmetric polyaxonal inhibition to the network. Due to the asymmetry in the conduction velocity, the time delay of a light response is proposed to depend on the origin of the photostimulus movement, a potentially important mechanism underlying direction selectivity within the inner retina.  相似文献   
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs), potent peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligands, have been shown to improve endothelial function in vascular diseases. We investigated the effects of pioglitazone, a TZD, on monocyte-endothelial interaction under flow and found that pretreatment (20 mumol/l, 48 h) significantly reduced U937 adhesion to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Integrin expression was not altered, however, the activation of RhoA GTPase was significantly reduced after treatment. Further, pioglitazone treatment significantly reduced phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) at 925Y, but not at 397Y, suggesting a specific role in FAK-dependent signaling. These results indicate a novel anti-inflammatory role for this compound.  相似文献   
A host-free system was established to induce the early development of the obligate biotrophic pathogen Plasmopara viticola, the downy mildew of grapevine. This system was used to study cytoskeletal responses during encystation and germ tube formation. During these processes, both the actin and the tubulin cytoskeleton show a stage-specific pattern of distribution. Elimination of the cytoskeleton by the actin drug latrunculin B and the microtubule drug ethyl-N-phenyl-carbamate did not affect the release of mobile zoospores from the sporangia, nor the encystation process, but efficiently inhibited the formation of a germ tube. The data are discussed with respect to a role of both actin and microtubules for the establishment of the cell polarity guiding the emergence and the growth of the germ tube.  相似文献   
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