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A restriction-site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation in Lens was conducted to: (1) assess the levels of variation in Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris (the domesticated lentil), (2) identify the wild progenitor of the domesticated lentil, and (3) construct a cpDNA phylogeny of the genus. We analyzed 399 restriction sites in 114 cultivated accessions and 11 wild accessions. All but three accessions of the cultivar had identical cpDNAs. Two accessions exhibited a single shared restriction-site loss, and a small insertion was observed in the cpDNA of a third accession. We detected 19 restriction-site mutations and two length mutations among accessions of the wild taxa. Three of the four accessions of L. culinaris ssp. orientalis were identical to the cultivars at every restriction site, clearly identifying ssp. orientalis as the progenitor of the cultivated lentil. Because of its limited cpDNA diversity, we conclude that either the cultivated lentil has passed through a genetic bottleneck during domestication and lost most of its cytoplasmic variability or else was domesticated from an ancestor that was naturally depauperate in cpDNA restriction-site variation. However, because we had access to only a small number of populations of the wild taxa, the levels of variation present in ssp. orientalis can only be estimated, and the extent of such a domestication bottleneck, if applicable, cannot be evaluated. The cpDNA-based phylogeny portrays Lens as quite distinct from its putative closest relative, Vicia montbretii. L. culinaris ssp. odemensis is the sister of L. nigricans; L. culinaris is therefore paraphyletic given the current taxonomic placement of ssp. odemensis. Lens nigricans ssp. nigricans is by far the most divergent taxon of the genus, exhibiting ten autapomorphic restriction-site mutations.  相似文献   
Oilseed crop Brassica carinata BBCC is a natural allotetraploid of diploid species B. nigra BB and B. oleracea CC. To transfer the nuclear and organelle genes in a concerted manner from an alien species, B. tournefortii TT, to B. carinata, we produced somatic hybrids with genomic configuration TCBB using B. nigra and B. oleracea stocks that carried selectable marker genes. B. tournefortii TT was sexually crossed with hygromycin-resistant B. oleracea CC. Protoplasts isolated from shoot cultures of hygromycin-resistant F1 hybrids of B. tournefortiixB. oleracea TC were fused with protoplasts of kanamycin-resistant B. nigra BB. In two different fusion experiments 80 colonies were obtained through selection on media containing both hygromycin and kanamycin. Of these, 39 colonies regenerated into plants. Analysis of 15 regenerants by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers showed the presence of all three genomes, thereby confirming these to be true hybrids. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of organelle genomes with heterologous chloroplast (cp)and mitochondrial (mt) DNA probes showed that the chloroplast genome was inherited from either of the two parents while mitochondrial genomes predominantly showed novel configurations due to either rearrangements or intergenomic recombinations. We anticipate that the TCBB genomic configuration will provide a more conducive situation for recombination between the T and C genomes during meiosis than the TTCCBB or TCCBB type configurations that are usually produced for alien gene transfer. The agronomic aim of producing TCBB hybrids is to transfer mitochondrial genes conferring cytoplasmic male sterility and nuclear genes for fertility restoration from B. tournefortii to B. carinata.  相似文献   
Summary The cytoplasmic content and the distribution of intramembrane particles (IMPs) of the plasma membrane of isolated sperm cells of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) have been characterized using flow cytometry, transmission electron microscopy, confocal scanning laser microscopy and freeze-fracture studies. The isolated haploid sperm cells contain a variety of cell organelles with the exception of microtubules. Proplastids and plastids with starch were observed, although only rarely. Vacuoles containing remnants of organelles and stacked lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum with cytoplasmic inclusions were observed frequently, indicating that autophagy takes place. The number of mitochondria varies from 11 to 26 with an average of 17. Generally, the nucleus has a lobed shape and displays various interphasic stages of chromatin condensation. The analysis of the number of mitochondria and the nuclear state did not show evidence of sperm cell dimorphism. The cytological variability observed, could be explained by differences in developmental stages already present in vivo at the moment of isolation. No correlation between the number of mitochondria and the nuclear cross-sectioned area and/or the condensation state of the chromatin could be found. The density of intramembrane particles of the plasma membrane on the exoplasmic fracture face is more than twice that on the protoplasmic fracture face. That is the opposite of what was found for sporophytic cells of perennial ryegrass. These results are discussed in relation to the potential use of these cells for biotechnology and developmental studies.  相似文献   
Abstract: In a number of different cell types, phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein has been shown to increase rapidly in response to stimuli that lead to an increase in intracellular calcium. Here, a stimulus-sensitive protein at this molecular weight is identified in PC12 cells and rat cortical synaptosomes as phosphoglucomutase. In addition, the added phosphate is shown to be in an oligosaccharide terminating in phosphodiester-linked glucose. In synaptosomes, incorporated radioactivity, following incubation with [14C]glucose or the [β-35S]phosphorothioate analogue of UDP-glucose, was found to increase within 5 s of stimulation and return to baseline within 25 s. Despite the many pathways utilizing glucose, this was the only detectable protein glycosylation observed in synaptosomes. These results indicate that cytoplasmic glycosylation is reversible and rapidly regulated, and suggest that phosphoglucomutase undergoes an alteration in function and/or topography in response to increases in intracellular calcium.  相似文献   
  • 1 The structure of local populations of a monophagous butterfly, the bog fritillary Proclossiana eunomia, was studied in a complex of suitable habitat patches separated by spruce plantations or fertilized pasture.
  • 2 An unexpected high level of adult movements between habitat patches was detected by a mark—release—recapture technique. Local populations were connected by adult movements across unsuitable habitats, leading to a meta-population structure.
  • 3 This evidence of the metapopulation structure of a specialist butterfly challenges the supposed relationship between habitat specialization and closed, isolated populations.
  • 4 Males and females of P.eunomia exhibited different spatial behaviours; females were more likely to emigrate and dispersed further than males. These differences in spatial behaviour are related to the mating system.
1921年,Molish首先在光镜下发现植物叶片细胞核中有一种晶体状的内含物(见Weintraub等[1])。后来人们陆续在某些动、植物的细胞核中观察到了这种结构[2—4],并称之为核内含体(intranuclearinclusions)。Bigazzi[3]曾在45种桔梗科植物的细胞中看到了核内含体。但在离体培养的植物细胞中发现内含体的报道很少,至今仅在榛子组织培养分生细胞中看到了类似的结构[5]。我们在对西洋参体细胞胚胎发生进行超微结构研究的过程中发现,在胚性愈伤组织和胚状体细胞的核和细胞质…  相似文献   
对蟾蜍的56个视顶盖神经元的视觉反应进行了定量考察和分析,发现它们不仅对黑目标起反应,也对结构目标起反应.同相运动的结构背景使53.5%的神经元的反应完全抑制,而异相运动则只有10%的神经元完全被抑制,却有21.6%的神经元反应增强.遮盖感受野(RF)中心区,则同相运动使某些细胞脱抑制,而异相运动使其抑制强度稍有增强.遮盖RF的外周区,几乎全部研究过的神经元对结构背景运动本身也起反应。本研究还发现,如果预先将一目标放在兴奋性感受野(ERF)中央静止不动,并使结构背景在水平方向匀速移动较长时间后突然停止运动,则被研究过的66个视盖神经元中有29个发放一串脉冲,即神经元的运动后放电.各个神经细胞放电的脉冲多寡不一。若在ERF中央不放置静止目标,仅是结构背景的水平运动不能诱发放电.此效应的出现,既与目标背景间反差符号(即目标为白色或黑色)无关,也与背景的运动方向无关。为诱发这一效应,不仅要求背景运动时间较长(至少在20秒以上),而且目标的面积要有足够大。  相似文献   
Four near-isonuclear polycytoplasmic versions of 81A and two of Pb 402A male-sterile lines of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) were used in factorial matings with five inbred male testers in different combinations in three sets. The cytoplasmic differences were studied for several agronomic traits using mean values and general combining effects (gca) of male-sterile lines, and specific combining ability effects of hybrids. The fertility/ sterility behaviour of different male-sterile lines in crosses with common male parents was also studied. Significant differences among near-isonuclear polycytoplasmic lines were observed in mean values for a few traits such as plant height, leaf length and peduncle length, but the differences for combining ability were more pronounced. The A3 cytoplasm was a better general combiner than the A2 cytoplasm for grain yield and both A2 and A3 cytoplasms were better general combiners for leaf length and peduncle length. In addition, superiority of A3 cytoplasm for gca was observed for plant height and ear characters over the A2 cytoplasm in set II. A differential behaviour of cytoplasms, both in combination with a common pollinator and across pollinators, was observed for several traits. The results provide evidence for the distinctiveness of different cytoplasmic sources in pearl millet and for the influence of cytoplasmic factors on the phenotypic expression of nuclear genes. A diversification of male sterility sources in the breeding of pearl millet hybrids is suggested.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of H2O/D2O substitution on the permeation and gating of the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels inChara gymnophylla droplet membrane using the patchclamp technique. The selectivity sequence of the channel was: K+>Rb+≫Li+, Na+, Cs+ and Cl. The conductance of this channel in symmetric 100mm KCl was found to be 130 pS. The single channel conductance was decreased by 15% in D2O as compared to H2O. The blockade of channel conductance by cytosolic Ca2+ weakened in D2O as a result of a decrease in zero voltage Ca2+ binding affinity by a factor of 1.4. Voltage-dependent channel gating was affected by D2O primarily due to the change in Ca2+ binding to the channel during the activation step. The Hill coefficient for Ca2+ binding was 3 in D2O and around 1 in H2O. The values of the Ca2+ binding constant in the open channel conformation were 0.6 and 6 μm in H2O and D2O, respectively, while the binding in the closed conformation was much less affected by D2O. The H2O/D2O substitution did not produce a significant change in the slope of channel voltage dependence but caused a shift as large as 60 mV with 1mm internal Ca2+.  相似文献   
 Cytoplasmic determinants that specify the fate of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells are known to be localized in specific areas of fertilized eggs of ascidians. The presence of such cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs was demonstrated in previous studies, but no information has yet been proved about their distribution. To investigate the distribution of cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs, we devised a method for distinguishing the polarity of unfertilized eggs using vital staining and we performed cytoplasmic-transfer experiments by fusing blastomeres and cytoplasmic fragments from various identified regions of unfertilized eggs. Cytoplasmic fragments, that contained cortical and subcortical material, from five different positions along the animal-vegetal axis were prepared, and they were fused with a4.2 (presumptive-epidermis) or A4.1 (non-epidermis) blastomeres. The ectopic development of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells that was promoted by the transplanted cytoplasm was assessed by examining the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), myosin and epidermis-specific antigen, respectively. Differentiation of endoderm and muscle was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the vegetal pole were transplanted. Conversely, formation of epidermis was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the animal pole were transplanted. The results suggest that, in cortical and subcortical regions of unfertilized ascidian eggs, endoderm and muscle determinants are widely distributed along a gradient, with maximum activity at the vegetal pole, whilst epidermis determinants are also distributed along a gradient but with maximum activity at the animal pole. Recieved: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 12 September 1996  相似文献   
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